Amazingly, now that the Senate election in Florida has basically been decided in favor of Rick Scott, all the talk about the election fraud has immediately ceased. So let's do a quick rundown from the last few weeks: Migrant caravan is pushed as an existential threat to the country everyday, then completely stops being a topic of conversation immediately after election day. Brian Kemp accuses Democrats of hacking the Georgia state voter rolls two days before the election, he "wins" the governorship, and amazingly this incredibly heinous act of hacking by the Democrats disappears into thin air. All last week, we heard about how Democrats were committing voter fraud in Florida. Now that Scott is almost certainly going to take the Senate seat, these claims have also vanished. If they were trying to steal the election, they apparently did very, very poor job of it. 3 completely pulled from the ass stories that DOMINATED political headlines for 48-72 hours (or longer) when they were helpful in pushing a Republican narrative and then just vanish into a cloud of smoke as if they never occurred once they aren't necessary anymore. You'll never hear about any of these stories again.
But what happened in Georgia?? You can bet your ass I'll remember what Kemp did for as long as he's in public life, and long after he is hopefully driven out of it completely.
Yet the Trumpfire is concerned about foreigners and brown people. Nobody is worried about white people. What, is it because these foreigners and brown people are taking terrorist jobs away from white people?
Tucker Carlson claimed his door was 'cracked' by Antifa protesters. The police saw no sign of that.
Yet the Trumpfire is concerned about foreigners and brown people. Nobody is worried about white people. What, is it because these foreigners and brown people are taking terrorist jobs away from white people?
Tucker Carlson claimed his door was 'cracked' by Antifa protesters. The police saw no sign of that.
I've been meaning to speak on this Tucker Carlson thing for awhile, because it just goes to show that even when you WANT to give them the benefit of the doubt, you shouldn't.
So, what happened to Tucker Carlson, on the surface, seemed to be the epitome of the conservative concerns over left-wing mobs. The story was that a bunch of Antifa protesters went to his house, started protesting, and then actually broke down his front door, got into the porch/entrance area of the house, and forced his wife to barricade herself inside. Sounds pretty damn horrible and disturbing, even though I hate Tucker Carlson.
The thing is, everyone believed him. Even liberals on social media were condemning it left and right. Because it seemed like a completely horrible thing to have happen to him. Except it didn't actually happen. Now, SOMETHING happened that was still out of bounds. Screaming outside someone's house at night is bad. The cops were called. But no one was arrested. Because apparently the worst thing that happened was that someone spray-painted something on his driveway. There was no mention in the police report of anyone breaking into the house.
But the part about breaking into the house is what Carlson, FOX News, and the right-wing media pushed for days. And alot of people on the left believed them, because, why would he lie about that?? Except he DID lie about it. He had a perfectly sympathetic story to tell about people showing up and protesting at his home. That alone would have been enough to garner sympathy and put him in the position of righteousness in this case. But they couldn't stop there, even though it would have been more than good enough to feed into their narrative. They then just flat-out MADE UP the part about his door being broken down. They lied about it for no reason other than that he thought that would make a better story. Which frankly tells you alot more about Tucker Carlson than the protesters, who are bad enough on their own. Again, he had a perfectly good story to tell to garner sympathy AND hurt his political enemies just based on what actually happened. But that wasn't good enough. They had to lie about it anyway, even though there was absolutely no need to.
If someone scratched my car with a house key, I wouldn't then ALSO claim they smashed my driver's side window in if that hadn't actually happened. But that is exactly what took place in response to this incident.
This is scary. And.of course, tons of people still don't believe in "Climate Change" and "Global Warming". I don't know if this article is going to do the job.
All the GOP will care about is that he won. And all the President will care about is the same. And some, perhaps more than a few, will try to do the same in the future.
All the GOP will care about is that he won. And all the President will care about is the same. And some, perhaps more than a few, will try to do the same in the future.
A little late. Crocodile tears. Just scumbags, the whole republican party. Sigh. Ok, it's great they said something about Kemp stealing the election AFTER HE STOLE THE ELECTION. But hey at least they said something. Literally the least they could do meanwhile Kemp is rewarded for cheating democracy.
