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[MOD] Lefreut's enhanced UI (for BG1EE, SoD, BG2EE and EET)



  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    Allanon81 said:

    It works a little but on the inventory screen (text), right hand main ui (bottom of the portraits) and mage and priest spellscreen it doesn't scale. I think you said it was intended for 1080p or higher? Mines 720. Oh well.

    My UI uses the same images size as the default UI so it's not designed for any particular resolution.
  • Minsc2017Minsc2017 Member Posts: 34
    Hi Lefreut, many thanks for EEUIT. Indispensable for my playthroughs.

    I'm trying beta 2.5 mainly because I'm OCD and the Record Screen "Thac0 bug" on the 2.3 inventory screen drives me nuts. (this one ->

    I do a Big World install, but I don't include EEUIT via Big World. I run it manually afterward for a couple of reasons. The version of EEUIT I'm using is AncientCowboy's at I believe it's more up to date than the version of EEUIT obtained through Big World (Cowboy's has your option 'Keep Dialog Box active after death', which I use).

    FYI, one incompatibility I'm getting on 2.5 is visually messed up scrollbars on the revised record, inventory, spell book, etc. screens (one screenshot attached).

    I've been able to eliminate it by replacing your LUISCRC.BAM and LUISBR.BAM with GUISCRC.BAM. To be clear, I mean I rename copies of GUISCRC to LUISCRC and LUISBR (not GUISBR.BAM for LUISBR... the bad graphics remain in that case).

    It's certainly possible my problem is something specific to my install; just mentioning here in case it's useful info for others.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    @Minsc2017 yes they change how the scrollbar is rendered and it broke my mod... (see
    Minsc2017 said:

    I've been able to eliminate it by replacing your LUISCRC.BAM and LUISBR.BAM with GUISCRC.BAM. To be clear, I mean I rename copies of GUISCRC to LUISCRC and LUISBR (not GUISBR.BAM for LUISBR... the bad graphics remain in that case).

    If you use the same skin as the game (ie LeUI for BG2EE, LeUI-BG1EE for BG1EE, etc...), yes the bypass is to use the default GUISCRC.BAM file instead of my files.

    These BAM are there for when you want to completely change the skin (LeUI in BG1EE for example).

    I need to publish an update for 2.5 to fix this regression. But it's a lot of work as I need to update the 3 UI mods + EEUITweaks.
  • Minsc2017Minsc2017 Member Posts: 34
    @lefreut Cool.

    One unrelated question if you see this. Right now, your Journal mod always shows each quest 'expanded' upon a game load. The default game journal shows quests collapsed. I like your Journal much better overall, but I also do prefer to see the quests collapsed.

    I'm sure you know what I mean, but to be perfectly clear I usually prefer seeing just the single-line quest headers as in the second screenshot.

    By any chance, is there an easy edit you could show me here that would either:

    - remember, upon save/load, which quest entries I have collapsed. Or
    - default to quests being collapsed rather than expanded.


  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited May 2018
    Minsc2017 said:

    - remember, upon save/load, which quest entries I have collapsed.

    It's hard to do as you need to persist the state and I don't know where to save it.
    Minsc2017 said:

    - default to quests being collapsed rather than expanded.

    You only need to inverse the logic, it's doable but it requires changing a few different places for it to work properly. If you want, you can post your and I can edit it for you.

    I will also look if I can add an option to choose between the two for the next release (yet another thing in my todo list).
  • Minsc2017Minsc2017 Member Posts: 34
    @lefreut In that case, thank you for the kind offer and here's my

    Once I see an edited version, I know enough to do a file compare and figure out what you did and replicate it for any other install variations I might do.

  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited May 2018
    @Minsc2017 this should do it.
    Edit: removed as this does not work.
    Post edited by lefreut on
  • NervaNerva Member Posts: 133
    I'll second the suggestion that the quests should start out collapsed after loading.
  • Minsc2017Minsc2017 Member Posts: 34
    @lefreut Great, thanks! Seems to be one issue: when I expand an objective, the details remain hidden (with no option to expand them).

