Vaccinate your damn kids or go live on a compound somewhere with no other human contact. The rest of society isn't obligated to put the health of their children on the line for this bullshit.
Uhh, yeah, ain't that the truth. I've been following this on the local news as it is pretty close to where I live. Anyway, as I have kept wondering what the heck religious excuse is used, I found some interesting materials regarding vaccinations and religion. As to the unlucky kids at this school, these knowledgeable anti vaxxers just gave their kids a bonus on top of the chicken pox. They are now ALL susceptible to the shingles virus later in life. Jeeze.
Anyway here is the short article, What religions actually state about vaccines that gives a breakdown on many religions as far as the view on vaccinations goes. I ain't seeing it, at least not on religious grounds to which the exemptions are being given. 110 out of the 152 kids at this school not vaccinated, what a hot mess that is.
I would absolutely not put it past Mother Jones to lie- or just uncritically publish someone's claim without investigating- especially when lying is so easy and there is no accountability or way to determine one way or the other, but you don't even need to go that far.
They make the claim that this is systemic and not an isolated incident, that the procedures are not being followed, and don't provide anything else to suggest as such, just total numbers and not the actual context of why they were removed. They don't even begin to prove the case that they want to make.
I have no issues with an investigation, but I will point out that if there was a clear basis for one it would have already begun.
@WarChiefZeke when you're talking about many thousands of people it's not realistic to expect them all to be individually identified in a story. The article you referred to used one particular person as an example, before moving on to more general statements - which seems an appropriate method of journalism to me.
You may discount the big increases in the numbers of people purged (over 10% of the entire electorate just between 2016 and 2018) and the fact that a greatly disproportionate number of those were black. It's true that we can't know if particular individuals were correctly removed or not, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to find out. This lawsuit challenges removing people from the electoral register on the grounds they hadn't voted for 6 years and says that at least 340,000 people of the 534,000 purged in 2016/17 can be shown to still be living at the same address.
I'm pretty much in agreement with Deltago's statements here, I hope the lawsuit goes forward and we see the records and the matter is easily cleaned up.
People who haven't voted for a long time *and* who don't live at the same address are supposed to be taken off of voter rolls (as opposed to people who simply haven't voted, which is expressly forbidden).
As your article says, the procedure is after a certain number of years of inactivity they get mail to confirm they still live at that address. If they don't return it and don't vote after that, it is assumed they don't live there anymore. So the question is how many are turning them in that aren't being counted, which should be something that can be verified. Living at that address but not voting for a good number of years and not responding to the requests for verification will get you taken off the rolls, even if you still live there, just as a matter of procedure.
Even if you stick to the line though that numbers prove nothing, do you really believe it's appropriate to support someone responsible for the following? - a candidate for governor overseeing the voting for his own election - reporting on the official election web-site that Democrats were being investigated for cyber-crimes in relation to voting (not only untrue, but adding insult to injury after Georgia refused federal funds intended to increase their election security) - waits of several hours for people to vote in urban areas - losing multiple court battles over voting procedures in the few weeks leading up to the election
I was actually going to mention this in my original comment but it was getting too wordy as it is:
While it's not illegal to be running for election and still be apart of the voter registration process, it clearly has the appearance of a conflict of interest.
It really should be the case that one has to step down from their position by law for a certain period of time prior to running for office.
It is a totally legitimate issue that does give credibility to the case that he could commit fraud. Barring any indication of such, it wouldn't be enough, but it definitely makes a case for opportunity where motive is already apparent.
He also gave and interview about how "concerned" he was about "everyone execising their right to vote".
In leaked audio, Brian Kemp expresses “concern” over Georgians exercising their voting rights "Facing allegations of voter suppression, scrutiny from voting rights groups, and calls to resign from his opponent, Georgia secretary of state and current GOP gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp recently said that Stacey Abrams’s voter outreach effort “continues to concern us, especially if everybody uses and exercises their right to vote,” according to a new report."
Which you will have to admit, is concerning. Doesn't everyone have the right to vote? Why should an elected official be concerned if they did so? If he was really the people's choice, he should welcome people expressing their choice and their vote.
It's painfully obvious the Republican Party views higher voter participation as a obstacle to power. Some of them admit it in private, some are more than happy to admit it in public. But one has to reach a very basic conclusion, which is that if they believe that (which they do) then it stands to reason they would implement policies to keep voter turnout as low as possible. Which they do on a state-wide level all over the country. Again, someone get back to me when a Democratic state legislature passes laws that make it obviously harder for white, rural farmers to vote.
