@Kitteh_On_A_Cloud Oh don't bring that up again... and guns aren't the problem, its the people that use them. America has plenty of problems but that we give our people freedom and the right to bear arms isn't one of them. And as one who lives in America BELIEVE ME when I say that there are PLENTY of people who hate all things weapon and want to take all guns away from people who can use them responsibly. I believe however that this is a dumb idea as then the only people who could get guns are criminals as they have no respect for the law. That would be a bad thing... We are not "obsessed" with guns here either. Most of those of us who own guns are either hunters or simply believe in self defense against crazies who would try to hurt them. And like I said before, the anti-gun movement in this country is a strong one indeed. But I don't want to argue about it (especially not here on this thread). I simply thought I would let you know that America isn't what you may think it is.
On top of that, there are actually far more potential mass killings that don't happen because another citizen with a firearm stopped them. It's just that our mass media only advertises the horrible tragedies on a large scale. The heroic stories stay primarily local news, oh and sometimes get on Youtube.
A few years back a friend of mine was going into college and as a present, my wife & I decided to get her a taser disguised as a cell phone. However, we found out that the University of Wisconsin school system does not allow any weapons of any kind on campus. When we discussed the issue with our friend she said she'd rather go to jail than be raped, so we sent it to her. I wish all women felt that way.
I don't think in general it's an obsession with weapons so much as a desire to protect ourselves. I don't know what country you're from or how the police work there, but here in America, police are *not* our public security force. It has come up in many court cases where people have tried to sue over police negligence, only to find out that the courts have ruled cops are not obligated to put themselves in harm's way. Many do, to their credit, but they have no legal obligation to do so.
When it's said "let's not bring that up again", it's probably best to actually not continue the discussion in your next line. Stick it in the main thread, not this one.
@SandmanCCL The term is 'Smite Evil', not 'Bump Uglies'. ;-)
Agreed with @Drugar. I think I mentioned there's already a topic about the mass murder in Connecticut going on in a topic of its own and I referred to it in a previous post, so let's move that discussion to that topic. Anyway, I'm not in the mood to get into another silly weapon debate right now. I've been feeling down all day today, which is quite pathetic in itself, as it's Christmas. Christmas is suppoes to be fun, right? Well, it wasn't. At least, not for me. I actually hate family gatherings. Nobody notices me anyway and my aunts and uncles are too busy chatting with my parents. I also discovered one of my nieces is pregnant right now, which was indeed good news, but... Let's just say I see pregnancy and physical intercourse in a whole different light and perspective. It terrifies me. But that is an issue of my own. I wish it had snown too, but I guess the results of us fucking up our own planet are starting to show. Sorry, I'm in one of my cynical moods right now. I just wish I could be happy, but against all odds, I haven't been feeling truly happy for four years now.
I have a general advice for people. It is better to talk about your bad mood/unhappines/low self-esteem to either your friends or family. It really works better. Unlike strangers, they can give you, even if it is a bit, strength to overcome your sadness.
This is public forum about a videogame, "place" when nobody really knows eachother, and therefore, nobody knows exactly what to say to you. We are strangers after all. Truth to be said, I'm pretty sad in these holidays, but I know that talking (writing) to people I don't know at all won't help one bit.
We still have Holiday season. Your family and friends are best bad-mood killers you really have.
I have a general advice for people. It is better to talk about your bad mood/unhappines/low self-esteem to either your friends or family. It really works better. Unlike strangers, they can give you, even if it is a bit, strength to overcome your sadness.
This is public forum about a videogame, "place" when nobody really knows eachother, and therefore, nobody knows exactly what to say to you. We are strangers after all. Truth to be said, I'm pretty sad in these holidays, but I know that talking (writing) to people I don't know at all won't help one bit.
We still have Holiday season. Your family and friends are best bad-mood killers you really have.
