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[MOD] Golem Construction for Spellcasters



  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Maurvir wrote: »
    Ok, I thought I searched carefully, but I never found the golem manual for Adamantite golems (regular set, volume 6). I consoled one in for Imoen, but I'm now curious where I would have found one?

    That manual is a bit harder to find. It is split in two parts which can be found somewhere in areas accessible from the ToB part of the game. Cespenar can combine them for you.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited August 2022
    Should we use the AI tweaks with SCS? If so, what should the install order be?

    May we make cross mod content with your Golem Construction mod? I ask since I'm working with another on a crafting mod and constructs seemed like a logical inclusion.

    Post edited by Endarire on
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    This tweak is primarily aimed at games without advanced combat scripting. I don't have much experience with SCS, or tactical mods in general, but I don't think SCS will consider the changes made by that component.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Where's the best place in the install order to install this mod on EET?

  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Endarire wrote: »
    Where's the best place in the install order to install this mod on EET?


    I'm not aware of any major issues with other mods, so basically any order between EET and EET_end is alright. For best compatibility you should install it before the Djinni Companion mod, though.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    To clarify, can all arcane casters make golems with this mod? Just CHARNAME? Someone else?

  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Endarire wrote: »
    To clarify, can all arcane casters make golems with this mod? Just CHARNAME? Someone else?

    Yes, all spellcasters in the party (and to a limited degree thieves and clerics) can construct golems, provided they meet the level and stat requirements.
  • VicenVicen Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2023
    Great mod!
  • zelazkozelazko Member Posts: 88
    edited April 2023
    Regarding the question where to install the mod I may have some answers.

    From my experience the Improve enemy spellcaster AI component needs to be installed before SCS. That way the Smarter Mages AI component of SCS installs without the issues. Probably you could install Improve enemy spellcaster AI component after SCS Smarter Mages AI but I did not test it.

    Another thing. Golems for enemy spellcasters should be installed after Almateria Restoration Mod or the component Restored Random Encounters from Alma mod will install with warnings. Alma mod adds bandits encounters to the area scripts AR0043.BCS and AR0044.BCS. But Argent Golem mod restores those bandits and even provides for them to have golem
    	RESPONSE #100
    		CreateCreature("REBAND01",[488.558],NE)  // Bandit
    		CreateCreature("REBAND02",[500.454],NE)  // Bandit
    		CreateCreature("REBAND03",[552.476],NE)  // Bandit
    		CreateCreature("REBAND04",[427.548],NE)  // Bandit
    		CreateCreatureObject("A7!GXST1","REBAND04",10,0,0)  // Lesser Stone Golem
    		CreateCreature("REBAND05",[525.591],NE)  // Bandit

    The Alma's component will see it already restores bandits and get confused (the component will install with warnings)

    Wildness_original.baf from Alma Restore Encounters component:
    	RESPONSE #100
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    zelazko wrote: »
    Regarding the question where to install the mod I may have some answers.

    From my experience the Improve enemy spellcaster AI component needs to be installed before SCS. That way the Smarter Mages AI component of SCS installs without the issues. Probably you could install Improve enemy spellcaster AI component after SCS Smarter Mages AI but I did not test it.

    Another thing. Golems for enemy spellcasters should be installed after Almateria Restoration Mod or the component Restored Random Encounters from Alma mod will install with warnings.

    Thanks for looking into it.

    SCS uses their own combat scripts, that's why the mage script improvements installed by the Golem Construction mod won't affect SCS-improved mages (regardless of installation order). You can safely skip the "Improve enemy spellcaster AI" component in that case.

    It looks like Almateria's Restoration Project uses a very narrow script check for restoring random encounters. Any changes made to the respective area scripts before that component will cause the checks to fail. Installing "Restored Random Encounters" from Almateria's Restoration Project first will work around this issue.

    I'll add these notes to the compability section of the readme.
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    Something came up when installing along Klatu's tweaks, even when both alone on a fresh install. Any of their rule change components, like free action, immediately give me this error:
    DELETE_BYTES out of bounds - file is long 1314, point given is 1986, bytes were 0
    ERROR: [A7!EQMA.ITM] -> [override/A7!EQMA.ITM] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("DELETE_BYTES out of bounds"))
    Stopping installation because of error.

    I can find A7!EQMA.itm only in this mod.

