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[MOD] BGII:EE - Unofficial Item Pack



  • southfla79southfla79 Member Posts: 214
    A lot of the tweaks in EET Tweaks are actually compatible with other games. Read me below:
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 193
    edited April 2023
    Hey @Edvin , Love the Mod.

    Just one thing , I don't know if you could tweak the dimension Door on Amulet of the Hearthfire to work for any distance , not just line of site.

    Sorta like Atweaks component itself , so the dimension Door spell itself to work for any distance along the map.

    I actually prefer the Item delay from using the Amulet abd how long it takes to move the character, makes it feel more intense and lorewise it feels appropriate that its not as instantaneous as its spell counterpart, but to truelly help in fights , I just feel it shouldn't be limited by line of site.
  • chibisenseichibisensei Member Posts: 36
    Hi - great mod - some very nice tweaks to existing items

    Ring of superior arcane clumsiness -
    is actually cursed - lol - when you put it on a character (eg Minsc) and then have him leave the party the ring returns to you - when I saw this - i thought wow - a really cursed ring - it always comes back to the main character :P

  • dunehunterdunehunter Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2023
    @Edvin hi first of all nice mod! I have a question about Mask of King Strohm III, the helm used to have crit protection and everyone can use it (even mages) and EE patched it so it lose the crit protection just like Ioun stones. I see this mod add that back and even give it 1 ac, will this still be used by mages or it is treated as normal helm?

    So the mask of king and shadowdragon wardstone both grant helm crit protection (apparently they shouldn't if it is treated as ioun stone)

    Also will the boo change conflict with CDTweak's Move Boo Into Minsc's Pack, since you will need to put Boo in quickslot to use it but move it to pack breaks this?
    Post edited by dunehunter on
  • dunehunterdunehunter Member Posts: 10
    24) Silver Dragon Scales - New drop from Adalon

    Tested on new playthrough and this is not on Adalon.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    edvin wrote:

    > Ok, I want someone to propose some item. A weapon, armor, a usable item, I don't care.
    > Just a general description, I don't need exact numbers or specific information.
    > I will create the first item that will be realistically possible to create. B)

    I love Jan. It's one of my favourite characters of BG2. The guy is just so cool!

    Small and kickass. Sure, other mages are stronger, and pure thieves can be
    deadlier too, but Jan is kind of the ultimate trickster.

    So I was thinking ... how about an item for Jan? But an item that does not quite
    exist yet.

    Jan is probably a gambler, so I suggest a cheating device for gamblers. Perhaps
    some loaded dice. Or some oily substance for fingertips, from a jar, similar
    to Jan's alchemy thingy.

    Anyway, the idea is that this item can increase the luck for some value (not
    sure how much is ok, +1 to +3 or something) for some duration, say 2 hours
    or something that lasts a bit longer than one battle.

    It can work only on Jan, or if you want to make it more useful, on all thieves,
    or even on everyone, similar to that teddy bear shield from tales of the deep
    or something.

    Or some other device that can be used for trickery-purposes, which is why I
    suggested to modify luck. Could also increase dexterity for a bit, but it
    should be a useful item, not an overpowered one.

    By the way, the mod is really great and it should be hosted on github too.
    I suggested to the spellstudio github folks to help people come together
    into one big meta-project on github, so that old downloads are not disappearing
    once content creators vanish. We kind of should preserve this for future
    generations to come.

    On the Gond item thingy: I think you need to solve this before Unfinished
    Business triggering Minsc disappearing Boo. Because after that quest the
    cowled wizards will never again show up, so I think the Gond item could never
    be obtained anymore. I haven't tested this yet though, but I think when you
    install many mods you kind of have to think about how to be able to solve
    them, without breaking other mods. That's the problem with mods.

    PS: Since some mods install katanas, and there are many overpowered katanas,
    how about a katana that is similar to the speaking sword you get from under
    the first pub? It could be a moody katana, aka with dialogue options - if
    the talking katana has a depression then it is only +1 and makes annoying
    comments. If its mood improves, it gets +3 or something and deals +1
    extra damage electricity or so (again, useful, but not overpowered).

    Another idea for an item would be a shield that could give stoneskin and
    could perhaps be obtained from the golem area. Yet another idea may be
    some darts that would taint the target with glittering dust for some
    rounds - so disposable items.

