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The Politics Thread



  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @SorcererV1ct0r: I think you focus far too much on who the "good guys" and the "bad guys" are, and you want to make sure that people place white folks into the correct group (or at least avoid putting them in the wrong group). This is really not the best way to understand either history or the modern world.

    We make a mistake by defining people as victims or oppressors (or in your case, saviors) based on demographics rather than concrete action. It's not accurate to say that the white man freed the slaves in the United States; it's accurate to say Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation and the GOP supported abolition, achieving it after the Civil War. It's no more accurate to say that the white man practiced slavery; it's accurate to say that slaveowners like Jefferson owned the slaves, and Democrats in the Confederacy supported slavery. Yes, both Lincoln and Jefferson were white, but that makes them white men, not "the white man."

    I'm a white man and I neither owned nor freed a single slave. I can't really take credit or blame for the actions of others simply because I share their skin color.

    I have objected to anti-white sentiment in the past, and for the exact same reasons, I have to object to pro-white sentiment--or at least, the notion that we can be categorized as good guys or bad guys. I can agree that our ideal future is color-blind, but praising white folks for ending slavery isn't really color-blind.
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    edited December 2018
    In some ways I'm a little jealous of the Mueller inquiry, it is hard to know how much effort the British security services are actually putting into investigating the links between Farage, Assange etc. Much of the running has been done by investigative journalists- one of whom even has a podcast called Dial M for Mueller: Why Brexit Needs an FBI-style inquiry.

    May's move to delay the vote was actually labeled as 'discourteous' by the Speaker of the Parliament- a rather powerful person to annoy, and another sign of how norms are breaking down. The biggest kerfuffle was caused by an MP who attempted to make off with a Mace+3 that has all the powers of a Rod of Lordly Might, but he was stopped by a servant of Black Rod who has a large sword.

    I need a stronger drink.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    For clarity's sake: the thread rule against bigotry and stereotyping only applies to negative generalizations and claims of superiority over another group. As a participant in the discussion, I disagree with painting white folks as the good guys, but as a moderator, I should make it clear that it's not against the rules to say something nice about a racial group. You're perfectly free to say "black/white/Asian/Arab/Jewish/Indian/etc. people are A-okay in my book."
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited December 2018

    About the intent of race based affirmative action is to provide equality of opportunity, this is very subjective and can't beimplemented without an racial tribunal.

    @SorcererV1ct0r I wouldn't advocate race based affirmative action though. As I said before I think the goal of affirmative action should be to provide equality of opportunity and that can really only be done at the individual level. Arguably you could use race as one of the indicative criteria, but personally I wouldn't do that either as it tends to reinforce stereotypes - the idea of 'race' is only meaningful in terms of how that affects culture anyway.

    The sorts of affirmative action I would support would be things like:
    - giving additional help to people who have been unemployed a long time or displaced from 'traditional' industries like coal mining without easily transferable skills. Help would include retraining, advice on job hunting, CV preparation, interview techniques etc.
    - providing grants to poorer students towards both the direct cost of education and living costs while they are being educated.
    - providing language lessons and cultural information for immigrants lacking that basic knowledge.
    - making digital equipment and training available to poorer and older people.
    In addition to the idea of providing equality of opportunity, you could also characterize the support as helping individuals integrate better into wider society. As this is generally good not just for the individuals, but for society as a whole, this should reduce the potential resentment about providing the support.

    You may think "what's that lot got to do with affirmative action?" The idea that affirmative action is specifically concerned with race has become prominent only relatively recently and I don't think it's helpful. Originally it referred to any disadvantaged group, though I find even that wider definition a bit problematic. It can make superficial sense as it's easier to identify individuals you want to help through their membership of groups, but that comes at the cost of reinforcing differences between groups and gives rise to the sort of 'us' and 'them' mentality often reflected in your posts.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    edited December 2018


    I'm a white man and I neither owned nor freed a single slave. I can't really take credit or blame for the actions of others simply because I share their skin color.

    I have objected to anti-white sentiment in the past, and for the exact same reasons, I have to object to pro-white sentiment--or at least, the notion that we can be categorized as good guys or bad guys. I can agree that our ideal future is color-blind, but praising white folks for ending slavery isn't really color-blind.

    According to Ayn Rand, racial pride is an "dumb" type of pride, people who have racial pride tend to have nothing better to be proud of it, so the guy in question end up projecting an idealized version of his ancestors to try not feel bad.

