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Raising Charname - Minimal Reload Thread (BG1-SoD-BG2 Spoilers)



  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Arvia , Congratulations on making it this far without another reload. That fight with the bandits, the fight with spiders, and the fight with ogrillons can be very deadly.

    Condolences on your lost text. I like to click "Save Draft" down at the bottom of the screen while I'm composing longer posts on the forum.

    Thanks for the nod in the story. You made me smile. :)

    That Belt of Masculinity/Femininity is an infamous cursed item from the first edition AD&D Dungeon Master's Guide. Rich Burlew even made a joke about it in early "Order of the Stick". Since a lot of teenage boys play D&D, you can just imagine the jokes they make among themselves about that belt, and have been doing so since the 1970's.

    The original BG devs were making a wink and a nod to the original AD&D Dungeon Master's Guide, and also to the long tradition of jokes. They also wanted to use it early in the game to teach new players that they should identify items before putting them on.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    @BelgarathMTH , that was my intention :) you already managed to make me smile last week when I didn't feel like smiling at all. You too, @semiticgod. Have I mentioned how glad I am to have stumbled into this forum?
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2019
    I would also like to add that I successfully resisted the temptation to reload after wasting some of the little money I had by accidentally buying a large shield for Branwen (she can only use medium shields) *and* making a perfectly healthy Minsc drink one of our precious few potions of healing when I wanted to move one of them from his to Branwen's inventory. ?
    And I was glad to find out that it was an encampment of xvart raiders, not a village.
    Now it's time to hunt some gnolls.
    Post edited by Arvia on
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    Arriving at the Gnoll Stronghold, the group took a short break to prepare their weapons and talk about strategies.
    The road had been a dangerous one. Arvia hoped that some day she'd get the chance to thank that cleric who had taught them how to handle strong and dangerous enemies. Without his helpful advice they'd be long dead.

    She usually liked to write a detailed report into her journal every evening, to reflect on everything that had happened and organize her thoughts, but time was short, they had to rescue Minsc's friend, so she just scribbled down a few short notes about the dangers they had encountered between Nashkel and the Gnoll Stronghold:

    - a screaming man said he was followed by a huge bear. We offered help, and learned that polar bears are very dangerous creatures. That was close.

    - as if ogres weren't enough, we were attacked by an ogre berserker. Our strategy worked, but it involved even more running and critical wounds than fighting a "normal" ogre.

    - no matter how tired your companions are, don't try to sleep in ogre territory

    - don't underestimate a horde of wild dogs

    - ogre berserkers are *very* dangerous. Had to carry Branwen back to Nashkel temple, almost lost Ajantis, too.

    - got waylaid by gnolls on the way back.

    - have to get into the Stronghold and hope that Minsc's friend is still alive. He's angry because it took so long to get here, but we couldn't let Branwen die, either. I hope we're not too late to save Dynaheir.

    Reloads: 1 (the ogre with the belt fetish south of the FAI)
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Those are fantastic reports! Way to go!

    That was close with those bears! And ogre berserkers! I'm glad you've learned how to manage to survive those kinds of encounters.

    You didn't mention the hobgoblin elites on the north bridge. You avoided them, I hope, or else had enough antidotes to deal with their poison arrows. Jaheira will have access to Slow Poison when she gets second level spells, which can help.

    Now that you have Branwen, I advise keeping at least one first level spell slot filled with Remove Fear, and the first thing she does when you see a mage should be to immediately cast Remove Fear, because the first thing they're going to be doing is casting Horror. I recommend the rest of her first level slots be filled with Command. That spell can drop ogres and ogre berserkers (and other dangerous enemies) for one round, which is usually enough time to kill them or almost kill them with arrows. The Command spell can trivialize some of the worst encounters for level 1-3 players.

    As soon as you can afford the Wand of Sleep from Thalantyr, the Sleep spell can also be an "I win" button for many low level encounters.

