Hi Edvin, I just realised there is a few small bug for this mod.
1) BAM for Key Ring + Togue of acid not displaying properly (Fixed by importing bam from SOD to BG2 override) 2) Identified Items for all the new added gear in Cre. files. (Fixed it by unchecking the ID flag using EEKeeper.)
Anyone need these files let me know, I will attached them and u can just copy+paste to your override folder. Take note that the new Cre. files will only works if you have not enter the map where the Cre is.
So... with the new patch coming out. Are these mods still working? I haven't gotten my new pc yet... and i want to try these when i back. Especially the Key ring.
1º - In the buying screen in adventure's mart, the butcher of innocents image is blurred (almost like the missing n° from pokemon, if anyone got the reference).
2º - The circlet of Cynosure "useble by" description is totally messed.
3º - The shield of egons isn't recognizing the special classes it's designed to give extra bonus, my Undead Hunter is receiving +1 turn undead bonus instead of +2.
I don't know if there's other issues, if i find any i will report here. By the way i'm playing with a totally original installation, except by this mod. Debug file attached.
I made a small update before the release (final) version 3.0
I fixed a few typos and one or two problems with some items.
Version 3.0 will contain:
1) 2-3 new Spears
2) At least two new bosses
3) 5-10 new items (lots of new items is in progress but some (yet) do not work the way I want)
4) Modified installation for better compatibility with other mods
What happened to version 3.0? Are you still working on it?
I made a small update before the release (final) version 3.0
I fixed a few typos and one or two problems with some items.
Version 3.0 will contain:
1) 2-3 new Spears
2) At least two new bosses
3) 5-10 new items (lots of new items is in progress but some (yet) do not work the way I want)
4) Modified installation for better compatibility with other mods
What happened to version 3.0? Are you still working on it?
I created an account specifically to thank you for this. I'm gearing up for another run since the announcement of bg3 and this will breathe new life into it.
Any ideas what's stopping the install. All the other mods Ive installed have had no problems.
global BG_path
tell application "Finder"
set this_folder to (the container of (path to me)) as alias
set my_path to POSIX path of this_folder
set BG_path to quoted form of my_path
end tell
set weidu_path to my_path & "weidu"
tell application "Finder" to set weidu_exists to exists my POSIX file weidu_path
if weidu_exists is false then
tell application "Finder"
set bundled_path to my_path & "Mac WeiDU Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/weidu"
set bundled_weidu to quoted form of bundled_path
end tell
do shell script ("cp " & bundled_weidu & " " & BG_path)
end if
set mod_files to (do shell script "find " & BG_path & " -iname *.tp2") as text
set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {".tp2"}
set tp2_list to text items of mod_files as list
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
on error
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
end try
set mod_list to {}
repeat with an_item in tp2_list
set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"/"}
set mod_list to mod_list & last text item of an_item
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
on error
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
end try
end repeat
set chosen_mod to {choose from list mod_list} as text
set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"setup-"}
set corrected_mod to last text item of chosen_mod
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
on error
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
end try
set setup_mod to "setup-" & corrected_mod as string
set mod_path to (my_path) & (setup_mod) as string
set escaped_path to "'" & my_path & setup_mod & "'" as string
tell application "Finder" to set mod_weidu_exists to exists my POSIX file mod_path
if mod_weidu_exists is false then
do shell script ("ln -s " & BG_path & "weidu " & BG_path & setup_mod)
do shell script ("rm " & escaped_path)
do shell script ("ln -s " & BG_path & "weidu " & BG_path & setup_mod)
end try
end if
tell application "Terminal"
delay 1
if (count of windows) is 0 then
do script ("cd " & BG_path)
do script ("cd " & BG_path) in window 1
end if
delay 1
do script ("./" & setup_mod) in window 1
end tell
tell application "Terminal" to activate
Screaming bagpipes doesn't seem to work i.e. causes no damage. Only effect is a very faint harp-like sound similar to the other instruments I guess, definitely not what you'd expect from something named screaming bagpipes, haha. Was trying to use it on a jester which should deal double damage, but nothing, pretty disappointing, lol. Otherwise, really like the mod - I had similar feelings about most of the items which were formerly useless, and they look nice.
Only other mod I had installed was ascension and rogue rebalancing so I tried uninstalling rebalancing and reinstalling this - didn't change.
Just installed and noticed 2 things. The components I installed all do appear in game without having to start a new game: Core component, New items, SoD items, Free Action, Better Archery Shop. The 2nd thing I found was a bug - if you right click on Bolts of Ice in the new archery shop, the game crashes. This is the only SoD ammo in the mod that does that for some reason.
