Manual Discrepancies

People interested can check the new manuals here
From what I've seen I like them. You guys have done a great job.
However, there have been already a few minor issues found to be with them so I'm just going to proceed listing out those problems (and give credit where credit is due of course).
Note: The pages I reference to in () brackets are the pages to the manual not the PDF pages.
Note: Some items appear stricken ( so like this ). They are going to be excluded from changes to the manual. I've done this so that people can still search/see that these items have been considered (rather than having to search through the thread for them).
The purpose of this thread is now going to be for identifying text errors in the manual as well as any discrepancies between what the manual says and actual gameplay experience.
I'm not intending to be rude by writing this, but If you do wish to comment on issues with the layout or with not including certain charts if you could comment here instead that would be much appreciated. You have my full support.
Please note: With the revised manuals the page numbers for these errors have in some cases changed. They don't all appear to have changed in a consistent manner either, so for anyone who finds errors in the manual please keep in mind these are approximate numbers.
Sword Coast Survival Guide
The table of contents should be started on it's own page. It does not look correct being started halfway down the page. This change may also throw off all of the page numbers, unfortunately. ( @bigdogchris)
(46) The Monk and Sorceror now have a kit, so the description on page 46 that says that the barbarian, monk, and sorceror don't have kits should be changed.
Portrait Sizes
(46) Large Portrait should be listed as being 210x330 in size. ( @Jace)
Likewise Medium: 169x266 ( @Jalily)
and Small: 54x84
(46) The Portraits folder is not in the root directory anymore. The default portrait folder is now C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition]Portraits (@evilcorp)
(77) Hot keys are wrong. Should be this: (@jalily)
Quick Load: L
Hide/Show Interface: H
Hide/Show Right Interface: U
Hide/Show Left Interface: Y
Chat Window: T
Location: X
Quick Save: Q
Toggle AI: A
Rest: Z
Mastering Melee and Magic
(9) says: "Priest Spell—Level 4", should be: "Priest Spells—Level 4" ( @Rush_that_speaks)
(26) Combat effects and recovery: "...when opponents attacks them..." the verb should not have the ending -s. (@jace)
(32) Halfling Racial Traits: Fullstops are missing at the end of every bullet sentence. (@jace)
(36) Stalker Advantages: 20 and % are one space apart. (@jace)
(49) Wild Mage: "...explodes in a wild charge. a wild charge produces..." That "a" after the fullstop should be capitalized. (@jace)
(56) first line of the Two-Handed Weapon Style description says: "two-handedw eapon" where it should say "two-handed weapon" (@jaysl659)
(59) Lore: The sentences "Each character has a lore rating and every item has a lore value. (more information on identifying items is provided below)" should be written instead. "Each character has a lore rating and every item has a lore value (more information on identifying items is provided below.)" (@jace)
(115) says: "Priest Spell—Level 4", should be: "Priest Spells—Level 4" ( @Rush_that_speaks)
(17) Reputation table needs to be corrected so that 13 reputation needs a donation of 1200 to advance and 14 reputation needs 1500 to advance. ( @Zaor)
(17 - 20) The table describing the impact of reputation on item buying and selling is missing. ( @Jace)
- Stricken because new tables aren't being added
(22 - under "Armor Class") Perhaps including the word "some" or "select" before the word "helmets" in the line would clear up possible confusion for new players because currently it doesn't portray the rarity of helmets that improve ac very well. (@Oxford_Guy)
(so perhaps change the line to "Shields and [select] helmets can also improve the AC of a character.")