    Congratulations on getting this far with no more reloads. I hope the gnoll stronghold map goes as well. I *really* hope Minsc's timer doesn't go off on you, because he won't just leave if it does, he'll go nuts and attack you. Unless the NPC Project changed that. I haven't used it in a long time.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2019
    @BelgarathMTH , glad to hear my decision to leave the north of the map alone was right. After that polar bear, an ogre and two ogre berserkers all in the same map, I really didn't feel like exploring it further at level 2.
    I had no idea about the hobgoblin elite. And I'll never be able to buy any good equipment if I keep spending all my money on Raise Dead ?.

    About your advice for Branwen's spells, do you really propose to walk around without any healing spells memorized, or didn't you see that I split up with Khalid and Jaheira to make room for the others?
    I will use Remove Fear of course, but I think the rest of the slots will be healing spells until I find or can buy more potions. And once she gets level 2 spells I can use Hold Person, too. Didn't know how useful Command is, thank you. I'll keep that in mind once Cure Light Wounds gets out of fashion.

    I know about Minsc's timer, I opened a thread because of it during my first week here (back then when I registered. Wow, that was only a month ago), that's why I was so nervous when we had to go back to Nashkel to Raise Branwen.
    But he's fine, and we're in the gnoll map.
    Progress is slow in my game because the time between "kids asleep" and "me asleep" is kind of limited. And because it takes much more time to clear a map when you're careful and don't know what to expect.

    I really like the minimal reload concept. If my time to play is very limited, at least it should feel right.

    Post edited by Arvia on
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Arvia , Oh, yes, you're right, I didn't really think about how since you let Khalid and Jaheira go in favor of Ajantis and Branwen, Branwen is now your only source of Cure Light Wounds. My bad.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited May 2019
    @Arvia, not sure how you feel, but a new player might become very angry about all those character deaths and the need to go back and forth between temples and areas, getting into ambushes. This is completely normal, and eventually, you will become stronger than that. The game will open up once you reach lvls 4-5.

    Your reports are nice to read, and you're doing alright!
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    @BelgarathMTH ,okay, sorry for the misunderstanding. I was wondering how I'm supposed to survive without healing spells. Sorry, my mind was in too many places at the same time.

    @JuliusBorisov thank you. I'm not angry at all, this was my own choice after all.
    If I didn't like it, I'd stop playing this way. But once I've smelled a challenge, I have to try it...

    And it's a perfect distraction after a tough day.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    It's late ( or early) and I'm not in the mood to write stories today, but I'd still like to report before I forget everything.

    The Gnoll Stronghold was no problem, 24 HP at level 2 seem to be enough to tank ogrillons, and although I don't use unidentified items and will have to wait until Nashkel, those Gauntlets of Dexterity might protect Ajantis from needing CPR, I mean Raise Dead, after every battle.

    Gnolls don't seem to be too dangerous, apart from their habit to sneak around you and attack the weak party members. We rescued Dynaheir, but is there really a spell book somewhere?

    The rest of the map was good for a couple of XP and some gold. We avoided the same way back and went to the Cloud Peak map, got attacked by a winter wolf and kept the pelt this time, because we really need to buy some better equipment.
    Helped the dryad rescue her tree, of course, and saved the dead cat.

    I didn't like these dialogue choices.

    I didn't want to bribe them, but the other two options were either to lie or to insult them without reason, so I decided to pay the 50 gp and let them leave.

    We got back to Beregost, sold what we didn't need, got plate mail for Minsc and Branwen, too, and +1 weapons for half of us (couldn't afford more), then got those 4 Potions of Genius from Gellana Mirrorshade and a few Elixier of Health.

    Went to High Hedge to talk to the mage, noticed that we don't have enough money anyway, and then Ajantis got killed again by a ghast. *sigh*

    I decided to call it a night. He'll be carried to the temple (third time I think) tomorrow, then we'll try our luck with Bassilius ( I hope he won't cause my second reload. Any strategical advice on him, @BelgarathMTH ?) and proceed to the Nashkel Mines after that.

    Most of us are level 3 now. Branwen has got 2nd level spells, but Dynaheir still has got only level 1 spells, so I didn't make her scribe any scrolls yet. Magic missile it is, until then. Does her spell book exist somewhere?

    Reloads: 1 (the ogre with the belt fetish south of the FIA)

  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited May 2019
    Hmm, well, first, great update! Wonderful progress.