    About praising white folks, i never praised anyone, only said that using the logic for "white guilty", is possible to defend the opposite. The end of slavery have a lot of historical reasons, without a cultural change, industrial revolution, etc; end slavery will be just one more dream.


    And Grond0, people in need should receive need regardless of his gender, skin color, religion, etc. And more in need, more help the person should receive.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461

    And Grond0, people in need should receive need regardless of his gender, skin color, religion, etc. And more in need, more help the person should receive.

    I don't disagree, but I would note that sounds odd coming from someone who doesn't like socialism :p. The current translation of Marx's famous phrase seems to be "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" though when I was at university it was "from each according to his means ...".
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Trump is spending most of the morning bitching about not getting funding for the wall. I don't know why funding for the wall is even an issue. The only thing Democrats need to do to counter this argument is play one of the hundreds of clips of Trump and his crowds telling us in no uncertain terms that Mexico was going to pay for it. It's AMAZING given how explicit and repetitive a campaign promise this was that it isn't the ONLY fact brought up when the media talks about this. Domestic funding was never supposed to be on the table. Now it is just assumed "Mexico will pay for it" was some kind of metaphor. It wasn't. It was 1000% literal and every goddamn person in those crowds believed it until they decided they didn't anymore.
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  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044

    Trump is spending most of the morning bitching about not getting funding for the wall. I don't know why funding for the wall is even an issue. The only thing Democrats need to do to counter this argument is play one of the hundreds of clips of Trump and his crowds telling us in no uncertain terms that Mexico was going to pay for it.

    I did say, multiple times, that there was never going to be a wall.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850

    Trump is spending most of the morning bitching about not getting funding for the wall. I don't know why funding for the wall is even an issue. The only thing Democrats need to do to counter this argument is play one of the hundreds of clips of Trump and his crowds telling us in no uncertain terms that Mexico was going to pay for it.

    I did say, multiple times, that there was never going to be a wall.
    I never mistook you for a Trump supporter.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    Grond0 said:

    And Grond0, people in need should receive need regardless of his gender, skin color, religion, etc. And more in need, more help the person should receive.

    I don't disagree, but I would note that sounds odd coming from someone who doesn't like socialism :p. The current translation of Marx's famous phrase seems to be "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" though when I was at university it was "from each according to his means ...".
    I just believe that the state is not the most effective way to help those in need. Mainly cuz politicians tends to think too much on short therm gain.. And that if something failed many times and never resolved any problem aka gun control, race based affirmative action, inflating credit, interventionism, etc is better to try find another solution than try do the same thing again...
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    A criminal justice reform bill is going to proceed to a vote! It's a good chance to fix some problems with our excessively punishing criminal justice system and shift funds towards rehabilitating convicts.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited December 2018
    Nancy Pelosi just ran circles around Trump in a televised meeting with her, Schumer and the President. They basically got him to admit on camera that he is to blame for any government shutdown. Trump indicated that if he wanted the votes for a wall in the House, he could get them and Pelosi just flat-out told him "go do it then". THAT is why she's going to be Speaker again.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    Speaking of Justice

    James Fields jury recommends life + 419 years
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  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @semiticgod Whee! We can hope it passes.

    So, new gnus. Let's call the first part: Bad people behaving badly.

    Pastor Who Celebrated Orlando Massacre Gets 35 Years For Child Molestation
    Anti-gay pastor who claimed Orlando massacre victims got “what they deserve” will probably spend the rest of his life in prison.

    2 arrested for plotting terror attacks with undercover agents in Ohio
    TOLEDO, Ohio — On Monday, federal authorities announced the arrests of a man and a woman in connection to plotting two separate attacks in Ohio in concert with undercover agents.
    In a press conference, federal authorities said a man from Holland, Ohio was arrested after planning an attack on a Toledo-area synagogue. In a separate case, agents also arrested a Toledo woman after she purchased black powder and screws that authorities believe were going to be used to make a bomb as part of a terrorist attack.

    Trump Rally Cheers Because Jerusalem Move Will Launch Armageddon
    Some people do just want to watch the world burn... literally!

    Trump quietly shuts down HIV cure research to appease the religious right
    Scientists are speaking out against a directive by the Trump administration that has shut down research into a cure for HIV.
    A scientist who was supposed to supply mice that have been modified with human fetal tissue for an HIV study emailed researchers that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) “has directed me to discontinue procuring fetal tissue.”
    “This effectively stops all of our research to discover a cure for HIV,” he wrote.
    A “pause” on research that uses aborted fetal tissue, something Christian conservatives strongly oppose, was announced by the Trump administration this past September. The move will affect numerous biomedical research programs.
    Congressional Republicans have tried to ban all fetal tissue research for years to appease the religious right. 85 Republican House members wrote a letter to the head of the FDA asking for a ban on fetal tissue research shortly before the “pause” was announced.

