@SethDavis 90 hrs wow, how much item discovery are they running? Most of the other covenant things are a 1 in 30 drop chance and with a easy 250% item discovery I can't see how it's 90 hrs. Unless From just doesn't want anybody to ever level Darkmoon
@SethDavis 90 hrs wow, how much item discovery are they running? Most of the other covenant things are a 1 in 30 drop chance and with a easy 250% item discovery I can't see how it's 90 hrs. Unless From just doesn't want anybody to ever level Darkmoon
Some pretty janky stuff is still going on with the servers in regards to invasions. On another note, it seems that the poise stat, while technically in the game, basically does nothing, as if it's switched off in the code. I could have guessed this based on playing, but it's also pretty dumb. And many people believe From has disabled it on purpose.
There is essentially no reason to run any type of heavy build at the moment unless you get enough endurance to negate fat rolling and are going for the extra armor (which isn't anything to write home about in the first place).
Huh, I never noticed, but now what you've mentioned it human sized opponents have been staggering pretty easily. Super armour is still working though, so I wonder why poise isn't.
If you are afraid of being invaded then please consider playing online in the Way of the Blue Convenant, it means another player will come and protect you from the invader. Right now players in the protection covenant are having a hard time getting things done so its a nice thing to do for each other.
@FinneousPJ kick doesn't work unless you are using Patches's horse ring. Shotel should work but still this is really strong, it just totally negates most peoples builds.
There is essentially no reason to run any type of heavy build at the moment unless you get enough endurance to negate fat rolling and are going for the extra armor (which isn't anything to write home about in the first place).
But hasn't that always been the case in every Souls game to date? No matter how much armor you have you are ALWAYS better off avoiding the hit than trying to absorb it with armor. And the Fat Roll thing negates (or at least severely limits) most dodges anyway unless you REALLY bulk up on endurance, which itself tapers off to nothing. Or at least that is my experience with the games.
@the_spyder Some heavy weapons require you to take some hits or you will never hit an agile player.
Farming covenant items for Farron is really a pain in the arse, I need like 25 more wolf grass for my great shield, with lvl 40 I get summoned pretty rarely - and farming with no item find equipment at hand - no way... Anyone here wants to get rid of a Wolf Knight Shield?
I would like to try my shield splitter (spear ability) against that Havel knight. Long reach, good damage but a fairly long charge time.
Any advice on which talisman is the best for casting mircales? Canvas and Sacred seem pretty much the same, the sunlight talisman worse.
@Yamcha - I guess I was referring to armor more than weapons, but fair point. Even in earlier games there were some pretty heavy weapons that I favored.
@the_spyder Some heavy weapons require you to take some hits or you will never hit an agile player.
Farming covenant items for Farron is really a pain in the arse, I need like 25 more wolf grass for my great shield, with lvl 40 I get summoned pretty rarely - and farming with no item find equipment at hand - no way... Anyone here wants to get rid of a Wolf Knight Shield?
I would like to try my shield splitter (spear ability) against that Havel knight. Long reach, good damage but a fairly long charge time.
Any advice on which talisman is the best for casting mircales? Canvas and Sacred seem pretty much the same, the sunlight talisman worse.
You can farm that Wolf Grass very easily outside the Abyss Watchers boss room (unless the event despawns after the kill). Go to the bonfire before the run-up. Let the Dark Wraiths and Oolacile creatures duke it out then go in and mop up. Usually one of them drops a Wolf Grass. Go back to bonfire and repeat as nescessary.
I meant it like, you need the heavy armor for those weapons, or you get staggered (in theory, I havent tested any armors with great poise)
So I haven't gotten very far in Dark Souls 3 yet to say for that game, but for the previous three games my experience is that you are never going to be so armored up that you aren't better avoiding the hit if you can.
I've built characters using the black knight armor but the problem is with the heaviest of the heavy armor, you have to invest so many points into Endurance that it starts taking away from other stuff that you need. And considering that it levels off like all of the stats, you never quite get to the point where you can do anything other than a Fat roll, even with Havel's ring and the other ring that reduces encumbrance. and if you go that route, you are taking up two ring slots that could be used for something MUCH better.
But then I admit that beyond a certain point I stopped trying so I don't claim to be an expert, merely that I never found it terribly beneficial when I could dodge the hit and not worry about it.
There is essentially no reason to run any type of heavy build at the moment unless you get enough endurance to negate fat rolling and are going for the extra armor (which isn't anything to write home about in the first place).
But hasn't that always been the case in every Souls game to date? No matter how much armor you have you are ALWAYS better off avoiding the hit than trying to absorb it with armor. And the Fat Roll thing negates (or at least severely limits) most dodges anyway unless you REALLY bulk up on endurance, which itself tapers off to nothing. Or at least that is my experience with the games.
Most people just play fashion souls but all the minmaxers used to run GiantDad in DS1 and HavelJester in DS2 or you know go the complete other route and be completely naked. So I dunno heavy builds always seemed really popular to me. Also have you ever tried a iron skin build? Grab a heavy set + greatshield + ultragreat weapon cast ironkin and trade with anything till in dies. I don't really like the build myself because all heavy armour is ugly and not rolling sucks but I have seen it be really effective.
@FinneousPJ yeah it was so nice back then, endurance was the best stat. 40 on every build. What I always wondered is why strength doesn't add anything to weight allowance? Like not with every level but I think every third or fourth level would be cool.
Hmm, getting that from the ps4 was awkward, but not as hard as I thought. kinda makes me wish i had joined in with the "Here's what i fought the last boss with" images
Abyss Watchers is actually a mistranslation. In the original Japanese they are called the アニメウォッチャー or Anime Watchers. Their intro cutscene is them fighting over who is the biggest anime fan.
Okay, so I switched (again) to a Warrior. Totally blew through the first two bosses without dying. Um.???
Anyway, the township is very creepy and Bloodbourne-esque. But I'm liking it a lot. And the Warrior is powerful if you pick up a bow and scope out the baddies.
It'll probably be better with luck/symbol of avarice/serpent ring/crystal rapier. we'll find out this weekend (1000 yard stare)
Some heavy weapons require you to take some hits or you will never hit an agile player.
Farming covenant items for Farron is really a pain in the arse, I need like 25 more wolf grass for my great shield, with lvl 40 I get summoned pretty rarely - and farming with no item find equipment at hand - no way...
Anyone here wants to get rid of a Wolf Knight Shield?
I would like to try my shield splitter (spear ability) against that Havel knight. Long reach, good damage but a fairly long charge time.
Any advice on which talisman is the best for casting mircales? Canvas and Sacred seem pretty much the same, the sunlight talisman worse.
I've built characters using the black knight armor but the problem is with the heaviest of the heavy armor, you have to invest so many points into Endurance that it starts taking away from other stuff that you need. And considering that it levels off like all of the stats, you never quite get to the point where you can do anything other than a Fat roll, even with Havel's ring and the other ring that reduces encumbrance. and if you go that route, you are taking up two ring slots that could be used for something MUCH better.
But then I admit that beyond a certain point I stopped trying so I don't claim to be an expert, merely that I never found it terribly beneficial when I could dodge the hit and not worry about it.
Hmm, getting that from the ps4 was awkward, but not as hard as I thought. kinda makes me wish i had joined in with the "Here's what i fought the last boss with" images
Anyway, the township is very creepy and Bloodbourne-esque. But I'm liking it a lot. And the Warrior is powerful if you pick up a bow and scope out the baddies.