I was amazed that the law still permitted child marriage so recently. I agree that seeing the terms in which someone defended that made me feel quite queasy.
This is scary. And.of course, tons of people still don't believe in "Climate Change" and "Global Warming". I don't know if this article is going to do the job.
What does help is that the article exposes why so many people (at least in the US) don't believe in climate change. That's because there has been a long-running and well-funded campaign telling them not to - even though people running that campaign have known the truth long before it came to the attention of the general public.
There is a strong parallel with the tobacco industry. In both cases industry has fought to obscure the truth in order to maintain and enhance short-term profits, even knowing that those profits are at the long-term expense (both in financial and health terms) of ordinary people.
There is a key difference though - the impact of tobacco is almost entirely on individuals; it may have a very serious impact on them, but there's no wider impact. In the case of climate change the impact is on the entire eco-system. If everyone stopped smoking tomorrow there would be no further damage done after that. If mankind moved tomorrow to a net-neutral position on production of carbon dioxide that would not stop the progressive impact of climate change for decades - potentially even centuries.
The world is already far past the point at which it would have been possible to deal with climate change before it got to dangerous levels. Over the next 20 years there are going to be increasing levels of natural disasters and many millions of people displaced - and we've seen from the recent concerns about 'caravans' how hard that is likely to be to adjust to. I could go on about major changes in the economy, agriculture etc, but that would be too depressing.
One change that would be possible, albeit unlikely, in the short-term is to no longer allow corporations to buy political influence. If we're no longer being deliberately steered in directions that are clearly against the long-term interests of humanity (never mind all other creatures on the planet), then perhaps we might be able to find a better way.
From a post on Facebook: "Got out our nativity scene yesterday. After removing all the Jews, Foreigners and Arabs, all I ended up with is a Jackass and a Handful of Sheep."
And another Facebook news post:
‘Unwanted subject’: What led a Kirkland yogurt shop to call police on a black man
He turned out to be supervising a parental visit, and is also a nine-year Air Force veteran. But the employees were scared of him and the police asked him to leave anyway. When I play the 911 call for Byron Ragland — the emergency call about him — I study his face. I expect that maybe he’ll get angry.
Instead he looks sad. When it ends, after three minutes, he sits back across the table and his eyes mist up a bit.
“What’s my reaction?” he says, after I ask. “My reaction is that this was just another Wednesday.”
This is just crazy. Being somewhere while black isn't a crime. It shouldn't be a crime. But as Mr. Rangland said, "How would you feel hearing that you made people so scared and uncomfortable that they called the police?” he said. “For me, that’s just Wednesday. I try not to let it consume me. But it’s hard not to conclude that I walk around in a certain skin, and that’s all that matters.”
Honestly, we kinda already knew this, but this is confirmation. As it says in the article... Jeffrey Cramer, a longtime former federal prosecutor who spent 12 years at the DOJ, echoed that assessment.
"The president's knee-jerk pivot to talking about the Russia investigation when asked about Whitaker's qualification is what poker players call a 'tell,'" Cramer told INSIDER.
California Republican concedes defeat in race she said months ago wasn't even competitive
Trump continues today to be STUNNINGLY ignorant of what has caused the wildfires in California, as he continues to blame amorphous officials and management for what is taking place. We know almost for CERTAIN that some type of relatively mundane human activity along with a drought is the cause. It could have been a downed powerline, a burning cigarette, or even a hot tailpipe on a car. But this was decidedly NOT the result of forestry policy.
As a side note, I have personally assisted victims of this fire numerous times over the past week at my job (obviously I won't go into anymore details), and frankly, this lack of curiosity, knowledge and empathy from this buffoon is just too much to handle at this point. He is standing there with the California delegation talking about the "floors" of the forest and how we need to "rake" them more while comparing the situation to the forests in Finland. Let me break this down so everyone can understand this. Here is the longitude and latitude of California:
36.7783° N, 119.4179° W
Here is the same coordinates for Finland:
61.9241° N, 25.7482° E
Comparing the likely wildfire scenarios in these two climates is like trying to figure out how good a brain surgeon someone is by seeing how many free throws they can make in a row. Someone just lock this guy in his bedroom and let him tweet into the void. Because this is just goddamn embarrassing. How about having someone put together a 2 to 3 page briefing paper and just READING the damn thing so you don't sound like the dumbest human being on the planet. But no, one of his suggestions to a camera is that we should be doing more to "rake" 33 million acres of California forest.