    On Ajantis and the ghast: Did you try to tank the ghast and get him killed to paralyzing touch? Do *not* tank ghouls or ghasts with any character but yourself (and you only because you're an undead hunter and have immunity to the paralyzing touch). *Nobody* and I mean *nobody* who isn't hold immune should *ever* tank a ghoul or a ghast, under *any* circumstances. They are a "kite and kill at range" enemy, even for high level characters. If you or your cleric can turn them, that is very helpful. (Apologies if I'm telling you stuff you already know, but you do know that being Held negates all AC and guarantees every enemy roll is a hit, right?)

    Otherwise, you just have to get AC as high (or really in this game, as low) as possible. I appreciate your holding off on immediately equipping the Gauntlets of Dexterity on Ajantis, but doing so as soon as you can get them identified should be very helpful. Also, get both you and him into full plate as soon as possible. And try to get him a Ring of Protection +1.

    Branwen, you, or Ajantis would be very much safer using Ankheg Plate. Do you know where to go get that in Nashkel, or do you consider it cheating to collect the "Easter Egg" items? There's also a free Ring of Protection +1 in a rock north of the Lion's Way marker on the map between Candlekeep and the FAI.

    If you didn't know, there's also a Ring of Wizardry just southeast of the FAI that will give Dynaheir a whole bunch more spell slots. And, there's a Wand of Frost in a tree at the far northwest corner of the Nashkel Mines map, but that wand is very dangerous to use in a party. It's very powerful, but you have to make sure no friends are in the way of its cone effect.

    You are costing AJ at least 1 AC by roleplaying that he has to use that shield he gets from the NPC Project. But, I appreciate that you want to do that.

    Make sure you are having people drink healing potions as soon as they are at no less than one half their health. Don't wait until they're desperately low and one more hit will kill them. Healing spells are too slow to cast to be of consistent help during combat. Don't try to hope for a healing spell to go off before the fatal blow happens. Drink a healing potion. That's what they're for. (Apologies if that is obvious and you've already been doing that.)

    I've never been able to solve the Dynaheir spellbook quest from the NPC Project. Maybe somebody else can help you with that. I think, if I remember correctly, it's somewhere on that map to the north with the polar bear and the bridges and the ogres and hobgoblins, but there's also a bunch of conditions on getting the resolution to trigger.

    EDIT: It might go without saying, but you do have AJ wearing a helmet, don't you? You're not getting him killed to critical hits? I know he looks pretty with his long, flowing, blond hair, but he really needs to wear a helmet. :)

    Old alternate AJ portrait:
    Post edited by BelgarathMTH on
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2019
    @BelgarathMTH ,
    (Apologies if I'm telling you stuff you already know, but you do know that being Held negates all AC and guarantees every enemy roll is a hit, right?)

    No, I didn't know that. He was already wearing the Gauntlets of Dexterity and had AC -3 like me. I had no idea or I would have tanked the ghast alone.
    If it's about game mechanics that aren't 100% obvious, it's usually safe to assume that I don't know.

    Okay I think I'm not going to actively search for Dynaheir's Spellbook. Didn't know it was an NPC Project thing.

    No, I think it's okay to collect Easter Egg items as long as they don't require impossible knowledge to find them. It's difficult enough to play for a beginner. I know you can let the smith in Beregost make Ankheg Plate if you kill one and get the shell, I think. But I'm not confident I can kill one. Or did you mean another way of getting Ankheg Plate?

    I know it costs him 1 AC, and I don't want to exaggerate, but I just can't imagine Ajantis discarding his family shield for another -1 in AC.

    :D of course he's wearing a helmet, I'm not crazy! I think I remember reading somewhere that you didn't use helmets when you played BG for the first time, because they looked silly and you didn't know about critical hits ?

    You know, when he offered to carry some of my equipment, I really had to laugh because I wished I could have reminded him how I had to carry his dead body including armor and everything back to the temple.

    That portrait is much prettier than the actual one. (very realistic hairstyle for someone fighting and traveling and sleeping in the forest *cough*) And looks even younger.

