Why not adding a bag of holding to BG1 and save our efforts from importing one from EEKeeper?

I'm bearing this too long and I have to write it down tonight, I think it's serious time to add a few more containers to the game. I'm doing statistics of my time of playing, and I found out I have spent much more time sorting my loots than just killing and exploring in some levels. It's really bad to travel around to just sell and clear your items, it isn't worth my time. Methinks at least a bag of hoding, an ammo belt and one more scroll case should be added to the game. Dose any one support my view?
Post edited by CamDawg on
1. You can achieve this pretty easily through mods without the need for EEKeeper
2. If you are going to so harshly criticize the game, please make sure that your criticism has less spelling errors first.
3. Even with a Bag of Holding you are likely going to spend more time sorting your loot than doing a lot of the other things in the game, it's just how these games work.
4. One Scroll Case has always been plenty for me. Even when I hoard all my scrolls
5. If you think that the sorting is bad now, you should have tried sorting in the original vanilla game when stacking was a lot more difficult.
First, maintaining team is currently working on their new release, and they are gathering feedbacks, I just present my ideals for their future review. How did I speak out my opinions became a "I am going to HARSHLY CRITICIZE the game"? Didn't think you that you are overreacting?
Second, of course you can criticize my spelling errors, because I'm telling you that I'm not a English native, are you satisfy now?
I apologize, I had no idea that English was not your first language. I do however stand by the rest of my statements, Bags of Holding are for the most part unnecessary in BG1. However, I will concede that they would be a welcome addition under the condition that they are difficult to obtain.
Then I accept your apology, I think we are good.
Btw, there is already a Bag of Holding available in the unmodified game. However, it is not offered for sale or can be acquired by other legitimate means.
You can either use the console:
Or if you want to purchase it by legitimate means:
adds it to the Sorcerous Sundries store in Baldur's Gate. (It's quite expensive though.)
Meaning everything I put into the bag and take out again is still in the bag (and a copy in the inventory) when I look into it again. Unlimited rare items sound fun, but I prefer to play a bit more honest. Tried to add a bag of holding (bag04) with keeper for a workaround, same problem.
Now I limit myself to not using bags of holding, if possible. Like the good old days of BGI. I don't think the beta helps, but downloading it now.
A bag of holding in BGEE is uneccessary and won't help you. I'm surprised you're getting any help here with this attitude.
based on this, i think Tranzig should be holding a bag of holding with some "iron" items in it, that would make the most sense to me, in fact if i recall there was a mod out there back in the day that did give Tranzig a bag of holding
although i get by perfectly without a bag of holding i guess i wouldn't mind bringing one around ( unless i get it in chapter 5, and depending on the cost i may never buy it, if i do gold piece runs )
Maybe you have already play the game a lot of times, and got the knowledge of exactly which items should be applid for which levels, but it dosn't happen to everybody. In my play, I used to collect as much as I can, and carry as much useful items as I can, to save my efforts to replenish whenever I get stuck. Especially in Legacy of Bhaal, I tend to use range weapons and will carry tons of ammo in my every venture, and that already occupy most of my slots. In some levels, I did have to travel back just to sell off my items that can't be piled up, or just for replenishment. This is most annoying and discouraging especially in the middle of the level, that you can't finish it but just flee. To avoid that, I have to sort out my items very often, yeah it did happens to me, and I really think it isn't worth the time.
Besides, I didn't ask too much, a Bag of Holding, an ammo belt and one more Scroll case is sufficient for everybody. What I'm asking for is an improvement and a convenience for everyone, I just don't understand why people are just so resisting, and for what?
[Note for Daveaorn 3]Davaeorn,
As you have probably heard, the iron poison has begun to take effect around the coast. With the majority of iron imports being disrupted by Tazok, almost all of it comes from the tainted source in Nashkel. The Sythillisian uprising in Amn has ensured that no forces from that nation will be able to take action against our mercenary forces. However, the Flaming Fist has caught several of the Blacktalon mercenaries. All of those captured have claimed allegiance with the Zhentarim and have thus shifted any suspicion away from the Iron Throne. I have sent Tranzig to work with the mercenaries in transporting the iron to your base in Cloakwood. He has brought several bags of holding so that he, alone, will make trips into Cloakwood, thereby lessening the chance that Flaming Fist trackers might find your stronghold.