(22 and/or 23) In either the helmet section on page 22 or the critical hit section on page 23 there should be a mention that critical hits are prevented by wearing helmets. (@Oxford_Guy)
(23) States that Strength is used to determine both the chance to hit and the damage caused by thrown daggers and axes. (This needs to be confirmed) ( @Oxford_Guy)
(29-30) This is where you should mention the maximum experience available in game. Right now this is not mentioned in the manual at all. ( @Rush_that_speaks)
(29-30) Mentioning that the maximum obtainable level in the Black Pits is level 10 also would be helpful to players. It could also be mentioned on page 45 of the "Sword Coast Survival Guide" under the Black Pits section. ( @sed)
(30) In the BG2 manual experience point information was located immediately after "Experience Point for Multi and Dual Classed Characters". On page 30 of "Mastering Melee and Magic, there is a huge gap where this should go.
(31) Dwarf should have -2 to charisma instead of -1 (@ Jace)
(33) Under intelligence it states that intelligence is the prime requisite of wizards. To avoid confusion (and given the Sorcerer doesn't benefit from it outside of lore) it should be changed to mages.
(33) Says wisdom is the prime requisite for priests, but not druids. This is incorrect. Druids (and fighters dual classing into druids) need both high wisdom and additionally high charisma in order to be dual class.( @Jalden)
(36) The manual says the Archer can now become specialized (two slots) in melee weapons. In Baldur's Gate 2 archers could only become proficient in melee weapons; they could never specialise. ( @bengoshi)
- Likewise it should state that they can get grandmastery with bows, slings, and crossbows.
(36) Beast Master should be stated as being restricted to studded leather armour or less. ( @SandmanCCL)
(37) Should instead state that Paladins can actually get 3 points in two weapon fighting. This was the case in Baldur's Gate 2. (@GreatmasterB)
(38) Blackguard section states that he/she can poison their weapons but provides no explanation for this ability. ( @Rush_that_speaks)
(38) Likewise it states that blackguards can absorb 2 health, but it doesn't mention this being a per/level ability. (@Rush_that_speaks)
(38-39) Blackguard Immunity to Fear and Level Drain not mentioned ( @Mornmagor)
(42) Currently the Blade's description for the Spins says "May use the Offensive Spin and Defensive Spin abilities once per day every 4 levels." This should be changed (in-game and in manual) to "Starts the game with one use of the Offensive Spin and Defensive Spin abilities. Gains another use every four levels after 1st level (5th, 9th, etc)." ( @Basillicum )
(44 - 46) Should say under the "Bard" and "Thief" classes that their hit die is 1d6 (it says nothing currently). (@bigdogchris)
(48) Invoker should have only one opposing school, enchantment. (@tanthalas/@dracuify)
(51) Fighter/Mage/Thief description says "They cannot use their thieving skills while wearing studded leather" this should be "They cannot use their thieving skills while wearing more than studded leather" ( @Queynos)
(55) No section subtitle for two-weapon style (unlike the other styles on page 56). Though it does give the chart for the impact of two weapon style proficiences. Perhaps a subtitle/heading would be in order? (@bigdogchris)
(56) Single-weapon says that it gives a +1 and +2 bonus to ac depending upon the number of slots learned, whereas sword and shield gives a -2 bonus to ac with 1 slot and a - 4 bonus with 2 slots. These should be made to be consistent. ( @Queynos)
(59) In the lore example it says that 15 Intelligence offers +5 Lore, while the tables (pg 138) say that 15 Intelligence offers +3 Lore.
(60) The thieving skills "Set Traps" and "Detect Illusion" are currently not covered by the manual. ( @Bercon)
Mage Spells
Spell levels 1 - 2
Charm Person - Should say there is a +3 bonus (for enemies) to save against it. Not only that but the line at the end that says you can't use a charmed creature to attack a non-hostile creature is bogus.
Chromatic Orb - Would be helpful to stipulate what "pain" is (-1 to Strength and Dexterity), what "weakness" is (-4 to THAC0) and also how much extra damage the "burn" inflicts. It also doesn't mention effects above level 7 (you can still get level 10 with bards and avengers). (@Jace)
Chromatic Orb's damage is wrong. Should be this:
1st Level: 1d4 damage and blinds the target for 1 round.
2nd Level: 1d4 damage and inflicts pain upon the victim.
