Back at the Hive, I checked my stash and decided it was finally time to get... A PET LIM-LIM!!! Awww! It's sooo cuuute! Back down in the catacombs I entered the Warrens of Thought and was captured by rats. Breaking out of my cell I killed a great many rats as I looted the place. Some of them were rather nasty with their constant spell tossing. Many-as-One was near invincible for some reason... I suspect I am doing something wrong here... Perhaps I will think on it for a while and continue later...
Ok... I am extremely confused by this Many-as-One encounter...I suspect it is slightly buggy... I also suspect that, if I choose to fight the rats, then the encounter ends rather anticlimactically if I win. I suspect they simply stop mobbing me and that is about it... I dunno... I guess it isn't a very big deal... so I will continue and look it up later maybe...
So meeting Many-as-One I agreed to investigate the Silent King for them. I then told them that the Silent King was way too strong for them or anyone to challenge (so I could help my new undead friends). They then thought that they could just dismiss me like I was nothing so I pummeled them into submission and they surrendered rather anticlimactically with floating text and no dialog. I guess that is the end of that... Stupid rats...
Time to go to the Drowned Nations... Eh... Next time maybe... Getting a headache.
I actually did most of the drowned nations yesterday, but was so groggy from being tired and having a headache that it is kinda blurry to my memory. Next thing you know I will wake up in a mortuary having forgotten my name...
Entering the Drowned Nations I spoke to some ghoul scouts. One ghoul appeared to be leading the ghoul scouts and she mentioned that there were trocopotacas that had made this place their home. Horned white alligator like things I guess. Next I spoke to a pair of cowardly ghouls trying to confront one of these beasts. I was able to kill it with relative ease. Killing trocopotacas as I went I found two ghouls that died mysteriously from some burning sensation. They said some "thing" did something to them, but I have no idea what they meant. I then found a tomb of "Bah'jin A-"... This must be the nameless zombie's tomb. It seems that part of the name had worn off though. After this I located the Decanter of Endless Water. Next I found the bronze sphere. There is also some strange tomb down here that only Nameless can enter... My inventory is quite full so I will leave for now and look at that later.
Returning to the nameless zombie I told her I was unable to read her name on the tomb, but I made up a new name for her instead. She seemed happy with this. I returned to Glyve and gave him some of the water from the decanter and he told me to seek out Nemelle. After this he fell silent and Morte made a joke about his pauses. Back in the Hive I checked my stash and sold my junk. I brought the decanter to Ignus, but it apparently doesn't work without a command word...
Returned to Pharod and gave him his sphere. After this I listened to what he told me and apologized for killing his people in my past life. I was able to convince him to give me some of my stuff back, and then he called Annah in and had her join my group. She is apparently going to guide me to where she found me. I spoke to Annah and was able to get a ring off of her. She found it on my body earlier and was going to sell it. I spoke to her about Pharod and gave her a complement. She then started nibbling on me and telling me she was interested in me. When I nibbled on her she told me she was just teasing... Her body seems to disagree with this, however...
I went back to my stash to dig out some equipment for Annah. Chief of the items I gave to her were the Punch Daggers of Moorin, a very fine weapon, I must say... The problem now is that she is a bit low level compared to the rest of the group. I think I may hiss at some abishai for her... The first abishai I met payed no attention to me... this time it was more interested in Annah. Must be because of the blood war. I guess now we know just what kind of fiend blood she has... Killing it allowed Morte to reach level 9! No teeth upgrade this time...
Went to visit Fell and woah... Annah was absolutely *terrified* of him. I was able to calm her down though. Found a drunk harlot who turned out to be yet another pickpocket. I watched her and killed her like the others. I then went to claim the bounty for my cranium rat tails... 131 of them... one... at... a... time... I kept one because I know it is a key to at least one portal. Spoke to Mourns-for-Trees and got Annah to help his cause. Seems like this made a slight change in the trees and they started to grow better. I also spoke to him about Fell and it seems there is more to the dabus than he told me. Some connection to Aoskar... Somewhere around here I tried killing Pharod to get his cane so I could see his stash. Turned out to be a library of some sort with little of actual value in it aside from an earring that boosted AC. I reloaded. He can stay alive, for now, in case he has anything else he can contribute.
