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  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited June 2023
    Alesia_BH wrote: »
    Excellent photo editing, Wise! That shield looks great!

    I'm reluctant to say this, because the shield does look wonderful, but the symbol you chose is from the Elder Scrolls fantasy world. There's a Talos in Elder Scrolls, too, but he's a different dude with a different vibe.

    Best of luck with you priest of Talos. I've thoroughly enjoyed mine. Borco is fan of the kit, too.

    Chaos prevail!

    It didn't take long to change it to this. Only one layer to change. :) Thanks for the input. It was as I expected.

    @jmerry Thanks for the input. There were numerous symbols similar to the one that you provided. I chose the one that was most appropriate for putting on a shield.


    It may be a while before I play the Cleric of Talos as my two current games are still very much active. However with my current run of luck it might not be long. I got a pretty good roll for him.

    When I do play, he'll be a bit more resistant to Silke who was rather a bane for my cleric/illusionist.

    PS Is there yet another Talos in Skyrim and is there any connection between him and one of the others?

    According to the Forgotten Realms Wiki Clerics of Talos also had barbarian rage or were barbarian clerics. I'm wondering whether to make a barbarian and dual him/her to a cleric of Talos upon reaching level 3. That would fit with the Wiki page. Alternatively I could give him an extra innate rage spell, or would that make him/her unbalanced?
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    edited June 2023
    PS Is there yet another Talos in Skyrim and is there any connection between him and one of the others?

    Skyrim is part of the Elder Scrolls universe, so the Skyrim Talos is the Elder Scrolls Talos.

    His mortal name was Tiber Septim. As a mortal he was a leader of unrivaled power, who united all of Tamriel under one rule. He is worshipped as a deity of just rulership and civil society. He is therefore the diametric opposite of the Forgotten Realms Talos, a deity of the destructive forces of nature.

    If the Elder Scrolls and Forgotten Realms Taloses have anything in common at all, it's that they are both, in turn, diametric opposites of the Talos from Greek mythology. Tiber Septim and the Storm Lord aren't much alike, but they are both renowned for their awesome strength. The Talos from Greek Mythology, in contrast, is described in variant ways with but one unifying theme: he's oft depicted in a state of vanquishment, frequently as a severed torso.

    It's an interesting study on the dance between real world mythology and religion in fantasy realms.


    Post edited by Alesia_BH on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    It makes me wonder why the developers didn't use new names rather than old ones when the characters are so different. I did a quick study on the Greek Talos myself and discovered that in different places Talos had a different character.
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    It makes me wonder why the developers didn't use new names rather than old ones when the characters are so different.

    Not sure. What I can say is that "Talos" is a stonking cool name, and so I can't fault them for lifting it, lol

  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    They could have called him Stormzy. :D
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    edited June 2023
    They could have called him Stormzy. :D

    And that's why they recycled Talos, lol
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    edited June 2023
    @jmerry Is it possible to suspend SCS changes for specific creatures in Ascension, by deleting or editing files? The original scripts for Yaga Shura and the fallen solars were fine. If we could just eliminate the SCS changes with respect to Yaga's resistances and the solar scripts we'd get a much better battle.

    Skipping SCS's Yaga Shura and Ascension Demon's Get SCS Scripts and Abilities component is one option, but it comes with sacrifices. Suspending the changes with respect to the problematic creatures would be far better.

    If we could do that, and take care of the pools, we'd have a solid interim patch.
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    edited June 2023
    Has anyone tried DEF JAM with the EE?

    The Read Me says EE compatibility is currently untested.

    EDIT: I found a solution. EETweaks includes DEFJAM functionality.
    Post edited by Alesia_BH on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited June 2023
    As I was playing my most recent Cleric of Talos game, I realised that the idol that you can get by helping Charleston Nib is of Kozah, another name for Talos.

    I'm just wondering if playing a cleric of Talos changes anything. It should do IMO, just as the Fisherman quest should change things if you are a cleric of Talos.

    I suspect that nothing changes. Am I correct?
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    edited June 2023
    I suspect that nothing changes. Am I correct?

    I hope you're enjoying your Talassan, Wise. I had a lot of fun with mine :)

    The priest of Talos kit didn't exist in the original BG1, so there's no special content for Talassans there, unless added by mod. In BG2 they get their own stronghold and Holy Symbol.

    My Talassan was too independent minded to accept the stronghold, but the symbol was appreciated.


    Post edited by Alesia_BH on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @Alesia_BH Thanks. I thought that might be the case. My Talassan has just defeated Mulahey and joined up with Xan and Branwen. Branwen is the better fit being a Tempus Cleric. It would have been better still if she had been chaoticc neutral, and I didn't really neeed another cleric. There sems to be a scarcity of neutral fighters in the game. :( Xan is neutral like my Talassan but a bit too law abiding. I'm currently deciding whether to kill Oublek. He has two emeralds and a lot of gold. :)
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    Oublek is an INNOCENT, with a standard shout script to call for help if he's attacked.