I understand your point, but this is the off-topic section of the forum anyway. Plus, I don't have anyone to talk about my troubles in real life. My family wouldn't understand (I know them all too well), I have very few friends whom I see rarely and counselling would make me feel like a madwoman. So yeah, I need to vent somewhere, and this topic seemed good for that. Plus, strangers might recognize troubles another person is going through, as they might have experienced the same or similiar problems themselves at some point in their life and thus can offer advice based on their own experiences. Also, we're all human. Family, friend, stranger...does it matter? Can't a stranger recognize the troubles of their fellow man/woman? I think we all need some attention and affection now and then, it matters little in which form or shape this attention or affection comes. If someone feels better having gotten advice or having given advice from or to a stranger on the internet, that's good for them, right? It's still some form of helping afterall. This is a small community still. We should look out for each other, 'strange-ness' or not.
On a new subject here: Did anyone else notice yesterday that a bunch of self important Grinches attempted to ruin Christmas yesterday? I am speaking about "charities" of course. Not giving a damn about ruining peoples mood on what should be a happy day, they all decided to try to "guilt" some money out of us by spamming the commercial breaks with constant images of abused animals and such. Now I am not saying that I don't want to help starving kids and such but there is a time and a place for it. Christmas day is neither. I also think they shouldn't be using that method to garner money anyway. Trying to evoke guilt and depression in people is a disgusting tactic; as sickening as the images they show! There are a lot of people out there who do actually get depressed by that stuff! Now I may be more sensitive than most to this sort of thing since I have to take care of my grandma (who is as vulnerable to this as most people her age(94)) and I am constantly on the look out for people trying to steal her money by ABUSING her good nature. Does anyone else agree with me here or at least understand where I'm coming from? I mean really, they are like the only people who wish for us to have an unhappy holiday season!
@Kitteh_On_A_Cloud Then, how about walking to nearrest person you spot and start talking about your ptoblems? This is practically the same. Would that seem approvable to you?
To be honest I have very few friends too, but thank to that I learned that one true friend is all you need to lift your mood. Also, friends, and generally people who know you well can not only lift your mood, but also help you with overcome/beat/erase/got over the SOURCE of your problem, which is the most important thing. Chance, that a stranger will do the same nearly doesn't exist.
I also want people to understand, that I'm not writing all this in bad intentions. Just the contrary. I used to write to people over internet about my problems, low self-esteem and such, and I know that even thought they can help you feel better, it's rather short-lived. In the end, soon I begun feel terribly bad again, because source of the problem was still there.
@Tresset: I understand, yes. Today's society is only about money anymore. Everything twists and turns around that small shiny coin. It's sad, really. I've seen it on sites too. I play a few social free-to-play games with additional content for members/people paying with real money and, as a free user, I saw how these members got TONS of additional content, if only they were to pay for it. It didn't feel very fair, even for it being additional content. I have the feeling that festivities and holidays are only merely used as cash cows nowadays and it's just disgusting. Christmas certainly makes people throw cash around as if it were drops of water and companies blatantly abuse that kind of behaviour. Really sad.
If you're committed to having a poor outlook, you'll have one. It's that simple.
Negative outlook: Christmas has been commercialized and isn't about true Christian values anymore, warglebarble! Greed and evil and bad!
Positive outlook: Society is taking a day out of the year so each person can give gifts to show love and appreciation to those they care about. I can give my nieces little rubber angry birds and watch their faces light up with excitement and joy.
Both of these things are true. One of them will leave you angry, one of them instills hope. Think on that.
I've been wandering the internet since 1995 and have always tried to treat conversations I have with people as if they were 'face-to-face'. Consideration & politeness has served me well over the years and *has* resulted in real help to people & myself, solid relationships that have sometimes gone beyond just type. My brother & I have made some friends via Half-Life deathmatching since '99, and though they live in Alaska so FTF is difficult, the friendship has remained. I've also on numerous occasions accidentally found people on forums who live in the same city I do, and friendships have resulted from that. And again, I met my wife online, not even on a dating site, but by a complete fluke.
Of course, getting enough context to be helpful to people is almost always a challenge and for most of us, any comfort & assisstance that can be offered will be limited. But for me, it's always nice to know that the internet isn't completely populated by insensitive jerks & there are actually some sincere, compassionate people out there. Just that knowledge alone has been of long-term comfort to me over the years.
