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Collector's Edition Box



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    edited January 2017
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    edited January 2017
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  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    As was alluded, perhaps the product was considered shipped when the included digital download key was used? I pre-ordered SoD and then the CE later - I wonder if I could get a refund?

    Not that I would ever ask for a refund. Me wants the precious.
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    At this point I've put too much time into this to back out. After an entire year of watching threads like these for new information, may as well hang in for the long haul and see this through to the end.

    Still. It's extremely disheartening to read all the trouble everyone's been experiencing and the poor handling on Beamdog's part. I've been very patient, but waiting almost a year since purchase is ridiculous. :/
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    edited January 2017
    bleusteel said:

    As was alluded, perhaps the product was considered shipped when the included digital download key was used? I pre-ordered SoD and then the CE later - I wonder if I could get a refund?

    Not that I would ever ask for a refund. Me wants the precious.

    This. But that doesn't mean it's not worth asking for clarification, or a second opinion. Beamdog's support is operated by a third party, so they're obligated to handle cases a certain way until told otherwise.

    (Since Beamdog doesn't come back to the office until next week, they probably don't have a way to get clarification on extenuating circumstances like this.)
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  • Xerxes1811Xerxes1811 Member Posts: 65
    bleusteel said:

    As was alluded, perhaps the product was considered shipped when the included digital download key was used? I pre-ordered SoD and then the CE later - I wonder if I could get a refund?

    Not that I would ever ask for a refund. Me wants the precious.

    That's probably the stance they are taking, since I redeemed the Steam key the product is considered "shipped." Which isn't completely true, nothing was really physically shipped, I just received an included digital reward. I even asked Beamdog support to keep $20 of my refund to pay for the Steam key I redeemed, but the answer was still no. Not sure what else a customer can do beyond that.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    edited January 2017

    Not sure what else a customer can do beyond that.

    Personally, I'm still waiting patiently. Well, just about patiently.

    However, in most European countries, I reckon that what Beamdog support is allegedly saying would be illegal under consumer rights law - a supplier can't start counting a limited return period for goods which haven't yet been delivered, and the CE box clearly hasn't been delivered. Obviously Beamdog could deduct the price of what has been delivered (i.e. the software download), but the rest of the CE price would be refundable by law, regardless of whatever the company's returns policy may say. [Edit: on further research (see later post), this isn't true - I think the refund entitlement in Europe would be the full price with no deduction, and keep the software free of charge! - it seems to be a deliberate legal penalty for jerking the customers around.]

    Of course, Canadian law may well be different, I wouldn't know. Except ... hmmm ... Canada and the EU just recently agreed a trade treaty, and such treaties often (although I haven't checked the details in this case) include some mutual recognition of consumer rights ...
    Post edited by Gallowglass on
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    It's worth remembering that the CE is Beamdog's first and only physical product from their site. It would be reasonable to assume that policies designed for digital goods apply differently to physical ones, and those nuances may not have all been considered. Which doesn't make waiting any easier, but you can be fairly certain that they're trying to do the right thing.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The digital goods here do hold significant value, incidentally. You get two digital copies each of BGEE and SoD (Beamdog and Steam), each of which normally sells for $20. If you redeemed those Steam keys, you've already received $80 worth of digital goods, which is more than half the (base) price of the CE itself. That, more than anything, complicates the prospect of a refund: $40 is goods that can't be returned, and another $40 is goods that wouldn't be refundable at this point anyway (10 months from the purchase date).

    That's not to say you shouldn't ask for a refund if you don't want to wait anymore. But in terms of consumer rights, its worth keeping all that in mind. You agree to the store's return policy when you make your purchase; if at some point you want the store to make an exception, that's exactly what you should be asking for--and know going in that the store may not be in a position to grant that exception.
  • PaladinPaladin Member Posts: 335
    That $80 figure is a stretch, @Dee. On multiple levels. I don't like that you would suggest a doubling of the value due to Steam keys. And, at any rate, the CE was priced at $150. Even if what you are saying held up, there's still nearly 50% of the purchase unaccounted for.

