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Stop being apologists. Not happy with the delay of the release date.



  • TschakongTschakong Member Posts: 25
    Hi there.


    i was diappointed when i got the e-mail for the delay, i was one of the guys that has preordered too.

    A delay of 2 month such few days before the game release is not what i expected.

    The communication and time planning is questionable, but i hope it will worth the delay.

    @ Beamdog: Use the given time and don't disappoint the people again, i beg you.
    I love Baldur's Gate 1+2. It was the best RPG I have ever played. I can't wait to play the enhanced edition.

    For example: If the time is used for implementing more banters between your party members like in Badur's Gate 2, i would totally understand this delay and be happy with it.

    I hope you make an already awesome game just more awesome.

    best regards from germany
  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    Also, I'll add that beamdog are a small group of devs.. Almost indie size id say. They are unprofessional in a certain context. They have no PR experts, finance experts, have no HR debt or anything. As trent said, they're just a bunch of devs so thats how Im treating them, and a delay on the game is not suprising at all and Im all for it if they make the game better.

    Its not just the release date at question here. If they release the game now it will affect the future of the company in a bad way.

    Imagine the poor reviews, negative feedback, rage on forums. It could mean that after BG2EE they arent able to continue making the games they want and I for one sure as hell dont want that to happen.

    So yeah, the timing was bad, no doubt about it. But when you weigh up the pros and cons of the delay I can only see it as a good thing.

  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    @verdegreen: Okay, I'm gonna be blunt. The way you're going on and on about this really makes you sound like a pathetic troll. Stop being so butthurt, it's just a game. I prefer quality over rushed piles of crap such as Dragon Age 2. Now go get your refund and kindly STFU.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited September 2012
    I don't think it's stupid at all. Beamdog has a contract with customers who pre-ordered that they failed to meet. I'm sure Beamdogknew they'd be facing a wave of anger about it. Fans were promised something and are legitimately pissed. Rightly so.

    Clearly, Beamdog needs more time, and cannot release a bug-ridden game. That's not good for anyone. So the delay, in itself, is not really the issue.

    The fair complaint here is about poor communications and tone. And folks who shrug that off are, in effect, imvho indeed acting as 'apologists', for lack of a better term. To be kinder, let's say they're minimizing or making excuses.

    There's little to do but for everyone to carry on with their business, whatever that may be for them. But I just hope that Beamdog and it's partners 'revision' how they're handling PR, communications, and marketing, and make some vast improvements there. They're really doing a poor job there, and that is unacceptable for an entirely Internet based business.


    Edit: At the risk of sounding condescending, I express this as tough love and I'm still a whole-hearted fan/supporter of Beamdog and it's enterprise with BG:EE. I truly do want them to 'be all that they can be', that's all. To do their best in each and every respect of the business. Because I want to see this enterprise flourish and thrive. I love what they're doing overall!
  • Pipe249Pipe249 Member Posts: 17
    edited September 2012
    i knew you would be incapable of releasing it on the 18th, im so f***ing dissappointed in you for moving it an additional 2 MONTHS?!! i mean wtf?
  • ST4TICStrikerST4TICStriker Member Posts: 162
    edited September 2012
    Yeah I knew it's kinda disappointing.
    But I'm sure they have there reasons and they will be explained soon enough.

    Also: Anyone recommend a game to play in the mean time? Me and my friends (4 of us) were getting BG:EE for LAN parties but we now need something to hold us over until the new date. We were thinking ether Icewind dale 1 or LordOfTheRings the 3rd age?

  • Greenman019Greenman019 Member Posts: 206

    Also: Anyone recommend a game to play in the mean time? Me and my friends (4 of us) were getting BG:EE for LAN parties but we now need something to hold us over until the new date. We were thinking ether Icewind dale 1 or LordOfTheRings the 3rd age?

    Borderlands 2

  • BelegCuthalionBelegCuthalion Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 454
    if you knew it already, you can't be dissappointed.
    You also know the reasons, so why gives you a surprised "wtf"?
  • CCarluNNCCarluNN Member Posts: 200

    if you knew it already, you can't be dissappointed.
    You also know the reasons, so why gives you a surprised "wtf"?

  • kiroskiros Member Posts: 119
    edited September 2012
    Dude stop crying, play another game until it's released.
    And yes, they probably shouldn't have left it so late to inform us of the delay but at the same time I would much rather a finished product then something that needs constant patching after it's release date to make it playable.

    So many game developers use this tactic today and that's simply unacceptable..
  • KholdstareKholdstare Member Posts: 160
    There is a topic all about this with many posts stickied to the top of the forum. The fact that you decided to make a new topic altogether screams that you just want attention.
  • WigglesWiggles Member Posts: 571
    Pipe249 said:

    i knew you would be incapable of releasing it on the 18th, im so f***ing dissappointed in you for moving it an additional 2 MONTHS?!! i mean wtf?

    Must...... not........ rage.......
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317

    @verdegreen: Okay, I'm gonna be blunt. The way you're going on and on about this really makes you sound like a pathetic troll. Stop being so butthurt, it's just a game. I prefer quality over rushed piles of crap such as Dragon Age 2. Now go get your refund and kindly STFU.