Oh hello, Finland mentioned! Yes, we are in the north. Carry on.
Trump continues today to be STUNNINGLY ignorant of what has caused the wildfires in California, as he continues to blame amorphous officials and management for what is taking place. We know almost for CERTAIN that some type of relatively mundane human activity along with a drought is the cause. It could have been a downed powerline, a burning cigarette, or even a hot tailpipe on a car. But this was decidedly NOT the result of forestry policy.
As a side note, I have personally assisted victims of this fire numerous times over the past week at my job (obviously I won't go into anymore details), and frankly, this lack of curiosity, knowledge and empathy from this buffoon is just too much to handle at this point. He is standing there with the California delegation talking about the "floors" of the forest and how we need to "rake" them more while comparing the situation to the forests in Finland. Let me break this down so everyone can understand this. Here is the longitude and latitude of California:
36.7783° N, 119.4179° W
Here is the same coordinates for Finland:
61.9241° N, 25.7482° E
Comparing the likely wildfire scenarios in these two climates is like trying to figure out how good a brain surgeon someone is by seeing how many free throws they can make in a row. Someone just lock this guy in his bedroom and let him tweet into the void. Because this is just goddamn embarrassing. How about having someone put together a 2 to 3 page briefing paper and just READING the damn thing so you don't sound like the dumbest human being on the planet. But no, one of his suggestions to a camera is that we should be doing more to "rake" 33 million acres of California forest.
Oh hello, Finland mentioned! Yes, we are in the north. Carry on.
After the caravans are finished raking our forests maybe we can send them your way to lend you guys a hand! Don't count on the Norwegians to help get them there though, seeing as they're having some 'nautical difficulties' right now...
and that should tell us that she is probably not going to be progressive or tough.
Trump wants her because she weak and a corporate Democrat. She will not push for popular progressive items that will help the American people like Medicare for all, free college, living wage. Will she stand up to Trump's looting of the country, his crony capitalism? I'm skeptical.
She will be unlikely to force action on climate change which is currently the cause of massive wildfires in California (cause isn't unraked leaves right).
Trump wants her because she's the devil they know and she has been adamant to not impeach Trump. Republicans all over the country ran campaigns against Nancy Pelosi values and stuff in their minds she's a synonym for weakness.
It's time for a strong new voice. Not a centrist corporate shill fundraiser specialist.
Don't fall for the brer rabbit/briar patch routine the Republicans use with Pelosi. She is practically the only reason the ACA got passed. As for running against her, they just ran against her in every House district in the country and are likely going to end up losing 40 seats. She is a talk radio boogeyman, she doesn't move voters. At least not ones who weren't going to back Republicans anyway. What she does do without fail is keep her caucus in line.
So with the Dems taking the house, there seems to be much uncertainty regarding what is considered Trump's biggest victory to date: the renegotiation of NAFTA, or what it is now called USMCA, and its not just the Dems looking to add changes.
The democrats at the moment feel that the deal doesn't have enough teeth to enforce certain measures, especially those involving labour and environmental rules.
Congress just needs a majority vote to pass it, so Trump maybe able to bully some Dems to vote for it anyway to get it to pass HOWEVER,
40 Republican Congressmen (all but 4 re-elected) sent a letter to Trump demanding an LGBTQ clause that Canada fought for to be removed from the deal.
In a letter to U.S. President Donald Trump sent Friday, the 40 lawmakers say “a trade agreement is no place for the adoption of social policy.” The letter was first reported by U.S. media outlet Politico. “It is especially inappropriate and insulting to our sovereignty to needlessly submit to social policies which the United States Congress has so far explicitly refused to accept,” the letter continues.