After running around hissing and playing with thugs I sold some sets of loot and went back to fell to buy some of his tattoos. I have exactly 11000 jink now. I also now have more tattoos than I have slots for and am not sure how to arrange them between my current party members... Perhaps I will think about it next time... For now I will stop.
If any of you have suggestions for equipment use, let me know. Here is a list of some of my items I am unsure of where to put:
The Number of Ku'u Yin tattoo (+2 AC and Save vs. Death, Not usable by Chaotic) Tattoo of Accuracy (+1 THAC0) Tattoo of the Spirit x2, Tattoo of the Soul (+1, +2 wis respectively) Tattoo of Warding x3, Tattoo of Greater Warding (+1, +2 AC respectively, Greater for fighters only) Tattoo of Might x3, Tattoo of Greater Might (+1, +2 str respectively, Greater for fighters only) Tattoo of Bloodletting (+1 weapon damage) Rings of AC (I have three that give +1 and one that gives +2)
Special considerations: I want Dak'kon to have at least 19 str (he has base 18). I want Nameless to have the Tattoo of the Art at all times. Nameless will swap one of his tattoo slots with the increased regen tattoo if needed. If not needed he should be wearing a different one.
Since you now have upgraded Dak'kon, give him enough so he has STR at least 19 and CON 20. At 20 CON NPCs start to slowly regenerate. Annah can get whatever, for 18+ str she needs to be the target of strength spell anyway.
@Tresset I have to ask, how can Morte be level 9 already! Have you been farming monsters like crazy in the catabombs? Also, could you post your TNO level and stats?
@Tresset I have to ask, how can Morte be level 9 already! Have you been farming monsters like crazy in the catabombs? Also, could you post your TNO level and stats?
He's farming abishais for 7k each. With just 3 heads in party it goes up quickly.
Trained Annah up to level 7/7. Kicked out Morte and Dak'kon so it would go faster. I have mainly been picking on abishai because they are there and they have loot. I have been collecting brass bracelets and copper earrings and holding onto them until I have 20 at a time at which point I sell them all to a merchant to make the maximum profit for the items. My OC need to collect 20 at a time is the main reason I do the farming. I only did farming specifically for levels several times, most recently just now when Annah joined and was much lower level than the rest of my group. Now she is only a couple levels lower... Anyway, while doing this, Nameless reached level 11 and his Missile of Patience turned into a repeating ballista of lightning arrows... I assume this is "it" that @CrevsDaak told me to "wait for".
As requested by @karl_maulder, my TNO stats (and group inventory just for fun):
Not much else to do so I entered the painted door. When I did, I saw Pharod being killed by shadows... But why? This is starting to worry me... No matter... I went back to loot Pharod's vault. I spoke to Annah about Pharod's death and she didn't know who could have done it. I think now I may check out that mysterious tomb in the Drowned Nations.
Very interesting... It seems to be a place strongly associated with Nameless. I suspect I constructed it in a past life or something. I am not sure the full significance of it, but I was able to work my way through it... The stuff written there was a just as mysterious as the place itself... I dont know what much of it meant, but there was one that was a copy of what was written on my back... Morte didn't tell me the whole thing! "Don't trust the skull." I am not sure what to make of this... but I hope that this is referring to something other than Morte... Confronting Morte with this info didn't get me anywhere... It worries me...
With Pharod dead I decided it wouldn't matter much if I told Emeric about his source of bodies. When I did this I got a small reward and... my alignment changed to LG! Yay!
So guys... Which spell do you think is best out of these: Ax of Torment Ball Lightning Tears of Elysium I am having trouble deciding who to give what... My Nameless already knows Tears of Elysium (they don't seem to work very well...) and I am trying to decide if I should teach him Ax of Torment or Ball Lightning or both or if I should save learning them for later. Dak'kon could also use something better for 3rd level.