On a new subject here: Did anyone else notice yesterday that a bunch of self important Grinches attempted to ruin Christmas yesterday? I am speaking about "charities" of course. Not giving a damn about ruining peoples mood on what should be a happy day, they all decided to try to "guilt" some money out of us by spamming the commercial breaks with constant images of abused animals and such. Now I am not saying that I don't want to help starving kids and such but there is a time and a place for it. Christmas day is neither. I also think they shouldn't be using that method to garner money anyway. Trying to evoke guilt and depression in people is a disgusting tactic; as sickening as the images they show! There are a lot of people out there who do actually get depressed by that stuff! Now I may be more sensitive than most to this sort of thing since I have to take care of my grandma (who is as vulnerable to this as most people her age(94)) and I am constantly on the look out for people trying to steal her money by ABUSING her good nature. Does anyone else agree with me here or at least understand where I'm coming from? I mean really, they are like the only people who wish for us to have an unhappy holiday season!
I was going to snip some of this but I wasn't sure where as I agree entirely. I hate the guilt trip ads, especially as they're run by the bigger charities who, are often hugely wasteful in terms of salaries at the top of their organisation, and with administration costs. I was once told a story by a friend working in a travel agency arranging travel to London for a representative of a big children's charity here (one that favours these guilty trip tactics); anyone familiar with our byzantine rail ticketing system will know there are cheaper options and there are outrageously expensive options, my friend went through the process and gave said charity two ticketing options of which they opted for the more expensive one FOR THE SAME JOURNEY, suffice to say from that day to this they've never received another penny of my money, instead I donate to local charities so I can see exactly where my money is going and who [I know] don't organise lavish fund raising events designed only to raise the profile of their patrons (there's currently one very local charity run by some footballer's WAG or other under investigation for doing just that).
Sooooo....Today I made my final post on my profile on the Bioware Social Network. Place has been giving me shit for two years straight and I finally made the decision enough is enough. But just as I thought I had put one mess behind me, another pops up. It seems someone's impersonating me on this site. Almost same name and exact same avatar I'm currently using. Name's Kitten_On_A_Cloud, which is not to be confused with my profile name, as it is KitteH. I don't know why somebody would do this or why it's even funny. I just find it horribly pathetic and it has made me doubt whether I should stay on this site too. Two years of cyber bullying has been bad enough for me. So to the loser who made that account: I don't know what is your issue with me, but I pity you for not having contacted me to discuss your problem and instead having made a fake account. I thought people were mature on these forums. I guess I was wrong once again.
@tilly: Yeah, I just don't see how this is supposed to be 'fun' for someone. Same like with people trolling in the recently closed 'Rape isn't funny guys' topic. I have never seen a friendly reminder to be careful using the word 'rape' taken SO terribly out of context. Is it that difficult for some people to understand basic manners and respect towards others? Some trolls even said it's the fault of the people who get offended. Others started about political correctness. There were comparisons between people getting offended by the word 'rape' and people getting offended by the word 'think'. I mean, seriously? How is that even a comparison? 'Rape' is a word with a lot of negative connotations, especially for women. It means breaching a person's most intimate privacy, an abuse of a person's most private body parts. It IS offensive by its pure meaning alone, regardless of the context it is used in. I fully agreed with @Sandmanccl and could understand his rage at the end of the topic. Some people are just... *sigh* Reading such things is actually very depressing.
I can never claim to understand why some would get bent out of shape over the use of the word rape, but the stance I took on the entire "controversial" conversation I am being demonized in is based purely on this link http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/rape
As you can see, it has many uses. However people only seem to get all pissy about the worst use of the word. Not really trying to be a free speech crusader, or excuse rudeness. It was just simply a discussion that some people can't handle. I am not going to spoil this thread with the topic any further, but I'm certainly not going to apologize about it either. It is what it is, and you can't change opinions.