Tarsakh, 1368
I created a ticket
If someone really wants the BoH, use mods or console.
Maybe adding it to story mode only would be fine.
This coping strategy comes with a host of problems:
* You wan't to move an item from one party member to another? Nope, you can't! Time to fiddle faddle again to make room at the receving party member.
* You wan't to move your party members around at full speed (i.e. not encumbered). Nope, you can't! Because your squishies have stacks of potions in their inventory (and each potion weights 1), easily pushing them over their encumbrance levels (think party members withs strenth 8-9. Boy does that suck when it comes to inventory management).
Some of the BG dungeons are just over doing it with loot (think Candlekeep Catacomps and Durlags tower). I don't know how many are like me, but I can't just let good loot stay behind - I'll leave lowly weapons and ditto ammo, but the rest gotta be picked up. Think of how many thorough looters like me might be playing this game, and what suffering they go on a daily basis through to manage their inventory. Think of the children! (or young adults or whatever)
I would *love* to see these added to the game:
* a bag of holding,
* an ammo belt
* one more scroll case
* one more potion container
I have filed this request at redmine:
Note that the bag of holding is not available until chapter five. If you can't wait that long, try the following CLUA command:
Better yet, do it six times, and you have six bags, but they all lead to the same contents. Give each character a bag of holding, and they can all dump their stuff in there to put it onto a single, endless pile. Then each character can quickly retrieve the items they need.
It takes away all the micromanagement of your equipment, except determining which character should equip which item.
While it does wonders, I think it's best to leave the base game be as it is...
There is no such base game as you think any more, since the time when WEIDU remastered the first saga with the Infinite Engine 2 and release the Baldur's Gate Trilogy. What we got today is in fact backup by the D&D rule set 2.5, while the original saga--which was elapsed long time ago, is base on 2.0. Imaging if you go back to the year of 1998 and experience with the first version of BG, leave alone with the graphic details, I wager you can't even bear the lost of most of the game features you enjoy today. My point is, not always good old days work well for all the time, there is an old saying, the only thing that never changes is change itself, and we should move on.
Back to the topic, we all know about the Shield of Balduran and Wand of Summon Monster, which are considered to be as the violation of the rules, but in some ways, it do help a lot, especially for those who want to play solo or who are just new beginners. In my consideration, if we have found something breaking the rules, maybe we should try not to use them(if we have the confidence) or just negelect them and it won't change a thing, but we should never oppose their existence.
Besides, we always talk about tweaks, mods and command lines all the time, maybe they can provide some help in some ways, but isn't the best way. Some others may consider that it's inconvenient, too complicated or just feel like cheating, and don't willing to apply.
Finally, thanks for the assistance provide by @Loldrup, next time I should try to submit myself.
One exception are magical arrows, which can take a lot of space by the endgame if you are stacking them. In which case adding late game ammo case (for example in the lower levels of Durlag's Tower) is enough.
You can also add it to the story mode, if you really think beginners can't handle simple inventory management.
And "just don't use it" isn't a good argument for two reasons. First, it is more inconvenient to keep track of the things you're not supposed to use for the whole game, than use the mod once. Second, it may break the game for new players, who want to play the actual BG with some improvements, and instead get some simplified version.
I always use containers in BG1. I've played the game a thousand times and I've therefore played the inventory game too many times as well. Too me, that's not a very funny part of the game so I avoid it by manually adding containers already from the start. I wouldn't at all object to more containers added at different points and I think the idea of having mr. Tarnesh have one is a very good one, but if that happened I would still keeper in a BOH from level 1 Candlekeep because I wouldn't want to wait for so long until I got one. Nowadays I never run with more than 2 characters, charname and one NPC normally, or just solo. The BOH is the enabler for smooth gameplay, and so is the bottle and scroll containers, though they can be bought legitimately.
Anyways, I digress. Point being, I would concur on adding containers. If you don't like them, don't use them. It's usually easier to not use something that exist than to want something that doesn't exist (like, I want a dwarven defender/sorcerer multiclass, but even if they existed I might still not actually play them. I still want them though.)