    Dang! I really wanted to read his romance dialogues, but now I don't know if I can. I can't possibly roleplay flirting with a boy who looks 20 years younger than me!

    EDIT: Stop apologizing for telling me things that might be obvious. Some are, but a lot of them aren't, and I really appreciate how much I'm learning from reading your posts. Otherwise, my reload counter would probably be at 20.
    Post edited by Arvia on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    I wouldn't advise taking on Bassilius while you're at lvl 3. The battle can be very dangerous, especially for the first time.

    @Arvia Did you read manuals about the game? I recommend to check them in your Manuals folder (from the main game folder).
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    @JuliusBorisov , thank you for the advice on Bassilius. Then I'll go to the mines, first.
    I didn't even think to look for a manual in the folder (android).irl: WIS 5!

    *cough rtfm cough*

    Sorry for asking so many dumb questions without reading somewhere else first :/
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited May 2019
    You can find the manuals also online: check the Manuals tab at

    No need to feel sorry. Asking questions is exactly what this forum is for. Also, what I meant by that advice was - "you'd feel yourself better and more knowledgeable about the rules, spells, and such", not "stop asking". :)

    Going to the mines sounds like a good plan.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited May 2019
    Quick correction to my last post: The Wand of Frost is in the northwest corner of the mines map, not the northeast. It's in the hollow of an old, dead tree.

    There is a suit of ankheg plate and a pearl lying in a farmer's field on the far west side of the Nashkel map. I think it's near a small pine tree at the edge of the field. The pixel to find it is very small, but clicking on the magnifying glass at the bottom right of the screen or pressing tab will highlight it. (I'm not sure how highlighting works on the mobile versions of the game.)
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    Thank you both, @JuliusBorisov and @BelgarathMTH .
    I'll keep your advice in mind for tomorrow evening. Nothing new tonight, didn't have time to play and need to catch up on some sleep, busy day ahead.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    Now it's getting complicated. I've found the Ankheg Plate and the pearl, but it's right there in a ploughed field, not the wilderness. I have no problem using the items I find in the forest, but this one? If I found something valuable on someone's property I would go to the owner, not take it with me.

    Grrrr... I wish you hadn't told me, @BelgarathMTH ?.
    I really think I have to leave it there. Bad conscience.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited May 2019
    @Arvia, hmm, interesting roleplaying decision. I guess there really isn't any good reason for something that valuable to be buried out there. The game doesn't let you question the farmers about it. Can anyone make up a story about talking to the farmers about why there's buried treasure in their field, including a finely crafted suit of armor, that ends with it being okay for a paladin to take the armor?

    Maybe the party saved their daughter from kobolds, and it was a reward from the grateful farmers? (In the original BG, there were kobolds menacing the farm in the introductory cutscene for Nashkel.)
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2019
    @BelgarathMTH, I thought about something like that. But the houses are locked. Maybe I'll find a solution making up a story that they let me take the armor because I'll investigate the mines where their people die.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2019
    I hate breaking weapons. Twice in 5 min in the middle of the mines isn't fair. And Dynaheir failed to scribe "Identify" even with the Potion of Genius. Grrr.

    Edit: *and* the Nashkel Temple made me pay 400gp for Raise Dead, and later at the temple in the FAI I saw it was only 200! Why?
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited May 2019
    @Arvia, Who were you trying to raise? The cost is usually 100 per level of the person being raised. If one time it was a second level person, and the other time it was a 4th level person, that would explain it. The cost shown will change according to which person is selected and their level.

    I always carry several extra weapons against the breaking steel weapons. Wooden weapons like staves and clubs don't break.

    Thalantyr should have two scrolls of Identify. Did you fail to scribe both of them? I always buy both of them before drinking a Potion of Genius, and also I buy both scrolls of Protection from Petrification for the same reason. Identify is a fairly common random dropped scroll from killed low level monsters too, and I save all of those until the drinking of the Potion of Genius and the scribing attempt.

    If you've bought both of Thalantyr's Identify scrolls, and failed to scribe both of them after drinking a Potion of Genius, that may be justification for either a reload, or temporarily changing the difficulty to slider to "normal", then back up to "core rules."

