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[v1.61] Drake, a human priest of Tyr NPC for BG:EE and SoD



  • rashkaerashkae Member Posts: 179
    What UI mod is that in the screenshots?? Looks fantastic.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    The mod is still missing a voice actor. My voice is totally unsuitable for the character so I've got a choice either to leave it unvoiced or find someone willing to volunteer. In case anyone's interested in lending their voice I'm posting Drake's soundset:
    SAY MORALE ~They say discretion is the better part of valor.~
    SAY HAPPY ~Hmm, not bad, not bad. Even those sods at the Order could learn a thing or two.~
    SAY UNHAPPY_ANNOYED ~You really sure you know what in the name of all nine layers of Hell you're doing?~
    SAY UNHAPPY_SERIOUS ~I can't tell if you're stupidly oblivious or... if you actually like making people hate you more than me. Either way, I suggest you stop.~
    SAY UNHAPPY_BREAKING_POINT ~That's it. I think even drinking myself into a stupor wouldn't be enough to ignore all of this tosh. Next time we meet, it'll be hammer first. To the Hells with you.~
    SAY LEADER ~Heh, so I'm the boss now, is that right? Wonder what the old coots in the Order would think if they saw where I am now... hope you won't regret this.~
    SAY TIRED ~Tyr's buttocks, what I wouldn't do for a warm fire and a stiff drink right now...~
    SAY BORED ~This standing around is just like waiting in attendance back in the Order, right down to the boredom. Can we get a move on?~
    SAY BATTLE_CRY1 ~I'll show you true justice!~
    SAY BATTLE_CRY2 ~I've got your judgment right here!~
    SAY BATTLE_CRY3 ~Best say your prayers... while you still can.~
    SAY BATTLE_CRY4 ~I've got a hammer and boot waiting to meet your arse!~
    SAY BATTLE_CRY5 ~Poor sod's just a dead man walking.~
    SAY DAMAGE ~Oof!~
    SAY DYING ~Ugh, how... shameful.~
    SAY HURT ~Agh... much as I'd like to see Tyr, I doubt he'd be eager to judge my arse this soon. Mind... offering a hand here?~
    SAY AREA_FOREST ~If I knew we'd be trekking through the forests, I'd have worn sturdier boots.~
    SAY AREA_CITY ~The smell of ale and stale vomit in the gutters is quite welcoming, don't you think?~
    SAY AREA_DUNGEON ~Hah... I'd say a prayer, but I doubt even the gods could hear us where we are now.~
    SAY AREA_DAY ~Not a bad day to dish out some judgment, don't you think?~
    SAY AREA_NIGHT ~The lowest of the low thrive in the dark... and I'll be ready to put 'em right.~
    SAY SELECT_COMMON2 ~Need something?~
    SAY SELECT_COMMON3 ~I'm listening.~
    SAY SELECT_COMMON4 ~Give your orders.~
    SAY SELECT_COMMON5 ~What is it?~
    SAY SELECT_COMMON6 ~Got something to say?~
    SAY SELECT_ACTION1 ~Right, right.~
    SAY SELECT_ACTION2 ~Simple enough.~
    SAY SELECT_ACTION3 ~As you say, friend.~
    SAY SELECT_ACTION4 ~You going to give me something to do already?~
    SAY SELECT_ACTION5 ~What's wrong with you this time? Broken limbs?~
    SAY SELECT_ACTION6 ~Quiet, please... I've got one hell of a headache.~
    SAY SELECT_ACTION7 ~You still owe me several drinks, you know.~
    SAY CRITICAL_HIT ~Hah! Looks like the scales favor *me*!~
    SAY CRITICAL_MISS ~Tch...! You didn't see that.~
    SAY TARGET_IMMUNE ~Not even a scratch? Well now, this is something.~
    SAY INVENTORY_FULL ~Afraid even two hands aren't enough for this hunk of junk. Get someone else to hold it.~
    SAY SPELL_DISRUPTED ~Wasn't my fault for botching that prayer for once.~
    SAY SET_A_TRAP ~This'll give the next bugger a nice shock.~
    SAY HIDDEN_IN_SHADOWS ~No one expects justice coming from the shadows.~
    SAY PICKED_POCKET ~Whoops... you dropped this.~

    Anyone who's interested can simply pick out a few (4-5) lines they like, record them, and send me a sample. Remember, he's a man in his late thirties with a drinking problem. I personally imagine him with a low, gravelly voice.

    The mod will be released once the writing and coding is ready, voiced or no, so don't worry, this won't cause a delay or anything.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Banter preview a.k.a. proof that I'm still writing for the mod at all:

    Safana: I truly do like your face, dear. I just thought I should let you know that.
    Drake: Is that so? I thought you were more for the skinny, girlish types.
    Drake (if Coran is in party): After all, you seem to reserve all of your attention for Coran. Not that I'm all that surprised, mind you. They always go for the elves.
    Safana: Oh, I didn't mean it that way. I was merely making a remark on how smug that face of yours is. Very... punchable.
    Drake: Ha! You'd best get in line, then. I've heard that so many times it hurts more than the act itself.
    Safana: Sometimes, Drake dear, I wonder if you hate yourself more than I hate you.