    PSS: Perhaps someone could one day create a meta-mod for all items. And
    re-balance the items a LITTLE BIT. Some items are garbage, others are
    too overpowered IMO. It is hard to achieve good balance.

    PSSS: in regards to overwriting files, this is why I think a meta-meta
    mod for items should be created, hosted on github and co-maintained
    by several people who understand the format. Often when there is just
    a single developer, for better or worse, you can create a great mod,
    but it can also break other things. I have noticed this with different
    mods now and it is annoying if it breaks other unrelated mods. So
    we could need some quality control overall.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    Also, in regards to criticism: there is a LOT that is not easily found because
    barely anyone documented things. This makes it hard for new people to
    understand what is going on. Another reason why I think we should all
    build a huge team for github sharing purposes and changing of mods,
    ESPECIALLY if the original author is no longer active, or some other
    problems exist (such as the messenger that keeps on crashing the game,
    I ran into this issue - thankfully I read on the forum here that we can kill
    him via time stop + disintegrate, so I can kill that game-crashing bastard
    at the least until someone manages to fix that problem).
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    By the way, since SCS was mentioned above: I found SCS also creates
    problems in regards to other mods. In general I try to avoid mods that
    make mega-meta-changes because it breaks so many things. Tactics
    remix is a wonderful example: I love some changes, such as the
    kenzai ninja or the gnome ninja, but other things such as improved
    irenicus with that fat mega-dragon are just annoying to no ends, and
    other things outright break (e. g. Dusk NPC, where in the area in
    the docks district there are vampire liches, and you can not even
    LEAVE THE FUDGING AREA because the guy who wrote it was not
    the brightest person on this planet - I HATE mods that lock down
    an area and force you to fight-or-break-the-game. I understand the
    "don't cheese" the gameplay, but on e. g. highest difficulty, some
    fights are no more challenges but instead just the author being
    a troll. The katana-kenzai and gnome kenzai are hard, but still
    manageble. I write this because some mods simply do too much,
    and the big mega-mods are all in ways guilty of that. I also hate
    the change of rules for the most part, tactics remix should be
    re-written. Or just forked off and people resume from there since
    many original authors just disappeared anyway.)
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    > Hey, any chances you'd make the "Key ring - New drop from Ilyich" compatybile with the skip chateau irenicus mod
    > (by Argent77)? Or make it purchasable at the mart?

    I think you can simply take all items from the hidden spots nearby. At the least when I look at it
    I can take the key ring. I always skip the initial dungeon since I hate having to redo it for the
    1000x time. Do you not find the items hidden there in the stash? I think there are three stashes,
    check all of them. I also had the situation where some cowled wizard NPC blocked the northern
    stash, but I think you can kill them if they are still there (sometimes they are there, sometimes
    not; I think some mod is causing issues. I guess it is more logical if they are all dead instead.)
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    In regards to "04) Hourglass of Gond - Reward for the hardest fight of your life."

    One of the above posters wrote how he prepared via various scrolls against
    magic and what not.

    I think while that is valid, I found an easier "workaround".

    So the first part of the battle was quite annoying and hard, but somehow the
    enemy AI made the female mage mirror image, and then move to the top
    right, after I used the ring of the ram to knock her towards that position.

    At that time, or already before that time, she was spamming that spell where
    some coloured orbs or balls are moving outside, and kept on doing that.
    I believe skeletons are immune to that, so I surrounded her with skeletons.

    Then it was easy to slowly whittle away on her via ranged weapons; also
    having one berzerk guy such as Korgan helps.