    Yea the OP hasn't written anything for like a page and a half, so I suspect at this point he/she is done with complaining on this thread.
  • NecdilzorNecdilzor Member Posts: 279
    Pipe249 said:

    i knew you would be incapable of releasing it on the 18th, im so f***ing dissappointed in you for moving it an additional 2 MONTHS?!! i mean wtf?

    I bet everyone would be more disappointed and angry at an September 18th release that's buggy, unfinished and doesn't even smell like Enhanced Edition. Let them take a bit more of time, we'll all benefit from the results.
  • Hiro_ProtagonistHiro_Protagonist Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2012
    Pipe249 said:

    i knew you would be incapable of releasing it on the 18th, im so f***ing dissappointed in you for moving it an additional 2 MONTHS?!! i mean wtf?


    Cheer up son. Not the end of the world.

  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317

    People who don't preorder shouldn't be whining about the release date. I'm not whining about it, because I have not pre-ordered. I've never seen so many whiny people on a forum, many of whom are like me with no skin in the game.

    I agree with Kholdstare, this thread was created just to get attention despite there being probably ten threads or more about this at this point.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I don't want to sound insensitive to your feelings, but this thread's topic is already being discussed in another thread, here:

    Not to encourage this line of destructive feedback, but if you're going to do so, please do it in the already existing thread. @Tanthalas?
  • RexfaroensisRexfaroensis Member Posts: 134
    While I think @Verdegreen is a bit harsh in his condemnation of the Team (and supporters and 'apologists') I have to agree that waiting until 4 days before the release to postpone it is a somewhat poor choice of action.

    If the game needs to be worked on for longer than initially anticipated, then that's fine. We all want a good product, and I get the feel that this community has belief in the Team and its ability to create that product. It just seems that they could have avoided much agony if they'd postponed it earlier.

    Mind you, it could be the case that someone just came up with a massively good idea this past week, and the BG:EE Team just HAD to fit that idea into the game before releasing it ;)

    @Verdegreen , don't ask for your money back. I'll buy you a few rounds at the pub while explaining to you why it's worth waiting another two months for :D
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Merged threads, will take a look at this later.
  • RazorRazor Member Posts: 436
    I didnt want to participate in this thread. Games get delayed alot, especialy indies! Let's not make such a fuss out of this. Remember most studios release... when it's ready.
    If some of you behave like this with developers that are always present and take the time to read and share screens/info with us, then maybe they should be like the others...
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122

    I prefer quality over rushed piles of crap such as Dragon Age 2

    To be fair, another dragon age 2 is the alternative. Think I'd rather wait.
  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    Great, I have more time to play and beat dark souls before I switch to playing BG:EE. So the delay is perfectly fine with me.
  • Jedi_GnomeJedi_Gnome Member Posts: 92
    It's not being an apologist. I'm not "happy" about the delay. But, I'd rather they get it right.

    It is disappointing. But, if they can improve it and get rid of bugs, that's better! I had planned to re-play Baldur's Gate using certain mods, when I stumbled onto the news of BG:EE. One thing I wanted to try was BG Tutu. Now BG:EE takes care of that! If they can take care of the things I want, like removing racial restrictions to romances, true grand mastery, and using custom portraits for our characters and NPC's without me worrying about how to install mods, that's great.
  • ArveragusArveragus Member Posts: 62
    Of course people are not thrilled by the delay. That being said without the work and dedication of the development team there would be no prospect of an enhanced BG1 game at all. And also no prospect of other enhanced sequels to follow. I would prefer to experience a game which is not riddled with frustrating bugs and provides me with as an enjoyable a time as when I played the original game when it first came out many years ago. In the general scheme of things a two and a half month delay is not that big a deal. There are a number of other games to play and more important matters get on with in real life in the mean time. A little bit of patience is generally a good thing if it is all in the expectation of a more satisfactory result.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    I agree with OP, we all knew the game would be delayed for some time now, why is it that they wait until the last minute to give us this news? Should have been announced a week ago MINIMUM.
  • HertzHertz Member Posts: 109
    And if they'd announced it last week, there would be people saying "They should've given us two weeks!"

    And if they'd given us two weeks, there would be people saying "They should have given us a month!"

    They can't win.

    Of course, the real answer is, "No developer should ever set a hard release date if he can help it." Some games launch whether they're ready or not, because there are shareholders and stocks and quarterly earnings reports and other business-related mumbo jumbo that dictates the release schedule.

    In every industry, they say "You can have it cheap, you can have it good, or you can have it fast. Pick two out of the three." Would you rather have it cheap and fast, or cheap and good?
  • killeahkilleah Member Posts: 124
    I'm just colored by my everyday work pattern, I handle imports and exports of various goods to all over the world, If I had to get upset about an intimely reschedule of a certain piece of equipment, or goods, I would be permanently enraged - to the point where the mass fatigue would simply kill me on the spot.

    I guess I'm just trying to say, that this isn't abnormal or out of order, it's the product of globalization, and the fact that so many factors constantly affects deadlines, like this one.

    okay I'll cut the bullshit

    I'm an apologist...there you have it!!!!
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