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[MOD] Golem Construction for Spellcasters



  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Will the SCS component "Improved Golems" harm this mod? I could tell from the install log that it affected them, but I wasn't sure if that also meant that it broke them.
  • TulgasTulgas Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2020
    Nice mod, a lot of things, but seems I made a mistake when used most resistant version and now Golems rule whole Faerun.
    Magic Golem is completely invulnerable to Demogorgon and makes final Keep battle a bit frustrating as toughest boss in game can't scratch this construct. Either it's construction must be much harder/costly/trickier (I'd prefer this option), either version of mod with strongest 100% resistant golems marked as unrecommended. But definitely not inconsistent nerf, Golems under player control must be as strong as encountered.
    Post edited by Tulgas on
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Tulgas wrote: »
    Nice mod, a lot of things, but seems I made a mistake when used most resistant version and now Golems rule whole Faerun.
    Magic Golem is completely invulnerable to Demogorgon and makes final Keep battle a bit frustrating as toughest boss in game can't scratch this construct. Either it's construction must be much harder/costly/trickier (I'd prefer this option), either version of mod with strongest 100% resistant golems marked as unrecommended. But definitely not inconsistent nerf, Golems under player control must be as strong as encountered.
    The golem's resilience is mainly based on their immunity to weapon enchantment and certain damage type resistances for selected golem types. This is a problem for weaker enemies the party can probably beat on their own, but less likely for stronger enemies. Golem HP, AC as well as saves are actually rather underwhelming in many cases.

    However, you're right with Magic Golems. They shouldn't be invulnerable to bosses. I solved a related issue with enemy mages a while ago by giving them golem-damaging spells. Maybe I can do something similar for magic golems.
  • TulgasTulgas Member Posts: 22
    There seem to be a small fix nessesary, if game option "rest until healed" enabled, rest with unhealed golem may take around 8 days, which may broke some time depended quests.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Tulgas wrote: »
    There seem to be a small fix nessesary, if game option "rest until healed" enabled, rest with unhealed golem may take around 8 days, which may broke some time depended quests.

    I'd say the "Rest until healed" feature is rather broken, since you can rest for days even without golems in your party. The whole mechanism is hardcoded, so there isn't much I can do modding-wise. This is one of the features I would never use in BG2 and only very carefully in BG1.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    If you are cursed by a golem with an inability to heal, you can go nearly a MONTH with that "rest until healed" feature. It also assumes that there is someone in the party who can heal, otherwise, several days sounds about right.

    As for questions - I have run across the regular golem manuals 1, 3, and 4, and secret manuals 1 and 2. Is there a hint for where regular golem manual #2 might be?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Maurvir wrote: »
    I have run across the regular golem manuals 1, 3, and 4, and secret manuals 1 and 2. Is there a hint for where regular golem manual #2 might be?

    No hints. Just search in places that are known to contain magical artifacts. For more specific pointers see the spoiler section.
    You should be able to find one somewhere in the Planar Sphere. Another one can be found in Watcher's Keep, second level. Later in the game you can also purchase several golem manuals from merchants (e.g. Ribald or that scroll merchant in Saradush/Amkethran).
  • tokduitokdui Member Posts: 10
    Hi, I got the book for bone golem, but Nemphre won't give me the option to construct one. I can contruct doll no problem.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited October 2020
    tokdui wrote: »
    Hi, I got the book for bone golem, but Nemphre won't give me the option to construct one. I can contruct doll no problem.

    For this type of golem you'll have to pay a visit to Nemphre's rival, Arkion, instead. He lives somewhere at the southern edge of the entrance area (south of the Elfsong Tavern).
  • tokduitokdui Member Posts: 10
    argent77 wrote: »
    tokdui wrote: »
    Hi, I got the book for bone golem, but Nemphre won't give me the option to construct one. I can contruct doll no problem.

    For this type of golem you'll have to pay a visit to Nemphre's rival, Arkion, instead. He lives somewhere at the southern edge of the entrance area (south of the Elfsong Tavern).

    Thank you for your fast response. For some reason, I don't have the option to give Arkion the bone golem's construction menual. I only got the option to construct doll golem from Arkion.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    tokdui wrote: »
    argent77 wrote: »
    tokdui wrote: »
    Hi, I got the book for bone golem, but Nemphre won't give me the option to construct one. I can contruct doll no problem.

    For this type of golem you'll have to pay a visit to Nemphre's rival, Arkion, instead. He lives somewhere at the southern edge of the entrance area (south of the Elfsong Tavern).

    Thank you for your fast response. For some reason, I don't have the option to give Arkion the bone golem's construction menual. I only got the option to construct doll golem from Arkion.

    Sorry, I confused Doll Golem with Bone Doll. The Bone Doll can be created by Nemphre. But since creation requires more serious necromantic rituals, she won't do it for good-aligned protagonists or if party reputation is 16 or higher.
  • tokduitokdui Member Posts: 10
    I see. Thank you for your clarification. Your mod is very well made. ;)
  • myEVILmodemyEVILmode Member Posts: 27
    Where is Forbidden Manual of Golem Building? I lost one bag and I do not know if I have already picked up the manual?
  • myEVILmodemyEVILmode Member Posts: 27
    nvm :D got it
    argent77 wrote: »
    The majority of items and their locations are defined in tables. Go into the mod folder "A7!GolemConstruction/tables" and inspect the files items_bg1.2da, items_bg2.2da, ... . The format should be self-explanatory.

