Added support for Kilivitz's Revised Dragon Scale UI full UI.MENU platform. Designated as platform 'L' in the 'Current Mods' table in post 2 of this topic.
New mod - lefreut's Journal, extracted from LeUI. Only installable on BG2 'flavored' UIs.
Updated lefreut's Customize Screens Tweaks to make it consistent with the current version of LeUI, and to fully integrate the included portrait selector with new character generation. If either Billy Yank's or Mr2150's portrait selector is already installed, Customize Screens Tweaks will NOT install the portrait selector component. However, the other customize screens will be installed. If you install either of the previously mentioned portrait selectors after installing Customize Screens Tweaks, the new portrait selector will replace (in both new character generation and character customization) lefreut's portrait selector.
Figured out how to make Billy Yank's and Mr2150's portrait selectors compatible with LeUI without having to 'mod the mods'. Both are now available for LeUI.
Tweaked GrimLefourbe's suggested BG2 UI for Faydark's Auto-Roller (see earlier post in this thread) to allow '18/xx' strength attributes to be usefully displayed. Basically just moved the 'Stored' value to the left of the attribute name. This opened up a whole new set of BG2 based platforms. 'Faydark's Abilities Auto-Roller/GrimLefourbe's BG2 UI' component is now available for everything except 'Dragonspear UI++'
Fixed installation bug in Mod Options
Fixed LeUI specific Progress Bar Tweaks functional bug
Various minor tweaks, polishing, and updates to the supporting code and structures.
This is seriously the most useful mod. I'm particularly excited about the auto-roller. Now all we need is a version for the IWD GUI too and we'll really have everything
@lefreut - I agree with you completely from a usability viewpoint. Unfortunately I've discovered that using the WeiDU SUBCOMPONENT mechanism on mods that have very different REQUIRE_PREDICATE clauses can be messy (and potentially impossible) to sort out; so I've been avoiding it recently. I'll put it in my 'ToDoList' spreadsheet for 2.1 - this particular case shouldn't be a big problem. However, if someone comes up with a Journal mod that works with some of the platforms that work with Mr2150's but not lefreut's; and some of the platforms that work with lefreut's but not Mr2150's; and one or more platforms that don't work with either - things may get ugly .
After installing all tweaks from this mod this recent change in EET UI code was not present. Without resetting currentChargenKit EET code that assigns biography can be fouled by multi-class characters when previously some kit was chosen (because CHARGEN_KIT is not opened at all for multi-class characters so old value would be stored). This change won't conflict with vanilla GUI. Thanks in advance.
@swit (and everyone interested) - the offending mod is 'Abdul's Unhide Chargen Options'. The correction will appear in version 2.1 hopefully to be released within the next couple of weeks. Until then, anyone installing that mod in an EET environment should make the above mentioned correction to UI.MENU after installing the mod. Alternatively, before installing the mod you can change line 4 of 'EEUITweaks/menu/AdulUnhideChargen/'. In either case, be sure to only add the 'currentChargenKit = nil' statement to the line. Leave the remainder of the onopen code as it is. Thanks!
Added support for Trinit's IWD GUI for BG2:EE/BG1:EE (SoD installation) full UI.MENU platform. Designated as platforms 'M' and 'N' in the 'Current Mods' table in post 2 of this topic.
New mod - 'lefreut's Inscribed Arcana'. Lefreut's Mage Book and Priest Scrolls extracted from LeUI, packaged as a single mod with a reasonable length title. Only installable on BG2 'flavored' UIs.
Re-implemented 'Feedback Message Box Buttons Hack' and 'Dee's Permanent Thieving Button' to look better (Message Box Buttons), improve functional consistency (Thieving Button), but mostly to integrate properly with the ACTION_BAR (both). Details in mod specific topics posts.
Added support for 'Feedback Message Box Buttons Hack' to Kilivitz's Revised Dragon Scale UI
Made Mr2150's and lefreut's Journal mods 'Either/Or' choices (SUBCOMPONENTs) as suggested by lefreut. In the process, learned how to deal with the issue I had concerning mutually exclusive SUBCOMPONENT conflicts.
Fixed the compatibility issue 'Adul's Unhide Chargen Options' had with EET.
Changed the installation order of a couple of mods to simplify conflict resolution.
Fixed an issue wherein a dark line was occasionally appearing across the bottom of 'lefreut's Tooltip Scroll'
Various minor tweaks, polishing, and updates to the supporting code and structures.
