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Diablo II Enhanced Edition



  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    One piece of feedback and one question:
    Feedback: some monster auras doesn't work. Holy Freeze in particular, made fight against Duriel much easier.

    Question: HAve you, by any chance, raised the damage outoput by some monsters? Most notably Ghoul lords variants (especially in Travincal/Durance of Hate) and Pit Lords/Venom Lords? Because I am not to recall them being this damaging.
  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    O_Bruce said:

    One piece of feedback and one question:
    Feedback: some monster auras doesn't work. Holy Freeze in particular, made fight against Duriel much easier.

    As for Duriel, I may have reduced his aura skill level on Normal difficulty (resulting in smaller area of effect) for balancing purposes, since I restored two of his most damaging skills that were cut. Auras should work normally as I didn't change them in any way. Will test if everything works as intended and rebalance if needed.
    O_Bruce said:

    Question: HAve you, by any chance, raised the damage outoput by some monsters? Most notably Ghoul lords variants (especially in Travincal/Durance of Hate) and Pit Lords/Venom Lords? Because I am not to recall them being this damaging.

    Didn't change anything about monsters other than their AI range. Might be that Blizzard nerfed the monsters you mention at some point past 1.10f, however, and if it was a hardcoded nerf (like removing the Iron Maiden curse from Doom Knights in 1.13) it may be difficult to carry it over to Diablo II Enhanced Edition. If feedback from other users confirms that this is an issue, then I will look for possible solutions.

    @God, thank you for detailed instructions, I will try them when I have time and report back. But I can assure you there were no changes in my system at ALL (for the last several months, not only days:)

    Diablo II code extensions are implemented in a very hacky way and for that reason they are sensitive to the slightest changes in memory structure. In simple terms, c0000005 pops up whenever the game tries to access something it shouldn't or fails to access something it should. Vanilla Diablo II is a bit less prone to c0000005 errors occurring, but it does happen on many systems and often enough to warrant its own support article from Blizzard itself.
    From what it looks like, @mlnevese most likely faced a minor issue related to the PlugY save interception procedure that makes the shared stash available (hence it appeared upon creating a new character save file). Glad to hear it was resolved.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    When Duriel's aura doesn't work even in close range, then something is wrong here....
  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    It looks like Holy Freeze does deal damage correctly but the chill/slow effect is not being applied at all. Weird, it should work okay. I'm starting to understand why Blizzard didn't roll out a second expansion... This engine really is a heck of a mess, bugs just keep popping in all the unrelated places :lol:
    Will look into some fixes.

    I also bumped into some Ghoul Lords while checking out Duriel. They didn't get insta-killed by a maxed out Holy Freeze like the rest of critters around, which shocked me at first, but then I remembered they do have a really huge health pool and something like 50% cold resistance. Their behaviour seems correct as far as I can tell, but if other players confirm that their attacks are way OP, I'll send them to study at Nerfland University :smile:
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Ok, I've tried all the steps, but haven't succeeded. Neither disabling the PlugY, nor other options did help to get rid of that error. I've uninstalled and reinstalled everything again, and then again uninstalled the EE. After that I installed only the PlugY on my general Diablo and that worked without problems. So something is giving me a bad time precisely in either D2SE or D2EE. I'm on Windows XP, so maybe this is the problem, such an old OS.
  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    I'm sorry that you are still facing issues.

    I'm on Windows XP, so maybe this is the problem

    This shouldn't be the case. Usually it's the more recent versions of Windows that are prone to causing issues due to incompatibility. Windows XP should run both the game and D2SE just fine. Except it looks like it doesn't. Oh, damn :lol:

    You mentioned the issue occurring randomly, so I must ask:
    1. Is it specific to one character? Or did it affect multiple characters?
    2. Does it affect the game world only? Or does it appear in the main menu as well? Try navigating back and forth between Character Selection, Character Creation, Credits and About options for a moment to see if it pops up.
    3. Do you notice any circumstance patterns in relation to the error occurring? E.g. one such example would be if it happens when opening, closing or interacting with interfaces and not in other situations.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    It's Windows. If it behaved as expected I'd be surprised... And disappointed :)
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    As you can see on the screenshot, the curses from wands are working properly after hotfix. But as you can see on the lower left side, some thing require... adjustments.
  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    O_Bruce said:

    But as you can see on the lower left side, some thing require... adjustments.

