There I said it. I am pissed. One week to go and you delay 3 Months??? You cannot say you did not know the release was in trouble last month! Tell us THEN, don't string us along to the edge then push us off.
What about a beta release? Give us something man! A little love here? Really?
I understand your frustrations. All I can say is that they would have liked to announce it earlier, but--like everything else--they had to get approval from the various third parties involved, first to approve the delay and then to approve the announcement of said delay.
There is, however, a thread already going in this same vein. @Tanthalas, I recommend that you merge the other thread with this one (rather than the other way around). This thread's title is a much more descriptive name, which might help people recognize it in passing.
Everyone is saying how great it is that there is a delay. In you heart you know it to be false and you create justifications for why this is okay. Stop being apologists for poor execution. A delay like this should have been seen for weeks now, NOT when release was a mere four days away. If I could I would get my money back; so if you know how I can get it, respond so that I might get my refund.
Proud "apologist" here. Come on, y'all, the devs have invested all their treasure, sweat, and tears to give us a great gift. They wouldn't be doing it if they did not remember their experience of working on Baldur's Gate as being the high points of their careers. They have risked their reputations and their incomes on their belief in this project. There are not millions in profits to be made here - everyone who has bought in, even the "suits" who allowed themselves to be persuaded to give up their precious licenses, is motivated by something a bit more childlike within themselves and their personalities than simple greed.
We are the "true believers" in classical Dungeons and Dragons games, and how they enrich our imaginations and even our human spirits, while deploring the impoverished shallowness of most contemporary gaming offerings.
This project is not "strictly business", although I'm sure that the devs had to pitch it as such to "the suits", at least at first.
Is it a big deal? I kinda thought delaying releases was industry standard now. Like when someone says "This is our release date" you just assume that it will come out after that. Like I think that's basically Apple's MO.
Listen, as a dude who's a huge fan of TBS games and got incredibly stoked over Elemental, then watched in horror as it fell flat on its face, I'm willing to cut them some slack. Yes, it was a stupid idea to promote a deadline that they couldn't follow through on, but it's the lesser of two evils at this point. Heroes VI was another game that was utterly gutted by having to rush to meet the release date.
@MilesBeyond Heroes VI had a lot more issues than just a rushed release date. Crazy DRM and general incompetence plague what I think was once one of the absolute greatest computer game series of all time. These Beamdog guys seem like much better caretakers of a legendary franchise and deserve a little slack all around. A few months of polish should result in a better experience. And the reward for us patient preorder customers may be really nice. Let's give them a chance.
@MilesBeyond Heroes VI had a lot more issues than just a rushed release date. Crazy DRM and general incompetence plague what I think was once one of the absolute greatest computer game series of all time. These Beamdog guys seem like much better caretakers of a legendary franchise and deserve a little slack all around. A few months of polish should result in a better experience. And the reward for us patient preorder customers may be really nice. Let's give them a chance.
Have you read the sort of "manifesto" published by the Heroes VI devs? They say most of their ideas were scrapped (including longstanding features like town screens and diverse resources) by Ubisoft, who were pushing for an earlier release date. It's floating around on the internet somewhere, it's a really interesting read.
But yes, the absurd DRM doesn't have anything to do with that. Unfortunately, that too is becoming industry standard.
@MilesBeyond I have not read this manifesto of which you speak! Thank you for mentioning it. I'll be off to Google now to find it even though I'm sure it will just depress me further.
People want an apology? Way i see it there is really no reason for it. An apology is saying they regret their choice. If they made a calculated decision, then they probably don't. They were well aware of the unhappiness it was going to create, yet they still went through with it. What point is an apology, if you're going to intentionally do stuff that will upset people.
What is it you want them to do? Lower their head in front of you and say "I'm bad and i should feel bad for not working harder."? That's just egoism.
They got their infamous reputation now and it's up to each person to decide what to do with it. Personally i still want to play the game and really don't mind waiting another 2 months.
I am seeing a lot of confusion from people who don't know the definitions of the words "apologist" and "apologetics". The two words have the same root word as the word "apology", but they mean something totally different.
The greek word "apologia" means "speaking in defense".
In philosophy and theology, the word "apologetics" is used frequently to refer to the practice of defending a philosophical or theological idea. Being a theological "apologist", for example, doesn't mean you're saying you're sorry that you're a theist. Rather, it means you are a defender of theism from skeptics or other detractors.
Saying that I am an "apologist" for the BG:EE developers does not mean that I am apologizing on their behalf. It means that I am their defender.
Those without any training in philosophy or other liberal arts are likely to keep abusing the word, and they are often the types who are not open to learning anything new about word useage.
I wish I had got in on this fight when it was new. It is a fun one! I preordered right away to show support, the same way I give on kickstarter. So I don't care it got delayed. In the mean time I just play tutu. Does it seem a bit cheap to wait to tell us 2 days for before the release? Yeah ,sure. But they are trying to get as many preorders as possible to ensure they have something to show investors. Any other way of doing it risked losing them too much money. That $17 bucks will be gone after you buy your beer, but mine will be promoting a project that will encourage others. I bought into an idea. You bought a copy of a game you already own.
You can play the game now. Its not like there are lots of changes over BGTrilogy. In fact i'd say it still trumps bg:ee cause it has all kinds of mods for it, while bg:ee will have none for a time, and vanilla enemies are a joke.
Some advice for the original poster, learn to make the best of things. You can't always control what happens to you but you can control how you'll react.