Yeah I also remember the game crashing bug - when you kill Clowded Wizards boss Zatanna (or what was her name), and than you try to pick (and I am not sure which one was it) gold or some of the gems from her corpse, the game also freezes/crashes.
Hello i'm writing in this discussion to say it was a great mod,i just finish my entire campaign of baldur's gate 2 EE with this mod and many others and the items this mod add are fantastic.
unfortunately i haven't found the hourglass of gond,i know it has a link with the cowled wizards but i didn't find it ,does anyone have an hint or know where to find that famous new secret boss of this mod ?
Good month.
Hello i'm writing in this discussion to say it was a great mod,i just finish my entire campaign of baldur's gate 2 EE with this mod and many others and the items this mod add are fantastic.
unfortunately i haven't found the hourglass of gond,i know it has a link with the cowled wizards but i didn't find it ,does anyone have an hint or know where to find that famous new secret boss of this mod ?
Good month.
Just keep violating those Athkatla "no magic without license" rules and fight summoned Clowded Wizards units and she will eventually show up.
Thanks for the reply it will help me for my new playthrough,this mod siege of dragonspear 2 baldurs gate 2 ee item upgrade seems really cool but if i play with it with unofficial item pack will some items become bug out or will it work perfectly with each other ?
Thanks again .
@Pierpoljack No problem. To your additional question - well Unofficial item pack adds SoD items to Ribald's store. Siege of Dragonspear EE item upgrade mod on the other hand adds SoD items into different places and different NPCs thorough the game. That said I believe that you will simply get two copies of items which appear in both mods And if you ok with that I guess than there will be no major issues or game crashes.
@Pierpoljack No problem. To your additional question - well Unofficial item pack adds SoD items to Ribald's store. Siege of Dragonspear EE item upgrade mod on the other hand adds SoD items into different places and different NPCs thorough the game. That said I believe that you will simply get two copies of items which appear in both mods And if you ok with that I guess than there will be no major issues or game crashes.
You are correct! But there are also other issues with the Unofficial Item Pack. Some of the items aren't imported correctly, some of their effects not working properly. I am not going to knock it too much though. It did serve as inspiration for my mod
Thanks for the reply it will help me for my new playthrough,this mod siege of dragonspear 2 baldurs gate 2 ee item upgrade seems really cool but if i play with it with unofficial item pack will some items become bug out or will it work perfectly with each other ?
Thanks again .
Out of curiosity... why both? anything in particular in UIP that my mod doesn't have?
@Daeros_Trollkiller well I guess that people still using UIP due to its other parts.
I guess that most popularity of this MOD gets the part which modificate some plot items (which was originally idea of one of the MOD by @AionZ and @AionZ discontinued that mod due to the fact that UIP "borrow" this idea - if I get it right).
For example UIP allows your character to eat the plot items from Ust Natha Underdark quest (Kuo-Tuan prince blood for permanent +1 strenght bonus etc.) or make Symbol of Amaunator from Imnesville quest a usable item (ads Sunray spell or something like that).
Anyway I am not sure if all these changes and opportunities does not exploit the game and make your character OP. But that is for another discussion.
@Endarire well most "funny" thing about it is that your character can eat all three of Ust Natha plot items (Kuo-tuan blood, Mind Flyers Elder Brain blood and Beholders Eye orb) so the Underdark story arc will become unfinishable and you will be stuck in Ust Natha forever (well not forever of course because your characters soul just being stolen by Irenicus, so you will die sooner than later with horrible death)
@Edvin I'm not sure you're maintaining this mod any more, but I'd like to report a conflict with the Cowled Menace mod. You're both fighting over mage18z.cre, as Cowled Menace uses Zallanora as a major character in its story.
I think this is a much easier fix on your side than it is on their side, if you just don't copy mage18z.cre on line 182 of your tp2, and just patch your item onto their version of the creature. (Unless there's some other reason you're replacing mage18z.cre that I'm not seeing.)
@Endarire well most "funny" thing about it is that your character can eat all three of Ust Natha plot items (Kuo-tuan blood, Mind Flyers Elder Brain blood and Beholders Eye orb) so the Underdark story arc will become unfinishable and you will be stuck in Ust Natha forever (well not forever of course because your characters soul just being stolen by Irenicus, so you will die sooner than later with horrible death)
That's not true
A lot of people don't realize it, but you can skip this whole chapter. The moment you reach the underdark, you can go straight to the exit, kill a few drow guards and return to the surface.
So if you eat all these quest items, you will never be able to complete their quest (and you will lose a lot of experience and magic items) but you can leave completely freely.
@Edvin I'm not sure you're maintaining this mod any more, but I'd like to report a conflict with the Cowled Menace mod. You're both fighting over mage18z.cre, as Cowled Menace uses Zallanora as a major character in its story.