    Oh, that pretty little thing's as old as LoD itself. Such a fine example of Blizzard's mapping skill at its best :lol:
    You can admire this all-out glitchety glitchy glitch even with perspective disabled, but when you have it on and come a little closer to the cliff edge, then the full spectrum of its beauty is immediately unravelled:

    Must be a portal to Candy Mountain or something :smirk:

    Like the many other cases of Blizzard's unfinished area edges e.g. beyond the walled-off boundaries of Act 1 areas, this cute glitch will be revisited later on, when I get to work on the maps. But I'm really not in the mood to struggle with the command line right now.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    edited October 2016

    Ok, I've tried all the steps, but haven't succeeded. Neither disabling the PlugY, nor other options did help to get rid of that error. I've uninstalled and reinstalled everything again, and then again uninstalled the EE. After that I installed only the PlugY on my general Diablo and that worked without problems. So something is giving me a bad time precisely in either D2SE or D2EE. I'm on Windows XP, so maybe this is the problem, such an old OS.

    I had the same issue with no mod installed just today. Only reinstall helped. I suspect that a windows update caused the problem, but can't confirm it for sure.

    Edit: however, @Julius have an xp, while i have win8. Win xp should not update nowdays, supposedly?
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Well there are unofficial updates to XP. If you trust them or not is another issue...
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    No Windows updates for me. I've tried again this time, with the fix posted above. The conclusion:
    The game didn't get any errors with a new character till I closed it.
    But as soon as I loaded the save with that character and went into inventory, I got the same error. I don't get errors in the game Menu. The error happens after the first loading of the save and persists afterwards.
  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    Sounds like there might be some more Tainted to hunt down, likely burrowing in the game's item tables this time. Damn, them ugly guys never seem to give up :sweat_smile:

    Will investigate.

    @JuliusBorisov @lefreut
    It might be helpful if you zip up your save folders and attach them.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited November 2019
    Post edited by lefreut on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Here it is.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited November 2019
    Post edited by lefreut on
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited November 2019
    Post edited by lefreut on
  • sjobjornsjobjorn Member Posts: 1
    This looks amazing!
  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    edited October 2016

    Important update on c0000005 errors

    Thanks to input from @lefreut as well as @mlnevese who also encountered similar c0000005 exceptions earlier, I finally managed to reproduce the behaviour reported by them and determine its causes.
    It's definitely not a Diablo II Enhanced Edition issue, as I reproduced it in many other mod environments as well. It may be somewhat of a PlugY and D2SE issue, as these could probably be coded in a way such that would prevent it from happening. Primarily, however, it is an issue with our dearly beloved Windows :smirk:

    As I already mentioned before
    God said:

    c0000005 pops up whenever the game tries to access something it shouldn't or fails to access something it should. Vanilla Diablo II is a bit less prone to c0000005 errors occurring, but it does happen on many systems

    Any leftover data in the memory can potentially cause issues. This is why I keep stressing rebooting your computer is important. A reboot will, like, get rid of unwanted leftover data, right? Right? Right???

    Nuh-uh. Serves me right for trusting Windows to reboot itself effectively.
    It turns out that a so-called soft reboot (sometimes known as a Restart in Windows systems) is often not at all sufficient to clean troublesome leftover data from the computer's memory. It appears the system may, in fact, hog such leftover data and reboot with it preserved in place, accumulating more and more of such digital tidbits over time. Talk about being the hoarder of hoarders!