With the increasing size of EEUITweaks, it has become necessary for me to find an alternative to uploading a single zip archive file to the initial post. As I already have a GitHub project for EEUITweaks in support of Big World Setup (BWS), and it has already become somewhat tedious to maintain two separate trees - I've chosen to use the GitHub distribution exclusively, and to replace the uploaded archive in the initial post with an https link to the GitHub archive. The EEUITweaks-master archive/directory contains the usual setup-EEUITweaks.exe executable and EEUITweaks directory; along with a couple of .git**** files which can be ignored. What shouldn't be ignored is that this installation uses the typical WeiDU EEUITweaks/backup location for saving un-install information rather than a separate EEUITweaksbackup directory as was used previously. This means that you should follow the recommended 'un-install/update/re-install' sequence whenever you decide to update EEUITweaks.
The interesting stuff - what's new:
Added support for Trinit's IWD2 GUI for BG2:EE full UI.MENU platform. Designated as platform 'O' in the 'Current Mods' table in post 2 of this topic.
New mod - 'lefreut's Character Creation Screens'. The sequence of LeUI screens involved in creating/importing/exporting a character, exclusive of the portrait picker. Only installable on 'BG2 flavored' UIs. I need to play Ranger more often - took a while figuring out how to test 'CHARGEN_HATEDRACE' .
Removed lefreut's LeUI portrait picker from lefreut's Customize Screens Tweaks and made it a separate Portrait Picker option along with Billy Yank's and Mr2150's mods. More flexibility/options for fans of BG2 style UIs.
Re-implemented Kilivitz's Revised Dragon Scale UI support for Feedback Message Box Hack and Dee's Permanent Thieving Button so that when both are installed, the Action Bar remains the same width as the Message Box.
Fixed a real 'Duh' issue in Feedback Message Box so that the symbol in the 'Decrease' button now looks like a minus (-) sign rather than a vertical bar.
Did a lot of work removing graphical resource redundancies and minimizing 'visual cross-mod pollution' (i.e. inadvertently affecting visual elements other than the mod's intended elements).
Various minor tweaks, polishing, and updates to the supporting code and structures.
I've released a new version of EEUITweaks - Available here.
New Mods:
Kilivitz's Classic Spell Books
elminster's Easier Area Cheats
lefreut's Journal Fixes
Changed the installation of Mr2150's Portrait Picker such that for SoD/EET-SoD; rather than asking (via a rather lame attempt at humor) whether you want the version that supports Scale UI or not, there are now two unique installation options - Mr2150's Portrait Picker (Scaleable UI) and Mr2150's Portrait Picker (Non-Scaleable UI). Less ambiguity and more BWS-friendly.
Updated lefreut's Character Creation Screens and lefreut's Journal to incorporate changes made in LeUI 1.6/1.7.
Renamed Adul's Improved Store Useability to Adul's Smooth Selling and updated code to v1.2.
Other stuff:
Changed the 'installation progress' messages (e.g. "Opening UI.MENU") from PRINT to LOG. They will no longer clutter your installation window but will still appear in the setup DEBUG file.
Fixed several typos and made minor format changes in module lists and dependency notes that are in the second post of this thread.
Various minor tweaks, polishing, and updates to the supporting code and structures.
I've released a new version of EEUITweaks - Available here.
New Stuff:
Support for Planescape:Torment Enhance Edition. Only a couple of mods so far (Mods Options/Hidden Options and Mr2150's Auto-Identify Items), but the infrastructure is now in place.
Changed/Updated Stuff:
Updated lefreut's Portrait Picker and Character Creation Screens to incorporate changes made in LeUI v1.8.
Added support for Kilivitz's Revised Dragon Scale UI Version 3.0. As KRDS is now a collection of components rather than a full UI.MENU replacement, the table in the second post of this thread represents compatibility/conflicts when all of the KRDS components are installed. If you install only some of the KRDS components, you may find that additional EEUITweaks components can be installed.
A near complete re-write of the Hidden Options plug-in to Mods Options. Details found here.
Other stuff:
Significant work done to make the infrastructure more tolerent of individual module installation failure; prevent attempting installation on non-UI.MENU IE versions; and reduce some of the visual 'noise' during installation.
I've released a new version of EEUITweaks - Available here.
New Stuff:
LavaDelVortel's Sculpted Transparent Sidebars and LavaDelVortel's Red Healthbar. Two PST:EE image override mods that provide interesting alternatives to the action bar end graphics and the rainbow colored healthbars, respectively. There is no forum topic for these (I received the request and artwork in a private message), so I've included an image at the bottom of this post illustrating both.
