I am not even reading this five page bitching streak. You kids need hobbies to be so furious over a delay in a game which you should of realized was not finished. Go outside naked and feel the air between your ass cheeks, anything to keep your mind off your lack of entertainment while you wait, please stay busy.
They should of said earlier, but we know they wanted it out bad, it was a tough decision to do this.
Stop being a kid and insulting others for having other opinion than yours...
I'm pretty agree with the OP, not all, but most...
I really don't care about the game being delayed : shit happens, as they said, but, I'm really not happy about the way it was handled...
The mail received from Beamdog is nearly insulting with a really poor joke, or I didn't understand their english.
When I pre-order a game, it's a pre-order and if there is a delay, is always a small one : but here, were talking about 2,5 monthes... It "feels" like (to me) that my pre-order was more financial participation to the creation of the game... I have no problen with that, I already have done this, but, when you know it, you are more relaxed about the delay.
Explanations : why SUCH a delay??? I tried to find something on the forum, but it's really a mess... I would prefer an explanation from the devs, even if it's one I'm not going to like, like delay for adaptation to other support apart the PC... But, at least, it would be an explanation and enough for me.
As a CUSTOMER, because it's only what I am, I would like to have a proper communication and explanation about the problem encountered : so I can decide in full knowledge, what's I'm going to do...
I like really BG series, and have probably more than 2 boxed versions in different languages and 2 digitals.
So I repeat, I'm not against the delay, but I wish to have some real explanations and not some PR mumbo jumbo.
For the moment, I have the disheartenead feeling to be considered like a "ham" ("etre pris pour un jambon" in french) : and it's sad.
Sorry for my english, and thanks for reading me...
Explanations : why SUCH a delay??? I tried to find something on the forum, but it's really a mess... I would prefer an explanation from the devs, even if it's one I'm not going to like, like delay for adaptation to other support apart the PC... But, at least, it would be an explanation and enough for me.
This was mentioned on Trent's twitter account, so I'll paraphrase what he said: there are still a lot of bugs in the game. The beta team and the developers are working hard to squash them, but at the moment there are too many of them for the game to be enjoyable as a purchased product.
Some of the extra time in the delay is probably buffer, to make sure that we really do finish the job and finish it right so that the product that's released is a product everyone can be proud of. Another part of it, if you ask me, is meant to allow the developers to work a normal workday, rather than getting in at 9 and leaving at 4am the next morning. Trent's been working hard, but I suspect the other developers are doing so as well, and they need to be able to take a break once in a while or their productivity will go way down.
I hope that answers your question, @rodrigj, and anyone else who may have missed Trent's tweet about it or didn't understand what it meant.
Everyone is saying how great it is that there is a delay. In you heart you know it to be false and you create justifications for why this is okay. Stop being apologists for poor execution. A delay like this should have been seen for weeks now, NOT when release was a mere four days away. If I could I would get my money back; so if you know how I can get it, respond so that I might get my refund.
My patience is wearing thin with the OP. I don't like losing my temper but i'm close. You're upset at the delay. Fine get your money back and go away but don't presume to think you know me or anyone else's feelings. I'm not an "apologist" nor do i in my "heart of hearts" know it to be false. You're just being bitter and peevish...grow up. As many have stated, this isn't the 1st time a game has been delayed due to last minute bugs or glitches.
The only example i can give is my own experience with my personal mmo project. I set a target to finish my 1st city and the closer i got to my deadline, the more i thought it was a given that i would reach it...then bam! I hit a piece of coding that totally messed things up so i tried to fix that and boom! more new bugs cropped up and it started to grow exponentially until i had to sit down for a week and rethink my approach to fixing all that mess. It took me 6 weeks to finally figure it all out and repair the damage and my city runs fairly well now with 1 or 2 small bugs that i can fix easily. I don't know if that's exactly what the team ran into, but from the snippets i've read here and there, that seems likely what happened(or something similar). So i'm more than willing to cut these folks some slack and accept the delay, not because i'm an apologist but because i understand the possibilities.
The purpose of this long-winded exercise is to point out that instead of being all afflutter about a delay, think of the possible reasons for it before jumping down theirs and everyone elses throats. I'm not happy about the delay myself, but i understand why there could be one and accept it for what it is.
Whoa, some real impatient gamers out there. Ya know, if they announced it had been a 6 month delay instead I still wouldn't have had a problem with it, hope that doesn't really blow your mind...