Freethinkers ask U.S. Supreme Court to let Pensacola cross win stand There is a cross on public land which is a violation of the law. Now, if they wanted it on private land, that's one thing. But not Public land. The 11th circuit court of appeals says it has to come down, and now Pensacola wants to kick it up to the Supereme Court. There have been numerous cases like this, they have all been shot down by courts of appeal.
To avoid another Jonestown, reform IRS church reporting policy The U.S. government, in fact, gives every minister and every religion a pass. Because donations to 501(c)(3) groups are deductible for income-tax purposes, tax-exempt groups are essentially subsidized by the American public. Therefore 501(c)(3) nonprofits must account to the public about what they do with tax-exempt donations — except for churches. The Internal Revenue Service waives all religions, churches, temples, synagogues and mosques from having to file the annual Form 990 information return that other 501(c)(3) entities must file every year in order to retain their tax-exempt status.
I see no problem with this at all. If other entities can do it, churches can.
I don't think the Democrats deserve praise and reward for choosing fraud and manipulation as their chosen election-altering methods, as seen systemically throughout the DNC during the presidential race and in places like Florida now.
On an unrelated note, there's a nice webcomic about government and politics called Laws and Sausages. It's an informative, non-partisan comic that clearly explains a lot of stuff about how our government works on the technical level. It's funny at times, but it's not goofy and it doesn't bend the truth for comedic purposes.
Freethinkers ask U.S. Supreme Court to let Pensacola cross win stand There is a cross on public land which is a violation of the law. Now, if they wanted it on private land, that's one thing. But not Public land. The 11th circuit court of appeals says it has to come down, and now Pensacola wants to kick it up to the Supereme Court. There have been numerous cases like this, they have all been shot down by courts of appeal.
To avoid another Jonestown, reform IRS church reporting policy The U.S. government, in fact, gives every minister and every religion a pass. Because donations to 501(c)(3) groups are deductible for income-tax purposes, tax-exempt groups are essentially subsidized by the American public. Therefore 501(c)(3) nonprofits must account to the public about what they do with tax-exempt donations — except for churches. The Internal Revenue Service waives all religions, churches, temples, synagogues and mosques from having to file the annual Form 990 information return that other 501(c)(3) entities must file every year in order to retain their tax-exempt status.
I see no problem with this at all. If other entities can do it, churches can.
Jim Jones and the Peoples there is a story for the ages. It is 100% true that Jim Jones used the prejudices and racial inequity of society to lure in a mostly African-American and decidedly liberal congregation. But if you have studied Jim Jones, you know everything he did from the time he was a child was simply a manipulation to basically COLLECT people he could control. The end came about in Jonestown because Jones could not, above all else, abide the rejection or abandonment of his followers. When Congressman Leo Ryan visited with the media and a handful of people decided they wanted out, Jones (whose paranoia knew no bounds) viewed it as an apocalyptic event. He killed the people on the airplane tarmac because he wanted the excuse for the mass suicide, though he likely didn't need one. Listening to the "death tape" (and I have) is gut-wrenching. Jones' closet followers simply started forcing the cyanide laced Flavor-aide (not actually Kool-Aide) into the mouths of the children and the people who had drank it willingly started dropping dead. There were men with guns posted at the exits. Jones had forced them into drills simulating the mass suicide before, but this time, it was real. I think most people simply gave up because the human mind couldn't process the madness going on around them. I refuse to view it as a suicide at all. Jones murdered everyone of those people.
Jackie Speier, one of the few to survive her gunshot wounds, is still a Democratic Congresswoman from California to this day. She was on the trip because she was a young aide to Congressman Ryan at the time.
Missouri Teacher Suspended After ‘Lapse In Judgment’ for Allowing Student to Dress as Klansman I don't know. If this is meant to show the Klan as bad, I'd consider it in poor taste, but I also might allow it to go ahead. "The Poplar Bluff student who dressed as a Klansman Friday was playing the villain in a skit about voter suppression during a presentation with other students about the 15th Amendment, Poplar Bluff district superintendent Scott Dill said. The amendment awarded voting rights to black men. Other groups in the class were assigned other amendments."