Entered the lair of the barking dog idiots and, after killing a few of them, I met a thief named Sybil who suggested I should go find a key rather than fight a large group of them. I found the key easily enough. Some mage had it. Annah backstabbed him and then finished him with her second attack before he could cast. Seems like these thugs are more accurate and damaging with their attacks then most other enemies I have faced so far, though. Anyway, I opened the door with the key and saw that I could walk past the dogs without fighting them, but what fun is that? I cast Balance in All Things on Nameless and practically the whole group killed themselves by striking me (only the leader survived). Upon exiting the building Sybil came and thanked me. She tried to give me some stuff, but I had already had Annah pick her pockets clean so I just got XP...
Looking around I saw a lone dabus doing whatever, and a house. Entering the house I found a dead dabus that triggered a vision of it becoming trapped and dying... I told the dabus outside about this happening and, uh, I guess it wasn't too bright... It went inside to investigate and I assume it got trapped as well because the door shut and I couldn't open it... What an odd house... I wonder why it would do such a thing... Perhaps an enemy of the Lady set this up? But who the heck would want to cross the Lady like this? I reloaded to consider my options here. Moving on through the alley I found out that the place was alive and... With child? Ok then... The alley told me that I was killed by shadows and I was able to remember this. It then told me that it had killed the dabus because they were interfering with the alley's life cycle or whatever. Now I need to undo the alley repairs it seems... Undoing repairs was easy enough and returning to talk to the alley launched me into a movie and cutscene... Morte got kidnapped by rats! Oh no! How will I keep thugs from running without his taunts?! Another thing happened when I transitioned to this area... Moridor's box disappeared and was automatically replaced by the ruby... How odd... This requires a reload so I can see what I missed with this box... @Cahir Are you sure there is more to the box? I met a mage that wanted the ruby from it, but nothing else came up... Mind you, I wasn't carrying it with me the whole time... I had it in my stash for a while... I will go back over some areas with the box for a while and see what happens...
@Tresset, here's a small spoiler regarding this box. If you don't want to be spoiled don't read it You have been warned!
To benefit the most from this quest you need to give the box to Shilandra in the Mortuary Area of the Hive but you cannot open it before. She recommends you bringing the box to a priest of Aoskar named Aola who resides in the Alley of Dangerous Angles.
@Queegon you're right. I have modified the spoiler. Don't want to ruin the surprise. @Tresset I hope you didn't manage to read it before I cut it. I just left you a clue what to do with the box in the Hive. As for later, you have to find it out yourself
I gave the box to Aola and bought the Ruby from him to give to the mage who needed it in Ragpicker Square. I also spoke to the guy who gave me the box initially and got some stuff from him. Next stop is, I guess, lose Morte...
Moving to the new area beyond the Alley of Lingering Whispers, I went the general direction the wererats ran after kidnapping Morte and I found a ramshackle building of some sort... Looked like a place a wererat would go, so I went inside. To my surprise I had guessed right as the basement of this house had tons of skulls on shelves. Morte was there and as he spoke to me some guy named Lothar came. Morte told me not to anger him, so I agreed to find him a better skull. He seemed to think there was one in the mysterious tomb that I went in under the Drowned Nations. I told Lothar I had been there already and he seemed quite flabbergasted. Mentioned something about seeking answers through a portal under his home. I then told him I suspected the tomb he wanted me to visit was actually my own and he got even more flustered. At this point he tasked me with finding another skull of import for him. Fortunately I happened to have Soego's skull with me for whatever reason, and that was an acceptable trade to Lothar. After we made the trade he told me that my mortality had been stolen by a fiend named Ravel Puzzlewell. Around this point some rather annoying RL problems came up so I had to quit.
I continued by speaking to some of the skulls on the shelves. One of them also appears to have had an encounter with Ravel. This Ravel certainly seems to have a favorite question from what I can tell... Another skull talked about a treacherous book carried by that wererat that was liaison to Many-as-One... Perhaps I will meet this rat again later? The next skull I spoke to was that of a stuttering wererat. It told me more about Mantuok and his book. I get the feeling I will be seeing this rat again very soon... Next I spoke to a skull that had seen me before and had apparently killed me and hid some of my stuff. It said Lothar was interested in me because I was an enigma to him. I then spoke to Annah about how she found my body... She seemed to be compelled to do so by something or other... Morte gave me advice on where to look next for info about Ravel when I spoke to him. Oh... Mantuok was in the basement this whole time... I will talk to him later though...