    So ... don't do it where anyone can see you. Having to fight those Amnian soldiers would be inconvenient.
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    edited June 2023
    @Alesia_BH Thanks. I thought that might be the case. My Talassan has just defeated Mulahey and joined up with Xan and Branwen. Branwen is the better fit being a Tempus Cleric. It would have been better still if she had been chaoticc neutral, and I didn't really neeed another cleric. There sems to be a scarcity of neutral fighters in the game. :( Xan is neutral like my Talassan but a bit too law abiding. I'm currently deciding whether to kill Oublek. He has two emeralds and a lot of gold. :)

    Sounds like you're having fun!

    In the case of a Talassan, I'm inclined to interpret chaotic neutral as complete indifference, a willingness to mete destruction to good and evil alike. I'd pair a Talassan with like minded peeps, or loose cannons types who can be bullied, manipulated or reigned in. Branwen is an excellent choice. Minsc could work. Shar-Teel could work. Edwin could work. I think you're right that Xan is a poor fit. There are options, though, if you focus on concepts, rather than alignments in the strict sense.

    As for Oublek, I've never been tempted to nix him personally, but I have seen others do it. In a recent run, Aldain charmed him and used him as cannon fodder against Nimbul, evading the rep loss while gaining the emeralds. That's a possibility if you have charms available.


    Post edited by Alesia_BH on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited July 2023
    jmerry wrote: »
    Oublek is an INNOCENT, with a standard shout script to call for help if he's attacked.

    So ... don't do it where anyone can see you. Having to fight those Amnian soldiers would be inconvenient.

    Thanks for the warning.

    In that case, it is better to just charm him, protect him from fear, and get Nimbul to kill him.
    The protection from fear is very important.

    I made a big mistake in not joining up with Xzar and Montaron before the mine. They disappeared. I had forgotten about that.

    That was one of the reasons that I abandoned the game.

    I am now playing a knife-wielding fighter thief who is behaving like a follower of Talos. Her behaviour is very erratic as it should be for a chaotic neutral alignment. It is fun.

    I am amazed at what a good fighter she is with two +1 daggers combined with throwing daggers. :)

    She is great at back-stabbing!
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,058
    My Corethief XXXV run is still going but ran into a strange bug. We were at Watcher's Keep and Melonia came to tell Jaheira to come to Harper's Hold. Jaheira told me she had to go. Ok fine. So I select the party and tell them to get to edge of the zone to leave Watcher's Keep area. But this appeared to interrupt Jaheira's script. She started to comply then went back to Melonia. But she did NOT leave the area or the party. I tried resting nothing. But I couldn't leave either because she wouldn't go near the edge of the zone, she kept going back to Melonia. I tried talking to Jaheira and Melonia but nothing. So then I tried removing and re-adding her but she still did the same thing.

    Basically I have to abandon Jaheira as she won't finish her mini-quest and she also won't leave the area with me. This is not a game breaking bug as I can just recruit a different character, but it is annoying to lose a romance interest to a bug.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    Let's see, how does that one work...

    Relevant portion of Jaheira's script:
    	// Other conditions redacted
    	// More conditions redacted
    	RESPONSE #100
    		CreateCreatureObject("bdoffscr",Myself,0,0,0)  // No such index
    		ApplySpellRES("bdoffscr","bdoffscr")  // No such index
    		CreateCreatureObject("JAMERONI","bdoffscr",0,0,0)  // Meronia
    	!Exists("Meronia")  // Meronia
    	RESPONSE #100
    	Exists("Meronia")  // Meronia
    	RESPONSE #100
    		MoveToObjectFollow("Meronia")  // Meronia

    Meronia initiates dialogue with Jaheira as soon as she sees her. When you reach the end of that coversation, Jaheira leaves the party and Meronia leaves the area. At that point, Jaheira's script takes over; she follows Meronia until Meronia is gone, and then leaves the area and sets the timer for the next event.