3rd Level: 1d6 damage and burns the victim.
4th Level: 1d6 damage and blinds the target for 1 turn.
5th Level: 1d8 damage and stuns the target for 3 rounds.
6th Level: 1d8 damage and causes weakness in the victim.
7th Level: 1d10 damage and paralyzes the victim for 2 turns.
10th Level: 1d12 acid damage and turns the victim to stone. (@Jalily)
Color Spray - Doesn't say it affects creatures of 4HD or less. ToB description does. ( @Jace)
Find Familiar / Friends - Have Saving Throw: Special. Should be None. ( @Jace)
Grease - Should say that it has a +2 save throw in favour of enemies (should be clarified in game as well) (@elminster)
Protection from Petrification - Range should be Touch, not 0. Saving Throw should be None, not Neg. ( @Jace)
Shield - should protect against magic missiles ( @Spaceinvader )
Spook (page 69) -The sentence "In any event, the spell functions only against creatures with
Intelligence scores of 2 or more, and undead are not affected at all." Should read "The spell does not function against undead creatures." @Boinker NOTE: This description needs to be changed in game as well.
Agannazar's Scorcher - Would be helpful to stipulate that the flame jet strikes twice, and that you can move while shooting it. ( @Jace)
Glitterdust - Saving throw should negate (not be special as manual claims). Previously saving throw completely negates revealing invisible and blindness. ( @Bercon)
Hold Person- Enemies trying to save against this spell (only the mage version though not the priest version) get -1 to save. This should be mentioned both in the manual and in-game. (@elminster)
Melf's Acid Arrow - Saving Throw should be None, not Special. (@Jace)
Mirror Image - Area of Effect being 6-foot is a bit strange. Would be better to change it to the Caster. (@Jace)
Resist Fear - Duration should be 1 hour according to ToB description. Saving Throw should be None. Area of Effect should be 30 feet, and the description should change so that it doesn't look like it affects one singular recipient. ( @Jace)
Strength - Does not have the updated description stipulating that Strength that is already exceptional will receive an extra 50 points of exceptional bonus, up to 18/00. As such, It would not lower Strength that is above 18/50, but Strength that is above 18/00. ( @Jace)
Stinking Cloud - Should say that it has a +2 save throw in favour of enemies (should be clarified in game as well) (@elminster)
Vocalize - Since it affects only the spellcaster, range should be 0. ( @Jace)
Web - While the short description says Saving Throw: None, the large description correctly states a saving throw vs. spells at -2. ( @Jace)
Spell levels 3-5
Monster Summoning spells in general - Should be rewritten to specify that you can only summon one creature with a chance for a second one. ( @Jace)
Dire Charm - Currently states it lasts for 2 turns. It actually only lasts for 5 rounds (should be corrected in-game as well).
Flame Arrow - Saving Throw: None contradicts with the larger description stating save vs. spells for half. (@Jace)
Haste - It is probably not necessary to keep the "loses a day" part of hastes description. (@Queynos)
Minor Spell Deflection and Minor Spell Turning - Range should be 0, not Touch. ( @Jace)
Confusion - The phrase "adjusted for Wisdom" should be removed as the Magical Defense Adjustment for high Wisdom was never implemented. Maybe also change Saving throw to Neg. ( @Jace)
Emotion: Hopelessness - The larger description doesn't really justify the Saving Throw: Special description. Change it to Neg. ( @Jace)
- The secondary effect of providing "remove fear" to the party does not happen in game.
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere and Polymorph Other - Since you can fire these spells from a distance, Range: 0 is erroneous. ( @Jace)
Remove Curse - Saving Throw should be None (not Special), and Area of Effect should be 1 creature (not Special) ( @Jace)
Stoneskin - Should have a casting time of 1, not 1 round. ( @Jace)
- This could be the way it is because you are trying to equalise it with Iron Skins.
