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How do you choose your partymembers?

How do you choose your partymembers?

Prompted by my current playthrough, in which I can't really decide who to take along. :D Still, genuinely curious.

Shameless plug/cry for help: :D
  1. How do you choose your partymembers?48 votes
    1. I choose who fits my party best by class and/or stats.
    2. I choose who fits my party best by their personality, and stick with them through the game.
    3. I choose who fits my party best by their personality, and switch them around when the situation calls for it.
    4. I choose whose background fits best into the story, at that point in the game, either canon or head-canon.


  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    E) Class, personality and background.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    @Raduziel darn, i knew i forgot something lol
  • DrakeICNDrakeICN Member Posts: 623
    F) I do everyones quest then kick them to the curb (except for Imoen because she is my half-sister and of course my waifu because I don't wan't to die / ascend to godhood a virgin (the underdark dark elf girl don't count because she is to easy).)
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    edited July 2018
    Raduziel said:

    E) Class, personality and background.

    This would also be my choice but of the options given, B: suits me best. I try to keep an all-good or all-evil party and then look at which classes are needed.
    Post edited by Montresor_SP on
  • DrakeICNDrakeICN Member Posts: 623

    G) Soundsets. I pick the characters whose voices I like the most. If you're going to hear the same voices for hours on end, they should be good ones. I love Keldorn and Aerie's voices, but can't stand BG1 Minsc's voice or Edwin's, and I find Valygar's voice boring.

    Valygar is boring. If he didn't have the revenge thing going for him, he would be a quiet fur trader with no real friends who never goes to parties, but when he finally does, he just stands in a corner a drinks for himself and creeps out anyone astitute enough to notice him.
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  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    I switch them like Jenga pieces, just as long as I don't let my party tumble. i.e. random chaotic decisions of the day.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Unfortunately I lack the suspension of disbelief required to choose party members based on anything other than how they can best help me achieve my goals. The only character I've gotten actually attached to is Jaheira. I guess she just seems the most real to me for whatever reason. Since she's True Neutral I tend to bring her along no matter who I play.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    I think of a random combination that I haven't tried yet and create a character that would fit that party.

    For example, I may say I want Xan, Alora, Yeslick, Garrick and Kivan. I would play a Fighter/Thief or a Thief dualed to a fighter fill the gaps that this party creates.
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    No one's mentioned alignment yet. I like to build a cohesive party that would actually want to be together. Also I have a self-imposed rule that I don't switch party members out and that all party members must survive until the end of the game.

    So, class, alignment, personality in that order (there are always workarounds for 'poor' stats - although npcs with five proficiency points in left-handed tin openers do annoy me).
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    I always fit Imoen and Jaheira (but often without Khalid) into my party because they're my favs. Then I fill out two slots for a well-balanced party based on classes. The last slot I use for whomever is necessary/useful for the current quest(s) I'm working on.
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    edited July 2018
    dunbar said:

    No one's mentioned alignment yet. I like to build a cohesive party that would actually want to be together.

    In my book that falls under 'personality'. :) Speaking of, in my current game I might have to go for Yeslick, or one of the mod NPC clerics... Branwen actually got giddy when a helpless innocent was basically tortured :/
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I have used everyone at least once, to get a feel for who they are. But only the personalities that I like get repeated use. I like more characters than the party cap allows (to no end of frustration), but Minsc and Mazzy are always present.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    You forgot to mention alignment in the poll, which is a very important factor for me and my lawful good characters. I'm more into the good than the lawful, but a law-abiding neutral person is okay. I would have trouble getting along with anyone chaotic, unless they are not in control of their own actions, like Minsc, in which case I see myself as a kind of guardian to them.

    I almost always wind up going with the canon party of Jaheira/Khalid/Imoen/Minsc/Dynaheir, then Jaheira/Minsc/Imoen-Yoshimo, and either Anomen or Aerie, sometimes both, last slot interchangeable for sidequests. Their alignments are compatible with mine (lawful good), and they fit the story the best.
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428

    G) Soundsets. I pick the characters whose voices I like the most. If you're going to hear the same voices for hours on end, they should be good ones. I love Keldorn and Aerie's voices, but can't stand BG1 Minsc's voice or Edwin's, and I find Valygar's voice boring.

    As far as voices go, I can't stand Kivan's. It's too reminiscent of Christian Bale's Batman for me.
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    edited July 2018
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  • Contemplative_HamsterContemplative_Hamster Member Posts: 844
    edited July 2018
    Ahead of time, I carefully tally everyone's known abilities and weaknesses in a spreadsheet, with additional notes on personality, funds, and how they will be able to help me get ahead. Then I choose my posse roster, and carefully arrange to speak to them, and them only, skirting encounters with those who might turn out to be liabilities. That's also how I play the Baldur's Gate series of games.

  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957
    Through death matches! The strongest get the honor of joining my Blood War for blood!

    But really, I also would take a fifth option.

    I don't really pick by class, but having a sort of balanced party is a must.

    Personality is pretty big, I like them to talk a bit about their past, but not TOO much at one time (I'm looking at you Jan) or talk about everyone, everything, and every event (Saerileth, Yasraena, and all the other mod NPCs that feel like cramming as much dialogue in as they can).

