Firkraag I just ran around with Boots of Speed and Oil of Speed, waiting and testing his defences every now and then, and when the time came jumped on him. Also had 100% fire protection already. Shadow dragon after that went much easier with Carsomyr if I remember it correctly. The Shadow boss fight ended in about 3 seconds with GW and Carsomyr.
I don't think using scrolls is cheesing, legit tactic. Also I think you need something for the lich part of Kangaxx to stop Imprisonment, after he goes Demi just use PfU. I didn't really test it, just used PfM because I had couple of those from BG1 laying about.
A Protection from Magic scroll on Kangaxx's lich form should shut him down completely except for a few sequencers and triggers, but the scroll will probably not prevent him from using Imprisonment on you, since the demi-lich version should count as an innate spell. A Protection from Undead scroll will let you attack both versions without any danger, but Kangaxx will not transform to his second form until the scroll wears off (otherwise he can't start the transformation dialogue).
If you have SCS' Spellcasting Demiliches component, Kangaxx will be much nastier, as he can use Spellstrike to take down a Protection from Magic scroll (unless you use it on him instead of yourself) and his demilich form will use lots of high-level mage spells, including PFMW. SCS Kangaxx's demilich form also has 100% magic resistance, so Potions of Firebreath will no longer work on him.
You can, however, use the Ring of the Ram on Kangaxx to deal 17.5 nonmagical magic damage despite all his defenses, and a Vhailor's Helm clone can cast it as well, letting you take 35 HP out of his 50 HP total.
Having just used it in Baroque's run, a Protection From Magic scroll does, in fact, stop a Demilich's imprisonments. Or maybe that was due to mod-related stuff that made him actually cast Imprisonment instead of a level-0 spell. A google search suggests that yes, a PfM scroll should block Kangaxx' Imprisonment attempts in Vanilla as well.
@Neverused: I was referring to using the scroll on Kangaxx instead of the player, in an attempt to prevent his spellcasting in the first place, rather than granting immunity to his Imprisonment spell. Imprisonment has always struck as a level 9 spell, so the scroll could always protect one character from it. But that leaves other characters vulnerable.
Very impressive, @histamiini ! Basically, your success depended on dual-wielding Drizzt's scimitars, potions and the Durlag's Goblet. What is the advantage of the cavalier here over other fighters?
Very impressive, @histamiini ! Basically, your success depended on dual-wielding Drizzt's scimitars, potions and the Durlag's Goblet. What is the advantage of the cavalier here over other fighters?
Inherently immune to morale failure, meaning they can wear a slightly better helmet?
@JuliusBorisov yeah as @Pantalion said immunity to Durlag's Goblet negative effects, and better damage output because Cavalier -3 +3 bonus vs. demons. Same applies to DD, as using 5 Power potions basically give the same effect as 50 DR. All the Heroism potions in the video are overkill I think and the last dex potion didn't do anything.
I don't generally participate in threads discussing "most powerful/easy" character (spoiler alert: there is none, just play whatever floats your boat).
But I must admit that the most fun I have had in the last year or so has been discovering the wonderful Polymorph Self spell and how to strategize around this spell (or other polymorphs in fact).
Nowdays if i play bg1 i always play it without kits, and with the old weapon groups. I dont feel right to use cavalier or berserker in that game. Vanilla fighter or multiclasses seems more fit. Last time i played my firs enchanter solo and it was succesful
I'm currently chapter 3 at SoA and I feel like I just murder everybody without a sweat. Using only EET with level cap removed and SCS difficulty
Are there more powerful characters?
the op is not playing a generic cavalier, he is playing one with at least a 87 total stat roll, and a .00 in the str score, so a highly minmaxed score with a 18.00 str before minmaxing. and this having a 3 int (optimal to deal with flyers ) other way a total of more then 87 and a 18.00 str in the same roll are needed.
nothing wrong about it, even if i usually don't roll so high stats. also it is not so clear at which difficulty level it is played, at a "proper" maxed difficulty level, so without the maxed hp dice roll leveling up, the hp pool will be much lower in the early game, before really good ST, DR and MR can really kick in.
why i tell this? i do it because i think that if we compare a certain class/build against other ones we should not assume that the best possible charname with the highest possible hp pool should be the only one to evaluate, somehow the class/build that remains powerful and solid even when a "shitty" stat roll is used and the hp pool is randomized by the rolling while leveling up is the winner.