The shortness of notice, the duration of the delay, and just simply not getting the game I paid for when I was promised are all rather frustrating. I've backed up Overhaul in every thread where they've been attacked, because I really believe in what they're doing here, but I worry we might get another Duke Nukem Forever or Too Human situation, where endless delays endanger the the possibility of ever releasing, and then the final product suffers. Considering Beamdog already had a finished product to start with (BG1 + patches + fixpacks), I really can't see the reasoning behind a delay that I should actually care about. The UI looked fine to me. Anything that isn't finished should have simply been patched after the fact.
The shortness of notice, the duration of the delay, and just simply not getting the game I paid for when I was promised are all rather frustrating. I've backed up Overhaul in every thread where they've been attacked, because I really believe in what they're doing here, but I worry we might get another Duke Nukem Forever or Too Human situation, where endless delays endanger the the possibility of ever releasing, and then the final product suffers. Considering Beamdog already had a finished product to start with (BG1 + patches + fixpacks), I really can't see the reasoning behind a delay that I should actually care about. The UI looked fine to me. Anything that isn't finished should have simply been patched after the fact.
Read my post above re: bugs. Even if the game's content is completed, if the game is too buggy to play, it's not worth releasing and it's certainly not worth buying.
I get your frustration, but believe me when I say that delaying a couple of months (not ten years; that's a little extreme) is going to be a good thing for the finished product.
Wow, there are really some elitist pricks here on this forum. I expected better from this community. People screaming murder and blasphemy because they don't get their precious little game is exactly why gaming isn't taking seriously in the media and a large part of society in general. Way to stereotype yourselves, guys.
Wow, there are really some elitist pricks here on this forum. I expected better from this community. People screaming murder and blasphemy because they don't get their precious little game is exactly why gaming isn't taking seriously in the media and a large part of society in general. Way to stereotype yourselves, guys.
Well, for me you sound like a perfect one : you even don't read much of the topic, didn't you?
Calling name people who don't like the way how the delay was handled : nice stereotype of a "fanboy" no?
I think a lot of people are reading the first couple of pages of this thread and jumping to comment. Which is understandable, but it also leads to some misunderstandings about intent (such as assuming that everyone in the thread must agree with the OP and therefore is just as deserving of the same treatment). I'm actually quite proud of the community for bucking up as much as they have. There are always going to be a few people who are more angry than disappointed, and in this case they probably have every right to be.
The reason this thread hasn't been closed entirely is specifically for that. There's bound to be some not nice things said in here (as there are already), but the hope is that we can find some kind of middle ground for discussion.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference...
For myself I can be relatively serene about the fact that games release has been delayed for at least a couple months...I haven't played BG since NWN2 came out so a couple more months wait to be able to dl and play again in todays resolutions and OS without finding and following a laundry list of do's and don'ts of mod installations and their assorted bugs is barely a tick of the clock for me.
I also applaud the devs for having the courage to make the tough decision to delay it at the last minute in order to make it better than it would be if it was released as originally planned two days from now -
as for the wisdom involved in either of those cases - you are welcome to make that call yourself...
You are, again, ignoring the fact that it seems morally reprehensible to be delaying a mere four days before the scheduled release date.
Disappointing? Sure. Understanable? Absolutely. Morally reprehensibile? Seriously? Not even close. Get over yourself.
Though I'm not in the computer game design business, speaking as someone who works in manufacturing, you push to get things out on time, and even think you're going to make it, though it's going to be close. Only to find as you get very near the deadline that it just isn't going to be possible. That's how things work. I'm glad that they told us four days in advance, instead of simply letting the deadline pass.
If they had released the game with problems, I have no doubt you'd be at the front of the line complaining about how they released a shoddy product, and how you want your money back.
Everyone is saying how great it is that there is a delay. In you heart you know it to be false and you create justifications for why this is okay. Stop being apologists for poor execution. A delay like this should have been seen for weeks now, NOT when release was a mere four days away. If I could I would get my money back; so if you know how I can get it, respond so that I might get my refund.
I agree with you 100%, 4 days before release is bulshit. I preordered the game 6 days before release so I could start predownloading it. And then we get this shit.
Now the game is on sale on gog, so I rather would have put my money there then here...
Frankly, what it comes down to, I don't know how we can expect a company like this to create BG3. If they struggle with a remake, how can they succeed with a brand new endeavor? I sincerely doubt their abilities as a group of professionals.