    So, now that we know Windows is obsessively sweeping stuff under the carpet, how do we get rid of the c0000005 that keeps popping up despite a few soft reboots?
    Personally, I would perform a hard reboot (i.e. a shutdown forced by denying power to the computer). This, however, is reported to cause issues with Windows sometimes. I like to live dangerously but, in not wanting to break your systems, I moved heaven and earth to find an obscure, nearly esoteric feature within the system itself that should achieve the same effect.

    A well-hidden option called an Emergency Restart. Instructions on how to perform it can be found here.

    This should kill all the hideous memory parasites Windows was happy to adopt into its care. Note that this feature is only available in Vista and later unfortunate incarnations of Windows.

    For @JuliusBorisov and any other Windows XP users facing a c0000005 while playing Diablo II Enhanced Edition, this might just work:
    1. Using Windows Explorer context menu (normally accessible with a right mouse button click), create a new shortcut in any place convenient to you.
    2. When asked for location, paste this code:
      shutdown.exe -s -f -t 00This will instruct the system to shutdown and force running applications to close with a time delay of 00 seconds upon executing the shortcut.
    3. You will be requested to name your shortcut. I suggest something informative, like Shutdown, Выключение, 关机, L'arrêt or Herunterfahren, for example.
    4. Save and close any files or important processes you might have open and execute the shortcut.
      This should supposedly kill the many applications creeping in the background just before they lay their eggs and shut the system down immediately.

    5. Turn on the computer again.
    Caveat: can't say if it does what it's needed to do, as I don't have a Windows XP installation to test it on.

    If the suggested fixes are insufficient to purge memory, it might be necessary to use some sort of RAM cleaner software, if any exists, or perform a hard reboot by denying the device access to power.

    Now I need to quit doing QA overnight. At least for a while :sweat_smile:
    Post edited by God on
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    @God Are you sure this reboot stuff does not involve candles, mystic diagrams and chanting? If it doesn't I've been doing it wrong for a long time... :)
  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    edited October 2016
    mlnevese said:

    @God Are you sure this reboot stuff does not involve candles, mystic diagrams and chanting? If it doesn't I've been doing it wrong for a long time... :)

    Well, you got it right at least once, as you reported it fixing the stash issue.
    In my personal view, the world definitely needs more candles, mystic diagrams and chanting, so don't let my instructions prevent you from using them. Just adjust your ritual accordingly if its arcane ways ever fail to defeat a stubborn c0000005. And maybe double the amount of chanting for good measure, 'tis better to be safe than sorry after all :smirk:
  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    Here's a tiny update, as I didn't mention a fun little detail previously.

    Update: The Cursed Sisterhood

    God said:

    Originally, Blizzard intended for the Order of the Sightless Eye to help the player in combat, and a voiceover for a Rogue scout saying that Kashya sends help can still be discovered in the game files. While this was cut from the final game, Kashya explicitly mentions having scouts out in the wilderness, and not just one poor lonely Flavie. I think it is only fitting to scatter some friendly NPC Rogues here and there for the sake of consistency.

    I want to elaborate on this thought a bit.

    As you know, some of Kashya's Rogues will be on the lookout in the wilderness in Diablo II Enhanced Edition. Sometimes, they will literally be fighting for their life out there. You also know all too well that the the Maiden of Anguish, Andariel, inflicted a demonic taint upon the Sisterhood which somehow abducts the Rogues' souls and turns them into those sexy demonesses with murder in their eyes that roam on the rampage all around the Monastery.
    Now, imagine a lonely scouting Sister. She's really quick on her legs, wields a mighty long bow and does her best to stay alive. But let's say that she gets overwhelmed and falls prey to Andariel's lackeys.

    Guess what might become of her :smirk:
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    God said:

    Now, imagine a lonely scouting Sister. She's really quick on her legs, wields a mighty long bow and does her best to stay alive. But let's say that she gets overwhelmed and falls prey to Andariel's lackeys.

    Guess what might become of her :smirk:

    My thoughts are impure and I don't care about the fact that they are...
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