  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    Second try :p
  • Minsc2017Minsc2017 Member Posts: 34
    @lefreut This did the trick, thanks. Anyone looking to make this adjustment to their can probably figure it out from this:

    BEFORE (expanded quests). Search for these 7 non-consecutive lines in your


    if(questEnabled(rowTab.parent) and not questDisplay[rowTab.parent].hidden) then return 1 else return nil end
    if(objectiveEnabled(rowTab.parent) and not questDisplay[rowTab.parent].hidden) then return 1 else return nil end
    text lua "questDisplay[rowNumber].hidden and '+' or '-'"
    enabled "questEnabled(rowNumber) and getFinished(rowNumber) == journalMode and not questDisplay[rowNumber].hidden"
    if(questDisplay[selectedQuest].hidden) then
    questDisplay[selectedQuest].hidden = nil
    questDisplay[selectedQuest].hidden = 1

    AFTER (hidden quests). Replace with these 7 non-consecutive lines.

    if(questEnabled(rowTab.parent) and questDisplay[rowTab.parent].expanded) then return 1 else return nil end
    if(objectiveEnabled(rowTab.parent)) then return 1 else return nil end
    text lua "questDisplay[rowNumber].expanded and '-' or '+'"
    enabled "questEnabled(rowNumber) and getFinished(rowNumber) == journalMode and questDisplay[rowNumber].expanded"
    if(questDisplay[selectedQuest].expanded) then
    questDisplay[selectedQuest].expanded = nil
    questDisplay[selectedQuest].expanded = 1

  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    I am both using your UI mod (which is great by the way : a peace of art) and EEUITweaks (for example the transparent sidebar option, Simple Centered Dialog...).

    Is there any easy solution to do something with the icons/buttons in the left side of the screen (or maybe even with the one located at the Bottom of the screen (i use a very small display and those icons/buttons look very big) :

    - whether to make them smaller
    - or to have the possibility to have them to disappear/become transparent when you don't need them (like the option in the vanilla SoD UI for example)

    I have also this issue when there is a conversation with many possible answers : they usually don't fit in the dialog box. Is there any solution for this dialog box to change size according to the actual conversation ?

    NB : sorry for my english
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @Mordekaie, not sure what you are using, but if you have access to a keyboard, pressing Y hides the left hand panel, U hides the right hand panel and H hides them both. To bring them back, just hit the key that you press to hide with.

  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    Mordekaie said:

    - whether to make them smaller

    Are you playing with UI scaling on? You can try disabling it, it will make everything smaller.
    Mordekaie said:

    - or to have the possibility to have them to disappear/become transparent when you don't need them (like the option in the vanilla SoD UI for example)

    As @Gusinda said, you can hide the panel with keyboard shortcut. In the next release, you will have the option to keep the toggle button.
    Mordekaie said:

    I have also this issue when there is a conversation with many possible answers : they usually don't fit in the dialog box. Is there any solution for this dialog box to change size according to the actual conversation ?

    In the next release, the dialog box will be resizeable.
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    I am testing the version 3.3 on BGEE 2.367.3B +SoD+modmerge, and I really can't figure how to find that "item comparaison feature" in order to disable it or not, and i am terribly sorry to bring such subject. : )

    If anyone could give me a clue, i would be very grateful !!
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited June 2018
    You can see the item comparison in the inventory screen when you pick an item that you can equip. It lets you see the change in damage, armor class, thaco, etc... before equipping the item. Some people like it, some others don't which is why you can disable it.

  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269

    Thanks. I take advantage to report a really minor feedback about 3.3 version. While testing your UI mod before adding EETweak i went into building a new character and i could find a way to type the name !

    I took me a while to understand the situation before reporting some imaginary issue. After fews installs/uninstalls and different setups i discovered the true :smile:

    - your game has no issue
    - i just wasn't positioning the mouse Arrow in the writing area
    - for my defense and beside beeing a "dummy", the writing area is not visible on my display and the muse Arrow is not automatically pointing to this place.
  • BloodstoneBloodstone Member Posts: 99
    I think I already know the answer to the below question, but figured I will check.
    I have a current EET game I am running, if I download the 3.3 version and run it in my game folder will it work with my save games? I was thinking that UI Mods that get installed or re-installed after end_EET should still work ok and not break the EET game, please let me know if I don't think of that properly.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    @Bloodstone yes UI mods can be (re-)installed when you want and should work with old saves.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    v3.3.1 is out with the fix for the issue reported by @Mordekaie

    Here is what it look like now:
    • here to download the BG2EE skin.
    • here to download the BG1EE skin and the corresponding topic.
    • here to download the SoD skin and the corresponding topic.
  • John_DoeJohn_Doe Member Posts: 9

    in regards to v3.3 notes, could you provide specifics on "Fix some wrong strref. Add missing sound on some buttons."

    I can't move from 3.2 due to some changes I made but would like to make these fixes manually if possible.

  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    John_Doe said:

    Fix some wrong strref.

    • Change helpstring in the Graphics option screen from 18042 ("This panel controls various user-interface features and customization options of the game.") to 18038 ("This panel controls the appearance of the graphics in the game.") which I thing is better.
    • Change the string the Customize Sound screen from 24437 to "SOUND_DESCRIPTION" same text in English but it may differ in other language.
    • Change the string in the HLA screen from 63817 to engine_mode == 0 and 24323 or 63817 (as both engine does not use the same strref for it).
    John_Doe said:

    Add missing sound on some buttons.