so i would say that dwarven defender, for the op kit perks @semiticgod told about, active from the beginning and multi like fmt or mt are easiest classes to play compared to the cavalier as they are viable early game even in those conditions and possibly sorcerer is the absolute winner as a sorc can be very effective even with terrible stats (his power is class related and not stats related and we are comparing classes, not stats).
then yep cavalier is very point and click friendly, does not need much knowledge bejond what eqipment to get and where to find it, a low level sorcerer needs a lot of knowledge to survive before it becomes super powerful at some point of soa.
a novice in the game will reload much more at the beginning with the sorcerer.
but as the topic is "Are there more powerful characters?" the fact that a certain build needs knowledge and finesse and an other needs only to know how to use the left mouse click is not so relevant here.
ok i am quite exagerating and provacative, but i hope my point is clear bejoind my exagerations.
so i would say that dwarven defender, for the op kit perks @semiticgod told about, active from the beginning and multi like fmt or mt are easiest classes to play compared to the cavalier as they are viable early game even in those conditions and possibly sorcerer is the absolute winner as a sorc can be very effective even with terrible stats (his power is class related and not stats related and we are comparing classes, not stats).
Just to add on the Dwarven Defender: it is indeed quite powerful, easy-to-use and effective in solo no-reload.
I am currently running one, and between the high HP pool, the fighter thac0, the damage reduction from lvl1 onwards (can go up to 95% slashing resistance against SoD boss for example), and really really good saving throws (easy to get in the negatives even in BG1), there are not many threats that can kill him.
Sure, it doesn't kill enemies as fast as spellcasters, kensais, archers and the like, but the sheer survivability allows it to outlast any opponent.
I just finished the Dragonspear battle, sent my barely buffed DD (1 Oil of Speed and 1 Potion of Heroism, that's all) in the fray and watched him absorb any spell/arrow/weapon thrown at him. I did have to rely on potions though, since his damage output, especially when surrounded by so many enemies, could not compete with the damage he was receiving, even under Defensive stance.
Probably not as satisfactory as an archer launching volleys of devastating arrows at enemies, killing a few enemies each round, but powerful nonetheless.
Again, the only downside is the damage output. Especially if I gear towards survivability/tanking, thac0, APR and damage is a bit lacking.
I'd say a multiclass Cleric/Mage makes for the easiest playthrough.
without xp cap and solo so leveling each class 3 times faster then a single class in a party of 6 you are surely true.
you are with my charname in almost all my runs and i opened a dedicated thread to collect the tactics you can perform and to praise your utter power because i am convinced of your immense capability and versatility, to watch you slain a dragon without almost no effort many times in a row, but each time using a completely different tactic, is one of the things that make me play the game over and over again after all those years...
I'd say a multiclass Cleric/Mage makes for the easiest playthrough.
without xp cap and solo so leveling each class 3 times faster then a single class in a party of 6 you are surely true.
you are with my charname in almost all my runs and i opened a dedicated thread to collect the tactics you can perform and to praise your utter power because i am convinced of your immense capability and versatility, to watch you slain a dragon without almost no effort many times in a row, but each time using a completely different tactic, is one of the things that make me play the game over and over again after all those years...
I'd be interested in reading that thread. Do you have a link ?
yup, you did found it
i hope it is useful, i learned a lot from the uses of aerie that other players do, often so different from the role she usually covers in my parties, and reading it shows very well how versatile, not only powerful, the multi CM is.
if gnome the CM is illusionist, loosing way less that what he gain being a kitted mage, i never did try it as aerie is still so good as she is, but the 3rd lev 9 spell, the shorty bonuses and the rest make it a really interesting choice, almost perfect for a soloer.
Firkraag I just ran around with Boots of Speed and Oil of Speed, waiting and testing his defences every now and then, and when the time came jumped on him. Also had 100% fire protection already. Shadow dragon after that went much easier with Carsomyr if I remember it correctly. The Shadow boss fight ended in about 3 seconds with GW and Carsomyr.
I don't think using scrolls is cheesing, legit tactic. Also I think you need something for the lich part of Kangaxx to stop Imprisonment, after he goes Demi just use PfU. I didn't really test it, just used PfM because I had couple of those from BG1 laying about.