Except, you know, that is exactly what the US did to Mexico with demanding that a per centage of the labour cost involved with creating a car needs to be at a certain level for it to be tariff free.
So Trump needs to pick his poison. Does he remove the clause and risk Canada voting against it. Canada conceded a lot and did Trump a favour by sticking to his deadline. Removing one of their concessions without giving back something could kill the deal.
Or does he anger the GOP financial base by actually allowing the democrats to put teeth into the environmental aspects of the deal. The liberal government would be completely on board with something like this, however, I don't know how willing Mexico will play ball. We will see in the new year.
The Finnish President is now on record as saying he has absolutely no recollection of of telling Trump about the raking of their forests. He most likely doesn't remember it because he never said it. It is often hard to recall things you didn't say when someone else across the ocean is just making shit up about your conversation.
This makes me deeply uncomfortable. How deep are they going to be allowed to probe into their worker's lives? I mean, sure, now it's only to get into some secure areas. But how long before they are able to track your chip to see where you are? You call in sick to out with your girlfriend and get busted when they see you went to Applebees and aren't at home. Yeah, they aren't doing this yet, but I am sure some bright light at a company will use it that way soon.
rump Mulls Letting Turkey Kill U.S. Resident to Help Saudis Get Away With Killing U.S. Resident
This is definitely going WAY too far. This is the same guy Michael Cohen wrote the Op-ed about when he was working for Turkey. And now Trump appears to be seriously considering this. As if America could become any more third-world...
Of course, The Republican party thinks the Economy is going great (except that we need to cute "entitlements"), but no one wants to talk about it. Because Trump can do no wrong according to Republicans. I stick my tongue out in disgust.
Amazingly, now that the Senate election in Florida has basically been decided in favor of Rick Scott, all the talk about the election fraud has immediately ceased.
No it hasn't. This isn't a story that has just disappeared. An investigation into fraud is ongoing in that state at the urging of the Attorney General.
This is why I will never understand how any white person supports the left. They treat you like absolute dirt. Like your opinions don't matter because you are white. Like you are third class at best. You are the butt of every joke and the subject of every demeaning remark. "Old white man" is basically a curse word. They publish guides on how to speak to whites as though they were children and publish articles on how they are a plague on the planet.
But this is clearly an example of my white fragility, so I should just dry up those white tears and de-center my privilege and toxic whiteness.
Amazingly, now that the Senate election in Florida has basically been decided in favor of Rick Scott, all the talk about the election fraud has immediately ceased.
No it hasn't. This isn't a story that has just disappeared. An investigation into fraud is ongoing in that state at the urging of the Attorney General.
This is why I will never understand how any white person supports the left. They treat you like absolute dirt. Like your opinions don't matter because you are white. Like you are third class at best. You are the butt of every joke and the subject of every demeaning remark. "Old white man" is basically a curse word. They publish guides on how to speak to whites as though they were children and publish articles on how they are a plague on the planet.
But this is clearly an example of my white fragility, so I should just dry up those white tears and de-center my privilege and toxic whiteness.
She's really effective at raising money, and keeping her caucus in line. The Republican line of "She's toxic" doesn't play out. People don't care about Nancy Pelosi. I think the best thing would be for Democrats to have a new, fresh young face, but have Pelosi advising from the sidelines. Although, whoever takes her place will be tainted with the same brush by Republicans. Can you imagine if she was replaced by Alexandra Ocasio-Cortes? "OMG! The Democrats have a democratic SOCIALIST in charge!" The Republicans would freak, FOX News' talking heads would explode, and Republicans would accuse the Democrats of being socialists.
The anti-white sentiment is extremely grating, to say the least. It is not okay to insult people, denigrate their intelligence or ethics or enlightenment, or to suggest that they are "the problem" or that their opinions don't matter or that they're not qualified to exercise their free speech on certain subjects, based on the color of their skin. I've seen multiple examples of each of those things, and far too many folks on the left are willing to tolerate it, or even attempt to justify it, because whites are deemed acceptable targets.
That vitriolic anti-white rhetoric might not translate into discrimination or anti-white policies, but that doesn't make it acceptable.