@belgarathmth I'm not sure if that comment was directed at me as i'm well aware the difference between those words. My comment was mainly a continuation to HeroicSpur's post and had nothing to do with you being an apologist.
There I said it. I am pissed. One week to go and you delay 3 Months??? You cannot say you did not know the release was in trouble last month! Tell us THEN, don't string us along to the edge then push us off.
What about a beta release? Give us something man! A little love here? Really?
@TxWarren i get what u are saying, really, but its only 75 more days... and lets face it, they are probably NEVER going to re-remake BG after this, and they want to get it right, (Even if D3 becomes the best game in the world after a year of patching no one will forget the shitti lunch) - and plus, i dont think its smart to notify people when you THINK there might be a delay, because if there isn't you just created alot of fuss over nothing and people would complain about that too "Tell us when you know something for sure! because now we are anxious!"
fact is, they announced it on the 14th, of sept, so that means only 76 days more.. ive had games i waited for delayed for over 6 month, we should all be ok with this.
I wasn't aiming my explanation of the philosophical definition of "apologetics" at anyone. I just wanted to put it out there. I'm kind of OCD about words and ideas and stuff.
I apologize if I offended anyone. (Pun intended - get it? Wink, wink, smile)
I am not even reading this five page bitching streak. You kids need hobbies to be so furious over a delay in a game which you should of realized was not finished. Go outside naked and feel the air between your ass cheeks, anything to keep your mind off your lack of entertainment while you wait, please stay busy.
They should of said earlier, but we know they wanted it out bad, it was a tough decision to do this.
As someone who's seen too many times the pitfalls of releasing a game unfinished to meet a set date. I commend Overhaul and Beamdog.
It's more upsetting when a crappy bug-filled game is released just to meet a date and line their pockets, than it being pushed back to get it right the first time.
As long as it's done right, I see no problem in a delay.
Still, every time I see the topic of the thread I feel like posting "you stop being a jerk".
What about a beta release? Give us something man! A little love here?
There is, however, a thread already going in this same vein. @Tanthalas, I recommend that you merge the other thread with this one (rather than the other way around). This thread's title is a much more descriptive name, which might help people recognize it in passing.
Other thread:
We are the "true believers" in classical Dungeons and Dragons games, and how they enrich our imaginations and even our human spirits, while deploring the impoverished shallowness of most contemporary gaming offerings.
This project is not "strictly business", although I'm sure that the devs had to pitch it as such to "the suits", at least at first.
@CamDawg, @PhilipDaegle, @TrentOster, and the rest, have my unconditional support.
Listen, as a dude who's a huge fan of TBS games and got incredibly stoked over Elemental, then watched in horror as it fell flat on its face, I'm willing to cut them some slack. Yes, it was a stupid idea to promote a deadline that they couldn't follow through on, but it's the lesser of two evils at this point. Heroes VI was another game that was utterly gutted by having to rush to meet the release date.
-> To tell the truth, i was worried about this "fast" releas BG1 + Add is big.
So i'am happy about the time the take.
Sorry not angry yet,.. (happy neither)
BUT i want a Game with out BUG`s and adjusted new containt.
If this point is missed i would ask why?
And than getting most likely angry.
After games like SoTS 2, Legends of Pegasus,....... you learnd your lesson.
But yes, the absurd DRM doesn't have anything to do with that. Unfortunately, that too is becoming industry standard.
They were well aware of the unhappiness it was going to create, yet they still went through with it. What point is an apology, if you're going to intentionally do stuff that will upset people.
What is it you want them to do? Lower their head in front of you and say "I'm bad and i should feel bad for not working harder."?
That's just egoism.
They got their infamous reputation now and it's up to each person to decide what to do with it.
Personally i still want to play the game and really don't mind waiting another 2 months.
The greek word "apologia" means "speaking in defense".
In philosophy and theology, the word "apologetics" is used frequently to refer to the practice of defending a philosophical or theological idea. Being a theological "apologist", for example, doesn't mean you're saying you're sorry that you're a theist. Rather, it means you are a defender of theism from skeptics or other detractors.
Saying that I am an "apologist" for the BG:EE developers does not mean that I am apologizing on their behalf. It means that I am their defender.
Those without any training in philosophy or other liberal arts are likely to keep abusing the word, and they are often the types who are not open to learning anything new about word useage.
Oh, well.
That $17 bucks will be gone after you buy your beer, but mine will be promoting a project that will encourage others. I bought into an idea. You bought a copy of a game you already own.
I'm not sure if that comment was directed at me as i'm well aware the difference between those words.
My comment was mainly a continuation to HeroicSpur's post
and had nothing to do with you being an apologist.
i get what u are saying, really, but its only 75 more days... and lets face it, they are probably NEVER going to re-remake BG after this, and they want to get it right, (Even if D3 becomes the best game in the world after a year of patching no one will forget the shitti lunch) - and plus, i dont think its smart to notify people when you THINK there might be a delay, because if there isn't you just created alot of fuss over nothing and people would complain about that too "Tell us when you know something for sure! because now we are anxious!"
fact is, they announced it on the 14th, of sept, so that means only 76 days more.. ive had games i waited for delayed for over 6 month, we should all be ok with this.
I apologize if I offended anyone. (Pun intended - get it? Wink, wink, smile)
They should of said earlier, but we know they wanted it out bad, it was a tough decision to do this.
* bats eyelashes innocently *
BTW - does anyone know if the game is releasing on time ?!
It's more upsetting when a crappy bug-filled game is released just to meet a date and line their pockets, than it being pushed back to get it right the first time.
As long as it's done right, I see no problem in a delay.