    Asked about allegations against Trump, senator says, ‘I don’t care’
    And then there was Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), who spoke with CNN’s Manu Raju yesterday on Capitol Hill.
    Asked if he had any concerns that Trump was implicated, Hatch told CNN: “The Democrats will do anything to hurt this president.” Informed it was alleged by federal prosecutors in New York, Hatch said: “OK, but I don’t care, all I can say is he’s doing a good job as president.” […]
    “I don’t think he was involved in crimes but even then, you know, you can make anything a crime under the current laws if you want to, you can blow it way out of proportion, you can do a lot of things.”

    White House: Trump Supports Businesses Posting ‘No Gays’ Signs
    Bigotry in the name of “religious freedom” – President Trump supports businesses posting anti-gay signs stating they will not serve LGBT customers.
    When asked during yesterday’s White House press briefing, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters the president has no problem with businesses displaying anti-gay signs.

    Hundreds of sex abuse allegations found in fundamental Baptist churches across U.S.
    Joy Evans Ryder was 15 years old when she says her church youth director pinned her to his office floor and raped her.
    “It’s OK. It’s OK,” he told her. “You don’t have to be afraid of anything.”
    He straddled her with his knees, and she looked off into the corner, crying and thinking, “This isn’t how my mom said it was supposed to be.”
    The youth director, Dave Hyles, was the son of the charismatic pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, considered at the time the flagship for thousands of loosely affiliated independent fundamental Baptist churches and universities.

    Jerry Falwell Jr & his wife met a young pool boy on vacation. Then they started ‘helping’ him.
    Six months after the Falwells met Granda, they flew him on a private jet to Virginia to meet Donald Trump when the President visited Liberty University. The religious school was founded by Falwell’s father, televangelist Jerry Falwell, and is currently run by Falwell Jr.
    Michael Cohen, who just pled guilty to multiple crimes and has implicated the President in campaign finance crimes, was instrumental in getting Falwell to endorse Trump. The two men met multiple times during Trump’s campaign. Cohen has not been implicated in any blackmail schemes involving Falwell or Granda to gain the evangelical leader’s support.
    The Falwells’ representative said the two deny any wrongdoing.

    Teacher fired for refusing to use transgender student's pronouns>/h2>
    A Virginia high school teacher who refused to use a transgender student’s new pronouns has been fired for insubordination, according to the school system.
    Witnesses described a “slip-up” when the student was about to run into a wall and Vlaming told others to stop “her.” When discussing the incident with administrators, Vlaming made it clear he would not use male pronouns, a stance that led to his suspension referral for disciplinary action.

    And now, Good things.
    Jury recommends life in prison plus 419 years for Charlottesville car attacker
    He will never see the sky without bars again. My wishes have come true!!

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams Harvard orientation for freshman lawmakers as 'lobbyist project' that hypes tax cuts for corporations
    She's calling them out on their... stuff.

    Constitution rules out immunity for sitting presidents
    Only President Trump seems not to have noticed — or at least refuses to acknowledge — that the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, in his Dec. 7 memo regarding Michael Cohen’s sentencing, has laid the predicate for indicting the president for feloniously “directing” a scheme to defraud the public into voting for him under false pretenses.
    Trump’s lawyers may well have advised him not to worry about that minor matter because the Justice Department policy of not indicting a sitting president will presumably be followed by all Justice Department prosecutors, including both special counsel Robert Mueller and the prosecutors of the Southern District.

    Elizabeth Warren, other key Democratic senators investigate Fox News bonus payments to Trump aide Bill Shine|eveningbrief&fbclid=IwAR0k5AtlJ1wEHKme5DVCX8k0hxFX-6qUg6ZaT-0hKVN1Jb2_F1eAhvzvCuE
    Four Democratic senators are requesting the White House to hand over documents proving Trump communications advisor Bill Shine is not breaking federal ethics laws as he continues to get paid millions in bonuses by Fox.
    CNBC first reported on his continuing payments from Fox last month.

    Sometimes I Wish the Obamas Wouldn’t ‘Go High’
    They were gracious to the Trumps. They had to be.
    Cue Trump yelling that they were 'Just as bad" as he is...