Everyone is saying how great it is that there is a delay. In you heart you know it to be false and you create justifications for why this is okay. Stop being apologists for poor execution. A delay like this should have been seen for weeks now, NOT when release was a mere four days away. If I could I would get my money back; so if you know how I can get it, respond so that I might get my refund.
I agree with you 100%, 4 days before release is bulshit. I preordered the game 6 days before release so I could start predownloading it. And then we get this shit.
Now the game is on sale on gog, so I rather would have put my money there then here...
Frankly, what it comes down to, I don't know how we can expect a company like this to create BG3. If they struggle with a remake, how can they succeed with a brand new endeavor? I sincerely doubt their abilities as a group of professionals.
quote says it all.
The release date had been pushed back was already be true ,
No one can chage it,
Before i don't see the final verison of BG-EE , i don't doubt developers's ability anymore.
I agree Overhaul Games doesn't have good communication with customers before 4 days launch
But no doubt the group so much ,
Just $17.9 , not $50... and if you want to refund , you can contact with them to deal with it.
You guys want to judge if they are qualified to develop the BG series or not ... please wait the game coming
I think it's a fair guess that Beamdog is a relatively small crew and doesn't have the resources for full-on marketing. And they must also act within contractual restrictions (eg, I believe they havce said every partner signs off on major decisions) which hampers communication.
They do need better communication, clearly. That's ultimately just good business. So imho it would behoove all partners to revisit the process by which Beamdog communicates with fans, particularly with respect to releasing previews of features, etc. Perhaps Beamdog should have more autonomy there.
In a lot of ways Beamdog's communication has been great, though, actually. I think that's why fans were so stunned and hurt to learn of the release postponement so late! Devs and moderators post regularly. It doesn't seem that they have a poor attitude or tin ear.
And I do take devs at their word that they were really humping it to make the Sept. 30th deadline. I don't doubt for a minute that they simply underestimated the amount of time it would take to accomplish all their major goals and deliver a topflight overhaul of the game (lacking the source art and restrictions on existing content).
I can totally understand that they should wait to release until the game is running virtually flawlessly, and that they have achieved most everything within their power to enhance the game (at least up to the goals they have stated for release--we all know there is more to come via DLC).
In my view the only reasonable criticism is the lateness of the announcement--which is a fail. I do believe that was a poor business decision. It's left a very bitter taste in the mouths of some. And it has caused a rupture in the relationship with fans, although not an irreparable one for most.
Anyway, just as long as the game truly kicks ass when it is released on schedule this time, on Nov. 30th, this incident will eventually be shrugged off by most. They'll be happy to have this wonderful new gaming experience around Christmas vacation time.
@Verdegreen@Lemernis@Rico@everyone else damnit! want to say...look at KOTOR 2...and how that fantastic game play and premise was neutered by Lucas Arts from rushing it, there is no playable version on PC that doesn't error out in a million ways. It's a ton of fun and I don't think I'll ever get to finish it because unpatchable bugs from an unfinished product got in the way. Baldurs Gate is maybe my favorite game of all time, and since there's a lot going into this version to expand upon it, and make it playable on different platforms, maybe something came up. An actual technical problem. It might actually have been something they found out late in the game that needed to be corrected insofar as cross platform portability. Just because you can play it on PC doesn't mean they don't have a lot of variables to deal with to keep bugs down. And yes that's important. I want a seamless gaming experience, not something rushed. For something like this it's worth the wait.
I've waited for over a decade for something BG-worthy. 2 months delay is the smallest concern to me. Hell, a 1 year delay wouldn't be a big deal, seriously!
It's not like my house burned down or I lost my job. It's a game delay for god's sake!
Everyone is saying how great it is that there is a delay. In you heart you know it to be false and you create justifications for why this is okay. Stop being apologists for poor execution. A delay like this should have been seen for weeks now, NOT when release was a mere four days away. If I could I would get my money back; so if you know how I can get it, respond so that I might get my refund.
I agree with you 100%, 4 days before release is bulshit. I preordered the game 6 days before release so I could start predownloading it. And then we get this shit.
Now the game is on sale on gog, so I rather would have put my money there then here...
Frankly, what it comes down to, I don't know how we can expect a company like this to create BG3. If they struggle with a remake, how can they succeed with a brand new endeavor? I sincerely doubt their abilities as a group of professionals.
quote says it all.
