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  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited July 2023
    I have created a hobgoblin using the cre file of one of the many hobgoblins in the game and edited it to make it a reasonably powerful berserker in EEKeeper. I then exported it. This is the result. You will know where the portrait came from. Again, slightly edited.

    The only problem is that it is not identified as a Hobgoblin.

    Is there any way of getting it to do so? It's only cosmetic, but it would be aesthetically pleasing if I could do so.


    Only trial and error will let me know if I have made any mistakes in what I have done.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    The only problem is that it is not identified as a Hobgoblin.

    Is there any way of getting it to do so? It's only cosmetic, but it would be aesthetically pleasing if I could do so.

    You need a new row in racetext.2da; here's the contents of that file in unmodified BGEE:
    2DA       V1.0
              ID        NAME      DESCSTR   UPPERCASE BIOGRAPHY
    HUMAN     1         7193      9550      1096      15895
    ELF       2         7194      9552      1097      15891
    HALF_ELF  3         7197      9555      1098      15892
    DWARF     4         7182      9551      1100      15890
    HALFLING  5         7195      9554      1101      15893
    GNOME     6         7196      9553      1099      15894
    HALF_ORC  7         24200     24204     24202     31709
    TIEFLING  153       24201     -1        24203     15891

    The first column is just a marker with no inherent meaning, though having it match the race name is recommended. The second column is the race's ID number, as defined in RACE.IDS. The third column is a string reference for the lowercase form of the race name, as used in the <PRO_RACE> token that sometimes appears in dialogue. The fourth column is a string reference for the description you'd see at character creation if you chose the race. The fifth column is a string reference for the race name with normal capitalization, as you'd see on the character screen. And the sixth column is a string reference for the default biography when you create a character of that race.
    For a character like this that isn't going through normal character creation, the three key columns are the race ID, the lowercase race name, and the uppercase race name.

    So, for that added row ...
    HOBGOBLIN 111       15930     -1        15973       31709

    That should work for BGEE. Since you're not going through the normal character creation process, I'm not too bothered by a lack of race description or an inaccurate default biography. And luckily, both "hobgoblin" and "Hobgoblin" already existed as strings in the game. No need to add new strings.
    And, actually, I checked BG2EE ... 15930 and 15973 are also "hobgoblin" and "Hobgoblin" in that game. The exact same row should work for BG2EE if you get that far with your hobgoblin.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited July 2023

    Thanks a lot for the quick reply.
    However I couldn't find the file racetext.2da
    Where would it be located?
    In the installation directory?
    Along with the saved portraits, screenshots, saved games etc. ?

    I have found files with that name under my Gog games folder.
    If I find the correct file, what software do I use to open it?

    It doesn't appear to be notepad or Wordpad.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    If it doesn't appear to exist, that just means it's packed up in a .BIF archive somewhere. A tool like Near Infinity can handle that; you open it up, make your changes, and save the copy to the override. Or I can just give you a copy of the file; edit that and drop it in your override.

    (Two files here, one for BGEE and one for BG2EE. They are slightly different, after all, with different string references for half-orcs and an added vampire row in BG2EE. Unzip the one you're using to get the 2DA, and edit that with any text editor.)
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited July 2023

    Thanks a lot. Result!


    I have similarly made a fighter thief using a Hobgoblin Scout as the starting point.

    Now all that I have to do is to see if I can do the same for goblins. :)

    Race ID is 161. So far so good.

    Since M'Khiim is in the game it SHOULD be possible to discover the lowercase race name, and the uppercase race name.

    I will have a look when I get to dragonspear.

    In the meantime I will play my hobgoblin.

    If anybody knows the race names for goblins, that would save me some time in looking as I am certainly no expert in such things. I looked and was unsuccessful. :(
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I'm just wondering if hobgoblins should have race bonuses as per the shorties or not.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    ... Ah. There's another table SODRACE.2DA. Contents reproduced below:
    2DA V1.0
              ID        NAME      DESCSTR   UPPERCASE BIOGRAPHY
    HUMAN     1         7193      9550      1096      65359
    ELF       2         7194      9552      1097      65360
    HALF_ELF  3         7197      9555      1098      65361
    DWARF     4         7182      9551      1100      65362
    HALFLING  5         7195      9554      1101      65363
    GNOME     6         7196      9553      1099      65364
    HALF_ORC  7         24200     24204     24202     65365
    TIEFLING  153       24201     -1        24203     15891
    GOBLIN    161       44348     -1        44349     -1
    AASIMAR   185       58087     -1        58088     15895
    There's your lowercase and uppercase for goblins and aasimar, if your game is BGEE with SoD. Non-SoD BGEE has "Goblin" at 27641, but no "goblin". BG2EE has "Goblin" at 2511 but no "goblin". In either non-SoD case, you'd need to add a new string to the game for the lowercase, to implement a goblin character properly.