    Ethics watchdog sues FBI over leak to Giuliani
    A government and ethics watchdog group on Monday sued the FBI for allegedly failing to fulfill a records request pertaining to a leak to President Trump’s personal lawyer and longtime backer Rudy Giuliani.
    Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) said in its announcement of the lawsuit that information was leaked to Giuliani in October 2016, during the final weeks of the presidential campaign, giving the former New York mayor a tip that then-FBI Director James Comey was going to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she served as secretary of State.
    Giuliani admitted to receiving a leak on the investigation, saying on Fox News, “Did I hear about it? You’re darn right I heard about it. And I can’t even repeat the language that I heard.”
    Everything Trump touches gets destroyed.

    Congress Is Trying to Use the Spending Bill to Criminalize Boycotts of Israel and Other Countries
    Like China? And Iraq/Iran? Nope, just Israel, it seems. :P

    44 ex-senators pen op-ed calling Senate to defend democracy as Mueller probe concludes
    A bipartisan group of more than 40 ex-senators are calling for the current members of the upper chamber to join together to defend democracy, saying that the U.S. is entering a "dangerous period" as the investigation into Russian election interference nears its conclusion.

    It's Official: The President Is an Idiot and This Tweet Is The 'Smocking' Gun
    President Donald J. Trump is a signed, card-carrying rage tweeter. Normally, when he’s rage tweeting about the Russia investigation, it’s easy to look past his grammar because it’s amusing to see him folding under the pressure of the investigation in real time.
    But early Monday morning, before the president donned his kaftan made from the hides of infant seals and even before he drank his full chalice of goat’s blood, he was up angry-tweeting in a full sweaty rage. Also, because this tweet went out in the morning, presumably he didn’t have time to wake his Russian hooker to see if she could spellcheck it for him, so the president tweeted this:
    “Democrats can’t find a Smocking Gun tying the Trump campaign to Russia after James Comey’s testimony. No Smocking Gun...No Collusion.” @FoxNews That’s because there was NO COLLUSION. So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction, wrongly call it a campaign contribution,...

    Seth Meyers Issues Scathing Warning About Mike Pence: 'As Slippery Of A Liar' As Trump
    On Wednesday’s broadcast of “Late Night,” host Seth Meyers delivered a stinging rebuke of Vice President Mike Pence for lying.
    In a segment centered on special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, the comedian said Pence “doesn’t get as much credit for it” but was in fact “just as slippery of a liar as anyone else” in President Donald Trump’s administration.
    “The only difference is when he lies, he crinkles his brow and uses a solemn tone,” said Meyers. “And when Trump lies, he sweats like a fugitive being chased by a pack of police dogs.”

    The internet war on sex is here
    During the Great Internet Sex War, that began in the United States during its Facebook Era, people were forced to stockpile their porn. Lube was bought by the drum and hidden in bunkers, alongside vibrators and air-gapped computers holding valuable troves of accurate, non judgemental sex information. Gimp suits were stored upright, oiled, and ready for doomsday's call. Explicit gifs became a black market commodity, and there were rumors of a Thunderdome ruled by cam girls. Every sexual identity, except the singular one deemed safe by the corporations, went into hiding. Fear prevented even the mere mention of sexual pleasure on the networks and in communications.
    Don't laugh: your phone may transcribe it incorrectly and include "sexual slang" which this week was made "illegal" on Facebook — along with all forms of sexual speech and expression. ("Free speech, my ass." - Everyone.)
    While we were all distracted by the moist dumpster fire of Tumblr announcing its porn ban, Facebook updated its startling, wide-ranging anti-sex policy that is surely making evangelicals and incels cream their jeans (let's just hope they don't post about that). Facebook's astonishing ban on language pertaining to sexuality, among many other things sex-related, is so sweeping and egregiously censorious that it's impossible to list all its insanity concisely.
    It's called the "Sexual Solicitation" policy. Along with "sexual slang," the world's standard-bearing social media company is policing and banning "sex chat or conversations," "mentioning sexual roles, sexual preference, commonly sexualized areas of the body" and more.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    Nancy Pelosi just ran circles around Trump in a televised meeting with her, Schumer and the President. They basically got him to admit on camera that he is to blame for any government shutdown. Trump indicated that if he wanted the votes for a wall in the House, he could get them and Pelosi just flat-out told him "go do it then". THAT is why she's going to be Speaker again.

    A shut down government means that they can’t impeach him. That’s the real reason.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694

    Trump claims that 'large new sections' of a 'Great Wall' have already been built on the border
    No, they have not.