Only ever played BG2 and last time was maybe 8 years ago - When I stumbled on this website totally by chance a week ago I though - WOW, maybe I will get to play BG1 (Originally didn't want to play because of the resolution, etc.. esp after playing BG2)
So like a bunch of others I pre- ordered only to be told 2 days latter of the delay - This really isn't good enough due to the timing, they must of known before I pre=ordered that there was a delay. If I knew then the release was in Nov I probably still pre-ordered but wouldn't of had this feeling of being shafted!
In stead I went on Amazon an bought the 4in1, hopefully arriving today and intend to spend how ever long it takes patching with the Trilogy mod that allows you to plat under the BG2 engine.
Afterwards depending on how I feel and whatever Overview say regarding the delay I will either keep or cancel my pre-order
BTW - Please don't flame me - I am entitled to my views and at the moment I just feel really disappointed as I had built up a level of expectancy in a short time after having enjoyed the game 8 years ago
Hard for me to complain. I waited like 7 years for Dragon Age. Near the original release date, I went and bought a new computer inorder to run the game. They delayed it. Four years later, I had to go buy another new computer inorder to run it. So Dragon Age took seven years and two new computers, that was a 1000+ dollar game for me and I thought it sucked.
Whether you agree with the decision or not it has been made...so for those who don't like it I don't really see what complaining about it here will do...
@Verdegreen@Lemernis@Rico@everyone else damnit! want to say...look at KOTOR 2...and how that fantastic game play and premise was neutered by Lucas Arts from rushing it, there is no playable version on PC that doesn't error out in a million ways. It's a ton of fun and I don't think I'll ever get to finish it because unpatchable bugs from an unfinished product got in the way. Baldurs Gate is maybe my favorite game of all time, and since there's a lot going into this version to expand upon it, and make it playable on different platforms, maybe something came up. An actual technical problem. It might actually have been something they found out late in the game that needed to be corrected insofar as cross platform portability. Just because you can play it on PC doesn't mean they don't have a lot of variables to deal with to keep bugs down. And yes that's important. I want a seamless gaming experience, not something rushed. For something like this it's worth the wait.
Uh... Why are you lumping me in with Verdegreen? My post agrees with yours. Go back and reread what I posted. I'm not complaining about the delay, and I think all this outrage over it is childish.
I need to find a way to make certain discussions (anger over delay is one, anything regarding sexuality a second, anything about gender a third, and rage over DRM a fourth - list to expand without notice) not show up under 'discussions'. If I choose to support BeamDog/Overhaul through this, that is my decision and since I'm using my dollars (not anybody else's), then I get the only vote on whether I should or should not do so.
These things go back and forth like a pendulum and nobody convinces anybody of anything. Those who worry about such things should withhold buying the product until it's ready and released (or not at all) and leave those who decide differently the hell alone.
@Ward So you refuse to see why people are upset? Some of them took time off their jobs to be able to play the 18th, and you're telling them to.. get a hobby. Yeah..
@KolonKu If people are taking days off to play video games then they are immature, not that I support being a cog in a corporate machine or working 9-5 making OTHER people money. That being said if they want to sacrifice cash for a few days of a game they've already played then it's none of my business.
But don't chop Trent's balls off and strut around taking names when we all saw the game was not ready a mile away. I wasn't planning to drop my obligations for the game because I have a lot to do, my obligations come first.
I think you'd find many of the people here aren't employed and are 18 - 20 year olds who are in school or college, not many obligations compared to an employee and so have more time to bitch when the game doesn't come around. They need hobbies for sure man.
Being upset and being an asshole have many differences and I strongly advise you to review people's behaviour before you step into the fray to defend them.
@rodrigj I'm not insulting people for having a different opinion. You cannot simply justify bad behaviour as an opinion, because the bad behaviour comes from a lack of education on the matter and a lack of social skills.
If people had known the game wasn't ready by researching the clear information on here they would not of been disappointed and, perhaps, you and others who follow this example may not of been so crude.
Sorry, insulting people on a forum, for whatever the reason, is immature IMO, and it's certainly a lack of social skill : and reading your last message... Oh man, you just need to chill a bit no?
I pre-ordered the game some times ago, stumbling on the Overhaul website after reading a small new in a french gaming magazine.
I don't use social network like facebook and/or twitter, so the news hit me badly (in a certain sense) .
So no, it's not so clear for me that the game was going to be delayed!
Oh, and one more point, people can do what they want with their vacation days no? Judging them for doing this is just a lack of social behavior...
I think you should be a little more open minded, but ok, I'm probably too old for this...
