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Baldur's Gate Logic



  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    @JoenSo @Balrog99

    I can sense that my thread is being derailed into a dangerous direction. So I'm going to once again intervene by changing the subject

    Tazok Logic:
    Is ressurected by Firkragg, assumes that he now far outclasses the party that annihilated both him and Sarevok just a few months ago without thinking that the party may have also gained power in the interim.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Ah yes, noob me figured that out.

    Now however, my pride requires that I kill Mr. Long Named Black Dragon with extreme force.

    I once managed to nerf his defenses and have Imoen disintegrate him, however I forgot that it would destroy the loot. At least I still got the Goblet which apparently has plot armor.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391

    If you release the slaves in the Cloakwood mines, you receive +2 to your reputation the moment you leave the mines. If you let them drown, you receive -2 to your reputation.

    This of course means that the escaped/surviving slaves have to make it safely back through Cloakwood to some civilized place (Baldur's Gate, The Friendly Arm, etc.) and then spread the rumor of your deeds throughout the Sword Coast. Considering how much trouble your experienced party of adventurers had getting through Cloakwood without being ambushed by wolves, spiders, ettercaps, and wyverns, I estimate that the average slave would have a 99.5% chance of being killed before making it back to civilization.

    Speaking of reputation, your reputation upon leaving Candlekeep will be between 8 and 12, depending on your alignment. How does the rest of the Sword Coast know of your alignment if you spent the first ~20 years of your life cleaning stables and skipping out of lessons in a secluded fortress? (Similar considerations apply to when you leave Château Irenicus.)

    We could also assume that when Officials came to check out the status of the mines, they just found all the corpses and were able to piece together whether you'd evacuated the mines or not.

    You do kind of go around telling everybody who'll listen that you're the guy who trashed that mine, so it wouldn't be hard to connect it to you.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Makes sense to me.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    How interesting, I haven't a talked much to Volo in BG1, only in TOB where he has stories about all the characters.

    Speaking of which, do you think Volo made it out of Saradush in time? I'd hate to think that was the final fate of such a famous character.
  • DragonOfShadesDragonOfShades Member Posts: 56
    @ZaramMaldovar I think he's okay, he wrote a book for the 5th edition, after all :)
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Back on the subject of Tazok

    What reasons did Firkragg have to resurrect him the first place?
    How did he get the body?
    What kind of connection does Firkragg have with Sarevok and by extension Tazok to even care?

    Tazok being back makes literally zero sense.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @ZaramMaldovar Not to mention he holds the key to getting into the secret Mindflayer lair under Athkatla. Any connection is probably more unused/unfinished content.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391

    What kind of connection does Firkragg have with Sarevok and by extension Tazok to even care?

    I'm sure Tazok has a life outside of Sarevok. Maybe he and Firkraag were dating.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    I never thought of that. Tazok could either be a thrall or connected to Mind Flayers and the Hidden.

    Tazok coming back has literally nothing but questions and no answers.

    P.S. Oh thank Ao (and @JuliusBorisov ) I can now update my threads.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018

    BG2 Chapter 7 Logic:
    Actually makes giving everything to the dragon in exchange for the goblet an option and then allows the player to suffer the consequences. Actually kinda hillarious when you think about it.

    Along the same line of logic:

    1) Drop everything you own on the ground, except your gold which cannot be dropped.

    2) Step up to the dragon, butt-naked and carrying 10,000 gold pieces.

    3) Offer dragon all your possessions for the goblet.

    4) Dragon takes gold, gives goblet and flies off. It never notices the huge pile of extremely valuable stuff lying on the ground right in front of it.

    5) Pick up your belongings, re-equip, and continue adventuring.

    (It's not like you really need gold at this point, and if you absolutely want to buy something, you're probably dragging enough valuable stuff around that you can quickly sell for another 10,000 GP. Not to mention that the dragon is happy with the deal even if you're only carrying 100 GP. Dragons must be so dense light bends around them!)
    "Dragons must be so dense light bends around them" hahahahhahaha that was great, i completely get the reference :)

    here's one i did recently:
    khalid kills jaheira intentionally so i can have jaheira out of the party and keep khalid, although when khalid kills jaheira he is completely saddened by her death as if something else have done it, same when minsc takes out dynaheir and says her death will be avenged, as in you will kill yourself...? hmm....
  • Eadwyn_G8keeperEadwyn_G8keeper Member Posts: 541

    This post is dedicated to my Dad who passed away on Wednesday.

    I will always have fond memories of these times I spent watching, advising (and by advising I really mean telling him things and he would end up yelling at me, doing things his own way and winning anyhow) and cheering him on.

    Although Dad never finished any of his Baldur's Gate runs, I always had fun watching him and this one was one of the greatest experiences and memories of my life.

    Bravo!! Thanks for sharing! May He know the joy of Mastery in the Game Worlds of Paradise!
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Wow that was a while ago, I've been thinking about finishing his game for him but I don't know the password to his computer so I'd have to pull it off the hard drive. One of these days.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    spoiler ahead for those who do not know durlag's tower, but has logic "extraordinaire"

    talk to holmes in ulgoth's beard ( the dude the will give you a tour of durlag's tower ) meet up with him at durlag's tower, go inside tower, have some banter, get interrupted by a demon knight who wrecks shop and then teleports away, many levels and puzzles later, demon thanks you for clearing up traps and monsters, um lol? it's not like this guy had any trouble to getting to wear he was, since he was behind a secret door that required 3 puzzles to solve to open, and better yet, how did that girl and dalton make it pass that door? how long have they been stuck there? the time you get to the bottom level of durlag's tower, there is no evidence of someone coming done with you, and since there can be quite a few difficult battles down there you will be resting lots, so even being done on the bottom floor you can safely assume that the girl before demonknight and dalton are just starving because how much food could they possibly have left from when they first got there? IN FACT, how the hell did they get past the "4 room puzzle" to hit the "chess game" encounter? durlag's tower itself makes no logical sense if you really think about it, but it's still rewarding to play it though
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    sarevok57 said:

    spoiler ahead for those who do not know durlag's tower, but has logic "extraordinaire"

    talk to holmes in ulgoth's beard ( the dude the will give you a tour of durlag's tower ) meet up with him at durlag's tower, go inside tower, have some banter, get interrupted by a demon knight who wrecks shop and then teleports away, many levels and puzzles later, demon thanks you for clearing up traps and monsters, um lol? it's not like this guy had any trouble to getting to wear he was, since he was behind a secret door that required 3 puzzles to solve to open, and better yet, how did that girl and dalton make it pass that door? how long have they been stuck there? the time you get to the bottom level of durlag's tower, there is no evidence of someone coming done with you, and since there can be quite a few difficult battles down there you will be resting lots, so even being done on the bottom floor you can safely assume that the girl before demonknight and dalton are just starving because how much food could they possibly have left from when they first got there? IN FACT, how the hell did they get past the "4 room puzzle" to hit the "chess game" encounter? durlag's tower itself makes no logical sense if you really think about it, but it's still rewarding to play it though
    Its a blatant handwave, but one of the members of Dalton's group mention using a different passage that collapsed behind them.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391

    Degrodel logic:

    If you find the Helm of Balduran on your own and put it on the party leader's head before going to Degrodel, he will ask you to turn the 'statues' to flesh to get the Helm of Balduran, completely failing to notice the Helm of Balduran is sitting a mere 4 inches above the mouth talking with him.

    I mean, has he ever seen the Helm of Balduran?
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    To be fair this applys to every item, simply by not having it in your inventory it effectively doesn't exist.

    Because THAT makes sense.
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