    Drake: Perhaps your madness has overtaken your senses, or your mother simply never taught you right, but you do realize it is raining, Xzar? Perhaps covering your head would be appropriate.
    Xzar: Now why would I ever do such a thing? And why would Mommy ever teach me that? Isn't the rain delightful? Why, I'm positively glowing with joy here! I can barely resist the urge to sing!
    Drake: Please don't.
    Xzar: Oh, don't be such as killjoy dafferdoodle. I'll have you know I can make quite a merry tune! Of course, 'tis better when accompanied with instruments made of human bone and bloody sinew, but even without, 'tis worth hearing!
    Drake: Yes, I am sure, Xzar, yet I have a sinking suspicion that your tones would be more lethal than the magic you wield. And that, my mad friend, is no easy feat.
    Xzar: Hmf! Be that way, if you must. I will simply skip the singing and go straight into the dance routine instead! Oh, gorgeous, rainy, gloomy day!
    Drake: You'll regret that when you end up with a case of shivers tonight.
    Xzar: I know, Drake, wouldn't that be wonderful?
    Drake: *snort* Perhaps you getting drenched will be to all our benefits after all. If nothing else, it'll at least do something about that revolting stench.

    Then sometimes he can just get nasty (Skie-Drake):
    Drake: I'm aware your father likely was too busy to raise you right, Skie, but surely you can't be so blind or ignorant?
    Skie: Hmph! Well, that's rude of you. Whatever did I do wrong this time?
    Drake: I could start my own brewery if I had a copper for every thing you've done wrong, kid, but your obsession with your so-called 'lover' is worth its weight in gold at least.
    Skie: Eldoth? What's wrong with him? He's cleaner than you, at least, if you haven't noticed.
    Drake: Sure. But on the inside, he's slimier than a crawler, and his singing makes my ears bleed. How you haven't noticed is beyond me.
    Skie: Stop this! I won't have you standing here slandering my beloved! If you say one more bad thing about Eldoth, I'll... I'll-
    Drake: Oh, just do us all a favor and shut up, kid. You're making a fool out of yourself with this tantrum you're throwing.
  • agb1agb1 Member Posts: 249
    Drake seems to get along terribly with everyone. I suppose you have other banters showing Safana developing her ire by the time that banter comes along?
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    agb1 said:

    Drake seems to get along terribly with everyone.

    Almost everyone, but yeah, you get the idea. You could probably count the people he doesn't start off on the wrong foot with on one hand - Coran, Minsc, Rasaad as well, kind of. Some of them get better, but others can cross the line into mean spite.
    agb1 said:

    I suppose you have other banters showing Safana developing her ire by the time that banter comes along?

    Just one, but I think it'll reveal enough. They're not 'enemies', to be exact, in the sense that they don't consider each other a threat like Drake would to, say, Dorn or Edwin, but they do find each other to be repugnant for various reasons.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited December 2016
    Drake-Alora banter no. 1:
    Alora: Drakey! You're looking so, so, sooooo grumpy right now. Can't I do anything to make you happy?
    Drake: You can stop being a pain in my arse that's twice your own size. That'd be a good start.
    Alora: Hee-hee! No can do, I'm under contract to bother you until you smile! I'm being a good samaritan here!
    Drake: Well, then, stop calling me Drakey. I have a manly front to uphold, after all. Although I suppose my moments of drunkenness have broken that front several times over.
    Alora: Aww, you don't like Drakey? I thought the name was cute!
    Drake: It sounds like the sort of baby name my little sister Claudia would think of. Unfortunately, you're not half as adorable as her for it to be nearly tolerable.
    Alora: Pooh, so I'm not cute enough, is that it? Well, you just wait, Drakey! I'll become so sweet your teeth will rot off! Just you wait and see, hmf!
    Drake: Well, this... is a first.

    Coran: You are full of surprises, Drake. For a man so devoted to his own masculinity, I never expected to find that your possessions were so... sentimental.
    Drake: Been filching things from my pack, have you, elf? Here I thought that we were friendly.
    Coran: 'Filch' is such an ugly word, my friend. I merely saw fit to make sure nothing had gone missing. The thought of informing you just, er, slipped my mind.
    Drake: I'm sure it's not the first thought to do so. Your mind is more slippery than a sweaty merchant's backside.
    Coran: Guilty as charged, my friend, but back on track here... those... trinkets cannot truly be your own, can they? A straw doll and wooden toy soldier? Not to mention the horse made of pink glass? That's not like you.
    Drake: There's a lot of me you don't know, elf. Let's just say that I value gifts from those close to me, and leave it at that.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    A fine example that Good and nice are two different things.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    The writing for Drake-BG1 is pretty much done. Within a few days I'll make the beta version available.

