Favorite School of Magic

So, obviously you're here because you play Dungeons and Dragons games. Well, I think it's obvious, anyway. And one of the facets of magic in the series is how it is divided into various Schools. Wizards can chose to specialize in a certain school, but all others tap into them one-way or another.
So, what is your favorite School of Magic? (Wizard levels not required.)
Of personal note, my favorite used to be Transmutation spells. I loved the idea of shaping the world or the power of others, but it has turned into Divination in my later PnP games. I love all the knowledge I can get with them, plus it's a great way to mess with my DM (and watch as he tries to mess back.)
So, what is your favorite School of Magic? (Wizard levels not required.)
Of personal note, my favorite used to be Transmutation spells. I loved the idea of shaping the world or the power of others, but it has turned into Divination in my later PnP games. I love all the knowledge I can get with them, plus it's a great way to mess with my DM (and watch as he tries to mess back.)
- Favorite School of Magic80 votes
- Abjuration - Deny and protect11.25%
- Conjuration - Summon allies and minions  8.75%
- Divination - Know all, see all  7.50%
- Enchantment - Control minds directly15.00%
- Evocation - Directed destruction15.00%
- Illusion - Mess with the fabric of imagination16.25%
- Necromancy - Control over other's life force16.25%
- Transmutation - Shape the natural world10.00%
(For those who haven't heard of it this is a school of magic that deals with time travel)
The school of perfect knowledge.
Musamancy, I think. Along with Claviaturamancy, it's probably more important than the other schools we've been discussing here.
Time Stop, Improved Haste, Teleport Field, Slow are my most favourite spells. Oh, and Goodberry. Goodberry is the best.
When my party goes to dragon hunting they bring food for a week, and is a week of really hard work for them, but the reward, both as challenge and XP, is huge.