    For BG1EE:
    (Spoiler)Golem Manual for Doll Golems can be found in the secret Pirate Cave (accessible from Lighthouse area).

    Golem Manual for Bone Dolls can be found in Durlag's Tower, first underground level, in a bookshelf southeast of the level entrance (where you have to fight the three greater dopplegangers).

    The file golem_information.txt tells you where you can commission these golems once you found the manuals. In SoD and BG2 you can construct golems yourself.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    @argent77, I am in BG2EE with a Warlock (AionZ bard kit) using v2.5. I am able to learn how to build golems, but I cannot actually make any. My Warlock is 22 level and knows Flesh, Clay, Stone, Iron, Bone, and Maggot golems. I have the material for many of them but when I go to create a golem I get no option for any golem types. I tried the mages in my party and they are fine with crafting golems. Is there an issue with the Bard or is it the Warlock kit is not compatible?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited May 2021
    Necromanx2 wrote: »
    I am in BG2EE with a Warlock (AionZ bard kit) using v2.5. I am able to learn how to build golems, but I cannot actually make any. My Warlock is 22 level and knows Flesh, Clay, Stone, Iron, Bone, and Maggot golems. I have the material for many of them but when I go to create a golem I get no option for any golem types. I tried the mages in my party and they are fine with crafting golems. Is there an issue with the Bard or is it the Warlock kit is not compatible?

    I did a quick test with the Warlock kit and could build golems with it just fine. There might be something else not working. Are you able to list all the golem types your character has learned in the golem construction dialog?
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited May 2021
    Yes. They all list (Flesh, Clay, Stone, Iron, Special all show as options). When I select one to build (say Clay golem), the only options I get are Choose another golem type or cancel construction.
    EDIT: I have v6.2 installed.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited May 2021
    Here are screenshots and weidu.

  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited May 2021
    Necromanx2 wrote: »
    Yes. They all list (Flesh, Clay, Stone, Iron, Special all show as options). When I select one to build (say Clay golem), the only options I get are Choose another golem type or cancel construction.

    The check for individual golem variants (lesser, normal, greater, perfect) includes class check, level check, "use any item" check, and kit check (for specialist mages), as well as the check for required materials. In the case of bards it can only be that either the class check, level check or material check fails.

    Could you attach a save? I'd like to take a closer look.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    How 2.6 compatible is this mod?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Endarire wrote: »
    How 2.6 compatible is this mod?

    The mod should work fine with EE patch 2.6.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Here you go.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited May 2021
    @Necromanx2 I was able to reproduce the same issue with your save on my game installation as well as with a new character this time. It looks like installation order plays a role.

    The issue is actually a modification made by @AionZ's Warlock kit mod itself which scans all dialog files of the game and replaces certain bard-related script actions to specifically exclude the Warlock kit. There are two options how to prevent it:
    1. Install the Golem Construction mod after the Warlock Kit mod. (might have side effects)
    2. An exception is added to the Warlock Kit mod for the "A7!SMDLG.DLG" file, unless this is an intended feature of the kit. (the better option)

    I don't think there is a feasible way to remove this restriction from a running game (unless you want to search the dialog file for dozens of script entries in a list of hundreds of triggers and fix them manually).
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Thanks for the feedback! Really appreciate the input!
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    To clarify, if we're installing things afresh, should we install Warlock before Golem Construction?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Endarire wrote: »
    To clarify, if we're installing things afresh, should we install Warlock before Golem Construction?

    Yes, for now the Warlock kit has to be installed before the Golem Construction mod if Warlocks should be able to construct golems.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Are all of the manuals found in SoD not usable? I collected a complete set, but not a one of them has any charges.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Maurvir wrote: »
    Are all of the manuals found in SoD not usable? I collected a complete set, but not a one of them has any charges.

    They are all usable provided your character meets the minimum requirements. Just put them into a quick slot and use them. After using them once they turn into regular books. Only the books found in the BG1 campaign are not usable since they require someone else to build the golems for you.

    Btw, what do you mean by a complete set? In SoD there should only be the first three volumes available.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    I would have to reopen the game, but at a certain point the party had the first three regular manuals, two "forbidden" manuals, and two "secret" manuals. However, of all these manuals, only the first regular manual showed that it had a charge and worked. My PC is a level 10 mage, while Imoen is at level 11.

    I don't recall precisely where they found all of them now, but anything that looked like on of your manuals was socked away in a spell case.

    Oh, and I was wrong - they went through the manuals after Irenicus' Dungeon - so they also had ones they had picked up in there too.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Ok, I thought I searched carefully, but I never found the golem manual for Adamantite golems (regular set, volume 6). I consoled one in for Imoen, but I'm now curious where I would have found one?
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