Forgotten Realms Books

Let's make a list of Forgotten Realms books so people can have a resource if they wish to read them.
Both standalone ones and book series are fine to put in.
Book Title: XYZ
Book Description: ...
Rating: ?/10
Part of a Series: Y/N
Would you recommend to others? Why/why not?
Both standalone ones and book series are fine to put in.
Book Title: XYZ
Book Description: ...
Rating: ?/10
Part of a Series: Y/N
Would you recommend to others? Why/why not?
Post edited by Wandering_Ranger on
This discussion has been closed.
Book Description: ...
Rating: ?/10
Part of a Series: Y/N
Would you recommend to others? Why/why not?
Can't get that from mere lists on the internet, and you have to sift through hundreds of titles in the process to find a story you may be interested in.
In any case, not interested in participating in what the thread is about and are only here to say what a bad idea it is? Bye bye. Not interested in your input in the slightest.
I scroll past through dozens of topics I don't care about. Imagine if I stopped by every one to not participate in the discussion at hand and was merely on the thread to denounce it. What is that called? Trolling.
@JuliusBorisov take a look at this please and tell me how the above post is okay by community standards. It's not participating in the post, it's extremely pointless, and it's a derailment of the thread. Some people may want a book thread. For those that do, they can come here. For those that don't, they can use google (which everyone knows how to use). He could have just as easily scrolled past but instead chose to make the above pointless post. Imagine if everyone did that. Every thread would be cancer.
Point 2: When I started writing my post, which took some time because I had to look up the comics I wanted to include in my post here on this friendly forum, your second post was not available.
Point 3: My written comment and the images state my view on FR novels. I do not recommend them from the point of view of a literate adult - with a degree in Anglophone literature as it happens, but even without it, I would stay away from FR novels. I've read about 50 of the books and anthologies from @Dev6 's link. They were OK when I was a teen learning English ESL, but their literary qualities are rather lacking. Anything by Ed Greenwood is sure to be about bared flesh, archaic English, avuncular wizards and lots of fight scenes. Most of the rest of them are ... about as good as you'd expect from novelizations of a game setting.
Author: Philip Athans
Book Description: "Someone is sabotaging the iron mines of the Sword Coast, pushing powerful realms toward a bloody war, and a young mercenary toward an unimaginable secret."
Rating: 0/10
Part of a Series: Y
Would you recommend to others? Why/why not? Only if you take pleasure in self-torture.
@Wandering_Ranger - You forgot to include the author in your format block.
Also some other excellent guides to FR novels:
Book Description: A young, supple female is granted spectacular powers. She must now survive everything the Zhentarim / Church of Bane / Red Wizards of Thay / the Shadovar /The Cult of the Dragon can throw at her! Luckily, Elminster comes to the rescue .... but at what price for Young Supple Female, Elminster, Shadowdale, and the Realms? Also, breasts and philosophy.
There may also be other elements in the book in question, but the above plot will still hold true for most of them.
Rating: 0/10
Part of a Series: Oh, yes.
Would you recommend to others? Why/why not? No. Though it will teach you the archaic forms of the second person informal nominative and possessive (thou, thy, thine). So that's something.
But breasts, breasts definitely.
My fellow forumites, this is an actual scene in an actual published book by Ed Greenwood about the origins and youth of Elminster:
A young, supple Elminster has just had an involuntary magical sex change. In such trying times, his first thoughts turn toward his new boobage and how he could engage in lovemaking and be on the *ahem* receiving end of attentions for a change.
Curse you for making me recall this!
Point 2: Check a post before posting.
Point 3: Should've said that instead of using stupid comics and you wouldn't have looked like you were trolling. At least it would have been (somewhat) on point. But honestly, better that you said nothing at all and left people who do want to find out about books to enjoy them.
Imagine if everyone did this sort of thing on threads everywhere.