White House will not seek to revoke CNN reporter Jim Acosta’s press pass, issues news rules to govern press conferences I am not surprised. According to Sanders, the new rules are: A journalist called upon to ask a question will ask a single question and then will yield the floor to other journalists. At the discretion of the President or other White House official taking questions, a follow-up question or questions may be permitted; and where a follow up has been allowed and asked, the questioner will then yield the floor. Yielding the floor” includes, when applicable, physically surrendering the microphone to White House staff for use by the next questioner. Failure to abide by any of rules may result in suspension or revocation of the journalist’s hard pass
Adm. McRaven: Revoke My Security Clearance Too Retired Adm. William McRaven called President Donald Trump's leadership an embarrassment to the nation Thursday while defending the integrity of former CIA Director John Brennan in an open letter to the president that is being published as an op-ed by The Washington Post. Trump's action Wednesday in stripping Brennan of his security clearance demeaned "one of the finest public servants I have ever known," McRaven wrote. "Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John," he continued in a rare rebuke of a sitting commander-in-chief by a retired four-star. "Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency," he added.
Missouri Teacher Suspended After ‘Lapse In Judgment’ for Allowing Student to Dress as Klansman I don't know. If this is meant to show the Klan as bad, I'd consider it in poor taste, but I also might allow it to go ahead. "The Poplar Bluff student who dressed as a Klansman Friday was playing the villain in a skit about voter suppression during a presentation with other students about the 15th Amendment, Poplar Bluff district superintendent Scott Dill said. The amendment awarded voting rights to black men. Other groups in the class were assigned other amendments."
The headline by itself makes the suspension seem sensible (and Jesus, that headline sounds like a great way to rally online opposition to this teacher and make lots of people cry foul and call for the teacher's firing), but if you're portraying the Klansman as the villain of a play, that's not really promoting racism. That's mocking the Klan, and I don't think many people would object to the concept of making fun of the Klan.
Missouri Teacher Suspended After ‘Lapse In Judgment’ for Allowing Student to Dress as Klansman I don't know. If this is meant to show the Klan as bad, I'd consider it in poor taste, but I also might allow it to go ahead. "The Poplar Bluff student who dressed as a Klansman Friday was playing the villain in a skit about voter suppression during a presentation with other students about the 15th Amendment, Poplar Bluff district superintendent Scott Dill said. The amendment awarded voting rights to black men. Other groups in the class were assigned other amendments."
The headline by itself makes the suspension seem sensible (and Jesus, that headline sounds like a great way to rally online opposition to this teacher and make lots of people cry foul and call for the teacher's firing), but if you're portraying the Klansman as the villain of a play, that's not really promoting racism. That's mocking the Klan, and I don't think many people would object to the concept of making fun of the Klan.
I generally try to give teachers the benefit of the doubt in most situations unless it is a really bad judgment call, simply because they are among the most underappreciated, maligned, and underpaid of all professions. Administrators I tend to have far less sympathy for. Because (honestly), they mirror all the faults of powerful upper management in the private sector. However, you have to draw the line somewhere. This situation is not that line, but the woman who was caught living an online life as a white supremacist IS that line.
That being said, the 12% of this school whose population is black doesn't need a visual representation of the Klan to understand what racism is all about. They deal with it every day. I think this was a well-meaning, but misguided attempt to make a point. Context matters. If there was no malicious intent, then clearly we just make a note not to do this kind of thing again and move on. No one needs to lose their job.
Nancy Pelosi is the leader Democrats need and Republicans fear You want to know why Republicans are so eager to see Nancy Pelosi go? Because she kicks their asses. She held her caucus together against terrible Trump-Republican policies. She led her party to their greatest electoral victory since Watergate. In many districts, Republicans tried to use the scary woman from San Francisco as a weapon to help them nationalize the election. And failed. Miserably.
She helped tie the Obamacare Repeal and terrible Trump tax cuts solely to the Republican party. Not one Democrat voted for them. And it was on these two policies that most Republicans lost in this last election. She raised tons of money for her party and kept them together on policy. Republicans lost big. Do you see anyone in Republican party thinking they should do away with their own leaders for losing so much? No? Why not?
Then why should Democrats get rid of Pelosi, who led them to such a big win? Just remembered that back in January, the GOP was really looking forward to this election. Lots of stories from rightwing media, like this pathetic piece from RedState, that the GOP will have all these pickups because the Democrats didn’t stand and clap at Trump’s State of the Union address. Yup, they sure called it...that was the big issue this election. LOL!
