What about sleeping in a Bag of holding
Calling all experts! I have a super-serious question that need urgent answers! 
So if I would go of adventuring in the forgotten realms, what would happen according to rules and lore if I brought a bag of holding and used it to sleep in? If I got in, would I find myself out or would I be stuck in there for ever because I have been magically miniaturized and my tiny, tiny hands can't open the bag and climb out?

So if I would go of adventuring in the forgotten realms, what would happen according to rules and lore if I brought a bag of holding and used it to sleep in? If I got in, would I find myself out or would I be stuck in there for ever because I have been magically miniaturized and my tiny, tiny hands can't open the bag and climb out?
I dare say some sort of invisibility effect for the bag would also be desirable to prevent it being eaten by a hungry bear ...
@Gusinda; regarding the size of the opening, considering I have no issues stuffing full platemails in there, I think I could crawl myself in as well if I take one leg at a time and then gently pull it upwards over my waist and onwards.
If there's no air in there I could just stick out a straw through the opening and breath through it. Also, even though not in BG, I believe I have read about a FR spell that let's mages cast spells that let them breath underwater. So one of those, one invisibility and I'm of to dreamland.
1) Because the bag of holding is really a pocket dimension and you want to relax in a 4 poster bed with a bottle of wine - not terribly feasible with your head sticking out.
2) Because you're trying to sleep somewhere that resting is not normally allowed - seems unlikely that would be changed for an apparently disembodied head.
3) Because you want to rest without being disturbed by enemies - again seems unlikely they would be scared off by a strangely shaped bag.
Although that makes me want to give my players a portable hole full of water and see what they do with it.
I peer above my DM Screen and ponder your statements. A slightly evil smirk appears and I look around to the rest of the players at the table.
Argument well presented. I will allow it!
I lean back into the chair to determine chances of survival and jot some notes. You will need to throw 2D10 with the result being equal to or lower than the percentile chance of survival.
You accept and, after securing the straw into place, confidently lay out your
bedBag of Holding for a grand nights sleep. You post your companions to guard each corner of the bag in case of wandering hungry bears. Attempting to enter the bag feet first (hopefully your character isn't a slightly rotund dwarf or a very muscular fighter/barbarian as this could take a while and we don't want to damage the bag while you are getting in!), you find it isn't as easy as you thought. Your head finally passes through the opening and a blackness overcomes you. You look around for any light source that may exist without success. Laying down onto the surface (unlikely there a surface but for this quest we shall give it to you), you hit your head on a long lost suit of Full Platemail (quickly throw a 1D3 for damage). Feeling not so confident now, you settle in for the longest 10 minutes of your characters life and pick up the two dice to roll.As you have always done, you roll a single dice first and look to my still smiling face for any recognition of success or failure. The feeling of blackness seems to close in, shortness of breathe makes you think that this is not going to end very well. You flail around on the chair as claustrophobia sets in and any memory of the past deeds vanish. I kindly ask you to put down the weapon and throw the next dice. You wipe the sweat from your brow with your now drenched sleeve and, whispering prayers to the Goddess Tymora, you release the next dice. It bounces across the table, hits against the back of the DM Screen and settles. You look to the dice and announce the result...
Whoops, have to go now, have a cuppa waiting. We will have to finish this later.
(FYI, I am a dwarf! But a lean, agile one)
The idea a spell or spell effect is needed to be taken out is a myth and nonsense, although some clever sticks wizzards like to add them for a few coppers more in spell components for 10% extra gold coins for the resale value (getting the item you want, when you want it is just a part of this new me, me, me culture... If I ruled I would destroy the selfish lot!) I assure you, you can use a ladder from the pocket plane, simply place, one end into the hole and climb out.
Of course, the undead need no air... Or sleep... And are quite thin... Skeletal even...
Lastly, please don't try and be clever. A bottle of air is a connection to the plane of air, and when two portals cross... BOOM!
However this spell, with its gardens to produce air could... Will allow you to live in your own portal...
https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Magnificent Mansion#content
However... Sleep in your... Bag, if you must.
Forget sleeping! Ye be gettin y'self down to the nearest tavern and place y'self on a better diet of fine honey mead or the best Dwarven Ale ye can afford.
sleeping bagbag of holding.Whenever something is put into a bag, it appears (or lands, or whatever!) and it's the job of whoever's on duty at that time to take said item and store it away in one of the multitude of boxes and sacks and chests and crates and shelves and arks and warehouses, and (as importantly) to remember where it has been stored and record it properly! And when a request comes through for an item, the person on duty has to check the records, find out where said item is located, and then retrieve it before passing it on through the bag.
And yes I'm sure we can alI remember a time when mistakes were never made and items were never lost - but this was of course when the Bags Of Holding Regulatory Board ran everything. Since the BOHRB (pronounced 'Bore-B') out sourced the contract in an effort to cut costs things really do seem to have gone downhill.
Anyway, how this impacts on one trying to sleep inside a Bag of Holding is anyone's guess, but knowing who BOHRB have got in to run the contract at the moment, I wouldn't try it!
https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Bag of Holding#content
You just have to think about the item to retrieve it... And if you don't know what is in the bag you just tip it upside down.
Also... 10 minutes of air. I honestly think some oxygen cannisters or something capable of producing air without portalling it on and you could sleep in one... Or even smuggle a small army past the gate...
He had us paying 500gp a month to the BOHRB, for each bag of holding!
And they lost my elephant!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I'm mad.