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What class will you play BG:EE with first?

AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
Looked for a poll on this... And believe it or not could not find one!

So... What class will you play BG:EE on your first run through the game? We wanna know!

EDIT: Bards and Dual classers... My apologies! Ran out of weapon slots! Bards pick thief (Rogues) and Dualers pick Multi-class.
  1. What class will you play BG:EE with first?452 votes
    1. Fighter / Barbarian. Pure muscle and packing steel. One slightly more naked than the other.
    2. Ranger. Pure muscle and packing a hamster and possibly a squirrel.
    3. Paladin. Rightous fury contained in flesh.
    4. Thief. For those that like to creep up behind people and go BOO! No not name call the hamster. geez.
    5. Cleric. When wounded shout MEDIC! I mean CLERIC!
    6. Druid. If you could change shape, would you not change into a more handsome or beautiful version of yourself? No, first on list, a brown fuzzy bear...
    7. Monk. Meet my friends Mr Knuckle and Mr Fist. They would like to meet your face. POW!
    8. Mage. You can use a dagger... No you cannot use a sword. Yes, I know that it would be a smart idea to carry a BIGGER dagger but, errr, you need your hands to wave 'em about casting spells. Okay then, have this staff. *sigh*
    9. Sorcerer. This is the fireball spell, thou will not use it at barbecues.
    10. Multi-class. When one class is not enough...
Post edited by Anduin on


  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Mage for me! Gonna go WILD!
  • FrekFrek Member Posts: 15
    Paladin for first run, probably cavalier kit. Then run number 2 will be some sort of non-human multi.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    I'll try the Blackguard kit in the unmodded game first since it's something new. After that, I hope the Divine Remix mod will be compatible with BG:EE so that I finally have my loveable, tentacled Oozemaster kit back in-game.
  • KosonKoson Member Posts: 284
    Most likely a LN half-elf cleric of Helm.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    I'm gonna play an Avenger. You know, the Druid/Mage wannabe. :)
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    Quartz said:

    I'm gonna play an Avenger. You know, the Druid/Mage wannabe. :)

    I am doing exactly this!
  • ArcalianArcalian Member Posts: 359
    My Sorcerer, who will take himself entirely too seriously, will shake his head at Neera and Imoen's antics.
  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245
    My first choice is a cleric/illusionist, but I may end up going with an assassin.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    @Quartz Avenger? You only get a couple of extra spells (okay good spells but still?) and you can change into a few extra creatures but... BIG BUT... You lose -2 to strength and con! What am I missing?
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    WILD MAGE....but then there is NEERA...who looks super sexy, plus she is a wild hmmm choices choices...
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    Anduin said:

    @Quartz Avenger? You only get a couple of extra spells (okay good spells but still?) and you can change into a few extra creatures but... BIG BUT... You lose -2 to strength and con! What am I missing?

    The CON penalty doesn't effect Druids. They get the same bonus at 16 as they do 18. STR isn't significant for caster classes, but even if it were, Avengers are shapeshifters. This means their physical stats change when they shift into another form.
  • roboticsunroboticsun Member Posts: 42
    most likely I will go with Bard first. It's my my favorite class in BG2 but really looking forward to how will Bard perform in BGEE
  • AshendilAshendil Member Posts: 56
    I am gonna go Berserker, later to be dual-classed to thief in SoA :)
  • OperativeNLOperativeNL Member Posts: 146
    I'll pick either a Paladin or a Blackguard or Beserker. The idea to play a powerful mage is tempting, but I've done that a lot already... I'm up for some hack&slash this time!
  • FrozenCellsFrozenCells Member Posts: 385
    Leaning towards LN/TN Diviner at the moment because I've never played a (pure) arcane caster but I haven't made my mind up. Weighing up that and CN Cleric/Thief which I like a lot, plus I recall that they're adding some magical clubs to the game.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited September 2012
    Anduin said:

    @Quartz Avenger? You only get a couple of extra spells (okay good spells but still?) and you can change into a few extra creatures but... BIG BUT... You lose -2 to strength and con! What am I missing?

    As the gents Jaxsbudgie and Brude pointed out:

    1. -2 Constitution : Max hit point bonus for Druids, and indeed every non-fighter class, occurs at 16 Constitution. The only thing -2 Con does is make getting a good roll slightly harder.
    2. -2 Strength : 16 Strength is +1 Damage. 18 Strength is +1 THAC0, +2 Damage. Not a huge loss, although yes, a little bit which is unfortunate. Bigger problem is you can't Tome your way up to 19 Strength like a bamph. However this way I will probably end up using the Tome on someone like Kivan, or something, instead of being all selfish and foolishly putting my caster class at a 19 Strength they barely use. And again, as Avengers are more about shapeshifting, these stats mean little in the end as you change stats according to your shapeshift form.
    3. Biggest issue is probably the limited armor choice. I'm pretty sure Avengers can actually equip Ankheg Armor though, so ... no problems!
    4. Good spells, indeed. Chromatic Orb scales really well, and Druids level up faster than Mages. Sounds like a win. Web is a sexy spell, we all know that. Lightning Bolt was incredible in BG1 (albeit risky), only became terrible in BG2 due to mass amounts of hit points and godly saving throws. I'll admit I probably won't use it as Call Lightning is just scary awesome. Improved Invisibility is effective and very awesome. I mean for one you go invisible for two you get that passive "can't be targetted with spells" and -4 AC bonus afterwards. Chaos is a pretty fun one too. Shame we won't get Chain Lightning in BG:EE probably due to level cap, but balance needs to be there so I understand.
    5. A few extra creatures ... You mean badass creatures? Fire Salamander is decent, Baby Wyvern is nice due to poison ability, and Sword Spider is *totally* badass.
  • FrozenCellsFrozenCells Member Posts: 385
    edited September 2012
    Quartz said:

