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Suggestions Thread: Miscellaneous (Minor uncategorized tweaks and changes)



  • ReibornReiborn Member Posts: 156
    I have two major issues which imho needs to be addressed. I use mostly 1920X1080 resolution. But I assume some of the more higher settings which people use today may suffer from this as well.

    A. Movies are painfully small and set in the middle of the screen instead of being stretched out. imho they just should be replaced with new ones like in BG:EE, NWN1 had in first place a story painting style scenes like the new ones added in BG:EE so it should be quite possible to do the same.

    here is an image showing the issue:

    B. I direly wish I could scale out the UI to fit the screen better like it is with BG:EE where the bars are scaled on better setting then just be a small version of themselves.

    three sections to address:
    1. Portrait menu is kinda small and hard to use, I'm on 40" monitor and sits bit back from the table, in order to see whats what I need to get closer.
    2. The chat\text windows is also very small and needs to be scaled up, also it only uses left part of the screen instead of being stretched to the entire length of the screen so we can have easier time reading.
    3. the action bar uses a small part in the middle of the screen, easy fix will be either to stretch it OR just use all 3 bars one next to the other in a row.

    Image showing the areas:

  • EpsiEpsi Member Posts: 2
    MrZork said:

    Epsi, that already exists in 1.69. In your wnplayer.ini file, go to the [Game Options] section and make sure there is a line that says ClientEntireChatWindowLogging=1That will make sure that your combat info is sent to your nwclientLog1.txt file, which is in your logs folder in the game folder.

    Thank you! It's been years so my memory is quite fuzzy, but I thought that it was not 1:1 with the combat window text, I vaguely remember some stuff missing like "enemy killed" notifications, I'll have to check once I can run the game again.
  • losludviglosludvig Member Posts: 4
    It might just be me being blind, but I couldn't find a way to speed up rotating the camera with middle mouse button, and the default setting is 3-4x slower than I would like
  • BalanorBalanor Member Posts: 176
    @losludvig - That's still there under Controls, I believe. I've just been fiddling with it myself.
  • YogYog Member Posts: 2
    I would love to see a new version of "The Vault". I loved going to the vault to find new modules and models. In the new Vault there needs to be a way to rate the content and search by rating. It would also be great if you could auto-install them but I understand how difficult that can be.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited November 2017
    I'd like combat to slow down, and I'd like it If it was easier to see what is going on during play. Often I'd spend half my time struggling with the stupid camera. I would get the view about right and then I'd hit a button and I couldn't see spit again.
  • XPosiedenXXPosiedenX Member Posts: 1

    Currently, If a character has access to any hostile usable abilities, (aka: Knockdown, Ki critical, Stunning fist, Called shot, etc) They can click on themselves with the ability while out of combat- putting their character into combat, preventing abilities that care about combat state, such as an assassin's death attack, as well as canceling any rest actions on party members.

    Perhaps removing the ability to click on oneself (or any other objects that would be inappropriate targets for such abilities- if there are any) with these abilities?
  • losludviglosludvig Member Posts: 4
    Balanor said:

    @losludvig - That's still there under Controls, I believe. I've just been fiddling with it myself.

    All I see is "Mouse wheel sensitivity" but that only affects zoom, and "camera turn speed" but that only affects keyboard turning.
    As it is, moving the mouse the full distance left to right at 1080p resolution only results in a 90 degree turn
  • DorcusDorcus Member Posts: 271
    Basically the thing that hits me right away in the Head Start, is that I have a pretty hard time reading the font on a 23.8 inch monitor at 1920 x 1080 resolution. I don't know what the solution is, but maybe more UI scaling options, font options (larger font, bold font, alternate font), or an option for higher contrast text and text background. All of the above? OK THANKS BYE
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    Since some of us have kids or a spouse (or other compelling reasons for the feature), an option to hide adult servers would be nice.
  • CreechCreech Member Posts: 3
    A request: Alright, let's see if I can get this explaination right. If you are in combat with multiple targets, and you stack up actions - say Magic Missile on one target and another target, and your first target dies to some other source of damage (A summon for example), your character will ALWAYS fire an additional Magic Missile at the first targets corpse, BEFORE switching to the second target.

    This wastes an action/spell/round on a target that is already dead. It's a minor thing, but frustrating none the less.
  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    When the player's inventory is full, merchants and NPCs will sell or give the player's character items, but the items disappear. They should either fall to the ground or not allow the player to do the interaction that results in items vanishing.
  • KymusKymus Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2017
    Some suggestions that haven't been mentioned that I feel would help add to the roleplay:

    Suggestion: Text macro ability (bind a string of text to a quickslot, for example)

    Reasoning: This would really make roleplay easier. If I have a character that's a drunk, I could emote him doing things like belching, or wobbling side to side without having to constantly type it up every. single. time. This is an unusual request, I know, but I think that it could go far in the game. I think that DM's may find this especially handy.