    Trump's "reality tremor" as Mueller fallout piles up
    One Trump loyalist said after a day of conversation with "hardcore MAGA [Make America Great Again] online influencers": "These are the people most predisposed to believing the 'witch hunt' rhetoric, but they are now expressing real concerns."
    Even these diehards "start looking at the legal stuff and have a hard time dismissing it all," the loyalist said.
    "I think SDNY [the Southern District of New York, where prosecutors said Trump directed Michael Cohen to make hush-money payments to women] has changed people’s perceptions. ... That’s viewed as a greater potential threat to Trump directly than Mueller. 'Collusion' is still met with eye rolls."
    "And even MAGA loyalists are asking why Trump feels the need to go on Twitter with bizarre legal explanations that don’t seem to help."
    AP reported: "For some Republicans, the implication that the president may have directed a campaign finance violation ... could foreshadow a true turning point in the Republican relationship ... when ... Mueller releases his report."

    Roger Stone Declares A 'Coup By Mike Pence Was Averted' By Nick Ayers' Refusal Of Chief Of Staff Job
    I have no doubt Pence wants to be President. If he tried a coup, he wouldn't have to Pardon Trump

    Trump makes history with record-breaking government spending ... on golf carts
    This from the guy who complained about how much Golf Obama played and said he wouldn't play any when he was in the White House.

    Trump worker's attorney says 'false documents were provided by someone in the Trump Organization'
    Par for the course here.

    Jerome Corsi, caught up in Russia probe, sues Mueller and four federal agencies for $350 million
    The big challenge for conspiracy theorists is when their quack scenarios run up against a truth serum known as "the law." Chief birther and swiftboater Jerome Corsi is about to figure that out, but in the meantime he's making the most of his blissful ignorance with a new lawsuit targeting Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the Justice Department, FBI, CIA, and National Security Agency for $350 million.

    Heather Heyer's mother confronts neo-Nazi who killed her daughter at Unite the Right rally

    15-year-old: leaders "behaving like children" on climate change; school strike spreading worldwide
    Per The Guardian, h/t Mother Jones:
    On behalf of all kids worldwide, 15-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg delivered a thundering smackdown to adult leaders at the UN’s 2018 world climate conference (COP24) currently happening in Katowice, Poland.

    Bottom line: Federal prosecutors think the president committed a felony in pursuit of his presidency

    House Democrats may investigate Jared Kushner and his oddly close relationship to Saudi crown prince
    I hope they will.

    The politics of '12 Angry Men' has never really left us and probably never will
    Sydney Lumet’s 12 Angry Men is considered by many to be one of the best films ever made, parodied endlessly as the definitive representation of pop culture depictions of the jury system, and used in many schools to teach principles as they relate to government, the application of law, and principles of American justice. The action of the 1957 film, adapted from a teleplay written by Reginald Rose, occurs in the tension-filled conversations which occur mostly in one room; a jury room where the life of a young boy accused of murdering his father hangs in the balance. Juror #8 (Henry Fonda) stands alone in questioning the boy’s guilt, and slowly, methodically begins swaying the jury with arguments which appeal to reason, compassion, and common sense.

    A Brutal AP Fact Check Exposes Trump's Intellectual Laziness and Hostility Toward the Truth
    If there is anything that we've learned from Donald Trump's first two years in the White House it's that he is utterly uninterested in educating himself about the issues a president is required to know. Even worse, he has a stifling aversion to the truth and will callously lie to advance whatever message he's pushing at the moment.
    The Associated Press took inventory of some of the President's recent public remarks and compared them to reality. The result is a pathetic and troubling expose of a man completely unfit to lead a remedial scout troop, much less the most powerful nation on the planet.

    Whoa! Defense Secretary Jim Mattis lets the world know who's in charge
    Just as the full story is coming out of the plot between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin to steal the 2016 election, Defense Secretary James Mattis has spoken truth on behalf of America about the murderous Russian mobster-president.

    Internal email reveals Border Patrol official had to remind employees that people aren't fish
    Late last year, the lovely folks over at Customs and Border Protection (CBP) apparently had to be reminded that humans are, in fact, not fish. “Whether an illegal alien or alleged (or even convicted) criminal, all are human, and should be treated humanely,” stated an October 2017 email from the former director of the agency’s media division. “We must guard against using language that detracts from that inherent dignity and respect.”
    The email, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOAI) request by watchdog group American Oversight, was sent to employees in response to a CBP tweet boasting about the arrests of four men. The tweet, featuring their mugshots and names, was captioned with the hashtag, “Catch of the Day.”
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited December 2018
    It's going to be amusing to continue to watch Trump try to leverage this immigration debate about the wall in the lame duck and going forward into next year. How in the hell do you sell the public on a government shutdown over 1.) a wall most of them don't want and 2.) the fact that he is asking for American taxpayers to foot the bill for something he explicitly promised they wouldn't have to pay for?? Actually, JK Rowling had the quote of the day on Twitter:

  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957

    It's definitely curious that that's a possibility. If a president and vice president were to fall, the presidency could easily fall to someone from a different party. But I'm not really sure if that's unjust, exactly: the Speaker is also an elected figure, and unless our only loyalties lie with a political party, there's no requirement that the presidency must stay with a specific party. After all, Americans don't vote for parties; they vote for individual people.