Went to the pawn shop next door and I found a bickering couple running the place. Morte learned more taunts from their bickering.
I went to the market area next and Annah, with the help of my collection of Dirty Rat Tails, did some shopping for the group. She got all the best goodies that my party could use, including lots of nice spells for Dak'kon and Nameless. I am now spending time testing my new spells. My favorite new spell has to be Cone of Cold. First of all, it is the only level 5 spell I have and, second, it seems really good! The PST version of Cone of Cold only hits enemies so I can cast it wherever I want. It briefly holds hit targets before doing its damage. The only issue is that the AoE seems a bit wonky sometimes. I just noticed that Morte gained a new special ability, Skull Mob, when he was taken to the Bones of the Night! I must test this too!
Ok, I think I have finally stopped screwing around and picked out my spells. Back in the marketplace I met a girl named Karina who was lonely... I guess I have to find a friend for her... Which I did rather quickly, actually. Corvus the harmonium guard was interested in her so I told him to go talk to her. I then went outside and met Vorten who is a friend of Ebb Creaknees. Perhaps Ebb will say more about this guy if I speak to him. Spoke to a guy named Sebastion who wants me to help him with a contract he has with an abishai. Next I met Xanthia who was eager to watch some thokola get killed by an abishai for ruining her dress. What a jerk she is... I think I should warn them to leave abishai hissing to the pros. I warned them and Xanthia is mad at me now. Too bad for her... Next I spoke to a Deran and learned that justice in the city is usually handled through indentured service and he sold such slaves to people... Hmm... Not sure what I think of this... Trist was one such slave and she told me of her problem and how she was falsely accused by Lenny and Byron Pikit so I agreed to help her. I apparently do not meet the requirements to buy Trist but Deran agreed not to sell her while I looked for evidence. Decided to try Lenny first. He admitted to me that he stole the documents I needed, but he also told me that Pikit was much more crooked than he thought when he stole them. He was going to turn them in to the authorities himself even! He also had further evidence of Pikit's crookedness, but that I should only give it to someone in Harmonium whom I trust... Perhaps Ebb's friend Vorten or Corvus? Maybe Ebb would know who to trust? I talked to Pikit next and he had little more to add to this, other than his smugness... I went to the warehouse and got the evidence from the strange stone head, as well as a large bag of coins I think I may have left there in a previous life. I then gave the financial document to Deran and he freed Trist who rewarded me. Next I killed Grosuk for Sebastion, but not before it told me why it hired him. 8k xp is nice. Too bad there aren't a ton of these things wandering around too... Returning to Sebastion, he cleared up some of my scarring and my Charisma increased by 2! Woo-hoo! I then returned to Corvus and gave him the evidence of Pikit's corruption and he took care of the situation for me. A lot of people here talk about how bad the air is... I wonder if there is something I can do about it... I met a dying githzeri and Dak'kon told me that all he could do was kill her so I let him do it mercifully. Time to stop for now...
Edit: Forgot to mention that I used the Tear of Salieru-Dei to increase my constitution by one during this session too.
Next I met a githyanki named Yi'Minn. By keeping Dak'kon out of sight I was able to talk to him. I found I could either pick him out as trying to trap me or go into his trap and 'die' to get a journal update. I think I will choose to call him out; much more graceful. Went to Hamrys' shop next. Boy is he talkative... Found a zombie that was sent there by Sebastion, apparently to keep him from talking people to death outside the shop... Hamrys himself told me a great deal about things... such as the portals to the lower planes. I also recovered a memory about killing his father after he built a tomb for me. (Seriously now... Are any of my past incarnations NOT jerks?) I agreed to help him with his warehouse problems to get the tomb plans. Speaking to Sebastion about the zombie he realized he made a bit of an error in making it too aware and pretended not to notice as I read the book on how to undo the enchantment. I then went to the auctioneer on my way back and asked him if he had any work. He told me to make copies of a pamphlet at the print shop. I went to the print shop and gave the pamphlet to the proprietor. Returning to the auctioneer he then asked me to deliver a note to someone in the foundry, which is interesting, because they wouldn't let me in there earlier... Maybe this will get me in... I next went to the warehouse to get the tomb plans... which was way easier than I thought it would be... Returned to Hamrys and told him I succeeded. I then de-animated the zombie. Oddly, Hamrys did not react to this... I went back to the Tomb to look at the plans, but this didn't reveal much other than that the tomb was constructed as a trap of some sort... But for who?