I'm pretty agree with the OP, not all, but most...
I really don't care about the game being delayed : shit happens, as they said, but, I'm really not happy about the way it was handled...
The mail received from Beamdog is nearly insulting with a really poor joke, or I didn't understand their english.
When I pre-order a game, it's a pre-order and if there is a delay, is always a small one : but here, were talking about 2,5 monthes... It "feels" like (to me) that my pre-order was more financial participation to the creation of the game... I have no problen with that, I already have done this, but, when you know it, you are more relaxed about the delay.
Explanations : why SUCH a delay??? I tried to find something on the forum, but it's really a mess... I would prefer an explanation from the devs, even if it's one I'm not going to like, like delay for adaptation to other support apart the PC... But, at least, it would be an explanation and enough for me.
As a CUSTOMER, because it's only what I am, I would like to have a proper communication and explanation about the problem encountered : so I can decide in full knowledge, what's I'm going to do...
I like really BG series, and have probably more than 2 boxed versions in different languages and 2 digitals.
So I repeat, I'm not against the delay, but I wish to have some real explanations and not some PR mumbo jumbo.
For the moment, I have the disheartenead feeling to be considered like a "ham" ("etre pris pour un jambon" in french) : and it's sad.
Sorry for my english, and thanks for reading me...
JPR out!
Some of the extra time in the delay is probably buffer, to make sure that we really do finish the job and finish it right so that the product that's released is a product everyone can be proud of. Another part of it, if you ask me, is meant to allow the developers to work a normal workday, rather than getting in at 9 and leaving at 4am the next morning. Trent's been working hard, but I suspect the other developers are doing so as well, and they need to be able to take a break once in a while or their productivity will go way down.
I hope that answers your question, @rodrigj, and anyone else who may have missed Trent's tweet about it or didn't understand what it meant.
The only example i can give is my own experience with my personal mmo project. I set a target to finish my 1st city and the closer i got to my deadline, the more i thought it was a given that i would reach it...then bam! I hit a piece of coding that totally messed things up so i tried to fix that and boom! more new bugs cropped up and it started to grow exponentially until i had to sit down for a week and rethink my approach to fixing all that mess. It took me 6 weeks to finally figure it all out and repair the damage and my city runs fairly well now with 1 or 2 small bugs that i can fix easily. I don't know if that's exactly what the team ran into, but from the snippets i've read here and there, that seems likely what happened(or something similar). So i'm more than willing to cut these folks some slack and accept the delay, not because i'm an apologist but because i understand the possibilities.
The purpose of this long-winded exercise is to point out that instead of being all afflutter about a delay, think of the possible reasons for it before jumping down theirs and everyone elses throats. I'm not happy about the delay myself, but i understand why there could be one and accept it for what it is.
I get your frustration, but believe me when I say that delaying a couple of months (not ten years; that's a little extreme) is going to be a good thing for the finished product.
...WTF is a "Apologist"!!!?!!!
Thanks for the answer : too old for Twitter and/or facebook...
An apologist is someone "preaching" for the belief of something or someone else...
And it's not an insult.
JPR Out!
Calling name people who don't like the way how the delay was handled : nice stereotype of a "fanboy" no?
JPR out!
The reason this thread hasn't been closed entirely is specifically for that. There's bound to be some not nice things said in here (as there are already), but the hope is that we can find some kind of middle ground for discussion.
Shit happens, make a judgment, be stubborn, get on with it = Fail
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference...
For myself I can be relatively serene about the fact that games release has been delayed for at least a couple months...I haven't played BG since NWN2 came out so a couple more months wait to be able to dl and play again in todays resolutions and OS without finding and following a laundry list of do's and don'ts of mod installations and their assorted bugs is barely a tick of the clock for me.
I also applaud the devs for having the courage to make the tough decision to delay it at the last minute in order to make it better than it would be if it was released as originally planned two days from now -
as for the wisdom involved in either of those cases - you are welcome to make that call yourself...
Though I'm not in the computer game design business, speaking as someone who works in manufacturing, you push to get things out on time, and even think you're going to make it, though it's going to be close. Only to find as you get very near the deadline that it just isn't going to be possible. That's how things work. I'm glad that they told us four days in advance, instead of simply letting the deadline pass.
If they had released the game with problems, I have no doubt you'd be at the front of the line complaining about how they released a shoddy product, and how you want your money back.
I preordered the game 6 days before release so I could start predownloading it. And then we get this shit.
