Beamdog’s Brand New Game! (Sword Coast High)

Hey everyone, I wanted to start a discussion about Beamdog’s new game they just released, Sword Coast High. Feel free to share your thoughts, experiences, and maybe even progress on your playthrough here.
Beware of spoilers!!!!!!!!!
I’m about halfway through the second lesson-chapter, and I have to say, so far I am impressed. Beamdog has pulled through again with gripping dialogue and beautiful art. I was nearly in tears when Viconia dumped Charname for Minsc! Minsc of all people! Personally, I think she’s just trying to get Charname mad, as usual. We all know she’s got mommy issues, and to top it off she’s obviously dealing with all those drow hormones raging around her system.
But that doesn’t mean what she said didn’t hurt. Personally, I feel bad for Minsc. Once Charname gets over the breakup, Viconia’s going to drop Minsc and that pet hamster like a Command spell.
So now I’m stuck with Aerie. Honestly, she just won’t stop crying all the time. Balling her eyes out at her locker/treasure chest, crying in the bathroom/dungeon! Even when we’re making out, she just keeps crying! What do I have to do to please this chick? She’s just constantly crying no matter what Charname says or does. It’s getting really annoying. So what if her daddy took her wings? That was years ago!
Anyways, now I’ve got my eye on Jaheira, though she’s obviously too engrossed in her cross country sports to have any time for Charname. Besides, she keeps hanging out with that stuttering, nervous wreck Khalid. What’s she see in him anyway?
I really like how Beamdog managed to merge the leveling system with the grades and school performance. Soon, I hope, my grades will be good enough for me to join the the Flaming Fists (the football team, if any of you are confused). Then I should be able to get my hands on that Varsity Jacket +2.
If you haven’t checked out the new game, just follow the link below. I’m enjoying it so far and look forward to hearing about anything I may have missed: post any Easter eggs you find. As the game was released on Easter itself, there should be plenty of them.
Beware of spoilers!!!!!!!!!
I’m about halfway through the second lesson-chapter, and I have to say, so far I am impressed. Beamdog has pulled through again with gripping dialogue and beautiful art. I was nearly in tears when Viconia dumped Charname for Minsc! Minsc of all people! Personally, I think she’s just trying to get Charname mad, as usual. We all know she’s got mommy issues, and to top it off she’s obviously dealing with all those drow hormones raging around her system.
But that doesn’t mean what she said didn’t hurt. Personally, I feel bad for Minsc. Once Charname gets over the breakup, Viconia’s going to drop Minsc and that pet hamster like a Command spell.
So now I’m stuck with Aerie. Honestly, she just won’t stop crying all the time. Balling her eyes out at her locker/treasure chest, crying in the bathroom/dungeon! Even when we’re making out, she just keeps crying! What do I have to do to please this chick? She’s just constantly crying no matter what Charname says or does. It’s getting really annoying. So what if her daddy took her wings? That was years ago!
Anyways, now I’ve got my eye on Jaheira, though she’s obviously too engrossed in her cross country sports to have any time for Charname. Besides, she keeps hanging out with that stuttering, nervous wreck Khalid. What’s she see in him anyway?
I really like how Beamdog managed to merge the leveling system with the grades and school performance. Soon, I hope, my grades will be good enough for me to join the the Flaming Fists (the football team, if any of you are confused). Then I should be able to get my hands on that Varsity Jacket +2.
If you haven’t checked out the new game, just follow the link below. I’m enjoying it so far and look forward to hearing about anything I may have missed: post any Easter eggs you find. As the game was released on Easter itself, there should be plenty of them.
Post edited by mashedtaters on
...That being said, they say you should always be open to new things.
The following spoiler contains potential game-breaking cheats. Avoid reading it if you want to enjoy the game and face its challenge.
Anyways, glad your figured it out! I laughed my arse off when I read the latest beamblog and had to do a mock post on it.
So what do you think of the game so far? I’m having a blast. I decided to start over as an evil character (surprise, surprise, my restartitus manifest in this game, too) and just gave Khalid a swirly.
I took quite a reputation hit, though, and it didn’t impress Jaheira as much as I expected. I was surprised, she seems kind of shallow... in a sort of, I-wouldn’t-stay-faithful-to-your-memory kind of way.
Jansen Rocket Launcher +3 is a fine improvement over the Flasher crossbow. They should decrease the Blast radius though, it's overpowering.
The fight with the Ferret Boss was really tricky. I had to summon a Demilich to deal with him. The new summons are really nice.
I'll have to play further to tell more. Maybe, they've got more hidden secrets. Perhaps a new Holy Avenger sword +7?
As an interesting sidenote, since both soap and seville oranges are rather expensive and thus a quite heavy burden on a teachers meager salary - especially with the amount of spanking necessary due to todays youths propensity for shenanigans - a motion was put forward in the teachers guild to start using rulers instead. However, the motion was voted down with a 37 to 5 vote, the winning side arguing that "This burden is just one of many sacrifices the dedicated teacher must endure for sake of his or hers students proper education!" Such self-sacrifice is rather honorable, would you not agree? As always, it is the hard working ordinary people who are the true unsung heroes of society, not kings and queens and commanders and adventurers.
Don’t you mean Horrid Writings? I’m not a fan of those essays on The “Great” Aluando.
Btw, I saw a bunch of turnips in the cafeteria. Perhaps their spawns are randomly generated? Either way, Minsc suddenly had to start a food-fight for Justice, and somehow Charname got detention.
I saw that spell, but couldn’t get any of my companions to use it. They kept saying stuff like, “Better part of valor! Better part of valor!” and “Better to fight this battle when ‘tis winnable!” every time I clicked on them to use it. Even Minsc, despite his cries of “Den of STINKING evil!” wouldn’t touch react. Perhaps it’s a bug?
the character classes in the game.
Sort of like a fighter/bard. High charisma, high strength, but has weaknesses like -4 mathmagic and the special ability rage-at-the-drop-of-a-hat.
Kind of like a wizard, gets a +6 to mathmagic and end-of-game career opportunities and +4 to intelligence, but has a -2 to charisma and strength.
Not exactly sure what, if any, character-class this is supposed to represent. Has a +2 to beauty, charisma, and dexterity, but has to be evil alignment for some reason. Viconia’s character class, which is ironic, seeing as I never got the feeling that Viconia was a fountain of encouragement.
Seems like a beefed up version of the thief class. Gets a -2 to mathmagic and a +2 to steal-that-sh!t. Also starts out with “bonus paraphernalia”.
Seems to be overly stereotypical if you ask me, but still enjoyable. Of course, D&D itself plays to stereotypes, so I guess it’s fitting.