I went back to Lothar's house to speak to Mantuok, but he didn't have much to say... I experimented with killing him and he had a talking book which is quite obviously made of pure evil... I experimented with doing what the book said, but it was only giving me dumb spells as a reward for betraying my companions... Dumb and not worth it... I reloaded and decided not to kill Mantuok. Let him have the rotten piece of garbage... After this I used the "message" from the auctioneer to enter the foundry and... I kinda fell apart after that... Zoned out and started skimming and half reading dialogs... must be tired... have to take a break now...
Entered the foundry and I poked around a bit. I found out I could make non-magical weapons of good quality, but had no reason to do so and decided to reload. Next I spoke to Nihl Xander who was contracted by a past incarnation to make a dream machine of some sort for me. He had a stone with my likeness on it, but it was stolen from him by a shadow... creepy... After this, I spoke to Keldor and delivered the note. He wasn't upset like I thought he would be and answered my questions about his faction. It did sound interesting to me, but I would like to see what the other factions offer first... I returned to Giltspur and told him his message was delivered and he sent me with another message to the proprietor of the Smoldering Corpse. I went there and delivered the note. While I was in the area I checked back with Fell and he had quite a few new tattoos for me. Most of them did not interest me, but I did by the Tattoo of Justice's Eye for its Detect Evil ability. I returned to Giltspur and he payed me and told me he had no more jobs. Shortly after this, a hostile shadow appeared from who knows where. Odd...
With nothing else to do in this area I moved on to the Clerk's Ward. There I found a messenger for someone named Jolmi who wanted to speak with me. I entered the Brothel and spoke at length with Fall-From-Grace. A succubus... But she seems quite friendly despite this... How odd. I asked her to join me and she asked me to speak to all her ladies first. I spoke to Dolora and gained memories of commanding an army by playing a strategic game with her as well as memories of literally arguing someone to death by having a debate with her. I then offered to help her recover the keys to her heart. I then spoke to some modrons who were apparently observing Dolora for some reason; they had little to say. I spoke to Vivian next and she asked me to find her scent. Next I spoke with Yves and she had many stories to tell, and I told her many stories too. The story Morte told was rather interesting and it sounded a lot like it could be my story... I also learned things of Ravel and a mysterious silent prostitute named Ecco. I spoke to Kimasxi next and had her teach Morte some new taunts. Next up was Kesai-Serris. Her specialty was dreams, only I apparently don't have any. As a side note, Annah is not taking this quest very well... From what I can tell of her muttering she is *REALLY* jealous of the attention I am giving the ladies here, but doesn't want to show it. Somewhere around here I seem to have lost my lawful status... Not sure what I did though... Ah, Probably because I told Yves the story about the silent nations without remembering my vow not to tell anyone... Perhaps I will reload... Oops... That moment when you hit the save button when you meant to hit the load button... Now I HAVE to reload from my autosave before I entered the brothel. I accidentally saved over my progress inside... When this sort of thing happens I usually take a break so I think I will do that now...
After catching up on some of my lost progress (I stayed LG this time by not telling the story of the silent king), I spoke to Marissa, who seems to be a medusa. She wants her crimson veil back so she does not petrify people by accident. I can ask her to petrify my Lim-Lim, but why would I ever want to do such a thing?! Lim-Lim is my friend! I found something of a hidden door that leads to the cellar of the brothel, but I will explore that later... Next I found Ecco, who I have heard so much about. She knows something but won't say anything (duh). Next up was Nenny. She was very nice and talkative, but didn't know how to say bad things about people so I had to teach her to. She then gave me some leads on where to find the veil and perfume. Juliette was up next. She was bored with having a happy relationship. While such a thing is unimaginable to someone like me who has never had a relationship, I offered to deliver some love letters to her partner. Next I spoke to, uh, Luis the Armoire... Odd fellow. I then went back to Kimasxi to ask about the veil. She denied taking it of course, but she mentioned someone stealing stuff from her...