    I think the party was level 12 to 14 or so, still in chapter 3. Having said that
    some mods that are installed have super-helpful items in general, so my
    party was stronger than "vanilla" builds. So the fight was actually not THAT
    difficult in the end, especially after having breach and true sight (again some
    items provide that too).
  • morpheus562morpheus562 Member Posts: 427
    By the way, since SCS was mentioned above: I found SCS also creates
    problems in regards to other mods. In general I try to avoid mods that
    make mega-meta-changes because it breaks so many things. Tactics
    remix is a wonderful example: I love some changes, such as the
    kenzai ninja or the gnome ninja, but other things such as improved
    irenicus with that fat mega-dragon are just annoying to no ends, and
    other things outright break (e. g. Dusk NPC, where in the area in
    the docks district there are vampire liches, and you can not even
    LEAVE THE FUDGING AREA because the guy who wrote it was not
    the brightest person on this planet - I HATE mods that lock down
    an area and force you to fight-or-break-the-game. I understand the
    "don't cheese" the gameplay, but on e. g. highest difficulty, some
    fights are no more challenges but instead just the author being
    a troll. The katana-kenzai and gnome kenzai are hard, but still
    manageble. I write this because some mods simply do too much,
    and the big mega-mods are all in ways guilty of that. I also hate
    the change of rules for the most part, tactics remix should be
    re-written. Or just forked off and people resume from there since
    many original authors just disappeared anyway.)

    Tactics Remix is rewritten from the ground up with permission from Wes. Others are welcome to make their own version of the original Tactics with Wes' permission, but my interpretation of it is not for others to fork without permission. Tactics Remix is also actively being maintained. Regarding Dusk, both the original Tactics and Back to Brynnlaw use that area, so that is on Dusk's author to correct any issues that arise from his mod (he has been notified of the bug). Additionally, Tactics Remix is supposed to be a difficult mod, and I will not lower the standard of difficulty as it diminishes the experiences for those who are playing for the challenge. If you don't want a fat mega-dragon, then don't install that component. It's really that simple.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    I think many players are very pleased that we get to revisit the Tactics mod in the EE era. Thank you for that Morpheus!!
    There are a lot of mods for us to play, all free but like regular buffet eaters, we tend to stuff our plates with interesting stuff well beyond reason and limit. That is our problem and not the buffet.

    Older mods didnt foresee the things they could break because the work wasnt coordinated for future mega mod. It was a stand alone piece of work. Even when the BWS surfaced the tactical mods where flagged as potential bug introducing and had to be chosen as the last in line - and with a dire warning that bugs and and other stuff might happen. Thats how it was, and perhaps still is. The modders do plenty to fix bugs, but sometimes its just us players who fill the plate to much.

    The tactics is a great mod. And should be a pain to complete. Nerfing it is against the authors expressed wishes of the author and the mods many fans. So I think it is where it should be. Best wishes
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    Guenhwyvar's Figurine is a must have. I always end up having
    to kill Drizzt for the Figurine. :D

    Wizard hat I also like - the gains are not that huge, but
    it just looks so stylish on a Kenzai-Mage! (Or Jan. But he
    gets that helmet from The Bridge Block since it raises
    INT by +2 which seems to help Jan a lot.)
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    I am modifying this mod a little bit right now (go me \o/).

    I also looked at some of the .BMP files such as CLEAVERX.BMP and
    modified it (I had to drop some blood on it). I do this mostly as
    a learning experience until I understand the strange language mods
    use, but also, when I looked at the above listing of items, I did not
    find the cleaver. Could the initial listing (in this thread here) also
    add the cleaver and where it may be found? Could also more
    spoiler entries be added? Some items do not seem to be listed
    in the first thread, unless I missed them.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    Anyway, the idea is that this item can increase the luck for some value (not
    sure how much is ok, +1 to +3 or something) for some duration, say 2 hours
    or something that lasts a bit longer than one battle.
    Or some other device that can be used for trickery-purposes, which is why I
    suggested to modify luck. Could also increase dexterity for a bit, but it
    should be a useful item, not an overpowered one.
    Something that gives +3 Luck, and in a mod where there is already a mantle that gives +1 to it, is extremely OP in the game.

  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    I found another way to cheese Hourglass of Gond, although it
    was semi-accidental and I did not "deliberately" use that
    strategy to milk it. But I still found it fun to report it

    So, get Paina the spider druid; that requires another mod.

    Trigger the cowled wizards showing up. I use the gate location
    since it does not have many NPCs. I also installed the
    stronger city guards, but this is not necessary - it's just
    funny when the city guards try to kill the cowled enforcers.

    Summon the tiny spiders via the ring from Paina. Cast haste
    on them. Send them into battle.

    In the last fight against Zalla or whatever is her name,
    her AI keeps on spamming those coloured balls. Spiders tend
    to die but there are many of them, in particular if you
    let some of them attack her from the read side (she will
    face only one direction so you can move around in her
    back; I did this with my main character, you can get in
    one or even two strikes, but with the spiders that is
    not necessary).

