Candlekeep Inn - Roadhouse?
Member Posts: 4,861
I have just started a new game of Baldur's Gate and I am standing outside Candlekeep Inn and it has suddenly occurred to me that I am about to go into the tavern to buy a sword. What kind of establishment is Winthrop running? I've been into a few rough places in my time but I have never yet been into a pub where they sell weapons at the door.
Noted, that all of this is mod-added contents, but the whole story and how you learn about it, fit right into the game.
No other shops, isolated location, one business established for all the locals' needs.
Years and years ago a local pub I knew in the countryside had an attached shop. It had an "off licence" for alcohol but it also sold milk, sweets, food stuffs, household goods, ect. It made good business sense. You had to ring a bell or go to the bar to get one of the staff to serve you in the shop.
Man, is this game's plot thorough and well thought out.
He has contacts...say no more....unless you want a visit from the "boys"....or want to wake up cuddling Nessie's head....or want to find out how to type with no fingers........
Candlekeep Inn is a veritable den of iniquity.
Winthorp is the big man on campus, cross him at your peril.
You think he's little do they know