What are you playing?

Just curious as to what people are currently playing. Which game? What character are you running with? Are you attempting a challenge/RP? How far through are you?
I'm playing BG1 on insane atm with the intent to go the whole way to the end of ToB. So far I'm at Durlag's Tower having recently escaped the catacombs of Candlekeep.

I considered trying LoB but from what I hear enemies have ridiculous HP n it sounded like it could be a little too much of a tedious grind.
I'm playing BG1 on insane atm with the intent to go the whole way to the end of ToB. So far I'm at Durlag's Tower having recently escaped the catacombs of Candlekeep.

I considered trying LoB but from what I hear enemies have ridiculous HP n it sounded like it could be a little too much of a tedious grind.
special quirk : she has infinite permanent alacrity. Fun fun fun.
Anything less than 20 rep is unacceptable to her and she only travels with nice people.
Definitely not lob mode. Maximum is core rules. A lot of saving and reloading.
And full party. Just seems right to me and I have never played a solo.
SOD is tougher for me so far. The enemy groups seem to be larger on average and all I've got for room sweeping is Necklace of Missiles. The specific enemies I'm encountering at the moment are also a problem for a couple of reasons, but I suspect I'll be fighting other things soon.
I'm planning on doing an SCS/Core minimal reload with a themed party, roleplaying concentration. I will be posting it up in the 'challenge' section once its rolling. I was going to do insane (not LoB, please no... no that), but I'm kinda chicken about the combination of challenge rules and that level of hurt.
1- a neutral or neutral good necromancer, the problem is that I'm an obssessive roleplayer and spells such as deathspell and finger of death are evil spells that prevent ressurection, that would make me feel very out of character.
2- a neutral cleric , but I wanted him to follow some crazy or mosterious deity , and I couldn't it either.
3- a neutral or neutral good true bard. I've played with blades all my life, it wpuld be nice to try a classic bard who uses ranged weapons instead of dual wielding and has a really high lore value.
4- a neutral gopd brooding wizard. That is the easiest option, I guess, but I don't know if I currently have the patience to micromanage a 1st level mage.
I always play on core rules and I always allow myself reloading because , as you can see, I spend too much time developing a character to let him die permanently.
EDIT: Oh, and I started BG1 as CN barbarian. I'm in first area outside Candlekeep. Those barbarians move fast!
Thinking of swapping out for a fighter -> druid run, dueling at 7th and getting dart grand mastery when druid hits 8th, to be my PC for a first run at SoD when it hits the Mac App store. Of course, that still looks to be a year or so away, so I have plenty of time
2. Dart Grandmaster unkitted fighter with all fighter NPCs (and Imoen) in Ch6 BG2. The most deadly charname I've ever played. It's Bhaals to the wall charging all the way through. Loads of fun. Shoot first ask questions later with 6 wisdom. All ranged attacks with knives, darts, axes or hammers, amid spell sequenced teleport fields. Untouchable.
3. Shapeshifter solo in in Ch1 BG1 with plan to play with Vhailor's Helm and Amulet of Power through BG2.
- Storied play through with a Beastmaster dualed to cleric. Stuck in the Bandit Camp atm. But will attempt to plow through it soon. you can read the entire play through so far here: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/35472/a-storied-playthrough-sahil-quick-full-trilogy-run-full-reload-role-play#latest
- First SoD run with a CN Swashbuckler/Fighter just woke something up to kill it. Party of Corwin, Minsc, Safana, Voghiln and Dynaheir (dualled to a cleric)
- BG2 run with a half elven Ranger/Cleric currently in the Sahuagin City with Mazzy, Valygar, Jan, Neera, and Haer'Dalis.
- A test run in BG2 to see if you can collect enough money from the shadow thieves before hitting the slums without cheating (currently in Chateau Irencius).
- Shaman test run currently out of Chateau Irencius (probably will be abandoned here)
- My new BeeCee run with a cleric/thief half-orc wearing a spiffy hat sitting in the Candlekeep Inn.
- My shorty run through IWD. 3 gnomes (shadow dancer, illusionist/cleric, illusionist/thief) 3 dwarves (Dwarven Defender, Barbarian, Priest of Tempus) just starting Chapter 6.
- My tablet IWD run (Bard, Dragon Discipline, Archer, Undead Hunter, Druid) although haven't left the first town yet.
- My coloured run of the Black Pits starring Perriwinkle (half-elf) the Jester, Scarlette (human) the Inquisitor, Emerald (elf) the Archer, Dwhyte (halfling)the Priest of Lathander, Bayge (elf) the Dragon Disciple, and Blaque (gnome) the Shadowdancer currently on Tier 2.
That's it though.I'll do that, thanks for the idea!
1: Dwarf Zerker/cleric created in BG1 (keepered and quite heavily tampered with; played as singleclass berzerker up to 500 000 exp, then dualed to singleclass cleric up to 500 000+ exp then switched back to multiclass zerker/cleric). He's chasing after yaga-shura currently and is invincible. Gonna go all the way with this one. Played on PC.
2: Blade created in SoA, about halfway through the SoA. Will probably not go all the way with this one since I've already played so many blades. Casually played on IOS.
3: Stalker, created in BG1 and recently started. I'm gonna play this one as "me" and not powerplay. Keepered two prof points for two handed weapons from dual wield for RP reasons, but otherwise not altered. He's gonna team up with guys I'd prolly team up with in real life, so he has Imoen, Garrick and Kivan currently and will get Coran eventually. No mages and no clerics for this run, just a shitload of arrows and stealth. He's a bit inspired by the Witcher, but with a bit of Robin Hood and other inspirations mixed in as well. I chose between F/T or Stalker. I wanted to play hunter-type character (ranger) but with the abilities of a F/T, meaning stealth, BS and traps. I might edit in traps later on, but haven't decided. Might trade it for some bhaalspawn powers to make it balanced. It's not like the stalker is OP to begin with though. Really excited about this run. Played on PC.
People overlook rangers spells but they too give the class a bit more flavour than a fighter/thief.
Sure it ain't like they can replace a druid/ cleric but being able to cast a few slow poison, cure disease and armor of faith is fairly cool (cure disease removes disease, blindness, deafness and feeble mind fyi) is really nice imo. The trick is only focusing on one spell per level.
I also completely agree that any ranger should have detect and remove traps, which d&d also seemingly agreed with post 2ed.
Was wandering around the Sword Coast on the lookout for a new adventure after clearing the Mines in Nashkel. Almost lost two companions at Ulcaster (damn you SCS!!), but luckily found some riches in the Firewine Ruins (Robe of the Evil Archmagi which I sadly can not use).
One of the Halflings in Gullykin told me about a tower in the north east and am now heading there (I know that I will fail miserably and probably lose some companions to the Battle Horror at the beginning, but my CHARNAME is not aware of that ;D). CHARNAME however is not really interested in solving the Iron Crisis at the moment (may change though if she faced both assassin groups).
Also, a pic of her (portrait commissioned by the lovely artastrophe)