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David_Gaider needs a list



  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    edited July 2016

    mf2112 said:

    She got a holy symbol of Helm when she leveled to 25th. :)

    Also a gross lore violation. If she stays evil, she gets a symbol of Talos, too - which makes no sense. Unfortunately BG2 simplifies the deity system greatly and only has 3 deities available with their respective holy symbols (originally anyway). Why they did not just make a Symbol of Shar considering Viconia's Faith is somewhat important for her story, I can't say. But it's icky for sure.
    That sounds like something to add to the list to me then. :D
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    If Viconia is neutral, there is no reason she should not continue to be a cleric of Shar.

    If she where to become good, then she would most likely switch to Elestree. Or Selune if Rasaad got to her. I can't think of any circumstances that she would choose to switch to Helm.
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    Fardragon said:

    If Viconia is neutral, there is no reason she should not continue to be a cleric of Shar.

    If she where to become good, then she would most likely switch to Elestree. Or Selune if Rasaad got to her. I can't think of any circumstances that she would choose to switch to Helm.

    I know, it was a terrible joke. :) She really did get the holy symbol of Helm though in the game, I was quite surprised and pleased when it happened.
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    elminster said:

    As of patch 2.0 Viconia does get a symbol to Shar (Aerie likewise gets a Holy Symbol of Baervan Wildwanderer).

    I just tested and she does get the holy symbol of Shar now even if I wait to level up until after the alignment change. Well, that is kind of a bummer, I liked it more when it adapted even though Helm wasn't the appropriate choice.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Well, alignment and deities aren't immutably fused. While certain deities tend to have followers of certain alignments, there is wriggle room. And there is a lot more involved in switching to a different god than just changing your alignment - deities aren't assigned automatically or anything, that just isn't how it works.

    Good to hear though that they finally fixed the issue.
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    Alot of good points but everything that made BG great isnt too hard replicate i.e good story, isometric, NPCs, easy modding, and adding different AI tactics (like SCS)...My personal is to use a different setting as discussed below

    I can die a happy man once its done :)
  • ArcanisArcanis Member Posts: 377
    Fardragon said:

    If Viconia is neutral, there is no reason she should not continue to be a cleric of Shar.

    If she where to become good, then she would most likely switch to Elestree. Or Selune if Rasaad got to her. I can't think of any circumstances that she would choose to switch to Helm.

    Well, actually there is a reason.
    She becomes TN during the romance with her, right? But Shar rejects the notion of love and becoming a better person through the love you feel towards someone would be a complete violation of Shars dogma.

    ..Not that Helm would be a good pick for her.. I think a god of outcasts would be a good fit (since she is an outcast of drows but will suffer rejection from human and elven society, I fear).
    The problem is that a cleric needs to be rather ..close to the deity, since s/he gets the power only through them.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Arcanis said:

    Well, actually there is a reason.
    She becomes TN during the romance with her, right? But Shar rejects the notion of love and becoming a better person through the love you feel towards someone would be a complete violation of Shars dogma.

    There is still room for interpretation. It's not a given that it's the LOVE part that prompts her alignment change, you could just see it as a result of everything that happened to Viconia in CHARNAME's company; a new perspective on life and the world in general, if you so will, and not a mere result of personal affection. Also "love" is a tricky thing that I would say is not so much one absolute concept as it is a spectrum. I don't think anyone would disagree that the "love" Viconia feels (assuming you go full out down that route) is different from the "love" of, say, Aerie. Similarly, I would think that Shar's aversion to certain forms of affection is not a blanket ban on all forms of personal connection either.
  • jobbyjobby Member Posts: 181
    In terms of the personal/epic thing it could be interesting to be caught up in a war between feuding great houses (think game of thrones or the egg of the king berserk story arc).

    I don't really know if that kinda thing would be appropriate for the forgotten realms world but it could certainly make for an interesting story.

    Your characters motivations could be greed/power, ideological, or even benevolence depending on the "alignment" of the warring faction you choose to throw your weight behind.

    A war setting could also provide many interesting moral dilemmas, raiding and pillaging perhaps from the side you are aligned with or even orders to take strategic strongholds that are occupied by innocents.

    It would be a nice change from the "chosen one must rescue the world" but could still provide a reactive world which your actions can help to shape.

    Some of my faviroute story's (in jRPGs) have been in this kind of setting (tactics ogre, final fantasy tactics and suikoden) clearly these games don't have the same reactivity as we would hope for but they still made for fascinating story's and in the case of tactics ogre did have a degree of reactivity and moral dilemmas.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    I would be happy with that. Somewhere like Cormyr would be more GoT-ish. Waterdeap is a good place for feuding too, but in that case it would be powerful individuals rather than noble houses.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    DJKajuru said:

    I would like to have access to spells that enhance roleplaying and dialogue options, such as alignment detection, charm, attribute increase to affect dialogues...