I think this is a much easier fix on your side than it is on their side, if you just don't copy mage18z.cre on line 182 of your tp2, and just patch your item onto their version of the creature. (Unless there's some other reason you're replacing mage18z.cre that I'm not seeing.)
I have a pretty good reason. I completely changed the scripts and behavior of this character. I was trying to create the ultimate magician. Someone that even Irenicus would not defeat. It's hard to say how successful I was, but a lot of people agree that Zallanora is now really hard to kill (and if you come up with a trick to easily kill her, let me know and I'll make her even stronger ).
Honestly, I'm not much more than an avid amateur and my skills are quite limited.
I can create/edit/place items and edit existing characters.
That is all.
Anyway was hoping you can add for kit specific items, such as this. (I created this myself just for convenient)
1) BAM for Key Ring + Togue of acid not displaying properly (Fixed by importing bam from SOD to BG2 override)
2) Identified Items for all the new added gear in Cre. files. (Fixed it by unchecking the ID flag using EEKeeper.)
Anyone need these files let me know, I will attached them and u can just copy+paste to your override folder. Take note that the new Cre. files will only works if you have not enter the map where the Cre is.
Just passing to report some bugs with this mod:
1º - In the buying screen in adventure's mart, the butcher of innocents image is blurred (almost like the missing n° from pokemon, if anyone got the reference).
2º - The circlet of Cynosure "useble by" description is totally messed.
3º - The shield of egons isn't recognizing the special classes it's designed to give extra bonus, my Undead Hunter is receiving +1 turn undead bonus instead of +2.
I don't know if there's other issues, if i find any i will report here. By the way i'm playing with a totally original installation, except by this mod. Debug file attached.
yeah i too want to know what happened with that
ln: Pack: No such file or directory
ln: Pack: No such file or directory (1)
I can then press edit and it looks like I can edit some script;
(my game directory is; EskaliaMacbook ▸ Users ▸ eskalia23 ▸ Beamdog Library ▸ 00783)
Any ideas what's stopping the install. All the other mods Ive installed have had no problems.
Only other mod I had installed was ascension and rogue rebalancing so I tried uninstalling rebalancing and reinstalling this - didn't change.
unfortunately i haven't found the hourglass of gond,i know it has a link with the cowled wizards but i didn't find it ,does anyone have an hint or know where to find that famous new secret boss of this mod ?
Good month.
It is some time since I played with this mod (since I substitute it with @Daeros_Trollkiller https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/76631/mod-siege-of-dragonspear-2-baldurs-gate2-ee-item-upgrade-v1-2-0-released/p1 mod in my recent playthrought) but I believe that there are few new items in it.
Thanks for the reply it will help me for my new playthrough,this mod siege of dragonspear 2 baldurs gate 2 ee item upgrade seems really cool but if i play with it with unofficial item pack will some items become bug out or will it work perfectly with each other ?
Thanks again .
You are correct! But there are also other issues with the Unofficial Item Pack. Some of the items aren't imported correctly, some of their effects not working properly. I am not going to knock it too much though. It did serve as inspiration for my mod
Out of curiosity... why both? anything in particular in UIP that my mod doesn't have?
I guess that most popularity of this MOD gets the part which modificate some plot items (which was originally idea of one of the MOD by @AionZ and @AionZ discontinued that mod due to the fact that UIP "borrow" this idea - if I get it right).
For example UIP allows your character to eat the plot items from Ust Natha Underdark quest (Kuo-Tuan prince blood for permanent +1 strenght bonus etc.) or make Symbol of Amaunator from Imnesville quest a usable item (ads Sunray spell or something like that).
Anyway I am not sure if all these changes and opportunities does not exploit the game and make your character OP. But that is for another discussion.
Eating plot items sounds appealing!
I think this is a much easier fix on your side than it is on their side, if you just don't copy mage18z.cre on line 182 of your tp2, and just patch your item onto their version of the creature. (Unless there's some other reason you're replacing mage18z.cre that I'm not seeing.)
That's not true
A lot of people don't realize it, but you can skip this whole chapter. The moment you reach the underdark, you can go straight to the exit, kill a few drow guards and return to the surface.
So if you eat all these quest items, you will never be able to complete their quest (and you will lose a lot of experience and magic items) but you can leave completely freely.
I have a pretty good reason. I completely changed the scripts and behavior of this character. I was trying to create the ultimate magician. Someone that even Irenicus would not defeat. It's hard to say how successful I was, but a lot of people agree that Zallanora is now really hard to kill (and if you come up with a trick to easily kill her, let me know and I'll make her even stronger
Honestly, I'm not much more than an avid amateur and my skills are quite limited.
I can create/edit/place items and edit existing characters.
That is all.