    One more preview before the mod goes out into the open. A banter between Drake and... someone he actually respects and doesn't start off on the wrong foot with!

  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Great news indeed! Your betas are patiently waiting.
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    edited January 2017
    I see a party consisting of a Cavalier CHARNAME, Sirene, Imoen, Xan, Drake and Yeslick (Or maybe, Ajantis) in my future. I'm looking forward to it. Thanks for your efforts!
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    your just getting these out so fast i'm impressed. it's gonna get to a point where i can just make a party of nothing but your npcs.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    This is what happens when I have a lot of spare time and plenty of creative energy to spare... I'm basically getting everything I can done while I'm still able to.

    I've now made the first beta version available. It's got enough content to be playable, but I don't feel comfortable enough to call it complete yet.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    It's nice to see the first version up! :)
  • switswit Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 495
    v0.1 beta version can't be installed on vanilla BG:EE (no other mods)

    WARNING: internal label [9] not found in processed DLG [SAMANT]
    ERROR: COPY_TRANS SAMANT state #9 out of range 0-9, SKIPPED
    ERROR: Cannot process COPY_TRANS (Failure("COPY_TRANS out of range"))
    ERROR: processing COPY_TRANS [Drake/Dialogue/C0DrakeJ.d]: Failure("COPY_TRANS out of range")
    Stopping installation because of error.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    I know the cause of the issue. Will update soon with my other planned changes.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    I may have acquired a talent willing to provide Drake's voice...
  • banditsbandits Member Posts: 5
    In the relatively early stages of a playthrough with him and Sirene - really liking them both so far!
  • banditsbandits Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2017
    I've finished a playthrough and firstly, think he's very well written with enough of a tease for the SOD/BG2 content that I'm curious to see where it goes.

    Now onto the few things I came across:

    Seems like his talks were getting stuck for me
    - 'C0DrakeTalk' stays on '9' for me, never progresses (looks as though you need to be outside and night for it to?) so ended up having to manually set it to 10

    The talk with him offering the PC drink seems be a little bugged:
    - Had a no valid replies response appear (Looks due to Dy/Minsc not being in the party?)
    - Could only turn down the offer, looks as though I should be able to accept with a CON of 15 which I had.
    Ended up having to manually jump past that talk.

    Otherwise everything worked fine onwards.

    A small bug potentially - His quest doesn't seem to have a journal pop-up at the start, only once it was completed.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    The aforementioned bugs will be fixed with the proper release. Thank you!
  • banditsbandits Member Posts: 5

    Oh realised I hadnt mentioned - after I posted the above I had a look and managed to fix the talks (and an additional bug with the final talk I found in the process). Did a quick test and they all worked fine for me. I can post the edits made - or message - if you'd like!
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Question about installation.
    The only thing stopping me from joining test right away is dozens of mods already installed which I am afraid to touch (because for now combination of them works). Obviously, some of them NPC mods, that makes things even more complicated.

    So, the question is - how safe is it to install Drake now on top of everything else?
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Mirandel said:

    Question about installation.
    The only thing stopping me from joining test right away is dozens of mods already installed which I am afraid to touch (because for now combination of them works). Obviously, some of them NPC mods, that makes things even more complicated.

    So, the question is - how safe is it to install Drake now on top of everything else?

    I personally wouldn't. It's 'playable' in the most generous sense of the word - there's a bunch of issues that I've patched up on my end but still broken on the released version.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    You can copy your game directory to another location and add the mod to the copy. That way if it messes up, you still have the original installation.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    BillyYank said:

    You can copy your game directory to another location and add the mod to the copy. That way if it messes up, you still have the original installation.

    Or I can install a simple configuration in another directory as well - all true. Just not used to play without those selected mods :) Not a true tester by nature, I guess. But as soon as @Artemius_I gives a green light to the stable version - I think I'll do just that (make another installation).
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Ayyyyy I'm writing again

  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited June 2017
    Artemius_I said:Another NPC I'm working on, because BG1 really needed a male cleric early on.

    You do realise that Gavin is available nearby?

    However another NPC does enable more variety in games. :) and not everyone likes Gavin.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    well gavin can't go into sod so theres that.

    but really there is nothing wrong with having multiple of the same class for modded npcs. we have alot o paladins and thieves for example and no one seems to care.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868

    well gavin can't go into sod so theres that.

    but really there is nothing wrong with having multiple of the same class for modded npcs. we have alot o paladins and thieves for example and no one seems to care.

    I actually sometimes like to have a party of clerics or paladins or fighters. It adds variety to the game.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Something that I have just noticed. He cannot choose flails as a proficiency. That was the choice that I wanted when going up to level 8. Is this intentional?
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