    Not in today's 'Murrica. Jesus Christ himself could be on the ballot, and if he had a (D) after his name, he would not be elected in the South.

    For clarity's sake: the thread rule against bigotry and stereotyping only applies to negative generalizations and claims of superiority over another group. As a participant in the discussion, I disagree with painting white folks as the good guys, but as a moderator, I should make it clear that it's not against the rules to say something nice about a racial group. You're perfectly free to say "black/white/Asian/Arab/Jewish/Indian/etc. people are A-okay in my book."

    black/white/Asian/Arab/Jewish/Indian/etc. people are A-okay in my book. :smile:
    To quote Sgt. Hartman:
    There is no racial bigotry here! I do not look down on *******,*****, ****, ********. Here you are all equally worthless!
    Very egalitarian.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    edited December 2018
    Had to Google Mother Teresa and found this by accident:

    Late Mother Teresa's Order Investigated For Child Trafficking In India
    India has ordered its state governments to inspect child care facilities run by the Missionaries of Charity — the Roman Catholic order founded by Mother Teresa — after arrests of a nun and a worker accused of baby trafficking.
    Earlier this month, Indian authorities shut down a shelter home for pregnant, unmarried women run by the order in Ranchi, a city in the eastern state of Jharkhand, after discovering that four infants had been sold, including a 6-month-old boy who changed hands for 50,000 rupees ($730).

    And, added:
    Victorina Morales, the brave undocumented immigrant who stepped forward to reveal that she had been working at Donald Trump’s New Jersey golf club for five years, is standing by her decision to take on the president of the United States at great personal risk. “We need to come out and defend ourselves,” she said. “I had enough with suffering.”

    Rhode Island school district hires bill collectors to hound parents who can't afford kids' lunches
    Way to make the situation better, hmm?

    NRA-connected Russian spy set to plead 'guilty' in mystery deal with federal prosecutors
    NRA now? Wow.

    U.S. threatens to bulldoze National Butterfly Center to build Trump's border wall
    This is wrong.

    The Washington Post had to create a new Pinocchio rating just for Trump
    Trump’s willingness to constantly repeat false claims has posed a unique challenge to fact-checkers. Most politicians quickly drop a Four-Pinocchio claim, either out of a duty to be accurate or concern that spreading false information could be politically damaging.
    Not Trump. The president keeps going long after the facts are clear, in what appears to be a deliberate effort to replace the truth with his own, far more favorable, version of it. He is not merely making gaffes or misstating things, he is purposely injecting false information into the national conversation.
    To accurately reflect this phenomenon, The Washington Post Fact Checker is introducing a new category — the Bottomless Pinocchio. That dubious distinction will be awarded to politicians who repeat a false claim so many times that they are, in effect, engaging in campaigns of disinformation.
    So there you have it. Our pr*sident is officially an award-winning liar. And he’s such a giant in the sport the media have had to create a special category just for him.

    James Comey confirms ordering a 2016 investigation into Rudy Giuliani and Clinton-related FBI leaks
    (back after pharmacy run)

    Individual-1 sure wasn't heard on tape conspiring to pay off illicit affairs
    Well, he says so, anyway.

    What Trump could do by declaring a state of emergency: The Atlantic lays out the worst case scenario
    As John Nichols put it this week in The Nation, the Republican Party is no longer a political “party” per se, but a mere vehicle, a conspiracy for seizing and holding power on behalf of a tiny sliver of the wealthiest among us. If that wasn’t evident from the grotesquely skewed tax cut inflicted on the American population in 2016—the sole “achievement” of the Republicans’ entire tenure in this Congress—then the assaults on Democracy underway in Wisconsin, Michigan and North Carolina prove it beyond any doubt, as gerrymandered Republican legislators working in the dark hours of the night hastily rewrite the powers afforded to their newly-elected Democratic state governors. An insolent autocracy heedless to the interests or well-being of the American people is no longer “creeping” into government from the shadows. Let’s be clear: it is upon us.