If you have SCS' Spellcasting Demiliches component, Kangaxx will be much nastier, as he can use Spellstrike to take down a Protection from Magic scroll (unless you use it on him instead of yourself) and his demilich form will use lots of high-level mage spells, including PFMW. SCS Kangaxx's demilich form also has 100% magic resistance, so Potions of Firebreath will no longer work on him.
You can, however, use the Ring of the Ram on Kangaxx to deal 17.5 nonmagical magic damage despite all his defenses, and a Vhailor's Helm clone can cast it as well, letting you take 35 HP out of his 50 HP total.
But I must admit that the most fun I have had in the last year or so has been discovering the wonderful Polymorph Self spell and how to strategize around this spell (or other polymorphs in fact).
the topic, from the OP post is: the op is not playing a generic cavalier, he is playing one with at least a 87 total stat roll, and a .00 in the str score, so a highly minmaxed score with a 18.00 str before minmaxing. and this having a 3 int (optimal to deal with flyers
nothing wrong about it, even if i usually don't roll so high stats. also it is not so clear at which difficulty level it is played, at a "proper" maxed difficulty level, so without the maxed hp dice roll leveling up, the hp pool will be much lower in the early game, before really good ST, DR and MR can really kick in.
why i tell this? i do it because i think that if we compare a certain class/build against other ones we should not assume that the best possible charname with the highest possible hp pool should be the only one to evaluate, somehow the class/build that remains powerful and solid even when a "shitty" stat roll is used and the hp pool is randomized by the rolling while leveling up is the winner.
so i would say that dwarven defender, for the op kit perks @semiticgod told about, active from the beginning and multi like fmt or mt are easiest classes to play compared to the cavalier as they are viable early game even in those conditions and possibly sorcerer is the absolute winner as a sorc can be very effective even with terrible stats (his power is class related and not stats related and we are comparing classes, not stats).
then yep cavalier is very point and click friendly, does not need much knowledge bejond what eqipment to get and where to find it, a low level sorcerer needs a lot of knowledge to survive before it becomes super powerful at some point of soa.
a novice in the game will reload much more at the beginning with the sorcerer.
but as the topic is "Are there more powerful characters?" the fact that a certain build needs knowledge and finesse and an other needs only to know how to use the left mouse click is not so relevant here.
ok i am quite exagerating and provacative, but i hope my point is clear bejoind my exagerations.
Just to add on the Dwarven Defender: it is indeed quite powerful, easy-to-use and effective in solo no-reload.
I am currently running one, and between the high HP pool, the fighter thac0, the damage reduction from lvl1 onwards (can go up to 95% slashing resistance against SoD boss for example), and really really good saving throws (easy to get in the negatives even in BG1), there are not many threats that can kill him.
Sure, it doesn't kill enemies as fast as spellcasters, kensais, archers and the like, but the sheer survivability allows it to outlast any opponent.
I just finished the Dragonspear battle, sent my barely buffed DD (1 Oil of Speed and 1 Potion of Heroism, that's all) in the fray and watched him absorb any spell/arrow/weapon thrown at him. I did have to rely on potions though, since his damage output, especially when surrounded by so many enemies, could not compete with the damage he was receiving, even under Defensive stance.
Probably not as satisfactory as an archer launching volleys of devastating arrows at enemies, killing a few enemies each round, but powerful nonetheless.
Again, the only downside is the damage output. Especially if I gear towards survivability/tanking, thac0, APR and damage is a bit lacking.
without xp cap and solo so leveling each class 3 times faster then a single class in a party of 6 you are surely true.
you are with my charname in almost all my runs and i opened a dedicated thread to collect the tactics you can perform and to praise your utter power because i am convinced of your immense capability and versatility, to watch you slain a dragon without almost no effort many times in a row, but each time using a completely different tactic, is one of the things that make me play the game over and over again after all those years...
I'd be interested in reading that thread. Do you have a link ?
EDIT: found it ! I loled at the title
i hope it is useful, i learned a lot from the uses of aerie that other players do, often so different from the role she usually covers in my parties, and reading it shows very well how versatile, not only powerful, the multi CM is.
if gnome the CM is illusionist, loosing way less that what he gain being a kitted mage, i never did try it as aerie is still so good as she is, but the 3rd lev 9 spell, the shorty bonuses and the rest make it a really interesting choice, almost perfect for a soloer.