GOP's Mississippi Senate candidate is in real trouble Good thing the GOP has deep pockets—they need them. Say what you will about Democrats, but they at least tend not to run morons in deep blue states to make those races needlessly competitive. Yet the Mississippi GOP candidate, Cindy Hyde-Smith, is angling for a repeat of last year’s embarrassing defeat in a neighboring deep red state. There are two reasons for this: the Democrats have an exceptionally strong candidate this year, Mike Espy; and the GOP has an idiot that can't stop bringing the stupid.
In less than two weeks from the Nov. 6 election, Cindy Hyde-Smith has: Made a pro-public hanging statement in the state that led in lynchings (refused to apologize) Took a large donation from a notorious white supremacist (will not return it) In referencing historical black colleges, said it’s a “great idea” to suppress votes (caught on video)
And people wonder why Republicans lost so much?! Really? I sure hope Mike Espy wins. Even Mississippi doesn't deserve Cindy Hyde-Smith!
House Democrats are right to push for stronger labor protections in Trump's revised NAFTA
Woman accused in 'GoFundMe Three' conspiracy claims she was just 'naïve'; blames boyfriend, veteran The woman at the center of a viral GoFundMe campaign that authorities have described as “predicated on a lie” is attempting to deny responsibility for her actions, according to an interview with her attorney Friday. Sorry, honey. You knew you were lying about the man giving you his last $20 for gas. You lied and now you are paying for it. Your lie, your fault. McClure exchanged texts with a friend the same day the GoFundMe began. In messages also uncovered by investigators, she wrote, “I had to make something up to make people feel bad.”
Has America reached peak hate under Trump, and where do we go next? Because Fox News backed Jim Acosta and CNN's suit against Trump for revoking his hard pass, FOX news is no longer partisan enough for some Trump supporters. From the article (and this made me nearly fall down laughing): The reporter presented the Trump-backing woman with a short list of the president’s most frequent falsehoods, but she said she was not interested in determining whether he would lie during the rally. “I don’t care if he sprouts a third dick up there,” she said. She declined to explain how many penises she believed the president already had.
So.......the 5800 troops that were sent to the border in the week before the election are, according to the Pentagon, starting to come home this week. Apparently ALL of them are going to be leaving before December 15th.
Let's break this down and see if we can come to any other conclusion. The troops were sent to the border because of what Trump sold as an imminent danger from an invading migrant caravan. The caravan has not arrived yet, but the troops are being sent home. So CLEARLY the troops were not sent to the border to stop any actual threat, or it stands to reason they wouldn't be leaving BEFORE the supposed threat has even arrived. So the ONLY conclusion that a non-idiot could possibly draw from this scenario as it has unfolded is that Donald Trump uprooted the live of nearly 6000 US service members and wasted $200 million dollars of taxpayer money on what was nothing but a political stunt before an election. This is, without question, the most brazen and disgusting abuse of the powers of the Commander in Chief that I have ever seen. There wasn't even any pretense or belief that this was actually a mission that needed to be undertaken for an actual purpose, as has now been laid bare. It was a wholly political deployment of military troops on American soil. It's revolting.
So.......the 5800 troops that were sent to the border in the week before the election are, according to the Pentagon, starting to come home this week. Apparently ALL of them are going to be leaving before December 15th.
Let's break this down and see if we can come to any other conclusion. The troops were sent to the border because of what Trump sold as an imminent danger from an invading migrant caravan. The caravan has not arrived yet, but the troops are being sent home. So CLEARLY the troops were not sent to the border to stop any actual threat, or it stands to reason they wouldn't be leaving BEFORE the supposed threat has even arrived. So the ONLY conclusion that a non-idiot could possibly draw from this scenario as it has unfolded is that Donald Trump uprooted the live of nearly 6000 US service members and wasted $200 million dollars of taxpayer money on what was nothing but a political stunt before an election. This is, without question, the most brazen and disgusting abuse of the powers of the Commander in Chief that I have ever seen. There wasn't even any pretense or belief that this was actually a mission that needed to be undertaken for an actual purpose, as has now been laid bare. It was a wholly political deployment of military troops on American soil. It's revolting.
It has arrived (or the first part of it). It's in Tijuana outside the border of California. Majority of the troops that were sent to the border are/were in Texas.