Teleport Field
- - It should not be listed as having a save ( @Jace)
Shadow Door - Range should be 0 (not 10), and Area of Effect should be the caster (not Special). ( @Jace)
Spell Immunity - Area of Effect should be the caster (not Special). ( @Jace)
Sunfire - Range could be changed to 0 rather than caster (to be consistent with other spells).
(95 and 110) Animate Dead says its duration is instant. ( @SpaceInvader)
-Also states that the caster summons a number of zombies and skeletons in accordance to his level.
-It should be stated that Animate Dead summons 1d2 Skeletal Warriors, who improve with level and whose
duration is 8 hours. (@Jalily)
Please note: Chaos Shield should be included in the listing of spells in the manual. ( @Queynos)
Priest Spells
Spell Levels 1 - 2
(103) Bless - It's color should be blue instead of white.
(105) Magical Stone - Its range should be sight of caster, with a duration of "Instant", and with an area of effect of 1 creature.
(105) Remove Fear - the 1 creature/4 level should not apply.
(106) Shillelagh - It's range should be 0.
(107) Charm Person or Mammal - Should say there is a +3 bonus (for enemies) to save against it. Not only that but expand upon its description to include the fact that it can charm all mammals (unlike the level 1 wizard spell).
(110) Spiritual Hammer - It's range should be 0.
Spell Levels 3 - 5
(110) Call lightning - Its range should be adjusted to "sight of caster", and its casting time should be adjusted to 1 round.
(111) Glyph of Warding - It's range should not be listed as 0, it's casting time should be 1 round, and it's saving throw should be Neg.
(113) Remove Curse - Same description error as the wizard spell.
(114) Remove Paralysis - This affects more than one creature and can be cast from a distance. Its spell description, area of effect, and range should be adjusted accordingly.
(115) Zone of Sweet Air - It's range should be 0.
(116) Cloak of Fear - It's range should be 0.
(124) Mass Cure - It's range should 0.
(125) Raise Dead - Saving Throw should be listed as None instead of Special.
(126) True Seeing - It's range should be 0.
(129) This is an alternative place for helmets to say that they prevent critical hits.
(131) Katana's/Wakizashis & Scimitars are not discussed or described at all under the list of weapons. ( @Kharador)
- These weapons aren't native to the Sword Coast but a comment could be simply made by Volo that other types of weapons exist.
- (136 - 137) (@bigdogchris) There is no mention that 20 or more constitution allows for character regeneration. Suggested fix to the constitution section is putting "+2(+5)[1]" under 20 constitution, and then explaining this by replacing the Constitution paragraph on page 137 with
"HP Adj.
This number is added to the Hit Point roll a character makes when going up a level or when starting the game. Numbers in parentheses are for warrior classes only. Numbers in brackets represent hp regenerated per turn. "
(138) The Reaction Adjustment based on Charisma is wrong for scores lower than 10. They should be like this. (@jace)
Charisma Score (Reaction Adj.)
3 (-8)
4 (-7)
5 (-6)
6 (-5)
7 (-4)
8 (-2)
9 (-1)
(138) The table lists 10 Intelligence as giving 0 Lore, but lists 10 Wisdom as giving -10 Lore. I believe that it should read that at 10 wisdom gives no negative effects to lore. (@jace)
(140) Thieves and Bards health die rolls listed as 1d8. Should be 1d6. ( @reedmilfam)
(141 - 142) Wild surge tables state currently on #17 and #95 that 20% of party gold is destroyed, this should be changed to 80%. (@Grieg,@ankheg)
Spell progression tables are completely missing . (@bigdogchris)
From what I've seen I like them. You guys have done a great job.
However, there have been already a few minor issues found to be with them so I'm just going to proceed listing out those problems (and give credit where credit is due of course).
Note: The pages I reference to in () brackets are the pages to the manual not the PDF pages.
Note: Some items appear stricken ( so like this ). They are going to be excluded from changes to the manual. I've done this so that people can still search/see that these items have been considered (rather than having to search through the thread for them).