But what happened in Georgia?? You can bet your ass I'll remember what Kemp did for as long as he's in public life, and long after he is hopefully driven out of it completely.
39 Domestic Terrorists Arrested in White Supremacist Gang Sting the Trumpfire is concerned about foreigners and brown people. Nobody is worried about white people. What, is it because these foreigners and brown people are taking terrorist jobs away from white people?
Tucker Carlson claimed his door was 'cracked' by Antifa protesters. The police saw no sign of that. am not at all surprised he lied. That's part of his job. While the incident was real, he "enhanced " the truth to make himself look better, I feel.
Texas education board approves restoring Hillary Clinton in history curriculum and Helen Keller will now be mentioned again in the history books. As well as the role of slavery in the Civil War.
Funds managing $4.8 trillion press the firearm industry to accept new principles on gun safety'll see if this actually manages to do something on gun safety. I mean, legislation certainly hasn't worked. Maybe money will speak. We'll see.
I've been meaning to speak on this Tucker Carlson thing for awhile, because it just goes to show that even when you WANT to give them the benefit of the doubt, you shouldn't.
So, what happened to Tucker Carlson, on the surface, seemed to be the epitome of the conservative concerns over left-wing mobs. The story was that a bunch of Antifa protesters went to his house, started protesting, and then actually broke down his front door, got into the porch/entrance area of the house, and forced his wife to barricade herself inside. Sounds pretty damn horrible and disturbing, even though I hate Tucker Carlson.
The thing is, everyone believed him. Even liberals on social media were condemning it left and right. Because it seemed like a completely horrible thing to have happen to him. Except it didn't actually happen. Now, SOMETHING happened that was still out of bounds. Screaming outside someone's house at night is bad. The cops were called. But no one was arrested. Because apparently the worst thing that happened was that someone spray-painted something on his driveway. There was no mention in the police report of anyone breaking into the house.
But the part about breaking into the house is what Carlson, FOX News, and the right-wing media pushed for days. And alot of people on the left believed them, because, why would he lie about that?? Except he DID lie about it. He had a perfectly sympathetic story to tell about people showing up and protesting at his home. That alone would have been enough to garner sympathy and put him in the position of righteousness in this case. But they couldn't stop there, even though it would have been more than good enough to feed into their narrative. They then just flat-out MADE UP the part about his door being broken down. They lied about it for no reason other than that he thought that would make a better story. Which frankly tells you alot more about Tucker Carlson than the protesters, who are bad enough on their own. Again, he had a perfectly good story to tell to garner sympathy AND hurt his political enemies just based on what actually happened. But that wasn't good enough. They had to lie about it anyway, even though there was absolutely no need to.
If someone scratched my car with a house key, I wouldn't then ALSO claim they smashed my driver's side window in if that hadn't actually happened. But that is exactly what took place in response to this incident.
Betsy DeVos Just Proposed Rules That Would Make Life Harder for Campus Sexual Assault Survivors proposed measures, which the Education Department can make final after a 60-day public comment period, limit what counts as “sexual harassment,” decrease schools’ liability for not addressing sexual harassment or violence, and allow schools to make it harder for survivors to prove they experienced a sexual assault.
Yes, let's eliminate Sexual Assault by slowly legislating it out of existence. I'm sure THAT will help!
How Extreme Weather Is Shrinking the Planet
With wildfires, heat waves, and rising sea levels, large tracts of the earth are at risk of becoming uninhabitable. But the fossil-fuel industry continues its assault on the facts.
This is scary. And.of course, tons of people still don't believe in "Climate Change" and "Global Warming". I don't know if this article is going to do the job.
Top GOP adviser denounces Georgia’s Brian Kemp: ‘He cheated & undermined democracy every step of the way’ only an advisor, because the GOP won't give a flying bunghole.
John McCain’s top strategist just unloaded on Brian Kemp for stealing Georgia’s governor election the GOP will care about is that he won. And all the President will care about is the same. And some, perhaps more than a few, will try to do the same in the future.
What does help is that the article exposes why so many people (at least in the US) don't believe in climate change. That's because there has been a long-running and well-funded campaign telling them not to - even though people running that campaign have known the truth long before it came to the attention of the general public.