    3. Biggest issue is probably the limited armor choice. I'm pretty sure Avengers can actually equip Ankheg Armor though, so ... no problems!

    Nope, Ankheg is Hide/Plate and Avengers are limited to non-studded leather. Loss of 5-6 AC right there for BG1:EE for playing an Avenger since I think the best otherwise is +2 leather (maybe a +3 in a TotSC area)

    edit - I have been playing BG2/BGT with fixpack and tweak pack for as long as I can remember so it might be that Avengers were restricted from Ankheg due to one of these...
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    Dual class actually.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    Quartz said:

    3. Biggest issue is probably the limited armor choice. I'm pretty sure Avengers can actually equip Ankheg Armor though, so ... no problems!

    Nope, Ankheg is Hide/Plate and Avengers are limited to non-studded leather. Loss of 5-6 AC right there for BG1:EE for playing an Avenger since I think the best otherwise is +2 leather (maybe a +3 in a TotSC area)
    Ankheg is plate but, it ain't metal so regular druids can use it.

    +2 Leather right outside of Nashkel Mines, +3 Leather in Durlag's Tower, yar.

    Or you could go the Bracer AC 6 'n' Ring/Cloak of Protection +2 route. You'd have better luck there. If we want to go ridiculous (this is a CHARNAME after all!) you could still put on the Cloak of Balduran, and either the Helm of Glory or Helm of Balduran for an additional -2 AC.

    Either way, your point that Avengers are less armored than regular Druids still stands. That is probably their only real drawback of impact.
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  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    A Fighter as your main makes the most sense for an evil party imo
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited September 2012
    Quartz said:

    Quartz said:

    3. Biggest issue is probably the limited armor choice. I'm pretty sure Avengers can actually equip Ankheg Armor though, so ... no problems!

    Nope, Ankheg is Hide/Plate and Avengers are limited to non-studded leather. Loss of 5-6 AC right there for BG1:EE for playing an Avenger since I think the best otherwise is +2 leather (maybe a +3 in a TotSC area)
    Ankheg is plate but, it ain't metal so regular druids can use it.

    +2 Leather right outside of Nashkel Mines, +3 Leather in Durlag's Tower, yar.

    Or you could go the Bracer AC 6 'n' Ring/Cloak of Protection +2 route. You'd have better luck there. If we want to go ridiculous (this is a CHARNAME after all!) you could still put on the Cloak of Balduran, and either the Helm of Glory or Helm of Balduran for an additional -2 AC.

    Either way, your point that Avengers are less armored than regular Druids still stands. That is probably their only real drawback of impact.
    Technically avengers can use ankheg plate mail, not just regular druids. Certainly in BG2 without any fixpacks any ways. Though I imagine they will change this for BG1EE (hopefully druids can still use them).
  • diggerbdiggerb Member Posts: 132
    I will start as a Fighter, dual-class at second to Thief. This ultimately means Grand-Mastery in Longsword, used for backstab... hells yes.
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    Multi-class most likely - leaning towards cleric/thief probably CN - altho ranger/cleric & cleric/mage or cleric/illusionist are also in the running as are a few other single classes/kits - I will likely roll up several different options once I get my hands on the game and fool a bit with each before deciding which one to take on my first serious run... ;-)

    If BG:EE turns out to play as good as I think it will I suspect it will hold my attention until Project Eternity releases...
  • Raistlin82Raistlin82 Member Posts: 256
    It all depends on the alignment of the new characters.
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    edited September 2012

    most likely I will go with Bard first. It's my my favorite class in BG2 but really looking forward to how will Bard perform in BGEE

    I love Bards in BGII:

    - they level up quickly and often (they have one of the highest level caps)
    - they can use any weapon, cast any spell, use any magic item
    - they get the playhouse & one of the best special class items in the game
    - they play a harp and mesmerize the enemy through song and wit.
    - lore is a very handy special ability
    - can summon familiar
    - the Blade becomes so powerful in higher levels, its almost cheating! ;)

    Bards in BGI may be interesting again with kits, though I wonder if the game will now be unbalanced? ;(

  • MillardkillmooreMillardkillmoore Member Posts: 150
    I'm torn between a a female Inquisitor and a male LN Half-Orc Barbarian, but I'll probably start with the Barbarian. I've never tried one at low levels before and they seem like they'd be pretty powerful in BG1.
  • SenashSenash Member Posts: 405
    PEWPEW! Sorcerer ftw! :D
    Considering Bard too (Blade ofc... Duh! :) )

    Loved the CLERIC-MEDIC line :D (just saying)
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