    I have a core I stick with and rotate in 1-2.
    1. PC F/T
    2. Jaheira covers most heals
    3. Tashia (before I found Tashia I just ran a PC Sorc) for dedicated heavy mage work
    4. secondary Mage and/or secondary Cleric

    Then they go in and out by (head)canon.

    Also, when I do leave them for good, I don't strip them naked, I give them reasonably good, but not the best equipment (probably to as much as +2 weapons/armor by the end of SoA or during ToB).
  • SinaheribSinaherib Member Posts: 38
    Voted D, but in fact it is a mix.
    1)I prefer to choose companions who have some reasons and motivation to be in my party.
    F. e. In BG1 it is chars like Kivan (who wants to kill Tazok) and Yeslik (who has personal grudge against Iron Throne). If companion is a Love interest it can aslo be a reason for him to stay with Charname. It doesn't always work though.
    2)I always make balanced party with different classes.
    3)Variety. Different races (at least three races in the party. In the beginning of my current BG2 playthrough I already have Minsc, Yoshimo (humans), Aerie (elf) and Jan (gnome) and thinking about the last companion), different genders (I usually prefer 4 males, 2 females party), different personalities and ages.
  • ANOFANOF Member Posts: 70
    I rarely play fighters or any class that can put two ranks or more in weapons, so I’m invariably looking for someone who can lead the charge into battle. Because I tend to go with a party that is good, more chaotic than lawfully so, sometimes with neutral leanings, I, almost out of habit, typically use Minsc to fill that role. On the rare occasions that I play a fighter, I’ll obviously be right up front, but if I am taking a more combat-orientated class, it’ll be one where you can only put two ranks (or more) into weapons, so I only stay at the front until I can find someone else to take that position. That role usually falls to Mazzy.

    When it comes to romance, I usually go with Aerie (big shock there), sometimes Viconia, or, occasionally, I’ll try a non-Bioware NPC. I rarely romance Jaheira because I find the ending to be completely unappealing, although the romance itself is very good until then, the most layered of the Bioware options.

    Those two choices, my character and my choice of romantic partner, determine what class roles I need to fill with NPC’s, and I go from there. I’ll give most classes a try at some point, but I never bother with a druid unless I’m romancing Jaheira.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    I play mostly solo in NWN1 but when i found a great melee companion, i pick him. Like this shield guardian

  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    In BG1 I always take Imoen: the only time she is not in my party is when I am soloing and even then I feel guilty about leaving her behind. After that I quite often choose groups who will end up fighting with each other just to see how it will turn out. So I will take Jaheira and Khalid and Xzar and Montaron and wait to see how far we will get before they start to fight. I like listening to Kivan and Viconia bickering so if I take one of them I will generally take the other. Conversely, I love listening to Alora trying to cheer Edwin up so I try to have the two of them together.

    Somehow by the time I'm facing Sarevok my party is generally the Charname (invariably a Paladin called Hope), Imoen, Edwin, Viconia, Alora and Kagain or Shar-Teel (I pay precisely no attention to alignment and work on the basis that my paladin isn't very particular about the company she keeps).
  • hockmah2hockmah2 Member Posts: 10
    By class and personality.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    in most of my runs the main purpose is to test how some NPCs and some classes can work with synergy, and in those runs i usually reload many times every difficult battle and try to find most of the tactics the running party can use.
    this probably fits into " I choose who fits my party best by class and/or stats", at least for the class part as i am not a stats fanatic, i roll only slightly over average charnames and i don't lower the difficulty slider before leveling up.

    but i also try to RP as i am powergaming trough the game, so for me alignment of the NPCs is really important, as i play mainly bg2 and use only neutral or good charnames, with good or neutral NPCs i allow myself to recruit evil toons only if some RP reason is there. Viconia cause she is an outcast drow in a hostile environment that asks my help, as good oriented party we can not let her burn on the pole, and the path that leads to her alignment change fits with RP. and korgan, as he is evil, but is a mercenary, i have to pay him to have him in my party, so somehow is more a tool than a companion and friend, and i take him very seldom cause to do it is borderline to RP.
    this fits in the " I choose who fits my party best by their personality, and stick with them through the game" thing.

    sometimes i recruit NPCs that i find in the quests, cernd, mazzi, keldorn, valygar, korgan, just for the quest and sometimes when i am soloing i use jan for some pickpoketing and stealing work (i know that doing so my solo run is not a real solo :) ).
    this fits in the "and switch them around when the situation calls for it".

    and some NPCs were the trusty friends and comrades of my first runs: minsk, jaheira, nalia, imoen, so in some runs they have to be with me, a soa run without "nature's servant awaits" or "Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" is not 100% satisfying for me.
    and this is emotional investment on NPCs and does not fit in every choice.

    what should i vote? i really don't know.
  • fluke13fluke13 Member Posts: 399
    I think my priority list goes something like this:

    1) Characters that feel intrinsic to the plot e.g. Imoen, Sarevok
    2) Characters I like the most e.g. Viconia, Minsc
    3) Characters which fit best in the current story e.g. Nalia during Keep missions
  • LoremasterLoremaster Member Posts: 212

    As the comments show, there should be more alternatives in the poll.

    Story and a balanced (i.e. mixed) party composition usually are key factors for me. Then, I pick them by alignment and personality; I also prefer characters with some reasons to join the party. I might on occasion switch a few in and out, as the story progresses.
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