So.......the 5800 troops that were sent to the border in the week before the election are, according to the Pentagon, starting to come home this week. Apparently ALL of them are going to be leaving before December 15th.
Let's break this down and see if we can come to any other conclusion. The troops were sent to the border because of what Trump sold as an imminent danger from an invading migrant caravan. The caravan has not arrived yet, but the troops are being sent home. So CLEARLY the troops were not sent to the border to stop any actual threat, or it stands to reason they wouldn't be leaving BEFORE the supposed threat has even arrived. So the ONLY conclusion that a non-idiot could possibly draw from this scenario as it has unfolded is that Donald Trump uprooted the live of nearly 6000 US service members and wasted $200 million dollars of taxpayer money on what was nothing but a political stunt before an election. This is, without question, the most brazen and disgusting abuse of the powers of the Commander in Chief that I have ever seen. There wasn't even any pretense or belief that this was actually a mission that needed to be undertaken for an actual purpose, as has now been laid bare. It was a wholly political deployment of military troops on American soil. It's revolting.
It has arrived (or the first part of it). It's in Tijuana outside the border of California. Majority of the troops that were sent to the border are/were in Texas.
"One soldier posted a picture of what #MAGAmorons think they are doing---a bunch of fully armed soldiers in a trench with M-16s trained on a target, but he superimposed it with reality: servicemen in mud picking up garbage. Well, that started it...
Most people jumped in and agreed it was all stupid, but a few—especially one guy--went nuts. He said Trump was trying to protect the real 'merica from the influx of Muslims and Mexicans. In response, I posted the picture above and reminded him that they aren’t coming, but are already here, and oh—they are his leaders now. (And something to the effect of “suck it”.)
Boy, oh boy. ALL CAPS came at me: SOCIALIST this, INVADERS that… on and on. It inspired me to use this photo in a few more GOP safe spaces, and I always get the same reaction of ranting and raving. I don’t think there's any other photo that I’ve posted that had such a visceral reaction. It encapsulates all their fears at once: women in power, minorities in power, the changing face of America, and the obvious fact that their long-term strategy of appealing to bigotry is starting to fail."
Said picture is of Hispanic and Muslim women elected to Congress in the latest election, all smiling and happy.
I don't think the Democrats deserve praise and reward for choosing fraud and manipulation as their chosen election-altering methods, as seen systemically throughout the DNC during the presidential race and in places like Florida now.
What "systemic fraud" are you referring to of which I am somehow utterly unaware?
someone get back to me when a Democratic state legislature passes laws that make it obviously harder for white, rural farmers to vote.
Come on man: it's not that things like voting are made harder for white people; that's not the point. The important thing is that it hurts their feelings when you point out that things are easier for them. Which you totally just did by pointing out that rural white men will never have to endure the difficulties people of color have to exercise basic constitutionally-guaranteed rights like voting, or not being illegally searched, or not being shot by police officers.
Anyway, as I have kept wondering what the heck religious excuse is used, I found some interesting materials regarding vaccinations and religion.
As to the unlucky kids at this school,
Anyway here is the short article, What religions actually state about vaccines that gives a breakdown on many religions as far as the view on vaccinations goes. I ain't seeing it, at least not on religious grounds to which the exemptions are being given. 110 out of the 152 kids at this school not vaccinated, what a hot mess that is.
I was actually going to mention this in my original comment but it was getting too wordy as it is:
While it's not illegal to be running for election and still be apart of the voter registration process, it clearly has the appearance of a conflict of interest.
It really should be the case that one has to step down from their position by law for a certain period of time prior to running for office.
It is a totally legitimate issue that does give credibility to the case that he could commit fraud. Barring any indication of such, it wouldn't be enough, but it definitely makes a case for opportunity where motive is already apparent.
He also gave and interview about how "concerned" he was about "everyone execising their right to vote".
In leaked audio, Brian Kemp expresses “concern” over Georgians exercising their voting rights"Facing allegations of voter suppression, scrutiny from voting rights groups, and calls to resign from his opponent, Georgia secretary of state and current GOP gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp recently said that Stacey Abrams’s voter outreach effort “continues to concern us, especially if everybody uses and exercises their right to vote,” according to a new report."
Which you will have to admit, is concerning. Doesn't everyone have the right to vote? Why should an elected official be concerned if they did so? If he was really the people's choice, he should welcome people expressing their choice and their vote.