Sooooo....Today I made my final post on my profile on the Bioware Social Network. Place has been giving me shit for two years straight and I finally made the decision enough is enough. But just as I thought I had put one mess behind me, another pops up. It seems someone's impersonating me on this site. Almost same name and exact same avatar I'm currently using. Name's Kitten_On_A_Cloud, which is not to be confused with my profile name, as it is KitteH. I don't know why somebody would do this or why it's even funny. I just find it horribly pathetic and it has made me doubt whether I should stay on this site too. Two years of cyber bullying has been bad enough for me. So to the loser who made that account: I don't know what is your issue with me, but I pity you for not having contacted me to discuss your problem and instead having made a fake account. I thought people were mature on these forums. I guess I was wrong once again.
I would advise anyone who values their sanity to stay as far away from the BSN as they can. It's a wretched hive of toadies and sycophants who will eagerly shout down anyone who utters a word of criticism...and then they'll go back to posting pictures of Tali in her underwear or whatever sorts of things the BSN-goers get up to.
Seriously, I've seen some truly outrageous leaps of logic people use there to defend BioWare, and truly astounding levels of butt-kissing towards the developers.
I can never claim to understand why some would get bent out of shape over the use of the word rape, but the stance I took on the entire "controversial" conversation I am being demonized in is based purely on this link http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/rape
As you can see, it has many uses. However people only seem to get all pissy about the worst use of the word. Not really trying to be a free speech crusader, or excuse rudeness. It was just simply a discussion that some people can't handle. I am not going to spoil this thread with the topic any further, but I'm certainly not going to apologize about it either. It is what it is, and you can't change opinions.
Two out of three meanings of the word 'rape' on the page you referenced have to do with sexual acts. Forced sexual acts. Maybe you just don't or are not willing to understand that rape is actually something very grave. Maybe you've never been molested or seen someone being raped or are just unable to imagine what rape actually involves. It's not something pretty. All that moderator was asking for was some consideration when using the word 'rape' in discussions. I don't think that's asking for much. The thing is, some people don't see the bigger picture. They focus on the reaction of another, while rape is actually a universally disliked course of action. But certain people just like to blame the others for being oversensitive and 'not being able to handle it'. It's about basic human respect towards others. Nobody will stop you for using the word 'rape' freely, but I guess you will be frowned upon from time to time. Maybe it's best to be a little less selfish and take others into consideration at times. Just my opinion. I won't go further on the subject, though, as it has already caused enough problems.
Alas, here's another one of my sob stories. Gotta have a place to vent a bit, you see. I recently have returned from vacation. Spent the Christmas holidays at my boyfriend's place. It was so quiet and peaceful there. At my own home I only am experiencing stress and frustration as off lately. My parents are great people and I love them very much, but boy, they can be SO irritating at times. You see, they tend to threaten me with things like 'If you don't do X, your boyfriend won't come over next time' or 'if you don't go to sleep now, the internet will be shut down'. Childish things like that. They truly are still treating me like a kid, while I'm almost 23 years old. I grew up in kind of a sheltered environment, so yeah, of course I don't know certain things other kids might already be familiar with, such as cooking or washing clothes. I mean, I know what it involves, but it doesn't mean I'd do it right. Yet, I sometimes really suffer from them still treating me like a little girl. I'm not always taken seriously and if I were to do them a favour, I just know I'll regret it later on, because if a certain reply or action doesn't sit well with them, I'll get threatened again. Also, the countless tensions, the fighting over small, useless things...It makes me roll my eyes at times. I usually keep myself out of such situations. I've learned not to bother anymore when hearing that if I don't behave well, my boyfriend won't be allowed into the house. It's a never-ending cycle anyway. All I ever wish for is just some peace, some reason, some tolerance. It causes me to often feel depressed and upset. It's hard to act as if nothing's wrong.
I can never claim to understand why some would get bent out of shape over the use of the word rape, but the stance I took on the entire "controversial" conversation I am being demonized in is based purely on this link http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/rape
As you can see, it has many uses. However people only seem to get all pissy about the worst use of the word. Not really trying to be a free speech crusader, or excuse rudeness. It was just simply a discussion that some people can't handle. I am not going to spoil this thread with the topic any further, but I'm certainly not going to apologize about it either. It is what it is, and you can't change opinions.