The purpose of this thread is now going to be for identifying text errors in the manual as well as any discrepancies between what the manual says and actual gameplay experience.
I'm not intending to be rude by writing this, but If you do wish to comment on issues with the layout or with not including certain charts if you could comment here instead that would be much appreciated. You have my full support.
Please note: With the revised manuals the page numbers for these errors have in some cases changed. They don't all appear to have changed in a consistent manner either, so for anyone who finds errors in the manual please keep in mind these are approximate numbers.
Sword Coast Survival Guide
The table of contents should be started on it's own page. It does not look correct being started halfway down the page. This change may also throw off all of the page numbers, unfortunately. ( @bigdogchris)
(46) The Monk and Sorceror now have a kit, so the description on page 46 that says that the barbarian, monk, and sorceror don't have kits should be changed.
Portrait Sizes
(46) Large Portrait should be listed as being 210x330 in size. ( @Jace)
Likewise Medium: 169x266 ( @Jalily)
and Small: 54x84
(46) The Portraits folder is not in the root directory anymore. The default portrait folder is now C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition]Portraits (@evilcorp)
(77) Hot keys are wrong. Should be this: (@jalily)
Quick Load: L
Hide/Show Interface: H
Hide/Show Right Interface: U
Hide/Show Left Interface: Y
Chat Window: T
Location: X
Quick Save: Q
Toggle AI: A
Rest: Z
Mastering Melee and Magic
(9) says: "Priest Spell—Level 4", should be: "Priest Spells—Level 4" ( @Rush_that_speaks)
(26) Combat effects and recovery: "...when opponents attacks them..." the verb should not have the ending -s. (@jace)
(32) Halfling Racial Traits: Fullstops are missing at the end of every bullet sentence. (@jace)
(36) Stalker Advantages: 20 and % are one space apart. (@jace)
(49) Wild Mage: "...explodes in a wild charge. a wild charge produces..." That "a" after the fullstop should be capitalized. (@jace)
(56) first line of the Two-Handed Weapon Style description says: "two-handedw eapon" where it should say "two-handed weapon" (@jaysl659)
(59) Lore: The sentences "Each character has a lore rating and every item has a lore value. (more information on identifying items is provided below)" should be written instead. "Each character has a lore rating and every item has a lore value (more information on identifying items is provided below.)" (@jace)
(115) says: "Priest Spell—Level 4", should be: "Priest Spells—Level 4" ( @Rush_that_speaks)
(17) Reputation table needs to be corrected so that 13 reputation needs a donation of 1200 to advance and 14 reputation needs 1500 to advance. ( @Zaor)
(17 - 20) The table describing the impact of reputation on item buying and selling is missing. ( @Jace)
- Stricken because new tables aren't being added
(22 - under "Armor Class") Perhaps including the word "some" or "select" before the word "helmets" in the line would clear up possible confusion for new players because currently it doesn't portray the rarity of helmets that improve ac very well. (@Oxford_Guy)
(so perhaps change the line to "Shields and [select] helmets can also improve the AC of a character.")
(22 and/or 23) In either the helmet section on page 22 or the critical hit section on page 23 there should be a mention that critical hits are prevented by wearing helmets. (@Oxford_Guy)
(23) States that Strength is used to determine both the chance to hit and the damage caused by thrown daggers and axes. (This needs to be confirmed) ( @Oxford_Guy)
(29-30) This is where you should mention the maximum experience available in game. Right now this is not mentioned in the manual at all. ( @Rush_that_speaks)
(29-30) Mentioning that the maximum obtainable level in the Black Pits is level 10 also would be helpful to players. It could also be mentioned on page 45 of the "Sword Coast Survival Guide" under the Black Pits section. ( @sed)
(30) In the BG2 manual experience point information was located immediately after "Experience Point for Multi and Dual Classed Characters". On page 30 of "Mastering Melee and Magic, there is a huge gap where this should go.