    It appears that the conversation broke for you so its final action didn't happen; Meronia didn't leave, and Jaheira didn't leave the party. But it should be fixable, at least if you've got the debug console active. Remove Jaheira from the party, and then delete Meronia. (What's the command for that, anyway?)
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    I agree that this isn't a game breaking bug, Corey, but a console remedy is appropriate here. You should feel free to proceed with a fix, if you so desire.
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,058
    Thanks! Yes I figured a console fix (if I knew how to do it) would be appropriate. I was actually thinking of romancing Aerie, so while the romance was active for Jaheira, probably would have to choose between her and Aerie soon. In any case, will keep the option in mind in case I get a character chunked. If someone could tell me what the console command to delete meronia, that would be great! I'll keep at it. We are currently working our way through the planar sphere.
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    Slight issue with Cerebus's Moon Dog Howl. Friendly summons are susceptible to the effect intended for enemies. ak5xu01gezqc.jpg

  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    So that's a case of the spell using an indiscriminate projectile rather than a party-friendly one. The intended friendly effects (Protection from Evil, Remove Fear) don't use that projectile, so changing it wouldn't break them. Checking the EE Fixpack ... there's stuff about streamlining the spell's design by using a subspell rather than a ton of EFFs for the evil filter, but nothing about the targeting. Reported.
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    edited July 2023
    Thanks for the info. Glad it's reported.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I have just been to Adoy's Cave with Neera.

    Neera died just when the last of the red wizards died.

    Adoy then gave the belt to the party but it is nowhere to be seen.

    Can anybody explain?

    I tried saving the game but it crashed which means that I will have to replay the encounter, so it is no big deal, just curiosity.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    Badly written dialogue scripting. Adoy gives away the belt on each of the responses to a particular state. One of those responses branches, with a version if Neera is present and alive (which she speaks up for) and a version if Neera is dead or not present (which she doesn't speak up for).

    In all cases, the actual giveaway action is GiveItem("nebelt01","neera"). If Neera isn't an eligible target for the action, due to being either dead or not present, nothing happens. Yes, that means there's a "give something to Neera" action that's explicitly conditioned on Neera not being there to give stuff to.

    Reported to the EE Fixpack.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited July 2023
    jmerry wrote: »
    Badly written dialogue scripting. Adoy gives away the belt on each of the responses to a particular state. One of those responses branches, with a version if Neera is present and alive (which she speaks up for) and a version if Neera is dead or not present (which she doesn't speak up for).

    In all cases, the actual giveaway action is GiveItem("nebelt01","neera"). If Neera isn't an eligible target for the action, due to being either dead or not present, nothing happens. Yes, that means there's a "give something to Neera" action that's explicitly conditioned on Neera not being there to give stuff to.

    Reported to the EE Fixpack.

    Thanks. Due to the crash, it didn't matter, but in another game it could have mattered.

    The devs have two options. First they could have Adoy give the belt to Charname if Neera is not present. Second, they could have Adoy hang on to the belt. Both possibilities are logical, but the current scripting is plainly wrong.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I was wanting to have a Cavalier with proficiencies in katanas and dual wielding.

    I was able to get a Katana and a Wakizashi at Camdlekeep.

    I had thought that Wakizashis had Katana proficiency. Has this changed or have they always had scimitar proficiency?

    I think that the only other katanas are the one that Droth has, and a Katana +1 that an ogre-mage in Candlekeep has.

    Are there any others?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    As far as I know, wakizashis have always had scimitar proficiency.

    In the unmodified BGEE campaign, there is only one magical katana; a basic +1 that an ogre-mage in the Cloakwood Mines has. SoD adds another magic katana - Crimson Dawn, a +2 found in the ruined temple of Bhaal.

    Non-magical katanas are a bit more common. Droth, Kahrk, the leader of that group of five ogre-mages, and two stores - the other one is in the big city. Fortunately, katanas are also unaffected by the iron crisis due to their foreign manufacture. You don't have to worry about either your katana or your wakizashi breaking. Though without even proficiency in your off-hand weapon ... I'd use a shield for now.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited July 2023
    Thanks. It won't be the easiest proficiency to use, but it could be interesting. I didn't know anything about the SoD blades.
    In my modded set-up there are more magical ones, but I'm currently playing without mods.

    I discovered from Google what you said about wakizashis.
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    edited July 2023
    Is there a page that lists all the added and changed spells in SCS? I remember there being one, but can't find it anymore.

    EDIT: oh right they were Icewind Dale spells. Found them:
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 734
    Thanks. It won't be the easiest proficiency to use, but it could be interesting. I didn't know anything about the SoD blades.
    In my modded set-up there are more magical ones, but I'm currently playing without mods.

    I discovered from Google what you said about wakizashis.
    Shades of the Sword Coast also adds some katanas, including one early in the game.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Trouveur wrote: »
    Thanks. It won't be the easiest proficiency to use, but it could be interesting. I didn't know anything about the SoD blades.
    In my modded set-up there are more magical ones, but I'm currently playing without mods.

    I discovered from Google what you said about wakizashis.
    Shades of the Sword Coast also adds some katanas, including one early in the game.

    There's a mod that adds a +2 katana to Durlags as well. However this time I am not using mods.
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