Nobody will stop you for using the word 'rape' freely, but I guess you will be frowned upon from time to time. Maybe it's best to be a little less selfish and take others into consideration at times. Just my opinion. I won't go further on the subject, though, as it has already caused enough problems.
There were actually more uses for the verb and noun of the word not involving forced sexual acts. I don't know how you saw 2 out of 3. It doesn't matter. I also never said that I like to go around freely using the word. In a joke around friends I may...but probably not. However people should still have the right to say whatever word they want if it isn't meant to directly hurt them.
Don't get too upset with what I am about to say, as I have never had a problem with you, or had negative words to say to you. You seem to like projecting the word "childish" around. Not something I thought about really until your recent post. People always project the feelings they are made to feel onto other people.
In my opinion you should take the steps to get out from your parents roof. Easier said than done, but you cannot grow as a person if you are being treated like a child.
@thedemoninside: So, I mention the word 'childish' a few times, and you say I project it everywhere? Gross exaggeration, I'd say. Right now I am studying for my degree, so I'm kinda stuck at home. I wouldn't want to live in a student's room either, as I'd be on my own. I'm a bit of two minds, I know. Yet, if only my parents were a bit more laid-back, a bit more reasonable, a bit more tolerant. I know it's up to me to move out, but it's easier said than done. My boyfriend lives in another country. We plan on living together, but we must first both find a stable job first. It will be more difficult for him, as he'll have to learn my country's language, lots of red tape, etc. So yeah, I am fully aware of my situation. I'm not some spoiled kid. I know what I want and what I have to do. It's just not within my possibilities and options right now. Patience will be the key, I guess. But I *will* move out. It will be far better for my health and overall sanity. Anyway, concerning your reply on the rape thing: on my mobile phone, I got three meanings of the word 'rape'. One of them was something that had to do with plundering, but I have never heard 'rape' being used in that context, even as I'm studying English at college right now, so it must be a rare use, or used in specific contexts only. But as I said, it doesn't matter how many uses 'rape' has as a verb, a noun, whatever. You still don't see the big picture, eh? I advise you to read my previous post again.
We are not "obsessed" with guns here either. Most of those of us who own guns are either hunters or simply believe in self defense against crazies who would try to hurt them. And like I said before, the anti-gun movement in this country is a strong one indeed.
But I don't want to argue about it (especially not here on this thread). I simply thought I would let you know that America isn't what you may think it is.
On top of that, there are actually far more potential mass killings that don't happen because another citizen with a firearm stopped them. It's just that our mass media only advertises the horrible tragedies on a large scale. The heroic stories stay primarily local news, oh and sometimes get on Youtube.
A few years back a friend of mine was going into college and as a present, my wife & I decided to get her a taser disguised as a cell phone. However, we found out that the University of Wisconsin school system does not allow any weapons of any kind on campus. When we discussed the issue with our friend she said she'd rather go to jail than be raped, so we sent it to her. I wish all women felt that way.
I don't think in general it's an obsession with weapons so much as a desire to protect ourselves. I don't know what country you're from or how the police work there, but here in America, police are *not* our public security force. It has come up in many court cases where people have tried to sue over police negligence, only to find out that the courts have ruled cops are not obligated to put themselves in harm's way. Many do, to their credit, but they have no legal obligation to do so.
Stick it in the main thread, not this one.
The term is 'Smite Evil', not 'Bump Uglies'. ;-)
Anyway, I'm not in the mood to get into another silly weapon debate right now. I've been feeling down all day today, which is quite pathetic in itself, as it's Christmas. Christmas is suppoes to be fun, right? Well, it wasn't. At least, not for me. I actually hate family gatherings. Nobody notices me anyway and my aunts and uncles are too busy chatting with my parents. I also discovered one of my nieces is pregnant right now, which was indeed good news, but... Let's just say I see pregnancy and physical intercourse in a whole different light and perspective. It terrifies me. But that is an issue of my own. I wish it had snown too, but I guess the results of us fucking up our own planet are starting to show. Sorry, I'm in one of my cynical moods right now. I just wish I could be happy, but against all odds, I haven't been feeling truly happy for four years now.