    Or, if you've had truly horrible luck and failed to scribe Identify after all that, you could choose to honorably adhere to the rules above and beyond the call of duty, and pay the 100 gold to identify every single magic item. Under pencil and paper tabletop rules, paladins are also supposed to tithe at least 10 percent of their party's gold income to their church. Roleplaying a paladin properly is *hard*, but I guess that's as it should be. Very few individuals have the resolve to do it. That's why paladins are supposed to be the shining lights and paragons of Good, setting an example for all of Faerun to follow.

    You might enjoy watching some of this guy's roleplayed paladin "Let's Play" episodes, when you can find the time:
    Post edited by BelgarathMTH on
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    @BelgarathMTH , sorry for being grumpy ?. You're right, trying to roleplay a paladin isn't supposed to be easy and I wanted a challenge.
    It was just a bunch of bad luck at the same time. Nobody had dropped "Identify" and I really needed Dynaheir to fill her empty spellbook and had no money to identify at the temple. Then she scribed all the level 1 spells (with the potion of course), failed Identify, *and* I realized that Protection from Petrification was still missing.
    After failing, I got Identify and Protection from Petrification from Thalantyr and kept them until she had to learn 2nd level, too, and it worked. I wouldn't have reloaded for Identify, because there is still the temple option.
    I guess I'll have to go back to that priest of Helm in Nashkel and apologize, because I *might* have muttered something unpaladiny under my breath when I saw the different prices for Raise Dead ?. I had no idea that it depended on the level, I'm much more familiar with BG2 and there it wasn't necessary to go to the temple because of the higher spell levels.

    I know about the 10% income rule, I've been doing that, I just didn't know how often I'm supposed to do it. Every time that I visit a temple seems a bit much, so I settled for a week or 10 days or something. And I only gave 10% of what I had at that moment, I bought strictly necessary equipment (meaning armor and weapons) first, because I suppose a god of warriors would be okay with me first doing my duty by equipping (and therefore protecting) my party members and myself properly, and then donate.
    But of course when last time that meant giving 25 gp only, and a day later I found and earned 2000 gp, I went back to give more.
    I guess that's okay? Or are 10 days too long?

    Ajantis was the only one with a plain metal weapon remaining, because that +1 bastard sword at the Feldepost Inn was so expensive and we needed a few potionsof healing for the mines. He had been fine for a long time, had three swords, one broke against bandits on the way to the mines, I was too optimistic and hoped for the best, the other two broke on the 2nd level of the mines. So we went all the way back to Beregost and got that enchanted sword for him. And I haven't had to Raise him since he's wearing that really cool green Ankheg Plate ?.

    I'll see if and when I find the time to report my progress this weekend, I feel like trying to write a little story again, not just listing what happened.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited May 2019
    @Arvia , Wonderful storytelling! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. That was a brilliant story about how you got the ankheg plate! And you know, I never questioned before that the Boots of Grounding now have a name and a story attached that associate them with the evil god Talos. That's something Beamdog added for the EE, to give the magic items some flavor. They used to not have lore stories attached.

    I'm very sympathetic to your problem with Branwen. Your alignments are incompatible. A quick search of the Forgotten Realms wiki doesn't show any association between Torm and Tempus. I saw one connection - Torm has a consort relationship with the Red Knight, (the goddess of strategy, planning, and tactics), who serves Tempus.

    Right now, there are no other clerics of suitable alignment to serve you. Viconia is evil, and your reputation would drop two points just for taking her into your party. Branwen will start complaining that "These are not the actions of warrior-born!" when your reputation hits 19-20.

    I think you have to take into consideration that this wizard you wanted to spare turned Branwen into stone. It's a pretty awful thing he did to her. You'll have to weigh your standards against justice for Branwen. Perhaps it was not the right thing to tell this evil man that you would let him go. He wouldn't hesitate to use Flesh to Stone on you or anyone else if he had another scroll with that monstrously evil spell. Sometimes in this game setting, we do have to serve as judge, jury, and executioner, because arrest, restraint, and imprisonment are simply not given as options.

    But you did give your word, and Branwen countermanded your order.