    As for "shorty" bonuses ... goblins don't get them, and hobgoblins aren't even short. I'd follow the half-orc model, with some stat modifiers but no other differences from humans.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited December 2023
    Thanks. Very helpful. I'll roll a half-orc then and use Keeper to change appearance.

    Since I know nothing about strings in BG, I'll drop the idea of playing a goblin, particularly as I have no idea about how different a goblin would be from a human. Apparently there is a mod for playing a hobgoblin in BG3, but as I don't have BG3 that is irrelevant.

    I am thinking that starting a hobgoblin in BG, that I should lower starting reputation by 2.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited August 2023
    I am wondering what Alec from Romantic Encounters 1 is. He can wear a travellers robe and can identify it with a scroll, but cannot memorise the scroll. The robe cannot be removed before or after death.

    After using control Q I find that he is a Lawful Neutral Elf who cannot level up.

    If he can wear the robe, presumably he must be a mage of some sort, he can cast armour and identify, but cannot cast infravision.

    From his conversation he is training to be a cleric but he cannot memorise any spells. :(

    Killing him reduces rep by 5 and he carries a removable dagger.

    It's all a bit confusing. Is he simply created inconsistantly?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    No contradictions; he's just not using the same rules players are. The rep loss probably means his class is INNOCENT, an NPC-only class with the special property of causing rep loss when you kill him according to a 2DA table. Like all NPC classes, this class has no restrictions on item usability, not that it matters since that's only checked at level-up and when first equipping an item. It also lacks the tables for stuff like THAC0, saves, spell slots, and XP needed; it can't level up at all.

    The INNOCENT class is often given to creatures that are specific PC classes in flavor, but who won't be your enemies unless you do something very wrong. Drizzt is an INNOCENT (ranger). Agnasia from the Tymora temple is an INNOCENT (cleric). Bentley Mirrorshade at the Friendly Arm is an INNOCENT (mage/thief). And so on. This character is presumably an INNOCENT (mage).

    As for the non-removable robe ... that just means it has the "undroppable" flag in the creature file. Items like that are quite common on NPCs.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @jmerry Thanks. Very informative. The only weird thing is that he tells Charname that he wishes to be a cleric.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I am aware that the Wakizashi is unbreakable, presumably because it does not originate on the Sword Coast.

    I am wondering if the Ninjato and Katana are also unbreakable for the same reason.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    Yes, nonmagical ninjatos and wakizashis are also unbreakable. A complete list of the purchasable nonmagical weapons that won't break or run out on you in BGEE:

    - Foreign weapons: Katana, ninja-to, wakizashi.
    - Launchers: Composite longbow, crossbow, longbow, shortbow, sling. You do need consumable ammo for these.
    - Wooden weapons: Club, quarterstaff.
    - Ranged weapons used in melee: Throwing axes. Just don't actually throw them.
    - Quality weapons: Quality _, various base types. Available in chapter 3+ after turning in the vial to Taerom.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited September 2023
    I am currently playing an elven ranger called Drizzt Do 'Urden in BG EE. Very similar to Drizzt but no magical resistance.

    I'm wondering if it is possible to kill Drizzzt without becoming a fallen ranger.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    Specific acts don't generally cause you to fall; it's reputation-based. So, if you start with a decent reputation, killing Drizzt will drop you a bunch but not to the point you fall instantly.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    jmerry wrote: »
    Specific acts don't generally cause you to fall; it's reputation-based. So, if you start with a decent reputation, killing Drizzt will drop you a bunch but not to the point you fall instantly.

  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I came across a post saying that there is a sling of unerring accuracy on the second floor of The Splurging Sturgeon, but ther is no second floor. I'm confused.
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,089
    There is, though. Maybe you're confusing it with another inn/tavern? It's in the south-west of the north-eastern city map, the stairs to the second floor are visible right when you enter.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited December 2023
    Enuhal wrote: »
    There is, though. Maybe you're confusing it with another inn/tavern? It's in the south-west of the north-eastern city map, the stairs to the second floor are visible right when you enter.

    The stairs up to the first floor were easy to find, but when I get up there I can't find any more stairs. :/


    I've just realised that the post must have been written by an American. In the USA they don't have the same numbering system for floors as we do in the UK. What we call the ground floor, they call the first floor, and what we call the first floor, they call the second floor.

    Usually the UK system is used for Baldur's Gate.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited December 2023
    A Corpse for Arkion not starting

    I was most surprised by this conversation!! I am neutral evil with a reputation of 8!! Hardly good!!