This is public forum about a videogame, "place" when nobody really knows eachother, and therefore, nobody knows exactly what to say to you. We are strangers after all. Truth to be said, I'm pretty sad in these holidays, but I know that talking (writing) to people I don't know at all won't help one bit.
We still have Holiday season. Your family and friends are best bad-mood killers you really have.
Did anyone else notice yesterday that a bunch of self important Grinches attempted to ruin Christmas yesterday? I am speaking about "charities" of course. Not giving a damn about ruining peoples mood on what should be a happy day, they all decided to try to "guilt" some money out of us by spamming the commercial breaks with constant images of abused animals and such. Now I am not saying that I don't want to help starving kids and such but there is a time and a place for it. Christmas day is neither. I also think they shouldn't be using that method to garner money anyway. Trying to evoke guilt and depression in people is a disgusting tactic; as sickening as the images they show! There are a lot of people out there who do actually get depressed by that stuff! Now I may be more sensitive than most to this sort of thing since I have to take care of my grandma (who is as vulnerable to this as most people her age(94)) and I am constantly on the look out for people trying to steal her money by ABUSING her good nature. Does anyone else agree with me here or at least understand where I'm coming from? I mean really, they are like the only people who wish for us to have an unhappy holiday season!
Then, how about walking to nearrest person you spot and start talking about your ptoblems? This is practically the same. Would that seem approvable to you?
To be honest I have very few friends too, but thank to that I learned that one true friend is all you need to lift your mood. Also, friends, and generally people who know you well can not only lift your mood, but also help you with overcome/beat/erase/got over the SOURCE of your problem, which is the most important thing. Chance, that a stranger will do the same nearly doesn't exist.
I also want people to understand, that I'm not writing all this in bad intentions. Just the contrary. I used to write to people over internet about my problems, low self-esteem and such, and I know that even thought they can help you feel better, it's rather short-lived. In the end, soon I begun feel terribly bad again, because source of the problem was still there.
With regards. I'm serious.
Negative outlook: Christmas has been commercialized and isn't about true Christian values anymore, warglebarble! Greed and evil and bad!
Positive outlook: Society is taking a day out of the year so each person can give gifts to show love and appreciation to those they care about. I can give my nieces little rubber angry birds and watch their faces light up with excitement and joy.
Both of these things are true. One of them will leave you angry, one of them instills hope. Think on that.
Of course, getting enough context to be helpful to people is almost always a challenge and for most of us, any comfort & assisstance that can be offered will be limited. But for me, it's always nice to know that the internet isn't completely populated by insensitive jerks & there are actually some sincere, compassionate people out there. Just that knowledge alone has been of long-term comfort to me over the years.
As you can see, it has many uses. However people only seem to get all pissy about the worst use of the word. Not really trying to be a free speech crusader, or excuse rudeness. It was just simply a discussion that some people can't handle. I am not going to spoil this thread with the topic any further, but I'm certainly not going to apologize about it either. It is what it is, and you can't change opinions.
I would advise anyone who values their sanity to stay as far away from the BSN as they can. It's a wretched hive of toadies and sycophants who will eagerly shout down anyone who utters a word of criticism...and then they'll go back to posting pictures of Tali in her underwear or whatever sorts of things the BSN-goers get up to.
Seriously, I've seen some truly outrageous leaps of logic people use there to defend BioWare, and truly astounding levels of butt-kissing towards the developers.
Don't get too upset with what I am about to say, as I have never had a problem with you, or had negative words to say to you. You seem to like projecting the word "childish" around. Not something I thought about really until your recent post. People always project the feelings they are made to feel onto other people.
In my opinion you should take the steps to get out from your parents roof. Easier said than done, but you cannot grow as a person if you are being treated like a child.
Anyway, concerning your reply on the rape thing: on my mobile phone, I got three meanings of the word 'rape'. One of them was something that had to do with plundering, but I have never heard 'rape' being used in that context, even as I'm studying English at college right now, so it must be a rare use, or used in specific contexts only. But as I said, it doesn't matter how many uses 'rape' has as a verb, a noun, whatever. You still don't see the big picture, eh? I advise you to read my previous post again.