Now the game is on sale on gog, so I rather would have put my money there then here... quote says it all.
No one can chage it,
Before i don't see the final verison of BG-EE , i don't doubt developers's ability anymore.
I agree Overhaul Games doesn't have good communication with customers before 4 days launch
But no doubt the group so much ,
Just $17.9 , not $50... and if you want to refund , you can contact with them to deal with it.
You guys want to judge if they are qualified to develop the BG series or not ... please wait the game coming
They do need better communication, clearly. That's ultimately just good business. So imho it would behoove all partners to revisit the process by which Beamdog communicates with fans, particularly with respect to releasing previews of features, etc. Perhaps Beamdog should have more autonomy there.
In a lot of ways Beamdog's communication has been great, though, actually. I think that's why fans were so stunned and hurt to learn of the release postponement so late! Devs and moderators post regularly. It doesn't seem that they have a poor attitude or tin ear.
And I do take devs at their word that they were really humping it to make the Sept. 30th deadline. I don't doubt for a minute that they simply underestimated the amount of time it would take to accomplish all their major goals and deliver a topflight overhaul of the game (lacking the source art and restrictions on existing content).
I can totally understand that they should wait to release until the game is running virtually flawlessly, and that they have achieved most everything within their power to enhance the game (at least up to the goals they have stated for release--we all know there is more to come via DLC).
In my view the only reasonable criticism is the lateness of the announcement--which is a fail. I do believe that was a poor business decision. It's left a very bitter taste in the mouths of some. And it has caused a rupture in the relationship with fans, although not an irreparable one for most.
Anyway, just as long as the game truly kicks ass when it is released on schedule this time, on Nov. 30th, this incident will eventually be shrugged off by most. They'll be happy to have this wonderful new gaming experience around Christmas vacation time.
It's not like my house burned down or I lost my job. It's a game delay for god's sake!
So like a bunch of others I pre- ordered only to be told 2 days latter of the delay - This really isn't good enough due to the timing, they must of known before I pre=ordered that there was a delay. If I knew then the release was in Nov I probably still pre-ordered but wouldn't of had this feeling of being shafted!
In stead I went on Amazon an bought the 4in1, hopefully arriving today and intend to spend how ever long it takes patching with the Trilogy mod that allows you to plat under the BG2 engine.
Afterwards depending on how I feel and whatever Overview say regarding the delay I will either keep or cancel my pre-order
BTW - Please don't flame me - I am entitled to my views and at the moment I just feel really disappointed as I had built up a level of expectancy in a short time after having enjoyed the game 8 years ago
I waited like 7 years for Dragon Age.
Near the original release date, I went and bought a new computer inorder to run the game. They delayed it. Four years later, I had to go buy another new computer inorder to run it. So Dragon Age took seven years and two new computers, that was a 1000+ dollar game for me and I thought it sucked.
These things go back and forth like a pendulum and nobody convinces anybody of anything. Those who worry about such things should withhold buying the product until it's ready and released (or not at all) and leave those who decide differently the hell alone.
I find you extremely immature man.
But don't chop Trent's balls off and strut around taking names when we all saw the game was not ready a mile away. I wasn't planning to drop my obligations for the game because I have a lot to do, my obligations come first.
I think you'd find many of the people here aren't employed and are 18 - 20 year olds who are in school or college, not many obligations compared to an employee and so have more time to bitch when the game doesn't come around. They need hobbies for sure man.
Being upset and being an asshole have many differences and I strongly advise you to review people's behaviour before you step into the fray to defend them.
If people had known the game wasn't ready by researching the clear information on here they would not of been disappointed and, perhaps, you and others who follow this example may not of been so crude.
@KolonKu Here's a list of what people are doing now until November when the game comes out.
Lots of people talk about games, furthur justifying that a majority here don't have a lot of obligations.
Sorry, insulting people on a forum, for whatever the reason, is immature IMO, and it's certainly a lack of social skill : and reading your last message... Oh man, you just need to chill a bit no?
I pre-ordered the game some times ago, stumbling on the Overhaul website after reading a small new in a french gaming magazine.
I don't use social network like facebook and/or twitter, so the news hit me badly (in a certain sense) .
So no, it's not so clear for me that the game was going to be delayed!
Oh, and one more point, people can do what they want with their vacation days no? Judging them for doing this is just a lack of social behavior...
I think you should be a little more open minded, but ok, I'm probably too old for this...
Have a nice day,
JPR out!