    The tiny spiders killed Zalla quickly, due to poison
    as well as casting web (which I think may disable her
    spellcasting). A bit of luck is also involved but I
    just killed her with only the tiny spiders. And that
    means she can be killed early on and the Hourglass is
    yours (which I think is a great item but also overpowered,
    if anyone ever reworks this mod perhaps allow the Hourglass
    to cast timestop but add some penalty to it, be it fatigue,
    slow, or some reduced mental stats for some time; hourglass
    is too overpowered for final bosses who can not deal well
    with time stop, because you get in so many free things to
    do, be it free strikes or free spells to soften up the
    target or cast disposable summonables and so on).
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    I semi-accidentally found another lazy way to beat the Hourglass of Gond challenge (and I think the mod may have to changed a little bit as it is too easy to exploit parts of it). I'd do my usual routine to defeat the cowled Enforcers, including the final boss, but this time my party level was rather low, so I had no realistic chance to break through (well, perhaps with some specific items, but that would be too much effort to obtain them). So after I killed all but the final boss, at the city gate, I went outside the sight of her (but still within the city gates) and just idled (I was multitasking so I was not paying attention). When I came back the final boss was dead \o/. The city guards killed her (although these were improved ones from another mod). It was quite surprising to see as I never thought of using the city guards to defeat bosses (I think her protection probably wears out over time). Now if only I could teleport these city guards to dragons and have them kill dragons ...

    There are also semi-exploits elsewhere in the game, sometimes related to mods. For instance, one mod yields an axe of vorpal for Korgan and he actually managed to vorpal the dragon in chapter 7 or so at the very beginning of the fight, for the talisman of Rillifane. Admittedly the party I had back then was very strong already, so the dragon had no chance anyway, but one-shotting is pretty hilarious, even if overpowered (I mostly try to adhere to vanilla games, so most of the mod changes I try to reject).

    PS: Perhaps there may be some more ways of exploiting the Hourglass of Gond, perhaps even with regular guards. Some of the AI can sometimes be exploited, like whenever it does something that is predictable. Others may be more creative to find ways of in-game exploits.
  • DaveTheBraveDaveTheBrave Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2024
    Hi @Edvin, I made an Italian translation of your mod!

    I'm attaching the .TRA file with all the italian lines (on my local machine I've already updated the .TP2 file to test them) so you can produce a newer version of the mod. Below there's a brief guide on how I translated your work, so you can trust my content:



    Already existing items, upgraded / changed:
    I've seen that items in this category had their original description, plus additional text to better describe their functions. I've copy/pasted the original description from NearInfinity, and translated the additional content.

    Siege of Dragonspear items:
    These were the most easier to translate, as they are the same items present in SoD. I've copy/pasted their content from NearInfinity.

    New items:
    For obvious reasons NearInfinity was useless here, as they are new, so I fully translated them myself.



    Where possible (SoD items) I copy/pasted the italian properties. Where not, I simply translated everything into italian, keeping the structure of the item properties (equipped abilities, charge abilities, strength requirement, etc) the same as the rest of any other item in the game. To easily accomplish this, I've opened up NearInfinity, used some item as example and translated the item properties while keeping the original text structure, punctuation, format.


    For each item I then made a complete check to be sure that everything, especially descriptions, had sense and was well written.

    At my working place we use english language as standard, I usually play videogames in english, I'm a long-time Dungeon Master and I'm not new to D&D terms or Forgotten Realms stuff, so I had no problems in understanding the english meaning of your mod's content, including new items. I decided to play BG2EE in italian to fully enjoy the story and every line from every NPC, but I cannot play this game anymore without this mod, so I decided to translate it.

    Last thing, If I can make a suggestion, would you consider to upload your mod on The Gibberlings Three Modding Community? It would have much, much more visibility, and I think it deserves it!
    Post edited by DaveTheBrave on
  • would you consider to upload your mod on Github?

    It will be very useful for the translator to submit the translation files.
  • DaveTheBraveDaveTheBrave Member Posts: 24
    would you consider to upload your mod on Github?

    It will be very useful for the translator to submit the translation files.

    Yeah, with GH I could even open a PR and produce the newer version myself, so it would be great!
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