You have been waylaid by enemies and must defend yourselves!

Grab your trusted weapon!
- You have been waylaid by enemies and must defend yourselves!83 votes
- Club  8.43%
- Quarterclub  8.43%
- War Club  7.23%
- Short Club  1.20%
- Long Club10.84%
- Bastard Club19.28%
- Two-Handed Club13.25%
- Spiked Club16.87%
- Throwing Club10.84%
- Oriental Club  3.61%
takesummon a ninjaclub!If it does break, get a new club.
'Nuff said
Extremely powerful
We're knight-clubbing
bright knight-clubbing
Oh, isn't it wild?
Btw, those are Bullets of Bludgeoning +3 (extra large).