Berenn drops the Baalor claw, which Cespenar can use to upgrade the Axe of the Unyielding. He's a fire giant who can cast spells. And as a giant, he's large!
I said yessss, but they said no. The flames would have risen in the west, but I must now walk east. If you know my name you would rather I not be in the form of silver, but of...
I'm drawing blanks. I have absolutely no idea. First when you wrote about east and west and the silver I thought about Selune or maybe Shar or a silver dragon like Adalon, but nothing really fits.. and you said no gods. Then you add the "KC Masterpiece" but I have no idea what all that talk about BBQ sauce is about, hehe.. Dunno what KC is, but with masterpiece my thoughts are drawn to forging and maybe Cromwell, but can't tie that to Minsc since by masterpiece I think of Crom Faeyr of course.
@Skatan But thanks for thinking Just down 1 but not out, hehheh.
Think simpler, KC Masterpiece is a big line of BBQ sauces. And what do folks often have during the summertime in regards to BBQ sauce? What often gets underfoot at these outside events in the backyard, not counting the lil kids?
Well now, lets move it a little closer in area as well. Think in the land of BG only, and no SoD either.
The minds of everyone that has been on the forum probably has an image in their mind already of a relative to who I am talking about, connecting that image in the memory is the challenging part(almost staring everyone right in the face, literally).
OK, so it's Ingot and his Chesley Crusher halberd.
EDIT: Now that I know, all your clues makes perfect sense. Even the BBQ sauce since he wanted to roast and eat Dyna. It's quite clever actually, but way to vague for me to have ever guessed it without all the added help, hehe..
@skatan Whewwwwww. Right on. He is a bit of an obscure character but I always liked him.
We meet him heading east from the gnoll fortress to the west where he was banished from wanting to roast Dynaheir. And if I found an INGOT laying around I'd rather it be in gold, not silver. The Chelsey Crusher is not a bad weapon for a bard either.
Berenn drops the Baalor claw, which Cespenar can use to upgrade the Axe of the Unyielding.
He's a fire giant who can cast spells.
And as a giant, he's large!
You will never see me fully, but I will lend you a hand.
But my help doesn't come for free, and some see it as a curse indeed.
I am great impersonator though. Which might be the reason why my life and origin is so contested
I said yessss, but they said no.
The flames would have risen in the west, but I must now walk east.
If you know my name you would rather I not be in the form of silver, but of...
Not a god.
Let's add a hint to get the ol gray matter thinking.
What if I said KC Masterpiece might be a welcome gift?
Sokay, what if I said Minsc would NOT be the one to bring him the KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce?
Yeah, so I'm out. :P
Think simpler, KC Masterpiece is a big line of BBQ sauces. And what do folks often have during the summertime in regards to BBQ sauce? What often gets underfoot at these outside events in the backyard, not counting the lil kids?
Well now, lets move it a little closer in area as well. Think in the land of BG only, and no SoD either.
The minds of everyone that has been on the forum probably has an image in their mind already of a relative to who I am talking about, connecting that image in the memory is the challenging part(almost staring everyone right in the face, literally).
EDIT: Now that I know, all your clues makes perfect sense. Even the BBQ sauce since he wanted to roast and eat Dyna. It's quite clever actually, but way to vague for me to have ever guessed it without all the added help, hehe..
We meet him heading east from the gnoll fortress to the west where he was banished from wanting to roast Dynaheir. And if I found an INGOT laying around I'd rather it be in gold, not silver.
The Chelsey Crusher is not a bad weapon for a bard either.
Someone else have a go at it. I'll be in my cave working on my clues
Can't let ya keep that looty
Your crime you can't refutey
Coz your wearin' D's suit-y
Get up off ya booty
Coz I must do my duty
My spells you can't disputey
This time you must rebooty
Correct. Apologies for the styling, but I was a touch sleep deprived.
I am the king of my surroundings!
I will take your burden from you.
Small in stature, though great in power.