(31) Dwarf should have -2 to charisma instead of -1 (@ Jace)
(33) Under intelligence it states that intelligence is the prime requisite of wizards. To avoid confusion (and given the Sorcerer doesn't benefit from it outside of lore) it should be changed to mages.
(33) Says wisdom is the prime requisite for priests, but not druids. This is incorrect. Druids (and fighters dual classing into druids) need both high wisdom and additionally high charisma in order to be dual class.( @Jalden)
(36) The manual says the Archer can now become specialized (two slots) in melee weapons. In Baldur's Gate 2 archers could only become proficient in melee weapons; they could never specialise. ( @bengoshi)
- Likewise it should state that they can get grandmastery with bows, slings, and crossbows.
(36) Beast Master should be stated as being restricted to studded leather armour or less. ( @SandmanCCL)
(37) Should instead state that Paladins can actually get 3 points in two weapon fighting. This was the case in Baldur's Gate 2. (@GreatmasterB)
(38) Blackguard section states that he/she can poison their weapons but provides no explanation for this ability. ( @Rush_that_speaks)
(38) Likewise it states that blackguards can absorb 2 health, but it doesn't mention this being a per/level ability. (@Rush_that_speaks)
(38-39) Blackguard Immunity to Fear and Level Drain not mentioned ( @Mornmagor)
(42) Currently the Blade's description for the Spins says "May use the Offensive Spin and Defensive Spin abilities once per day every 4 levels." This should be changed (in-game and in manual) to "Starts the game with one use of the Offensive Spin and Defensive Spin abilities. Gains another use every four levels after 1st level (5th, 9th, etc)." ( @Basillicum )
(44 - 46) Should say under the "Bard" and "Thief" classes that their hit die is 1d6 (it says nothing currently). (@bigdogchris)
(48) Invoker should have only one opposing school, enchantment. (@tanthalas/@dracuify)
(51) Fighter/Mage/Thief description says "They cannot use their thieving skills while wearing studded leather" this should be "They cannot use their thieving skills while wearing more than studded leather" ( @Queynos)
(55) No section subtitle for two-weapon style (unlike the other styles on page 56). Though it does give the chart for the impact of two weapon style proficiences. Perhaps a subtitle/heading would be in order? (@bigdogchris)
(56) Single-weapon says that it gives a +1 and +2 bonus to ac depending upon the number of slots learned, whereas sword and shield gives a -2 bonus to ac with 1 slot and a - 4 bonus with 2 slots. These should be made to be consistent. ( @Queynos)
(59) In the lore example it says that 15 Intelligence offers +5 Lore, while the tables (pg 138) say that 15 Intelligence offers +3 Lore.
(60) The thieving skills "Set Traps" and "Detect Illusion" are currently not covered by the manual. ( @Bercon)
Mage Spells
Spell levels 1 - 2
Charm Person - Should say there is a +3 bonus (for enemies) to save against it. Not only that but the line at the end that says you can't use a charmed creature to attack a non-hostile creature is bogus.
Chromatic Orb - Would be helpful to stipulate what "pain" is (-1 to Strength and Dexterity), what "weakness" is (-4 to THAC0) and also how much extra damage the "burn" inflicts. It also doesn't mention effects above level 7 (you can still get level 10 with bards and avengers). (@Jace)
Chromatic Orb's damage is wrong. Should be this:
1st Level: 1d4 damage and blinds the target for 1 round.
2nd Level: 1d4 damage and inflicts pain upon the victim.
3rd Level: 1d6 damage and burns the victim.
4th Level: 1d6 damage and blinds the target for 1 turn.
5th Level: 1d8 damage and stuns the target for 3 rounds.
6th Level: 1d8 damage and causes weakness in the victim.
7th Level: 1d10 damage and paralyzes the victim for 2 turns.
