Make war, not love.

The Unpopular Opinions thread gets constantly derailed because of stuff not actually being unpopular or people using it as a place to vent instead. Or something. So here is a place where you can just word any negative opinion you have about the games, D&D or other related things.
Please do not (I repeat: DO NOT) discuss controversial stuff here. You know exactly what I am refering to.
Do keep the forum rules in mind.
Be civil.
Don't bash.
Don't argue.
Everything here is personal opinion.

Let me start:
I think D&D's basilisks are dumb.
Where I come from, basilisks are chicken-snake-hybrids.
Not eight-legged lizards.
It rustles my jimmies when I see halflings wearing shoes or not having hairy feet.
Please do not (I repeat: DO NOT) discuss controversial stuff here. You know exactly what I am refering to.
Do keep the forum rules in mind.
Be civil.
Don't bash.
Don't argue.
Everything here is personal opinion.

Let me start:
I think D&D's basilisks are dumb.
Where I come from, basilisks are chicken-snake-hybrids.
Not eight-legged lizards.
It rustles my jimmies when I see halflings wearing shoes or not having hairy feet.
Not just expy Egyptians. Real Egyptians. Who came to Fearun through a portal from our world.
On the bright side, I hope there will be one day the game that could become new BG for me.
but I loathe that (in pathfinder, at least) the antipaladin is an actual base class. The object oriented programmer in me dies a little bit when facing such redundancy in class definitions.
Or the entire reputation system.
That the cleric kits are for gods rather than concepts. That really limits the RP value. I'd rather than a 'cleric of law' with domain abilities and a list of gods he could worship than to be stuck with Helm.
That the location of traps doesn't shift between runs. A quibble I know, but the replay-ability would be greatly enhanced if you didn't know exactly where not to step.
Imagine the Daeveron fight of those traps were randomly placed in the various hallways each reload. Missed a trap? It could be anywhere! So just like charname you never are certain that you are safe.
Imoen, Imoen, Imoen, Imoen,..................ect.
I don't like the character concept, a highly intellegent NPC who acts like a uneducated guttersnipe and years younger than they are.
Why? Both of you grew up in a library, a place where knowledge/learning was the most valuable commodity. Any child with that high an intelligence would have worked out that the best way to gain favour was to learn and she would have found it easy.
(plus many Charnames of the fighter variety use intelligence as a dump stat, Imoen would be far more popular in Candlekeep than Charname)
If you really thought of her as a younger sister, you would have beaten that cutesy/ditzy crap out of them a long time ago.
And then in part 2, to add insult to injury you then have to rescue her.
Now this maybe a female perspective, sisters are notorious for not getting along especially during teenage years. And although I am long past that age, the memory of a tiresome, younger sister hanging around while you are trying to get on with your life is still there.
But my main complaint is the poor characterisation, which was then changed because the plot needed the change, and that plot change affects BG2 in a negative way anyway.
You have more than enough reason to go after Irenicus, Imoen being killed would have made it even stronger.
Bhodi is a vampire, they don't have/need souls, the whole reason she ever became a vampire was because she didn't want to die surely?
That's even mentioned.
But instead we are landed with a vaguely time limited over arching quest that always feels unsatisfactory anyway because leaving Imoen even for a few weeks, cannot be made right, not ever. She was going insane, she would be irretrievable by the time you get to Spellhold.
It even affects the end TOB scenario, Imoen for poor plot reasons, ends up alongside you as a Bhaalspawn and we get that silly "do you want to give up the taint willingly".
Which leads to the question, why on earth didn't the Gods offer that years ago to all the Bhaalspawn.
OK, deep breath, rant over.
Just kidding. I understand that Imoen follows the Sidekick archetype - a character who is loyal to the protagonist, has the the same goals and is perhaps similar aligment, but is different from the protagonist is certain aspects.
I really dislike the way people misinterpret alignments so often. Being "evil" (of any flavor) doesn't mean that you become a maniacal murderer who kills hobos on the street.
I'm not sure I follow.
Plus... Ed Greenwood makes a mint from Stargate royalties...
Maybe I should stop derailing my own thread ...
"This ludicrously huge and heavy book - more a compilation of volumes in a single binding than anything else - claims to be an extensive manual in the "fine art of Adventuring." Its many chapters include:
-Henchmen: loyal companions or seedy pack mules?
-101 uses for a 10' pole
-Catapults: Yes, that's as far as it shoots!
-Getting the most out of your party's thief
-Today's tinderbox - it's not just for lighting torches anymore.
-Dungeons to tackle: Stinky Pieter's Hall o' Poorly Guarded Gold; The Caves of Soundly Sleeping Monsters; Archmage "Loose-Bowels" Wozley the Milksop's Enchanted Item Warehouse; The Wooden Citadel of Darmos the Old and Crippled
-Dungeons to Avoid Like the Crotch-Rot: The Iron Fortress of Blodaxx, Devourer of Souls; Dominara the Erinyes' Nine-Layered Brothel of Violent Emasculation (No slaking...or slating...allowed); The Crimson Hell-Pit Of One Billion Miserable Deaths; and more!
-Your lantern and you
-Twelve Uses for Twelve Iron Spikes
-99 Uses for that little hammer that comes with twelve iron spikes
-Face it, you're actually "Neutral Evil"
-The King's Lovely Daughter: Look, But Don't Touch
-Don't put your hand in that dark hole
And over eighty more information-packed chapters covering all aspects of adventuring from hoarding to spell-casting and bold heroics to arse-saving cowardice."
So what did they decorate their gardens with, huh?
When it comes to advanced garden design, I'm afraid a mummified cat just doesn't cut it. They can't even hold a fishing line or smoke a pipe.
Egyptian Nome
They even had anthropomorphic representations.
Nome of Harawî
Look at the size of that Nome compared to the King. It looks almost gnome-size... Coincidence? I think not.
As for my gripe, it really annoys me that @Anduin made the Stargate reference before I did.
- I hate the reputation system in this game. It has dual functions - the "how people sees you" and "how good/evil you are" which is stupid.
- I am so not content with the fact that there is so little interactions in which your attributes and character class matters.