    Can anybody explain why he won't give me the quest?


    It seems weird, but Dorn, also neutral evil gets the quest, but my Fighter/Cleric doesn't. To me that is illogical. However no problem.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    That one's an inverted reaction check; you can't get the quest at a "friendly" reaction. So a reputation of 8 imposes no reaction modifier, alignment is irrelevant, and all you need is a charisma of less than 18 so that you don't get the +5 total modifier needed for "friendly".
    As the reaction check is based on whoever talked to Arkion, it should be pretty easy to find someone in the party to speak for you.

    In a good party, it's a bit trickier; 20 rep is a +4 reaction adjustment, so you need a charisma of 12 or less on your speaker in a paragon party. Thankfully, Quayle's standing just outside the gates for when you need to irritate someone.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    jmerry wrote: »
    That one's an inverted reaction check; you can't get the quest at a "friendly" reaction. So a reputation of 8 imposes no reaction modifier, alignment is irrelevant, and all you need is a charisma of less than 18 so that you don't get the +5 total modifier needed for "friendly".
    As the reaction check is based on whoever talked to Arkion, it should be pretty easy to find someone in the party to speak for you.

    In a good party, it's a bit trickier; 20 rep is a +4 reaction adjustment, so you need a charisma of 12 or less on your speaker in a paragon party. Thankfully, Quayle's standing just outside the gates for when you need to irritate someone.

    Very enlightening. :) Thanks
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited December 2023
    I cannot get onto the thread, “Maybe this time” {NO-RELOAD THREAD]: “The Tale of TEN THOUSAND Trials”

    It's been buggy for a while, but now I cannot get on at all. Anyone know what the problem is?

    I have been wondering whether to start another thread similar to it as it might just be getting too unwieldy for the forum.

    There are also problems getting onto the; Participated threads link.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    I don't know what the problem is, but I've always been able to load the affected threads/subforums after reloading. Possibly several times. Length of thread does not seem related; even new threads with one or two posts are affected.

    I've tried clearing the cache a few times - nope. It's definitely something server-side.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    jmerry wrote: »
    I don't know what the problem is, but I've always been able to load the affected threads/subforums after reloading. Possibly several times. Length of thread does not seem related; even new threads with one or two posts are affected.

    I've tried clearing the cache a few times - nope. It's definitely something server-side.

    Thanks. I even had to load this page twice for it to open. Perhaps too many people at the site on holiday.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    it seems rather quiet compared to 5-10 years ago. a lot of posters have moved on.

    I think the switch to this new board type has given more visibile (to us) issues over the years than the old one.

  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited January 2024
    I am wondering if anyone has managed to rescue Hagar, the husband of Taris.

    So far for me it has been impossible as Kryll kills him as soon as she sees you.

    I then had the idea of waiting till I am strong enough to summon some skeletons. Cast sanctuary on myself and get the skeletons to kill Kryll.

    Alternatively cast web and silence from a position where Kryll can't see you and then send in summoned monsters to finish the job.

    Would these ideas work? I am thinking that they might not since Kryll has that amulet that might negate web and silence.

    Has anybody tried?

    I like outflanking the programmers. :D
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    edited January 2024
    The whole thing happens in a cutscene, so you'd have to deal with Kryll without triggering the scene. Let's see...

    The cutscene triggers when any member of the party comes within range 20. Even if they're invisible, or protected by something like sanctuary. Kryll is initially neutral, so no auto-attacks from off-screen summons. And area damage would just kill Hagar anyway.

    There's also a backup plan in Kryll's script. If she's attacked by any party member, her victims are all instantly killed and skeletonized.

    But in all of this, I see a loophole. Both triggers in her script are specifically based on the [PC] object. A helper outside the party can interact with her without breaking things. You need to see her too, so ... familiar time. If you have your familiar kill her, possibly by leading a pack of summons, that should work. Actually, I don't think she'll even fight back without direct PC involvement.

    (My headcanon is that the whole bunch of Walking Dead references are already dead, and Kryll just has them throw off their flesh disguises.)
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    So even if I kill her, I can't restore Hagar. That's a shame. The programmers clearly didn't want anybody to change the script. An alternative ending wouldn't have been THAT difficult to accomodate!

    Something like: If Kryll dead and Hagar alive; then Hagar goes to meet his wife.

    Next time you see his wife then she gives you a small reward plus 1000 experience.

    That is how I would have written it. You wouldn't have wanted an increase in reputation as that could well have caused Dorn to leave.
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    I agree @Wise_Grimwald . I have always been able to take out Kryll, but like you I find the ending not satisfying with no way to rescue Sammy Hagar if I so choose.
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