    • Add Infinity_PlaySound('GAM_03') in onOpen and Infinity_PlaySound('GAM_04') in onClose on the Character Creation screens and a few other screens.
    • Add Infinity_PlaySound('GAM_09') in a few places (Store screen for example).
    • Change the icon on the Start screen from text to button so they produce a sound when you click on them.
    You can check the full diff here if you want more details.
  • NervaNerva Member Posts: 133
    Minsc2017 said:

    One unrelated question if you see this. Right now, your Journal mod always shows each quest 'expanded' upon a game load. The default game journal shows quests collapsed. I like your Journal much better overall, but I also do prefer to see the quests collapsed.

    I'm sure you know what I mean, but to be perfectly clear I usually prefer seeing just the single-line quest headers as in the second screenshot.

    I like the idea of the Journal starting collapsed by default -- much cleaner and more efficient to see all the quests first and then expand the one you're concerned with.

  • ParysParys Member Posts: 205
    edited June 2018
    Hello @lefreut
    I would like to inform you about bug i found in your GUI Mod recently.
    When I installed LeGui mod in bg2ee 2.5 final version i can not check ability description in F8:Use Item section anymore.
    Can we expect fixing this issue in future update of LeGuiMod?

    Post edited by Parys on
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    Yet another update. Here is v3.4 of LeUI :)

    As usual, here are the links to get this new version:
    • here to download the BG2EE skin.
    • here to download the BG1EE skin and the corresponding topic.
    • here to download the SoD skin and the corresponding topic.
    • Detect game version to install 2.3 or 2.5
    • Fix Item description screen (reported by @Parys )
    • Include new "Take All" button in 2.5
    • Tweak keybinding screens in 2.5 (see the screens for the difference between 2.3 and 2.5).
    • Add install option to collapse quests by default (for @Mordekaie )

    Keybindings in v2.3:

    Keybindings in v2.5:

  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited July 2018
    So, I downloaded this the other day and I love it!

    Bonus: it's helping me learn UI modding! I didn't like having the reputation, lore and ai under proficiencies, and I wanted to separate fighting styles from proficiencies, so I moved things around a bit.

    I put lore under skills--it's kinda like appraisal, and I think that appraisal is very ' thief-y'--and yup, I think I made it so it displays for everybody. I then separated fighting styles from ' regular' proficiencies and it quickly became apparent why you put them all under fighting styles: the club proficiency still displays under fighting styles, apparently even on bg2ee 2.5. :(
  • NervaNerva Member Posts: 133
    lefreut said:

    It took me way too long, but the 3.3 release is finally here \o/

    This update focus on compatibility with the upcoming patch 2.5. This means the alternate scrollbar is no longer used as it will no longer work. I did not backport some of the UI changes from 2.5 (like the "Take All" button) because I wanted that the mod continue to work with 2.3. I will add these features when 2.5 final is released and I stop supporting 2.3.

    The update should also add most of the features that were asked in this topic. If I miss your feature, feel free to repost it so I could see if I can add it in a future release.

    • here to download the BG2EE skin.
    • here to download the BG1EE skin and the corresponding topic.
    • here to download the SoD skin and the corresponding topic.
    • Compatibility with 2.5 (fix corrupted scrollbar texture)
    • Use dialog box code from LeUI-IWDEE
    • Fix some wrong strref
    • Add missing sound on some buttons
    • Add Select All button in Store and Container screens
    • Add install option to Show Sidebar toggle button
    • Add install option to Show Quicksave button
    • Add install option to Show Highlight button
    • Add install option to Use small buttons in the right sidebar
    • Update to weidu 246
    I think this is regarding the "option to Show Highlight button" -- the button on the right panel with a magnifying glass -- why does it seem to have the in-game description, "Lugg"?
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    Nerva said:

    I think this is regarding the "option to Show Highlight button" -- the button on the right panel with a magnifying glass -- why does it seem to have the in-game description, "Lugg"?

    Bad copy/paste, sorry.

    You can search for Infinity_FetchString(40879) and replace it with Infinity_FetchString(engine_mode == 0 and 32729 or 103144).
  • HeathenbotHeathenbot Member Posts: 5
    Hey, I am having a slight issue with your mod. Specifically, the SoD version. I am playing on EET and yet I am given only the options to start a game in either SoA or ToB. I can't seem to figure out how to change it so I have the option to start from any game. I'd appreciate any help you can offer!
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