10th Level: 1d12 acid damage and turns the victim to stone. (@Jalily)
Color Spray - Doesn't say it affects creatures of 4HD or less. ToB description does. ( @Jace)
Find Familiar / Friends - Have Saving Throw: Special. Should be None. ( @Jace)
Grease - Should say that it has a +2 save throw in favour of enemies (should be clarified in game as well) (@elminster)
Protection from Petrification - Range should be Touch, not 0. Saving Throw should be None, not Neg. ( @Jace)
Shield - should protect against magic missiles ( @Spaceinvader )
Spook (page 69) -The sentence "In any event, the spell functions only against creatures with
Intelligence scores of 2 or more, and undead are not affected at all." Should read "The spell does not function against undead creatures." @Boinker NOTE: This description needs to be changed in game as well.
Agannazar's Scorcher - Would be helpful to stipulate that the flame jet strikes twice, and that you can move while shooting it. ( @Jace)
Glitterdust - Saving throw should negate (not be special as manual claims). Previously saving throw completely negates revealing invisible and blindness. ( @Bercon)
Hold Person- Enemies trying to save against this spell (only the mage version though not the priest version) get -1 to save. This should be mentioned both in the manual and in-game. (@elminster)
Melf's Acid Arrow - Saving Throw should be None, not Special. (@Jace)
Mirror Image - Area of Effect being 6-foot is a bit strange. Would be better to change it to the Caster. (@Jace)
Resist Fear - Duration should be 1 hour according to ToB description. Saving Throw should be None. Area of Effect should be 30 feet, and the description should change so that it doesn't look like it affects one singular recipient. ( @Jace)
Strength - Does not have the updated description stipulating that Strength that is already exceptional will receive an extra 50 points of exceptional bonus, up to 18/00. As such, It would not lower Strength that is above 18/50, but Strength that is above 18/00. ( @Jace)
Stinking Cloud - Should say that it has a +2 save throw in favour of enemies (should be clarified in game as well) (@elminster)
Vocalize - Since it affects only the spellcaster, range should be 0. ( @Jace)
Web - While the short description says Saving Throw: None, the large description correctly states a saving throw vs. spells at -2. ( @Jace)
Spell levels 3-5
Monster Summoning spells in general - Should be rewritten to specify that you can only summon one creature with a chance for a second one. ( @Jace)
Dire Charm - Currently states it lasts for 2 turns. It actually only lasts for 5 rounds (should be corrected in-game as well).
Flame Arrow - Saving Throw: None contradicts with the larger description stating save vs. spells for half. (@Jace)
Haste - It is probably not necessary to keep the "loses a day" part of hastes description. (@Queynos)
Minor Spell Deflection and Minor Spell Turning - Range should be 0, not Touch. ( @Jace)
Confusion - The phrase "adjusted for Wisdom" should be removed as the Magical Defense Adjustment for high Wisdom was never implemented. Maybe also change Saving throw to Neg. ( @Jace)
Emotion: Hopelessness - The larger description doesn't really justify the Saving Throw: Special description. Change it to Neg. ( @Jace)
- The secondary effect of providing "remove fear" to the party does not happen in game.
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere and Polymorph Other - Since you can fire these spells from a distance, Range: 0 is erroneous. ( @Jace)
Remove Curse - Saving Throw should be None (not Special), and Area of Effect should be 1 creature (not Special) ( @Jace)
Stoneskin - Should have a casting time of 1, not 1 round. ( @Jace)
- This could be the way it is because you are trying to equalise it with Iron Skins.
Teleport Field
- - It should not be listed as having a save ( @Jace)
Shadow Door - Range should be 0 (not 10), and Area of Effect should be the caster (not Special). ( @Jace)
Spell Immunity - Area of Effect should be the caster (not Special). ( @Jace)
Sunfire - Range could be changed to 0 rather than caster (to be consistent with other spells).
(95 and 110) Animate Dead says its duration is instant. ( @SpaceInvader)
-Also states that the caster summons a number of zombies and skeletons in accordance to his level.