    I don't particularly mind, Klatu's is outdated and not that important to me, and Golem Construction seems to have installed fine, so I'm happy. But I figured you might want a heads up in the unlikely case this might signal a potential problem on your end.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    @Connelly Thanks. Can you give me a repro how to trigger this error?
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    @argent77 I managed to reduce the suspects to the "Reduce weapon immunities and resistances for constructed golems" component. The main component alone isn't enough to make it trigger, and it's the only component that makes changes to A7!EQMA.ITM.

    So basically for a sure way to trigger the error:
    -Golem Construction ability for spellcasters
    -Reduce weapon immunities and resistances for constructed golems
    -Klatu: Free Action does not prevent Haste or Movement Rate Bonus
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    New release: Golem Construction for Spellcasters v6.3

    • Arkion and Nemphre provide repair options for golems in BG1.
    • Added more hints about commissioning golems in BG1.
    • Added ruby gem to container in a BG1 area.
    • Improved Thalantyr's dialog.
    • Adjusted immunities of Magic Golems.
    • Fixed giant golems being blocked by the entrance to the hidden maze in Nyalee's Grove.
    • Fixed enemy Maggot Golem scripting in the BG2 Druid Grove quest.
    • Updated mod order information in the PI mod.ini file.
    • Added Project Infinity support.
    • Textual fixes.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Thankee for the update on this mod today! Alleluia!

    Any plans to include a spell that dominates enemy Constructs a la control construct except likely with a save vs. spell?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Endarire wrote: »
    Any plans to include a spell that dominates enemy Constructs a la control construct except likely with a save vs. spell?

    No plans yet, but I'll make a note about the spell since it would fit into the mod.
  • kaiokaio Member Posts: 12
    I'm sorry, I can't understand how I could build a golem. I've just finished the "Find mimic's blood for Jermien the Cowled Wizard" quest, and "golem construction workshop" triggered - Umar Hills area.

    However I can't find anything to click in Jermien's house, except containers.

    What should I do? Thanks
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    kaio wrote: »
    I'm sorry, I can't understand how I could build a golem. I've just finished the "Find mimic's blood for Jermien the Cowled Wizard" quest, and "golem construction workshop" triggered - Umar Hills area.

    However I can't find anything to click in Jermien's house, except containers.

    What should I do? Thanks

    You gain the "Construct Golem" ability by using a tome of golem building on your character. These tomes can be purchased or found all across the game. Put them into the quick slot of your character and use it. Afterwards you can use this ability to build golems in any of the places mentioned by the journal entries about Golem Construction Workshops.

    To successfully build golems you'll also have to meet certain requirements (e.g. min. character level, or certain ingredients). These are outlined in the golem tomes.
  • kaiokaio Member Posts: 12
    Thanks for the quick reply, I realized only after your explanation that there's the suggestion to place on the quick item slot on the description in game of the tomes :disappointed:

    Another question: I'm currently on 6.2, is possible to update to 6.3? I never update a BG mod, is enough to override the files or is there another procedure? I'm with a eet installation

    And a potential report: if I edit a savegame with EE keeper, the char lose the memorization of the golem already learned; so it's necessary to give him a new tome via the editor to re-learn the golem - the abilities themselves remain even with no golem memorized.
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2023
    kaio wrote: »
    Another question: I'm currently on 6.2, is possible to update to 6.3? I never update a BG mod, is enough to override the files or is there another procedure? I'm with a eet installation

    And a potential report: if I edit a savegame with EE keeper, the char lose the memorization of the golem already learned; so it's necessary to give him a new tome via the editor to re-learn the golem - the abilities themselves remain even with no golem memorized.
    If you're not familiar with how modding IE games work, the safest (and even faster) way to update is to just reinstall everything from the ground up and start a new game, no previous saves. Any other method risks messing things up.

    EE Keeper is also known for messing saves some times. It's fine for quickly checking information, but if you want to edit a save, you'd be safer learning how to do it with NearInfinity, even if it's a more complex app.
  • zelazkozelazko Member Posts: 88
    Made for myself a doll golem portrait. You just need to convert it to the bmp and hook it up to the a7!gldo.cre
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    zelazko wrote: »
    Made for myself a doll golem portrait. You just need to convert it to the bmp and hook it up to the a7!gldo.cre

    Nice! :D (And scary. )
  • zelazkozelazko Member Posts: 88
    And here is bone doll found it on the net. I have vol. 2 of the golem construction tome. It says for xp'ed necromancers but Arkion only wants to construct golem dolls not bone dolls. Who should I go to speak? I offed Ragefast and Ramazith...
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    zelazko wrote: »
    I have vol. 2 of the golem construction tome. It says for xp'ed necromancers but Arkion only wants to construct golem dolls not bone dolls. Who should I go to speak? I offed Ragefast and Ramazith...