    California judge orders porn star to pay Trump legal fees
    He wanted almost 1 million in fees and fines. He got about $400,000

    Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou granted bail, will live in Vancouver under electronic surveillance

    Angry MAGAt Shows Streetlamp Who's Boss, Embarrasses Dog
    MAGAt? LOL.
    Post edited by LadyRhian on
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176

    A criminal justice reform bill is going to proceed to a vote! It's a good chance to fix some problems with our excessively punishing criminal justice system and shift funds towards rehabilitating convicts.

    My suggestion to fix the criminal system

    Revoke all regulations and laws who criminalize crimes without victim. Prostituition, drugs, illegal guns... No victim = no crime.
  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957
    edited December 2018
    LadyRhian said:
    Well, this makes the wall personal. I only live about 20 miles from there. I've never been to it, but I knew about the existence of the National Butterfly Center.

    There's a bajillion butterflies around here in south Texas. I feel bad when I'm driving sometimes, because a few times per year there's practically clouds of them and you have to drive through them. At my university a few days ago for some reason there were hundreds of them gathered at one cluster of bushes in a 10 foot circle, flapping and floating around. It looked surreal like something out of a movie. Unfortunately I'd left my phone at my apartment that day or I definitely would have taken video of it.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited December 2018

    LadyRhian said:
    Well, this makes the wall personal. I only live about 20 miles from there. I've never been to it, but I knew about the existence of the National Butterfly Center.

    There's a bajillion butterflies around here in south Texas. I feel bad when I'm driving sometimes, because a few times per year there's practically clouds of them and you have to drive through them. At my university a few days ago for some reason there were hundreds of them gathered at one cluster of bushes in a 10 foot circle, flapping and floating around. It looked surreal like something out of a movie. Unfortunately I'd left my phone at my apartment that day or I definitely would have taken video of it.

    Trump isn't getting his wall. Not through Mexican pesos or American dollars. And his failure to do either is what eventually will reveal him as the ultimate fraud even to some of his base.
  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957

    LadyRhian said:
    Well, this makes the wall personal. I only live about 20 miles from there. I've never been to it, but I knew about the existence of the National Butterfly Center.

    There's a bajillion butterflies around here in south Texas. I feel bad when I'm driving sometimes, because a few times per year there's practically clouds of them and you have to drive through them. At my university a few days ago for some reason there were hundreds of them gathered at one cluster of bushes in a 10 foot circle, flapping and floating around. It looked surreal like something out of a movie. Unfortunately I'd left my phone at my apartment that day or I definitely would have taken video of it.

    Trump isn't getting his wall. Not through Mexican pesos or American dollars. And his failure to do either is what eventually will reveal him as the ultimate fraud even to some of his base.
    They view it as deep-state/swamp/dem obstruction, not Trump's fault for overpromising. Meanwhile, they have no problem simultaneously lambasting Obama for what, 7 years about his campaign promise to "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor".

    What's good for the goose definitely isn't good for the gander for this bunch.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694

    Donald Trump says he’d step in on Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou’s case if it helped with a trade deal
    Just breaking...

    BREAKING: GOP consultant tells me Trump is “absolutely enraged” by the news coverage of his meeting with Pelosi and Schumer today. Trump apparently blames Pence for not speaking up. He thinks Pence “lost it for him.” And he wishes he never held the meeting, calling it a “set up.”

    And these...

    Daily Kos targeted 24 House Republicans who voted to repeal Obamacare. 21 aren't returning

    Trump's "No Collusion" Delusion is spreading and becoming dangerous - for him.
    Manafort lied about his interactions with GRU asset Konstantin Kilimnick, and Kilimnick’s attempts to obstruct justice by witness tampering, [This is COLLUSION with a Russian intelligence operative]
    On the Cohen side Mueller’s office said that what Cohen told them has been “credible and corroborated” in their investigation of Russia and Trump in four areas, including “details of the Moscow project and efforts to reach out to Russian nationals” which Trump was aware of [That's collusion yet again].

    Individual-1 blows gasket, wants to stop government with a "Trump Shutdown"
    "If we don't get what we want ... I will shut down the government ... I am proud to shutdown the government for border security. ... I will take the mantle ... for shutting down the government."