There is a strong parallel with the tobacco industry. In both cases industry has fought to obscure the truth in order to maintain and enhance short-term profits, even knowing that those profits are at the long-term expense (both in financial and health terms) of ordinary people.
There is a key difference though - the impact of tobacco is almost entirely on individuals; it may have a very serious impact on them, but there's no wider impact. In the case of climate change the impact is on the entire eco-system. If everyone stopped smoking tomorrow there would be no further damage done after that. If mankind moved tomorrow to a net-neutral position on production of carbon dioxide that would not stop the progressive impact of climate change for decades - potentially even centuries.
The world is already far past the point at which it would have been possible to deal with climate change before it got to dangerous levels. Over the next 20 years there are going to be increasing levels of natural disasters and many millions of people displaced - and we've seen from the recent concerns about 'caravans' how hard that is likely to be to adjust to. I could go on about major changes in the economy, agriculture etc, but that would be too depressing.
One change that would be possible, albeit unlikely, in the short-term is to no longer allow corporations to buy political influence. If we're no longer being deliberately steered in directions that are clearly against the long-term interests of humanity (never mind all other creatures on the planet), then perhaps we might be able to find a better way.
"Got out our nativity scene yesterday. After removing all the Jews, Foreigners and Arabs, all I ended up with is a Jackass and a Handful of Sheep."
And another Facebook news post:
‘Unwanted subject’: What led a Kirkland yogurt shop to call police on a black man turned out to be supervising a parental visit, and is also a nine-year Air Force veteran. But the employees were scared of him and the police asked him to leave anyway.
When I play the 911 call for Byron Ragland — the emergency call about him — I study his face. I expect that maybe he’ll get angry.
Instead he looks sad. When it ends, after three minutes, he sits back across the table and his eyes mist up a bit.
“What’s my reaction?” he says, after I ask. “My reaction is that this was just another Wednesday.”
This is just crazy. Being somewhere while black isn't a crime. It shouldn't be a crime. But as Mr. Rangland said, "How would you feel hearing that you made people so scared and uncomfortable that they called the police?” he said. “For me, that’s just Wednesday. I try not to let it consume me. But it’s hard not to conclude that I walk around in a certain skin, and that’s all that matters.”
Trump slips up in interview, admits he installed Whitaker to halt Mueller probe, we kinda already knew this, but this is confirmation. As it says in the article...
Jeffrey Cramer, a longtime former federal prosecutor who spent 12 years at the DOJ, echoed that assessment.
"The president's knee-jerk pivot to talking about the Russia investigation when asked about Whitaker's qualification is what poker players call a 'tell,'" Cramer told INSIDER.
California Republican concedes defeat in race she said months ago wasn't even competitive, I guess she made a mistake- SHE was the one that wasn't competitive...
New Hampshire Democrats set to oust secretary of state notorious for backing GOP voter suppression wonder if this will also happen to Brian Kemp? I can only hope, though now he's governor, that's probably not going to work.
Pelosi gets support from progressive and black caucuses while centrist white dudes keep whining, the five White Guys are still complaining. Ho hum.
and that should tell us that she is probably not going to be progressive or tough.
Trump wants her because she weak and a corporate Democrat. She will not push for popular progressive items that will help the American people like Medicare for all, free college, living wage. Will she stand up to Trump's looting of the country, his crony capitalism? I'm skeptical.
She will be unlikely to force action on climate change which is currently the cause of massive wildfires in California (cause isn't unraked leaves right).
Trump wants her because she's the devil they know and she has been adamant to not impeach Trump. Republicans all over the country ran campaigns against Nancy Pelosi values and stuff in their minds she's a synonym for weakness.
It's time for a strong new voice. Not a centrist corporate shill fundraiser specialist.
51°20'N to 71°50'N, 130°W to 172°E
The democrats at the moment feel that the deal doesn't have enough teeth to enforce certain measures, especially those involving labour and environmental rules.