Freethinkers ask U.S. Supreme Court to let Pensacola cross win stand is a cross on public land which is a violation of the law. Now, if they wanted it on private land, that's one thing. But not Public land. The 11th circuit court of appeals says it has to come down, and now Pensacola wants to kick it up to the Supereme Court. There have been numerous cases like this, they have all been shot down by courts of appeal.
To avoid another Jonestown, reform IRS church reporting policy U.S. government, in fact, gives every minister and every religion a pass. Because donations to 501(c)(3) groups are deductible for income-tax purposes, tax-exempt groups are essentially subsidized by the American public. Therefore 501(c)(3) nonprofits must account to the public about what they do with tax-exempt donations — except for churches. The Internal Revenue Service waives all religions, churches, temples, synagogues and mosques from having to file the annual Form 990 information return that other 501(c)(3) entities must file every year in order to retain their tax-exempt status.
I see no problem with this at all. If other entities can do it, churches can.
ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ WANTS TO REPLACE COLUMBUS DAY WITH HOLIDAY FOR ELECTION DAY would actually be a great idea. Who really cares about Columbus Day any more? Give people a day off to vote, instead. Make sure people can get there freely and easily.
Catholic Archbishop Blames Disobedient Wives For Domestic Violence, blame the victim. That ALWAYS makes things better! Luckily, women in Spain are not accepting his words, and are speaking out about what he said. As one woman tweeted, "So says a celibate man who believes in a ghost."
A $12 Billion Program to Help Farmers Stung by Trump’s Trade War Has Aided Few'm not surprised.
ROBERT REICH: THE TRUTH ABOUT TRUMP'S 'BOOMING' ECONOMY | OPINION'll let you make up your own mind about this one, but I agree.
Jackie Speier, one of the few to survive her gunshot wounds, is still a Democratic Congresswoman from California to this day. She was on the trip because she was a young aide to Congressman Ryan at the time.
Missouri Teacher Suspended After ‘Lapse In Judgment’ for Allowing Student to Dress as Klansman don't know. If this is meant to show the Klan as bad, I'd consider it in poor taste, but I also might allow it to go ahead.
"The Poplar Bluff student who dressed as a Klansman Friday was playing the villain in a skit about voter suppression during a presentation with other students about the 15th Amendment, Poplar Bluff district superintendent Scott Dill said. The amendment awarded voting rights to black men. Other groups in the class were assigned other amendments."
Kristen Lindsey Loses Both Cases in Texas Court lady is a vet. She killed a cat with a bow and arrow and bragged about it on social media. She's had her license suspended, and it trying to get it back.
Big Latino Turnout In Midterms Raises Stakes For 2020 after election, pundits predict that Latinos will be a powerful voting bloc. And Latino voters consistently underperform those expectations by failing to turn out at the polls in big numbers.
But this year's midterm results in Nevada, Arizona and other states suggest that Latino turnout is up dramatically — a development that could reshape the electoral landscape for 2020 and beyond.
Poll: Trump has little support for reelection bid speculation for 2020 begins to heat up, a little more than 3 in 10 Americans want to see President Donald Trump win a second term in the White House, according to a new poll.
And I'm one of them who doesn't want to see him back in office. Of course.
Trump tries to deflect blowback after attacking admiral Monday, Trump tried to distract from his implied criticism of McRaven by blaming President Clinton and taking credit for warning about bin Laden before 9/11.
::Shaking My Head:: Really?
Ivanka Trump used a private email account to discuss government business are the Republicans reacting to this? The same way they did Trump using his iPhone which can being overheard by Russians and Chinese?
Trump Claims He ‘Did Not Know’ Whitaker’s Views on Russia Probe I can only say SUUUUUURE he didn't.
White House will not seek to revoke CNN reporter Jim Acosta’s press pass, issues news rules to govern press conferences am not surprised.
According to Sanders, the new rules are:
A journalist called upon to ask a question will ask a single question and then will yield the floor to other journalists.
At the discretion of the President or other White House official taking questions, a follow-up question or questions may be permitted; and where a follow up has been allowed and asked, the questioner will then yield the floor.
Yielding the floor” includes, when applicable, physically surrendering the microphone to White House staff for use by the next questioner.
Failure to abide by any of rules may result in suspension or revocation of the journalist’s hard pass
Adm. McRaven: Revoke My Security Clearance Too Adm. William McRaven called President Donald Trump's leadership an embarrassment to the nation Thursday while defending the integrity of former CIA Director John Brennan in an open letter to the president that is being published as an op-ed by The Washington Post.