    This is actually a great suggestion, I always found those RP-heavy spells to be criminally underused. IIRC there is only a single quest where using them actually does anything, which is a shame.
  • brusbrus Member Posts: 944
    Drow spider queen boss fight

  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited November 2019
    Post edited by lefreut on
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    lefreut said:

    I don't know if anyone already mention this.

    If you edit some files (for example if you add a portrait to a npc), the change should be visible in a game where you already encounter him/her not only in new games like in BG.

    Pillars of Eternity did that as of v3, and it broke Eternity Keeper (save game editor). If you edit an NPC's attributes in saved games, those changes are reverted to the stats in the base game on load.
  • mashedtatersmashedtaters Member Posts: 2,266
    It seems that this thread has gone far off topic from a list for @David_Gaider ...maybe a moderator could separate it into another thread?
  • cdxcdx Member Posts: 94
    My three:
    1. Very good story/writing in new, wonderous places (PC, companions, quests, new FR locations, good antagonist motivation)
    2. Witty/fun banter (I want the game to make me laugh/smile often, like BG1/2/SoD)
    3. Exact implementation of 5E (classes, races, slow level progression, low magic, BG2/TOB style itemisation/crafting/upgrades)

    That would be the top 3 to play and enjoy the game right now.

    Modding would be needed in order to keep playing and enjoying the game for years to come.
  • FemShepFemShep Member Posts: 22
    1. Isometric, turn-based, Unity engine.
    2. No memes, no SJWs.
    3. More than 6 party members.
  • GriboeGriboe Member Posts: 47
    1. A lot of companions to choose from. More than one of each class.
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    Avoid linearity!
    I much prefer the branching openess that BGs map provided compared to BG2's world map(Athlanka is fantastic though). Try not to gate off too many areas for story progression let us explore!

    I'd love a D&D that takes place exclusively in a HUGE city where something like the docks could have many different areas from residential, commerical and such with the populace and attitudes different within. Maybe even have us decide if we want to be more tasked by noble houses and protecting estates quests or be seedier and work in the docks and back districts, each affecting repuation and wether you can get work in one or the other. Maybe with high rep in the docks you'll get a unique mugging and low rep in the estates you'll be mistaken for a thief(or more easily correctly identified) and jailed.

    But please relax restrictions on companions or make them more unique. Maybe I have an evil wizard you doesnt want a low reputation or a good cleric who is modest and a high rep disturbs them.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I would love to see less commonly used races for player characters. Being able to play as a kobold/goblin/gnoll would be pretty cool.
  • helmo1977helmo1977 Member Posts: 366
    edited July 2016
    ajwz said:

    One of things I liked about SoD was being able to claim enemies equipment even if you chose a non combat approach to the situation. If you choose to spare them or make them surrender, that doesn't mean they get to leave with all their weapons, armour, gold and magic devices

    Yes. It feels wrong when you get less XP and no treasure for solving an encounter the pacific way. I think you should get the same. After all, the risk of being killed is just an annoyance, as you can save and reload all you want (because, lets tell the truth, no reloading runs are rare)
  • ErebrandirErebrandir Member Posts: 1
    1. 5e Rules implementation (real time / pause)
    2. Multiplayer Co-OP main campaign opportunity
    3. Extensive main campaign, at least the level of NWN / NWN2..better BG2 :)
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511

    I would love to see less commonly used races for player characters. Being able to play as a kobold/goblin/gnoll would be pretty cool.

    I would like to see priority given to implementing ALL the core races and subraces first.

    I don't mind the occasional exotic companion though.
  • jobbyjobby Member Posts: 181
    I've not played SOD yet but that sounds like a cool feature.

    I personally think there should be more motivation for playing evil though, the rewards in terms of experience and items are generally better for a good character (with a couple of exceptions)
  • RodrianRodrian Member Posts: 426
    I Have a dream:
    1. Ashley Johnson (Ellie from The Last of Us),
    2. Stephanie Wolfe (Safana #uknofro),
    3. Ashley & Stephanie acting as a companion sisters !
  • toolargtoolarg Member Posts: 182
    edited July 2016
    +Choices shape the ending, even if it means watching a slideshow (like in Fallout 1&2, Arcanum and DA:O) instead of 15 minute cinematic.
    +Blending the plot with the setting used (instead of doing what Obsidian did in NWN2, inserting a huge war with a god-like being that had never been mentioned before in the Forgotten Realms)
    +Mod support

    -Epic levels or whatever they're called in the latest edition, everything just falls appart and stats become meaningless
    -Sex scenes. Please, just dont. They're cringe worthy.
  • coucounetcoucounet Member Posts: 7

    here is my top-three liste :

    -Isometric and usual BGEE/BG2EE GUI
    -Strong characters and companions engaging dialogs (Calear and Schael were so cool!)
    -Discovering something new (new place such as Karatur or Rashemen, new time such as the time of trouble...)

    Cant wait to play this new adventure
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