    Suggestion: A little notification above a character that they're typing

    Reasoning: Let's face it, we've all had one of those scenarios where you start typing something out to someone and then they walk away because in NWN no one knows what you're doing when you're standing there. Maybe you're typing, maybe you're AFK, maybe you're looking at your inventory, and maybe you're doing nothing. It'd be nice to see that someone is typing something up just so I know what they're doing while I'm standing there (or so that I don't type up a long string only to have them walk away and out the door).

    Suggestion: Cut, copy, and pasting of text

    Reasoning: This is similar to the others. It would be very helpful to be able to just CTL+A CTRL+X (etc.). This can be used for in-character scenarios (running around town, telling everyone an Orc horde is coming), and it can be used OOC as well (typing out something long to someone and then I suddenly need to shoot a time-sensitive tell to a DM or someone else and I don't want to lose the string of text I just typed up). This could even help with the text macros (if it can't be easily implemented): I could just have something like "*sips from his gourd*" or some other action or uttered phrase that my PC may spit out often and instead of having to constantly type it out, I could copy and paste at least that one thing. I imagine that DM's would find this rather helpful as well.

    Much like with the 4-class limit, this is something that I do not believe can be implemented through any custom scripts and the ability to add it solely rests in Beamdog's hands.
    Post edited by Kymus on
  • TorgSmithTorgSmith Member Posts: 1
    Balanor said:

    @losludvig - That's still there under Controls, I believe. I've just been fiddling with it myself.

    It doesn't seem to do anything. I then tried to edit the nwnplayer.ini and it did not do anything as well. The property I was changing was "CameraTurnSpeed=9.000000". 1 is the default value. 9 is the max the slider will go. I tried 12, 25, 64, and 12,000. Nothing seemed to change.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2017
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • ValgavValgav Member Posts: 25
    @Kymus but we have macros in 1.69, they were removed in EE?
  • KymusKymus Member Posts: 17
    Valgav said:

    @Kymus but we have macros in 1.69, they were removed in EE?

    Text macros exist? What server is this on or where can I find the package?
  • BalanorBalanor Member Posts: 176
    It's a built in part of the game. Just right click on an open quickslot and go to Custom Text Macro.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    edited November 2017
    Restore the ability to search for servers by game type. As it stands, all online servers are displayed in one big list instead of being separated by their category (i.e. Roleplay, Action, Story, Story-lite, Arena, Melee, Alternative, Social, Technical Support, PW Story, PW Action, Team, Solo).
  • saramakossaramakos Member Posts: 19
    I would like to see the ability to have the activity log centred and also wider. When it is in the bottom left on a high res screen it is not easy to see, I have to move my eyes a fair way from the action onscreen so it is easy to miss details as they scroll past.
  • KymusKymus Member Posts: 17
    Balanor said:

    It's a built in part of the game. Just right click on an open quickslot and go to Custom Text Macro.

    Insane! I've played this game since launch and I didn't know this until just now O_o thank you
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    Kymus said:

    Balanor said:

    It's a built in part of the game. Just right click on an open quickslot and go to Custom Text Macro.

    Insane! I've played this game since launch and I didn't know this until just now O_o thank you
    On top of that you with OnPlayerChat event you can catch these for emotes, Module riddles, D&D languages, running scripts etc...
  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    Lore checks should be automatic and done before items go into inventory.
  • ReibornReiborn Member Posts: 156
    Jidokwon said:

    Lore checks should be automatic and done before items go into inventory.

    100% this. also neat trick I used to do in single player was to purchase potion of lore sip it and pause the game. then I would identify everything using single bottle of potion.
  • ValgavValgav Member Posts: 25
    Jidokwon said:

    Lore checks should be automatic and done before items go into inventory.

    I disagree. It should be softcoded and allow to use items without identifing them, but no some auto radar for magic items.
  • Bam_BamBam_Bam Member Posts: 1
    Mainly for multi player, which i think is where NWN really shines.
    Im over always having to manually adjust the screen height/angle, zoom to what i like.
    And then manually adjusting the height for both the chat and log windows.
    Is it possible these settings could be remembered in say a setting file, and reused when i next open my client? Or maybe an option to be able to save the settings, and auto reuse them. Im sure some players prefer to adjust screen height and zoom, and some prefer to set them constant.
  • BalanorBalanor Member Posts: 176
    I'd like to suggest that when a placeable is left-clicked in the toolset, it remains where it is at on the Z axis, and no longer drops to 0/ground level. This was something that NWN2 did which I'd really love to see come to the NWN EE toolset.
  • PhenomenPhenomen Member Posts: 33
    edited November 2017
    All I need is second (optional) quick bar row. There is so much free screen space and current 12 slots take like 40% of bottom bar on 1080p
  • HunterRayder93HunterRayder93 Member Posts: 266
    Phenomen said:

    All I need is second (optional) quick bar row. There is so much free screen space and current 12 slots take like 40% of bottom bar on 1080p

    It needs a newer and more functional UI today (the one that's always in play) and too small and not designed to support bigger but smaller screens, so it's also true for all dialococcal main windows etc ...
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