Trump's action Wednesday in stripping Brennan of his security clearance demeaned "one of the finest public servants I have ever known," McRaven wrote.
"Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John," he continued in a rare rebuke of a sitting commander-in-chief by a retired four-star.
"Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency," he added.
Good for him!
Fury over rare white lion being auctioned off 'to be shot by trophy hunters' wonder if the Trump boys, Don Jr. And Eric, will be in the bidding?
I generally try to give teachers the benefit of the doubt in most situations unless it is a really bad judgment call, simply because they are among the most underappreciated, maligned, and underpaid of all professions. Administrators I tend to have far less sympathy for. Because (honestly), they mirror all the faults of powerful upper management in the private sector. However, you have to draw the line somewhere. This situation is not that line, but the woman who was caught living an online life as a white supremacist IS that line.
That being said, the 12% of this school whose population is black doesn't need a visual representation of the Klan to understand what racism is all about. They deal with it every day. I think this was a well-meaning, but misguided attempt to make a point. Context matters. If there was no malicious intent, then clearly we just make a note not to do this kind of thing again and move on. No one needs to lose their job.
Nancy Pelosi is the leader Democrats need and Republicans fear want to know why Republicans are so eager to see Nancy Pelosi go? Because she kicks their asses. She held her caucus together against terrible Trump-Republican policies. She led her party to their greatest electoral victory since Watergate. In many districts, Republicans tried to use the scary woman from San Francisco as a weapon to help them nationalize the election. And failed. Miserably.
She helped tie the Obamacare Repeal and terrible Trump tax cuts solely to the Republican party. Not one Democrat voted for them. And it was on these two policies that most Republicans lost in this last election. She raised tons of money for her party and kept them together on policy. Republicans lost big. Do you see anyone in Republican party thinking they should do away with their own leaders for losing so much? No? Why not?
Then why should Democrats get rid of Pelosi, who led them to such a big win?
So, What Happened To The AHCA Class of 2017? of them are gone now. 150 were re-elected, but In all, at least 57 of those who voted "yes" on the AHCA have since lost their jobs in public office one way or another in the past year and a half, or at least 26% of the total. This number could climb as high as 63, though it'll likely top off at around 60.
McRaven Fires Back: "I admire all presidents... who uphold the dignity of their office." said, Admiral Mc Raven! Well said.
'Proud Boys' reportedly denied taxis at far-right rally in Philadelphia Uber would pull up, protesters would swarm and tell the driver they were about to pick up fascists, and the Uber would speed off.
Three unsuccessful Uber attempts and one unsuccessful metered cab attempt later, and law enforcement switched plans, bringing the remaining three further into the old precinct headquarters, signaling to everyone that the show was over.
Chris Wallace sends Trump to the ICU burn unit Wallace, winning:
WALLACE: What are the odds? One in a hundred? What--What?
TRUMP: I don’t do odds, I gave very detailed--
WALLACE: You ran a casino sir.
I laugh uproariously. He ran it into the ground, but he would never admit that, because he always has to be a winner.
Funny, Finland's Forest Management Plan says nothing about "Raking," But it does talk about This ... change mitigation. But Trump doesn't believe in climate change.
The photo that set him off... remembered that back in January, the GOP was really looking forward to this election. Lots of stories from rightwing media, like this pathetic piece from RedState, that the GOP will have all these pickups because the Democrats didn’t stand and clap at Trump’s State of the Union address. Yup, they sure called it...that was the big issue this election. LOL!
GOP's Mississippi Senate candidate is in real trouble thing the GOP has deep pockets—they need them. Say what you will about Democrats, but they at least tend not to run morons in deep blue states to make those races needlessly competitive. Yet the Mississippi GOP candidate, Cindy Hyde-Smith, is angling for a repeat of last year’s embarrassing defeat in a neighboring deep red state. There are two reasons for this: the Democrats have an exceptionally strong candidate this year, Mike Espy; and the GOP has an idiot that can't stop bringing the stupid.
In less than two weeks from the Nov. 6 election, Cindy Hyde-Smith has:
Made a pro-public hanging statement in the state that led in lynchings (refused to apologize)
Took a large donation from a notorious white supremacist (will not return it)
In referencing historical black colleges, said it’s a “great idea” to suppress votes (caught on video)
And people wonder why Republicans lost so much?! Really? I sure hope Mike Espy wins. Even Mississippi doesn't deserve Cindy Hyde-Smith!
