I used to pronounce it "chahr-neym" ("chahr" as in "charred") too but later moved to "kahr-neym" ("kahr" as in "car") precisely because I figured the "Char-" part was short for "character".
But it's not *Charname* but <CHARNAME> and a token that is never pronounced but when spoken is replaced by the name you have given your protagonist - however that is pronounced...
But it's not *Charname* but <CHARNAME> and a token that is never pronounced but when spoken is replaced by the name you have given your protagonist - however that is pronounced...
"Charname" is used in the forums all the time to refer generically to the BG protagonist. I'm sure that's the usage the OP was referring to.
Should I make a comment about spelling often means jackshit in English when it comes to pronounciation and how half of the time non-native speakers have to just make a lucky guess?
Not to mention the pointless faux-Latinisms like the b in "doubt". Which we got from the French "doute", by the way, but no, that wasn't close enough to the Latin "dubitare", so we had a pointless silent b in there because of course we did.
Anyway, I pronounce it "care-name". As in "character name". Because I guess I'm uncreative?
That's how I say it and y'all can pry that pronounciation from my cold, dead hands.
I wanted to improvise on UBW chant about the Nameless' hands that will never be cold and dead, but it just didn't rhyme with the rest of the chant... Shame on me
I used to pronounce it "chahr-neym" ("chahr" as in "charred") too but later moved to "kahr-neym" ("kahr" as in "car") precisely because I figured the "Char-" part was short for "character".
and a token that is never pronounced but when spoken is replaced by the name you have given your protagonist - however that is pronounced...If your character is elf why not call him Kahr-neym. (It's elvish for *protagonist*)
Although it would be hillarious to actually make a Kensai named Charname. (Charr-namm-eh)
It's a "magic E" word, the "E" means you say the name of the vowel before the constanant which the E follows and don't pronounce the E.
Sorry, important.
Well, I guess I just did.
For example: the chough ploughed through the thoroughly rough cough at the lough.
(or, phonetically)
The chuff plowed thru the therowly ruff coff at the lokh
Anyway, I pronounce it "care-name". As in "character name". Because I guess I'm uncreative?
My favorite English inconsistency is the surname Featherstonehaugh; in England, it has four different pronunciations, including "Fanshaw".
Just like "etc." Is pronounced et cetera and misc. is pronounced miscellaneous.
Congratulations! Your Charnamder evolved into Charnamleon!
Misc. is pronounced Misk
THAC0 is pronounced Thako
Lbs. is pronounced Ibbs