-It should be stated that Animate Dead summons 1d2 Skeletal Warriors, who improve with level and whose
duration is 8 hours. (@Jalily)
Please note: Chaos Shield should be included in the listing of spells in the manual. ( @Queynos)
Priest Spells
Spell Levels 1 - 2
(103) Bless - It's color should be blue instead of white.
(105) Magical Stone - Its range should be sight of caster, with a duration of "Instant", and with an area of effect of 1 creature.
(105) Remove Fear - the 1 creature/4 level should not apply.
(106) Shillelagh - It's range should be 0.
(107) Charm Person or Mammal - Should say there is a +3 bonus (for enemies) to save against it. Not only that but expand upon its description to include the fact that it can charm all mammals (unlike the level 1 wizard spell).
(110) Spiritual Hammer - It's range should be 0.
Spell Levels 3 - 5
(110) Call lightning - Its range should be adjusted to "sight of caster", and its casting time should be adjusted to 1 round.
(111) Glyph of Warding - It's range should not be listed as 0, it's casting time should be 1 round, and it's saving throw should be Neg.
(113) Remove Curse - Same description error as the wizard spell.
(114) Remove Paralysis - This affects more than one creature and can be cast from a distance. Its spell description, area of effect, and range should be adjusted accordingly.
(115) Zone of Sweet Air - It's range should be 0.
(116) Cloak of Fear - It's range should be 0.
(124) Mass Cure - It's range should 0.
(125) Raise Dead - Saving Throw should be listed as None instead of Special.
(126) True Seeing - It's range should be 0.
(129) This is an alternative place for helmets to say that they prevent critical hits.
(131) Katana's/Wakizashis & Scimitars are not discussed or described at all under the list of weapons. ( @Kharador)
- These weapons aren't native to the Sword Coast but a comment could be simply made by Volo that other types of weapons exist.
- (136 - 137) (@bigdogchris) There is no mention that 20 or more constitution allows for character regeneration. Suggested fix to the constitution section is putting "+2(+5)[1]" under 20 constitution, and then explaining this by replacing the Constitution paragraph on page 137 with
"HP Adj.
This number is added to the Hit Point roll a character makes when going up a level or when starting the game. Numbers in parentheses are for warrior classes only. Numbers in brackets represent hp regenerated per turn. "
(138) The Reaction Adjustment based on Charisma is wrong for scores lower than 10. They should be like this. (@jace)
Charisma Score (Reaction Adj.)
3 (-8)
4 (-7)
5 (-6)
6 (-5)
7 (-4)
8 (-2)
9 (-1)
(138) The table lists 10 Intelligence as giving 0 Lore, but lists 10 Wisdom as giving -10 Lore. I believe that it should read that at 10 wisdom gives no negative effects to lore. (@jace)
(140) Thieves and Bards health die rolls listed as 1d8. Should be 1d6. ( @reedmilfam)
(141 - 142) Wild surge tables state currently on #17 and #95 that 20% of party gold is destroyed, this should be changed to 80%. (@Grieg,@ankheg)
Spell progression tables are completely missing . (@bigdogchris)
Post edited by elminster on
It was never implemented.
One small mistake on the manuals.
Blackguard is also immune to fear and level drain right? They forgot to add it as far as i see
He rivals the cavalier in power.
However, he is indeed immune to fear and level drain. Just a manual oversight.
Glad to hear people like it. Although I seem to be having trouble downloading them myself...
Edit: nope you are right. Server problem.
a screenshot of the new map
Is the map the same as the one that guy posted here a couple of months back?
a) *All* missile weapons use the Dex, not Str modifier to hit
b) *Only* axes (not daggers) get the Str bonus for damage
Also on page 23 it implies helmets give a bonus to AC, which usually they don't (perhaps some magic ones?), their primary functional is to prevent critical hits - its potentially misleading for new players.
both the chance to hit and the damage caused. This modifier is
always applied to melees and attacks with hurled missile weapons (a
dagger or an axe). -> what it says in the BG2 manual. So maybe they did not change it?
fixed the links