Favorite *minor* NPCs?

My favorite thing about BG1 is the number on small, pointless, brilliant interactions with random NPCs, whether accidentally talking a nobleman out of suicide, or encountering a vengeful Xvart with a pet bear, or talking with a *very* strange priestess of Leira, etc. Thinking about little moments like those continue to make me smile.
I was wondering which non-joinable side characters you folks remember the most? (And, y'know, why?)
I was wondering which non-joinable side characters you folks remember the most? (And, y'know, why?)
As Arctodus says, love the "cant", cracks me up everytime.
There's a scene in the Firefly series between Summer and the local bigwig thief/fence that reminds a lot of talking to ND.
In this case
Reginald "Longtooth" Worthington III
After exchanging endless lines with the guy, the protagonist finally summons it up
"That was amazing. You talked for hours and yet said absolutely nothing."
Even better though is the drunken priest in the cemetary in Athkatla. It's added by a mod, Unfinished Business I think, possibly Extended Banters?
Don't know who did the voice acting but that's one of the best I've ever heard for a drunk.
those goodies be too good to pass up
- Larze - the most idiotic assassin you can find, Flushing Mermaid in BG Town, and you can talk him out of his plan for more XP than killing him.
- the two idiots guarding the bridge to the gnoll stronghold
- Valen, the messenger sent by Bodhi. She feels like a character that could be interesting, there was a mod that made her a joinable NPC but I'm not sure it still exists in EE
- Lazarus, the librarian in ToB
- Cespenar
- Lord Foreshadow
If you mean the one in BG1 near Sorcerous Sundries, that one is a quest giver from NTotSC mod. If you chose the right dialogue options, she gives you a large quest to find "The Great Book of Unknowing".
I think I found my new favorite minor NPC today.
Many of those mentioned already could make awesome playable NPC's.
The crawling green flesh dude in the BG sewers, the one blessed by Schlumpsha. I remember thinkin that while playing as an oozemaster, that would be an interesting group to join ( Schlumpsha and his roving band of sewerites.
Lately, while playing as an ogre, Larze. Cause dang, that dude can hit hard. Id turn him to my side, not to hard after turning him OFF me.
Minor NPCs enhanced by mods to become joinable NPCs
- Tenya (as mentioned already)
- Angelo (returns in BG2 to join you)
- Melicamp (can join you in EET Return to Faerun)
- Solaufein (covered by two mods already)
- Drizzt (BG1 Drizzt Saga and BG2 Region of Terror)
- special case - Djinni companion mod - I think it is inspired by those djinni NPCs in the game but I can't remember anymore if its one of those or a new one
- maybe more?
Enemies turned to joinable NPCs
- Sarevok
- Irenicus per *Longer Road* mod
- Caelar...rumours that mods providing her are under construction
- Melissan? - only a mod that covers the time after ToB could provide that. I played the only one I know of, EET Return to Faerun, but she's not there or I missed it.
In BG2/ToB I'm fond of Madulf and his gang. Imagine that, an ogre, minotaur and hobgoblin group that don't attack you on sight!
Madulf, yup. If restartitis does not get me, my ogre PC will be looking forward to that meeting.
"I like you, yes I do (wertle, wertle, wertle, wooo...) and I know of a way to make you like me too (wertle, wertle, wertle-wooooo...). Down by the ocean, down by the sea, there's a pirate ship waiting for you and for me. Bring me what's in it, but don't ever wear it, or sure enough, soon enough, you'll wertle too..."