Unable to find any of the items or this mysterious 10th prostitute I went through the secret door I found earlier. Wasn't too much down there other than the sensate stones of the prostitutes. One of them had the name removed from it though... Back upstairs I spoke to Luis again and accused him of stealing the veil. I was right and I was able to get it back from him by boring him with begging and whining. The veil also had Vivian's scent on it. I first returned to Vivian who took her scent back and in exchange she made me smell better, giving me a permanent boost to charisma! I then returned the veil to Marissa, free of charge, naturally.
I had experimented with speaking to Fall-From-Grace and having her join me, but this upsets Annah greatly. I Like Annah more than Grace so I may just leave Grace behind for now. I know I can talk Annah out of being so upset, but I am also not very impressed with the limited spell selection Grace has. Still, she is lower level at the moment, I just don't know if I need her. Yet I said this about Dak'kon too and I wound up liking him quite a bit... Hmm... I will think about it...
I decided to try having Grace join, at least for now... Spoke to Annah and was able to calm her down about having Grace in the party. Outside I spoke to someone named Dilligence and we exchanged words about appearances. I ended up telling her my story and she seemed much more understanding of my predicament. Returning to my stash to see what I could equip grace with, I found that she couldn't use any weapons... great... so I wound up giving her some spare rings of AC. Putting on the rings for the first time seemed to trigger an easter egg, heheh. After this, I spoke to her for a while about her past, her name, her spells, her powers, and my companions. While speaking of Annah, I told Grace that I could see myself falling in love with her (Annah, that is). I was unable to get Grace to let me look at her diary. I think I may try to fight abishai for a bit now...
Quick question guys: Did I miss the command word for the Decanter that I need to help Ignus? Don't tell me where to find it, just tell me if I missed it or not.
Small update this time... I grinded on abishai until my Nameless had finally reached level 12 mage... That took a long time, but at last he now has the black Chromatic Orb. After this I decided to wander around the mortuary and use my dead speak ability on the various zombies there. I found several that spoke of the various afterlives they had gone to (true death, eh?), but little of real value came out of it. Doing the same in the Gathering Dust bar, I found a guy off in a corner named Awaiting-Death that I had missed this whole time! Not sure what I will do with him, but I will likely convince him to stay alive. How exactly I will do that, I am unsure...
So meeting Many-as-One I agreed to investigate the Silent King for them. I then told them that the Silent King was way too strong for them or anyone to challenge (so I could help my new undead friends). They then thought that they could just dismiss me like I was nothing so I pummeled them into submission and they surrendered rather anticlimactically with floating text and no dialog. I guess that is the end of that... Stupid rats...
Time to go to the Drowned Nations... Eh... Next time maybe... Getting a headache.
Entering the Drowned Nations I spoke to some ghoul scouts. One ghoul appeared to be leading the ghoul scouts and she mentioned that there were trocopotacas that had made this place their home. Horned white alligator like things I guess. Next I spoke to a pair of cowardly ghouls trying to confront one of these beasts. I was able to kill it with relative ease. Killing trocopotacas as I went I found two ghouls that died mysteriously from some burning sensation. They said some "thing" did something to them, but I have no idea what they meant. I then found a tomb of "Bah'jin A-"... This must be the nameless zombie's tomb. It seems that part of the name had worn off though. After this I located the Decanter of Endless Water. Next I found the bronze sphere. There is also some strange tomb down here that only Nameless can enter... My inventory is quite full so I will leave for now and look at that later.
Returning to the nameless zombie I told her I was unable to read her name on the tomb, but I made up a new name for her instead. She seemed happy with this. I returned to Glyve and gave him some of the water from the decanter and he told me to seek out Nemelle. After this he fell silent and Morte made a joke about his pauses. Back in the Hive I checked my stash and sold my junk. I brought the decanter to Ignus, but it apparently doesn't work without a command word...