Congress just needs a majority vote to pass it, so Trump maybe able to bully some Dems to vote for it anyway to get it to pass HOWEVER,
40 Republican Congressmen (all but 4 re-elected) sent a letter to Trump demanding an LGBTQ clause that Canada fought for to be removed from the deal.
In a letter to U.S. President Donald Trump sent Friday, the 40 lawmakers say “a trade agreement is no place for the adoption of social policy.” The letter was first reported by U.S. media outlet Politico.
“It is especially inappropriate and insulting to our sovereignty to needlessly submit to social policies which the United States Congress has so far explicitly refused to accept,” the letter continues.
Except, you know, that is exactly what the US did to Mexico with demanding that a per centage of the labour cost involved with creating a car needs to be at a certain level for it to be tariff free.
So Trump needs to pick his poison. Does he remove the clause and risk Canada voting against it. Canada conceded a lot and did Trump a favour by sticking to his deadline. Removing one of their concessions without giving back something could kill the deal.
Or does he anger the GOP financial base by actually allowing the democrats to put teeth into the environmental aspects of the deal. The liberal government would be completely on board with something like this, however, I don't know how willing Mexico will play ball. We will see in the new year.
More companies are chipping their workers like pets makes me deeply uncomfortable. How deep are they going to be allowed to probe into their worker's lives? I mean, sure, now it's only to get into some secure areas. But how long before they are able to track your chip to see where you are? You call in sick to out with your girlfriend and get busted when they see you went to Applebees and aren't at home. Yeah, they aren't doing this yet, but I am sure some bright light at a company will use it that way soon.
rump Mulls Letting Turkey Kill U.S. Resident to Help Saudis Get Away With Killing U.S. Resident is definitely going WAY too far. This is the same guy Michael Cohen wrote the Op-ed about when he was working for Turkey. And now Trump appears to be seriously considering this. As if America could become any more third-world...
Trump trillion-dollar-plus deficits are putting America on a path to fiscal ruin course, The Republican party thinks the Economy is going great (except that we need to cute "entitlements"), but no one wants to talk about it. Because Trump can do no wrong according to Republicans. I stick my tongue out in disgust.
GRITTY-INSPIRED PROTESTERS JUST CHASED A RIGHT-WING RALLY OUT OF PHILLY to the good here. And this part made me laugh: Event organizers positioned the rally as a promotion of mainstream conservative values, while protesters — some with Gritty emblazoned on posters or hats — chanted “Go home, assholes.”
Was the ‘Intern’ Who Took Acosta’s Microphone Actually the Deputy Press Secretary?
She was just an intern, basically, but the story has been spread on certain blogs that she was actually the Deputy Press Secretary.
This is why I will never understand how any white person supports the left. They treat you like absolute dirt. Like your opinions don't matter because you are white. Like you are third class at best. You are the butt of every joke and the subject of every demeaning remark. "Old white man" is basically a curse word. They publish guides on how to speak to whites as though they were children and publish articles on how they are a plague on the planet.
But this is clearly an example of my white fragility, so I should just dry up those white tears and de-center my privilege and toxic whiteness.
This is why I will never understand how any white person supports the left. They treat you like absolute dirt. Like your opinions don't matter because you are white. Like you are third class at best. You are the butt of every joke and the subject of every demeaning remark. "Old white man" is basically a curse word. They publish guides on how to speak to whites as though they were children and publish articles on how they are a plague on the planet.
But this is clearly an example of my white fragility, so I should just dry up those white tears and de-center my privilege and toxic whiteness.
She's really effective at raising money, and keeping her caucus in line. The Republican line of "She's toxic" doesn't play out. People don't care about Nancy Pelosi. I think the best thing would be for Democrats to have a new, fresh young face, but have Pelosi advising from the sidelines. Although, whoever takes her place will be tainted with the same brush by Republicans. Can you imagine if she was replaced by Alexandra Ocasio-Cortes? "OMG! The Democrats have a democratic SOCIALIST in charge!" The Republicans would freak, FOX News' talking heads would explode, and Republicans would accuse the Democrats of being socialists.
That vitriolic anti-white rhetoric might not translate into discrimination or anti-white policies, but that doesn't make it acceptable.