Changed all BAM/MOS(V2) => PVRZ file mapping from a fixed numbering model to values that are determined to be unused/available at install time. This will eliminate the possibility of EEUITweaks 'colliding' with other mods that use the same technique; and decrease the possibility of collision with mods that use fixed PVRZ mapping. Thanks to @argent77 for creating the WeiDU support for this. There is one caveat, however. The currently stable version of WeiDU (v 240) doesn't support this functionality for PST:EE. Thus, LavaDelVortel's Sculpted Transparent Sidebars has a fixed mapping of mainwing.MOS => MOS5000.PVRZ. If anyone has problems with this colliding, please send me a message and I can very easily create alternative files. This will be resolved when the current WeiDU beta (v240.2) completes testing and the next stable (v241) WeiDU version is released. Please do NOT attempt to install this version of EEUITweaks with the current beta WeiDU - it won't work.
Changed/Updated Stuff:
Updated lefreut's Inscribed Arcana to incorporate scrollbars consistent with LeUI v2.0.
Updated lefreut's Improved Inventory to be consistent with LeUI v2.0, including having the choice of installing with or without item comparison.
Updated lefreut's BG2 Store Screen Tweaks to be consistent with LeUI v2.0, including having the choice of installing with original or reversed increment/decrement button positions.
Updated lefreut's Character Creation Screens to be consistent with LeUI v2.0, including having the choice of installing with original or reversed increment/decrement button positions.
Updated lefreut's Improved Fonts to provide the choice of installing with a non-italicized description font or the original vanilla BG2 description font.
Updated dependency/conflict code to support version 4.0 of Kilivitz's Revised Dragon Scale UI.
Removed Wild Surge Key option from PST:EE Hidden Options (duh).
Corrected incorrect campaign image being shown on Mods Options main window for trinit's IWD UI on SoD.
Corrected minor geometry issue with Hidden Options layout on trinit's IWD2 UI.
Other stuff:
On-going improvements in the underlying EEUITweaks framework, files, and structures.
Time to get the new version since I'll be doing another run soon. Seriously, I don't know what I would do without this, especially since Beamdog made custom portraits pretty much unusable without a mod.
@Ratatoskr - Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad you find EEUITweaks useful.
Several months ago I looked into including support for the full UI replacement packages and what exactly it might entail. Even with the (compared to now) small number of packages then available; to do it right would have been a larger, more complex effort than I was able to undertake. Now it would be even tougher.
No one has yet (that I know of) created a full replacement UI for PST:EE' ... . And IWD1 is almost certainly destined for the UI.MENU environment - which will mean both individual mods and packages to support. I suspect I'll have all I can handle over the next few months.
No worries. I wasn't actually expecting all the UIs to be added in, that was just a wish list for a perfect world The fact that I can take bits and pieces of Lefreut's is already pretty great.
I've released a new version of EEUITweaks - Available here.
New Stuff:
Created variations of Leveling Progress Bars Tweaks and Leveling Progress Bars Options for PST:EE that are appropriate to the PST:EE UI visual and interaction styles. See Several Leveling Progress Bar tweaks for details.
Changed/Updated Stuff:
This version of EEUITweaks supports stable version 242 of WeiDU incorporating full PST:EE support. As well as having a more reliable mechanism for identifying/resolving PST:EE conflicts and/or dependencies, LavaDelVortel's Sculpted Transparent Sidebars now uses dynamic PVRZ filename mapping.
Tweaked Mod Options for PST:EE to improve visual consistency with Hidden Game Options
Updated lefreut's Character Creation Screens to be consistent with LeUI v2.1.
Updated lefreut's Portrait Picker to be consistent with LeUI v2.1.
Updated lefreut's Inscribed Arcana to be consistent with LeUI v2.1.
Improved visual integration of Faydark's Abilities Auto-Roller/GrimLefourbe's BG2 UI with the Abilities Screens of lefreut's Enhanced UI and lefreut's Character Creation Screens.
Fixed a couple of configuration specific installation bugs for Leveling Progress Bars Tweaks on Kilivit's Revised Dragon Scale UI platform.
Other stuff:
On-going improvements in the underlying EEUITweaks framework, files, and structures.
Just a random, off-topic sorta question, but for years I've been wondering something. With all of these vast improvements to UI systems of a buncha different types, will it ever be possible to add one or more quick bars somewhere on the screen to quickslot more than just 3 usable items or more than 3 spells?
Been stuck with murdering the finger having to cycle through spells playing as a cleric/mage, so really hoping this can one day be a thing.
@Nakara - An interesting idea. Unfortunately, the Action Bar support code is pretty well 'hard coded' so doing anything along this line is probably going to have to wait until Action Bar is opened up. @lefreut lists this as item 5 in List of UI Modding bugs/requests, so hopefully we'll see this addressed in the future.
@AncientCowboy Ahhhh, real damn shame. Not wanting to turn a Baldur's Gate experience into something like WoW or anything, but the concept does sound so much better than clicking the 'next page' button so many times.