Returned to Pharod and gave him his sphere. After this I listened to what he told me and apologized for killing his people in my past life. I was able to convince him to give me some of my stuff back, and then he called Annah in and had her join my group. She is apparently going to guide me to where she found me. I spoke to Annah and was able to get a ring off of her. She found it on my body earlier and was going to sell it. I spoke to her about Pharod and gave her a complement. She then started nibbling on me and telling me she was interested in me. When I nibbled on her she told me she was just teasing... Her body seems to disagree with this, however...
I went back to my stash to dig out some equipment for Annah. Chief of the items I gave to her were the Punch Daggers of Moorin, a very fine weapon, I must say... The problem now is that she is a bit low level compared to the rest of the group. I think I may hiss at some abishai for her... The first abishai I met payed no attention to me... this time it was more interested in Annah. Must be because of the blood war. I guess now we know just what kind of fiend blood she has... Killing it allowed Morte to reach level 9! No teeth upgrade this time...
Went to visit Fell and woah... Annah was absolutely *terrified* of him. I was able to calm her down though. Found a drunk harlot who turned out to be yet another pickpocket. I watched her and killed her like the others. I then went to claim the bounty for my cranium rat tails... 131 of them... one... at... a... time... I kept one because I know it is a key to at least one portal. Spoke to Mourns-for-Trees and got Annah to help his cause. Seems like this made a slight change in the trees and they started to grow better. I also spoke to him about Fell and it seems there is more to the dabus than he told me. Some connection to Aoskar... Somewhere around here I tried killing Pharod to get his cane so I could see his stash. Turned out to be a library of some sort with little of actual value in it aside from an earring that boosted AC. I reloaded. He can stay alive, for now, in case he has anything else he can contribute.
After running around hissing and playing with thugs I sold some sets of loot and went back to fell to buy some of his tattoos. I have exactly 11000 jink now. I also now have more tattoos than I have slots for and am not sure how to arrange them between my current party members... Perhaps I will think about it next time... For now I will stop.
If any of you have suggestions for equipment use, let me know. Here is a list of some of my items I am unsure of where to put:
The Number of Ku'u Yin tattoo (+2 AC and Save vs. Death, Not usable by Chaotic)
Tattoo of Accuracy (+1 THAC0)
Tattoo of the Spirit x2, Tattoo of the Soul (+1, +2 wis respectively)
Tattoo of Warding x3, Tattoo of Greater Warding (+1, +2 AC respectively, Greater for fighters only)
Tattoo of Might x3, Tattoo of Greater Might (+1, +2 str respectively, Greater for fighters only)
Tattoo of Bloodletting (+1 weapon damage)
Rings of AC (I have three that give +1 and one that gives +2)
Special considerations:
I want Dak'kon to have at least 19 str (he has base 18).
I want Nameless to have the Tattoo of the Art at all times.
Nameless will swap one of his tattoo slots with the increased regen tattoo if needed. If not needed he should be wearing a different one.
As requested by @karl_maulder, my TNO stats (and group inventory just for fun):
Very interesting... It seems to be a place strongly associated with Nameless. I suspect I constructed it in a past life or something. I am not sure the full significance of it, but I was able to work my way through it... The stuff written there was a just as mysterious as the place itself... I dont know what much of it meant, but there was one that was a copy of what was written on my back... Morte didn't tell me the whole thing! "Don't trust the skull." I am not sure what to make of this... but I hope that this is referring to something other than Morte... Confronting Morte with this info didn't get me anywhere... It worries me...
With Pharod dead I decided it wouldn't matter much if I told Emeric about his source of bodies. When I did this I got a small reward and... my alignment changed to LG! Yay!
Ax of Torment
Ball Lightning
Tears of Elysium
I am having trouble deciding who to give what... My Nameless already knows Tears of Elysium (they don't seem to work very well...) and I am trying to decide if I should teach him Ax of Torment or Ball Lightning or both or if I should save learning them for later. Dak'kon could also use something better for 3rd level.