    (By the way, it is NPC Project that added this behavior for Branwen, and it needed to be added. In the vanilla game, Branwen doesn't even notice that you are talking to the wizard who turned her to stone.)

    Once you get near the bottom of the Cloakwood mines, you will meet Yeslick, who is a dwarven fighter-cleric much more compatible with your alignment and your oaths as a paladin. He is also in need of rescuing. That would be the perfect time to tell Branwen to please turn back, because you need to help this dwarf. However, your character doesn't know any of that yet.

    It's up to you whether you want to try to survive for a time without a cleric. It's doable with healing potions, but more difficult. You're about to face wyverns, giant spiders, and ettercaps.

    I think this would be a very serious argument between the two of you. I'd consider not only how I was playing my character, but how she should be playing her character.

    I'm not sure who you could replace her with right now, either. I don't think the good gods require people to commit suicide in the name of principles. It may be the greater good to keep Branwen with you so you can keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't commit any other chaotic acts. It's up to you how to proceed. I support any decision you make in this matter.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    @BelgarathMTH , thank you ?.
    At first I felt too shy to post my run in this thread at all, because I haven't written any text beyond e-mails or job applications since high school, and certainly not in English. But I've discovered that I actually like to invent some background story to my game and try to write it down. It's fun. ?

    I'll think about a solution with Branwen. I don't think I can survive without a healer until I get Yeslick. I know that mage deserved to die, but did you see the dialogue choices in the screenshot above?
    "No mercy for such as you!" is something I could imagine saying to people like Neb the child murderer, but it seemed a bit much in this case, especially because only a short time ago there was a dialogue with Ajantis about fighting evil, where he too had said that he'd never kill someone who surrendered. On the other hand, you're right about no chance to arrest and imprison.

    Well, I'll have to think about it later, or tomorrow. Break's over, back to work.(failed a perception check at the turn of the month and ended up with two 24h Sundays in a row ?. Did I mention my real life wisdom score of 5?)

    I hope you're feeling better and my tons of questions don't add to your stress.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Arvia , I'm still under a good bit of job stress through next Sunday, but I'm good. Reading your posts and answering any questions that I can, or offering an opinion when asked, are welcome distractions.

    I'm enjoying my down time with a nice, relaxing, low-stress game of Neverwinter Nights 2. That might be a game you would enjoy when you are ready to try a new game (assuming you've never played it.) It has lots and lots of voice-acted cutscene roleplay, and you can play your alignment and feel rewarded for it. The combat and character building are interesting and mildly challenging, without being stressfully difficult. The story is generic, but engaging and interesting. At least for me, the game never makes me feel like it's out to get me. It feels much more like the tabletop D&D experience I had as a teen than *ahem* certain other games that shall not be named here. :)
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Arvia , by the way, your written English is flawless. I'm curious how you developed such fluency in English. Is the German education system really that much better than the American, or did you live in England or America for a time?
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    @BelgarathMTH , I was going to ask you if you think I might like NWN, I have never played it. But at my slow pace, it will be a long journey from Candlekeep to Melissan, so I won't be playing another game soon.

    Seriously? I thought I made lots of grammar errors. I don't know if our education system is better, I don't think so. I went to a normal public school and had English from 7th to 12th grade (first language was from 5th grade, but I had chosen Latin). I've never lived in an English speaking country, just worked for a month in a Scottish hospital as a student. I read a lot of books, and if I know the language, I read the original, not the German translation. Same with movies. Unfortunately, that means my active vocabulary is limited to the things I picked up from fantasy novels and Star Trek ?. I was really struggling to find the right words to properly express my thoughts in the religion and philosophy thread, for example.
    To be fair, I should say that I seem to pick up languages easily if I'm exposed to them. I learned to speak Romanian (my husband's native language) and Spanish (did 8 months internship in Spain) quickly, though I don't write them very well. As a compensation, I can't remember numbers at all.

    Have fun in Neverwinter. I'm going to Beregost now to see what I'm going to do about Branwen (if that hospital phone leaves me alone).If you ever travel to Baldur's Gate, leave a note where to meet you ?.
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