A spell-happy mage strapped with the Robe of Vecna and Amulet of Power, fueled by Improved Alacrity...It leads to terrible things.
Mods Options is described as being compatible with Lefreut's Enhanced UI options, but when I install this after installing Lefreut's Enhanced UI options, I get the following error:
Install Component [Mods Options]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? i
Installing [Mods Options] [2.6]
ERROR Installing [Mods Options], rolling back to previous state Will uninstall 6 files for [EEUITWEAKS/EEUITWEAKS.TP2] component 1000. Uninstalled 6 files for [EEUITWEAKS/EEUITWEAKS.TP2] component 1000. ERROR: Failure("Unable to patch ESC_MENU menu") PLEASE zip/rar the file SETUP-EEUITWEAKS.DEBUG along with UI.MENU and send via message to AncientCowboy on the BeamDog Forums Using Language [English]
Note that I'm using his BG1EE version (the blue background), and not his core version (the golden background).
@Thels@AncientCowboy This component is trying to patch some element that no longer exists in my UI mods (versionString in the ESC_MENU) but it should be safe to skip this. Also there is typo in the regexp searching for GAMEPLAY_BUTTON.
I attached a patched version of EEUITweaks\include\ModOptionsSOD.tpa that should fix the problem.
Version 2.0
This version includes the following changes:
Now all we need is a version for the IWD GUI too and we'll really have everything
Version 2.1
This version includes the following changes:
Version 2.2
With the increasing size of EEUITweaks, it has become necessary for me to find an alternative to uploading a single zip archive file to the initial post. As I already have a GitHub project for EEUITweaks in support of Big World Setup (BWS), and it has already become somewhat tedious to maintain two separate trees - I've chosen to use the GitHub distribution exclusively, and to replace the uploaded archive in the initial post with an https link to the GitHub archive. The EEUITweaks-master archive/directory contains the usual setup-EEUITweaks.exe executable and EEUITweaks directory; along with a couple of .git**** files which can be ignored. What shouldn't be ignored is that this installation uses the typical WeiDU EEUITweaks/backup location for saving un-install information rather than a separate EEUITweaksbackup directory as was used previously. This means that you should follow the recommended 'un-install/update/re-install' sequence whenever you decide to update EEUITweaks.
The interesting stuff - what's new:
Version 2.3
I've released a new version of EEUITweaks - Available here.
New Mods:
Other stuff:
Version 2.4
I've released a new version of EEUITweaks - Available here.
New Stuff:
Changed/Updated Stuff:
Other stuff:
Version 2.5
I've released a new version of EEUITweaks - Available here.
New Stuff:
There is one caveat, however. The currently stable version of WeiDU (v 240) doesn't support this functionality for PST:EE. Thus, LavaDelVortel's Sculpted Transparent Sidebars has a fixed mapping of mainwing.MOS => MOS5000.PVRZ. If anyone has problems with this colliding, please send me a message and I can very easily create alternative files. This will be resolved when the current WeiDU beta (v240.2) completes testing and the next stable (v241) WeiDU version is released. Please do NOT attempt to install this version of EEUITweaks with the current beta WeiDU - it won't work.
Changed/Updated Stuff:
Other stuff:
Several months ago I looked into including support for the full UI replacement packages and what exactly it might entail. Even with the (compared to now) small number of packages then available; to do it right would have been a larger, more complex effort than I was able to undertake. Now it would be even tougher.
No one has yet (that I know of) created a full replacement UI for PST:EE' ...
Version 2.6
I've released a new version of EEUITweaks - Available here.
New Stuff:
Changed/Updated Stuff:
Other stuff:
Been stuck with murdering the finger having to cycle through spells playing as a cleric/mage, so really hoping this can one day be a thing.
A spell-happy mage strapped with the Robe of Vecna and Amulet of Power, fueled by Improved Alacrity...It leads to terrible things.
Install Component [Mods Options]?
[I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? i
Installing [Mods Options] [2.6]
ERROR Installing [Mods Options], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 6 files for [EEUITWEAKS/EEUITWEAKS.TP2] component 1000.
Uninstalled 6 files for [EEUITWEAKS/EEUITWEAKS.TP2] component 1000.
ERROR: Failure("Unable to patch ESC_MENU menu")
PLEASE zip/rar the file SETUP-EEUITWEAKS.DEBUG along with UI.MENU and send via message to AncientCowboy on the BeamDog Forums
Using Language [English]
Note that I'm using his BG1EE version (the blue background), and not his core version (the golden background).
I attached a patched version of EEUITweaks\include\ModOptionsSOD.tpa that should fix the problem.