Looking around I saw a lone dabus doing whatever, and a house. Entering the house I found a dead dabus that triggered a vision of it becoming trapped and dying... I told the dabus outside about this happening and, uh, I guess it wasn't too bright... It went inside to investigate and I assume it got trapped as well because the door shut and I couldn't open it... What an odd house... I wonder why it would do such a thing... Perhaps an enemy of the Lady set this up? But who the heck would want to cross the Lady like this? I reloaded to consider my options here. Moving on through the alley I found out that the place was alive and... With child? Ok then... The alley told me that I was killed by shadows and I was able to remember this. It then told me that it had killed the dabus because they were interfering with the alley's life cycle or whatever. Now I need to undo the alley repairs it seems... Undoing repairs was easy enough and returning to talk to the alley launched me into a movie and cutscene... Morte got kidnapped by rats! Oh no! How will I keep thugs from running without his taunts?! Another thing happened when I transitioned to this area... Moridor's box disappeared and was automatically replaced by the ruby... How odd... This requires a reload so I can see what I missed with this box... @Cahir Are you sure there is more to the box? I met a mage that wanted the ruby from it, but nothing else came up... Mind you, I wasn't carrying it with me the whole time... I had it in my stash for a while... I will go back over some areas with the box for a while and see what happens...
Went to the pawn shop next door and I found a bickering couple running the place. Morte learned more taunts from their bickering.
*Spends hours goofing off with new spells*
I figured out that Blur stacks with itself!
Edit: Forgot to mention that I used the Tear of Salieru-Dei to increase my constitution by one during this session too.
I went back to Lothar's house to speak to Mantuok, but he didn't have much to say... I experimented with killing him and he had a talking book which is quite obviously made of pure evil... I experimented with doing what the book said, but it was only giving me dumb spells as a reward for betraying my companions... Dumb and not worth it... I reloaded and decided not to kill Mantuok. Let him have the rotten piece of garbage... After this I used the "message" from the auctioneer to enter the foundry and... I kinda fell apart after that... Zoned out and started skimming and half reading dialogs... must be tired... have to take a break now...
With nothing else to do in this area I moved on to the Clerk's Ward. There I found a messenger for someone named Jolmi who wanted to speak with me. I entered the Brothel and spoke at length with Fall-From-Grace. A succubus... But she seems quite friendly despite this... How odd. I asked her to join me and she asked me to speak to all her ladies first. I spoke to Dolora and gained memories of commanding an army by playing a strategic game with her as well as memories of literally arguing someone to death by having a debate with her. I then offered to help her recover the keys to her heart. I then spoke to some modrons who were apparently observing Dolora for some reason; they had little to say. I spoke to Vivian next and she asked me to find her scent. Next I spoke with Yves and she had many stories to tell, and I told her many stories too. The story Morte told was rather interesting and it sounded a lot like it could be my story... I also learned things of Ravel and a mysterious silent prostitute named Ecco. I spoke to Kimasxi next and had her teach Morte some new taunts. Next up was Kesai-Serris. Her specialty was dreams, only I apparently don't have any. As a side note, Annah is not taking this quest very well... From what I can tell of her muttering she is *REALLY* jealous of the attention I am giving the ladies here, but doesn't want to show it. Somewhere around here I seem to have lost my lawful status... Not sure what I did though... Ah, Probably because I told Yves the story about the silent nations without remembering my vow not to tell anyone... Perhaps I will reload... Oops... That moment when you hit the save button when you meant to hit the load button... Now I HAVE to reload from my autosave before I entered the brothel. I accidentally saved over my progress inside... When this sort of thing happens I usually take a break so I think I will do that now...
Unable to find any of the items or this mysterious 10th prostitute I went through the secret door I found earlier. Wasn't too much down there other than the sensate stones of the prostitutes. One of them had the name removed from it though... Back upstairs I spoke to Luis again and accused him of stealing the veil. I was right and I was able to get it back from him by boring him with begging and whining. The veil also had Vivian's scent on it. I first returned to Vivian who took her scent back and in exchange she made me smell better, giving me a permanent boost to charisma! I then returned the veil to Marissa, free of charge, naturally.
I had experimented with speaking to Fall-From-Grace and having her join me, but this upsets Annah greatly. I Like Annah more than Grace so I may just leave Grace behind for now. I know I can talk Annah out of being so upset, but I am also not very impressed with the limited spell selection Grace has. Still, she is lower level at the moment, I just don't know if I need her. Yet I said this about Dak'kon too and I wound up liking him quite a bit... Hmm... I will think about it...