    There is a second necromancer in the city with a shady reputation. See this comment for more details:
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    The golem mod is pretty cool. I love the idea of building golems.

    Obtaining all items can be a bit annoying though. Perhaps you could add another bag of holding or so? Perhaps a "bag of ingredients" or so, where we can specifically use it to put down ingredients such as body parts.

    > If you're not familiar with how modding IE games work, the safest (and even faster) way to update is to just
    > reinstall everything from the ground up

    I actually had problems with that and it took like 2 hours to reinstall all mods. Since that time, I no longer recommend
    weidu + reinstallation everything. I think that is a flawed idea of weidu to reinstall everything as-is. Some mods overwrite vanilla files too and create issues lateron even after a re-installation.

    The best, of course, is to have an installation order where re-installation never is necessary to begin with. And some mods should best be avoided. Of course finding out which ones are to be avoided is not trivial. I have my own list that keeps on changing over time.

    Nudging people to help fix the code base can also help; some mods that had issues at one point in time, had these issues fixed at a later time.

    One bug I can report is that when I re-entered the golem stronghold, Edwin suddenly babbled about the transformation being complete, e. g. from his side quest. But I finished that side quest already and Edwin kept on repeating this every ~3 seconds as if stuck in a perma-loop. No clue how that was triggered but it was then triggered when I re-entered the golem / mage stronghold, so I think something must have triggered it.

    Also perhaps a new item could be added, Book of Golem Creation (or the book re-used that we can find originally) and the pages could be inserted into that book, and then the book used to learn all the pages there. So kind of a single book to have the individual pages, rather than dumping the inventory or bag of holding with that stuff. Item management is sooooooo hard in BG2 ... I can no longer play the game without bag of holding and keyrings to store keys.
  • zelazkozelazko Member Posts: 88
    Two doll golems are only ones available in BG1? Are there any new Golems available for construction in SoD?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    zelazko wrote: »
    Two doll golems are only ones available in BG1? Are there any new Golems available for construction in SoD?

    In SoD you can finally start constructing golems yourself. Flesh Golems (and I think even Clay and Stone Golems) are available, and one of the exotic golem types.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    This may be a small issue, but the scaling of the golems is a bit confusing.

    I understand that the mod uses smaller and larger golems, so my complaint
    isn't about that; instead, if you look at the iron golem, they look like titans.
    If anyone is maintaining the mod, could the size comparison be reviewed?
    Iron golems should perhaps be a little smaller and the tiniest clay golems
    a bit larger. Rest I think is semi-okish. Also it would be nice if there could be
    some sign or something added into the planar sphere, explaining the
    differences. (Perhaps it was in a book but I tend to drop books, so a
    sign would be better IMO.)
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    This may be a small issue, but the scaling of the golems is a bit confusing.

    I understand that the mod uses smaller and larger golems, so my complaint
    isn't about that; instead, if you look at the iron golem, they look like titans.
    If anyone is maintaining the mod, could the size comparison be reviewed?
    Iron golems should perhaps be a little smaller and the tiniest clay golems
    a bit larger. Rest I think is semi-okish.

    Baldur's Gate is a 2d game. Scaling (animated) objects is very difficult to get right. The smaller golem variants were reduced by 50% which probably results in the least visual degradation. Fractional scaling will certainly result in even worse quality. It would also greatly increase the mod archive size for very little gain since I would have to provide even more sets of creatures animations.
    Also it would be nice if there could be
    some sign or something added into the planar sphere, explaining the
    differences. (Perhaps it was in a book but I tend to drop books, so a
    sign would be better IMO.)

    The golem tomes contain sufficient information about how to construct the various golem types. You're certainly free to throw the tomes away after using them, but then you have to find out the requirements elsewhere. Btw, there is already a whole document in the mod folder dedicated to explain the various golem variants in detail.

    I don't think it makes much sense to add a sign or something like that to the Planar Sphere since it is only one of many places where golems can be constructed. And it isn't a learning center for building golems either. I doubt that Lavok needed a "Beginner's Handbook of Golem Construction" lying around for reference.
  • BankerBearBankerBear Member Posts: 1
    Tried installing this mod along with Raduziel's Universal Wizard Spells v2.8 and the Wand Case mods, but it cashes my game to crash each time. Are these mods incompatible?
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