    Further, I am not "fairly certain that they're trying to do the right thing." I have received no direct communications from Beamdog regarding this. I have seen the occasional tweet from personal Twitter handles and ad-hoc blog posts, spaced months apart. Given that this is their first physical product, I expect more communication and support. This is not a mom and child selling arts and crafts on Etsy. We're talking about a company here - with real customers forking over large sums of money for a product. Frankly, this is in no way acceptable and I don't feel compelled to give them a pass at this stage.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    $80 isn't a stretch at all. Each copy normally costs you twenty. They're all included as part of the package. I'm not talking about perceived value, I'm talking about actual retail value. You could give those Steam keys to a friend. You could do the same with the Beamdog copies if you already owned the game.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't be losing your patience. I'm waiting on two copies of the CE myself, and I helped design the thing. But know that, from a business perspective, you've already received part of the thing you bought. And that adds a layer of complexity to the situation.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Also, the CE was priced at $130 before shipping. Which means in terms of actual retail value, there's only $50 missing from the base price of what you paid. Shipping is separate, obviously.

    And for what it's worth, I wouldn't count the Steam keys as part of the value of the CE. But they are an advertised feature of the purchase, so it's not something that should be ignored. The CE gets you the box, plus one digital copy on Beamdog, plus a Steam key. That's what you bought.
  • PaladinPaladin Member Posts: 335
    edited January 2017
    If I was receiving a refund, I would be refunded the shipping cost, too. So, it's worth considering.

    And, fair enough Dee. Saying that we're only out $50 ... after putting out $150 for this thing. That's rich. If that is how the business wants to operate, okay. There seems to be nothing that I can do.

    Except maybe point out the absurdity of this ordeal. Let's get into the way back machine and take a look at Beamdog's PR team at work.
    March 3, 2016 – Pre-Orders Begin For SOD and the CE
    March 31, 2016 – SOD Launches Digitally
    May 27, 2016 – Update #1: “Our estimates still point to a ship date this summer, and we'll have more exact information for you the closer we get to production. We'll post those updates on the blog and send them via our newsletter.”
    Terrific. A summer launch estimate. A bit slow but hey, not too bad.
    September 1, 2016 – Update #2: We are sorry message, “Once we have all of our final components we can give an official ship date to customers, and we assume this will happen in the coming weeks.”
    Yes, from May to September - through the summer and right on into autumn, no update regarding the status. Not a good sign! But, at least we are told here that we will recieve an update in the coming weeks ...
    November 8, 2016 – Update #3: Complete! “Once production is complete the components will be sent overseas from China to our packaging and shipping partner in the United States. They will assemble each copy and begin mailing them to our extremely patient customers.”
    Okay, two months later - but now the product is complete. Sounds like it will be going out soon.
    December 2, 2016 – Update #4: Even more complete! “ Each phase will take some time to complete, but here's where we stand … (series of production steps listed) … Phase 4 will take the longest, but once it gets started we can announce shipping dates.
    And now it's ... more complete. And I am told that the longest phase is still upcoming (phase four). But, at least the author decided to put lots of humor into the post. Terrific idea.
    January 6, 2016 – Today: No word from Beamdog. No announcement on the shipping date.
    And here we are. So, yeah, I'm not happy. And, I really don't appreciate being told that I've already received a great deal of the promised items. We both know that is not the case.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    Paladin said:

    So, @Mathsorcerer or others, I'd be happy to send it to you (if it ever arrives) at the sticker price.

    That seems equitable. We can probably conduct the monetary portion of the transaction via PayPal so that there is an extra layer of protection for both parties but the details can be handled once the box arrives.

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  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    edited January 2017
    To be honest, I'd be happy to have the digital copy of SoD removed from my Beamdog account and get a full refund; but I doubt anything's going to happen so I'll pretty much just sell the box when I get it if anyone's interested.
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    Like Gallowglass I don't know how the law works in Canada, but in the UK the retailer would have to refund the entire cost of the package unless each component of the package was itemised and charged as a separate item on the invoice.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    edited January 2017
    Paladin said:

    January 6, 2016 – Today: No word from Beamdog. No announcement on the shipping date.

    The last blog entry was based on the known information. As I said the week before Christmas, Beamdog will post the update when they check everything. But then the holidays started and the office closed.

    This is why there're, unfortunately, no updates since my last post in this thread.

    As for the cancellation question, I've passed it to the higher-ups.
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  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    It's a fascinating conversation. Should we maybe start a separate thread? I have questions but don't want to derail this thread.
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  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Okay, so next question: how do the laws work if someone in the EU purchases something from an Alberta store? Is the Alberta store required to comply with the EU laws, or is the customer no longer protected because they're going outside the EU for their purchase? Or is there a specific provision that accommodates both?
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    edited January 2017
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  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    @Shandyr for the uninitiated, can you briefly explain what CETA is and what it would do?
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