Medical Update: Good, But Horrible News followed,
Member Posts: 331
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i been quiet on the medical front, my walking is back good, bad news is i have cancer; as many of you know i have a brain tumor on my brain stem since i was 5, as of last week with an MRI and a confirmed blood test, it has become cancer. I start chemo next month, please pray. I need much prayer bc to be honest now im afraid. When I was 5, the best Neurosurgeon in the USA said to my parents my tumor was in the worse place in the brain, and if it ever became cancer, its over. Now Im faced with that fact. Now that was 30 yrs ago. Medicine has advance but im still scared. Please I need a hug.
I'm sorry dude. Me and my family will definitely be praying for you. I guess saying that dealing with cancer being difficult would be a big understatement huh? The best advice that I can give you, would be to not give up. Cancer is one of those things thats hard to predict, and people do beat it. I remember when my grandmother was diagnosed, we found it late and she was given a "I dunno" by the doctors when asked how lng she had. They said her expectancy could probably be measured in days. She fought it off for 2 years after that.
I am very sorry to read this; I was really hoping for a good and full recovery.
This news is bad, but you are a warrior, you will get through this!
As long as there is hope there is a chance.
I come from a medical family, and medicine has indeed come a long way. Today's chemo treatments are much better designed and targeted than they were just a few years ago, much less 30. The new chemicals are designed to deal the most damage to the cancer cells, and the least damage to your own.
Remember that there's no shame in being afraid. Any of us would be afraid, too.