House Democrats are right to push for stronger labor protections in Trump's revised NAFTA Pelosi said, "Without enforcement you don’t have anything. Without it, you are, shall we say, just rebranding Nafta. Mexico has to pass a law about labor rights in Mexico, so that has not happened yet and that is a predicate of this agreement. Most important of all are the enforcement provisions in terms of labor and the environment. Enforcement, enforcement, enforcement."
And I agree.
Woman accused in 'GoFundMe Three' conspiracy claims she was just 'naïve'; blames boyfriend, veteran woman at the center of a viral GoFundMe campaign that authorities have described as “predicated on a lie” is attempting to deny responsibility for her actions, according to an interview with her attorney Friday.
Sorry, honey. You knew you were lying about the man giving you his last $20 for gas. You lied and now you are paying for it. Your lie, your fault.
McClure exchanged texts with a friend the same day the GoFundMe began. In messages also uncovered by investigators, she wrote, “I had to make something up to make people feel bad.”
Has America reached peak hate under Trump, and where do we go next? Fox News backed Jim Acosta and CNN's suit against Trump for revoking his hard pass, FOX news is no longer partisan enough for some Trump supporters.
From the article (and this made me nearly fall down laughing): The reporter presented the Trump-backing woman with a short list of the president’s most frequent falsehoods, but she said she was not interested in determining whether he would lie during the rally.
“I don’t care if he sprouts a third dick up there,” she said.
She declined to explain how many penises she believed the president already had.
Let's break this down and see if we can come to any other conclusion. The troops were sent to the border because of what Trump sold as an imminent danger from an invading migrant caravan. The caravan has not arrived yet, but the troops are being sent home. So CLEARLY the troops were not sent to the border to stop any actual threat, or it stands to reason they wouldn't be leaving BEFORE the supposed threat has even arrived. So the ONLY conclusion that a non-idiot could possibly draw from this scenario as it has unfolded is that Donald Trump uprooted the live of nearly 6000 US service members and wasted $200 million dollars of taxpayer money on what was nothing but a political stunt before an election. This is, without question, the most brazen and disgusting abuse of the powers of the Commander in Chief that I have ever seen. There wasn't even any pretense or belief that this was actually a mission that needed to be undertaken for an actual purpose, as has now been laid bare. It was a wholly political deployment of military troops on American soil. It's revolting.
Pelosi's opponents are pinning their hopes on an Underpants Gnomes strategy. Here's what that means.'s a callback to South Park.
Republicans need to decide if protecting Trump is worth the price of destroying their party response: As long as they are afraid of Trump, they will support him.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez backs Pelosi as most progressive candidate running goes the five White Guys plan to vote Pelosi out.
The Obama economic expansion keeps rolling on Trump can't derail this train.
Beyond deplorable: Trump threatens and attacks U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico and on the mainland doesn't want to give Puerto Rico any more federal money for its Hurricane Maria recovery, per @jonathanvswan, because he claims—without evidence, natch—that the island’s government is using federal disaster relief money to pay off debt. This is evil.
Nevada's Cortez Masto makes history again, as first Latina to lead Senate Democrats' campaign arm to Ms. Cortez Masto!
Trump announces he wants a 'great climate' after seeing California devastated by wildfires don't see how he can do that when he doesn't accept the evidence of Climate Change, and he blames the fires on California Forest Management.
Most people jumped in and agreed it was all stupid, but a few—especially one guy--went nuts. He said Trump was trying to protect the real 'merica from the influx of Muslims and Mexicans. In response, I posted the picture above and reminded him that they aren’t coming, but are already here, and oh—they are his leaders now. (And something to the effect of “suck it”.)
Boy, oh boy. ALL CAPS came at me: SOCIALIST this, INVADERS that… on and on. It inspired me to use this photo in a few more GOP safe spaces, and I always get the same reaction of ranting and raving. I don’t think there's any other photo that I’ve posted that had such a visceral reaction. It encapsulates all their fears at once: women in power, minorities in power, the changing face of America, and the obvious fact that their long-term strategy of appealing to bigotry is starting to fail."
Said picture is of Hispanic and Muslim women elected to Congress in the latest election, all smiling and happy.