    Former Trump staffer ordered to pay $25,000 for violating NDA in filing discrimination lawsuit
    Jessica Denson, a staffer who worked on Donald Trump’s presidential election campaign, has been ordered to pay $25,000 to the campaign. Why? Denson (who specifically helped Trump’s Hispanic outreach) filed an anti-discrimination lawsuit against the campaign, as reported by Buzzfeed News.
    How did this start? According to her court filings, Denson worked as a national phone bank administrator as well as the director of Hispanic engagement for the Trump campaign. While her lawsuit does not involve Trump specifically, it involves some serious allegations against campaign officials. In the New York County Supreme Court, she sued the campaign on grounds of cyberbullying, discrimination, and hostility.
    Denson sought $25 million in damages. So how did she end up owing Trump’s campaign $25,000? An iron-clad non-disclosure agreement.

    North Carolina Republicans call for new election in 9th District ... but not because of fraud
    The executive director of the North Carolina Republican Party is calling for a new election in the state’s 9th Congressional District … but he’s not pointing to the absentee ballot fraud carried about by a Republican operative working for Mark Harris, the candidate who holds a narrow lead. No, according to Dallas Woodhouse, the reason for a new election lies in the early vote.
    According to an affidavit from an elections assistant in Bladen County—where the absentee ballot shenanigans happened—the early votes were counted before Election Day, and with people other than precinct judges present.

    Ilhan Omar tells pastor 'you’re gonna have to just deal' with her hijab on the House floor
    Go Ilhan Omar!
    E.W. Jackson, a conservative pastor who claims he is not Islamaphobic, expressed his horror that Democratic legislators are hoping to reverse a ban prohibiting headwear from being worn on the House floor in his radio show. For people who wear headwear for religious reasons, this rule creates an obvious problem. But as The Hill first reported, Jackson expressed his concerns on his radio program and, well, they’re pretty Islamaphobic.
    "The floor of Congress is now going to look like an Islamic republic," Jackson said. "We are a Judeo-Christian country. We are a nation rooted and grounded in Christianity and that's that."
    Her response?
    Well sir, the floor of Congress is going to look like America...
    And you’re gonna have to just deal ?

    Grand jury indicts Border Patrol supervisor on capital murder charge in killings of four Texas women
    Sometimes, you have to wonder about the people they hire...

    U.S.-born citizen sues Florida sheriff's office that held him so that ICE could try to deport him
    Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents have tried to deport hundreds of U.S. citizens over the years, with the federal government agreeing just this past October to settle with one U.S. citizen who had been wrongfully detained for $55,000. Now ICE is at it again, nearly deporting U.S.-born Peter Sean Brown to Jamaica, and with the help of a Key West, Florida sheriff’s office that already has a history of harassing immigrants.

    Senate Democrats demand officials release report on death of Roxsana Hernández while in ICE custodyández-while-in-ICE-custody?detail=emailLL
    We should find out what really happened.

    FBI is finally launching database to track deadly police encounters
    Also good.

    Alabama 9-year-old dies by suicide after racist taunts and bullying, her family says
    Eddwina Harris, the girl's aunt, said much of the bullying stemmed from McKenzie Adams' friendship with a boy at her school.

    Ethics watchdog sues FBI over leak to Giuliani
    A government and ethics watchdog group on Monday sued the FBI for allegedly failing to fulfill a records request pertaining to a leak to President Trump’s personal lawyer and longtime backer Rudy Giuliani.
    Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) said in its announcement of the lawsuit that information was leaked to Giuliani in October 2016, during the final weeks of the presidential campaign, giving the former New York mayor a tip that then-FBI Director James Comey was going to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she served as secretary of State.
    Giuliani admitted to receiving a leak on the investigation, saying on Fox News, “Did I hear about it? You’re darn right I heard about it. And I can’t even repeat the language that I heard.”

    Republican Lawmakers Are Considering Dumping Donald Trump to Save the Party
    Speaking to Nicolle Wallace on MSNBC’s Deadline: White House program, Eli Stokols, who works as a White House reporter for The Los Angeles Times, said that Republican lawmakers have grown increasingly nervous about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation and are considering dumping President Donald Trump for the good of the party.
    The president and his attorney Rudy Giuliani “on some level believe that they can continue to attack the investigators, to try and convince the public that there is something nefarious and something politically motivated about this,” Stokols told Wallace.

    Trump Tower is one of the city's least energy-efficient buildings
    Trump Tower, the office and residential condo tower where the Trump Organization has its headquarters, has an Energy Star score of 44, 30% below the median, according to energy data released by the city. An Energy Star score is based on a formula developed by the federal Environmental Protection Agency to evaluate energy efficiency while taking into account extenuating factors such as property type and how densely a building is occupied. The score is also used to rate consumer products.

    Bishop Blames The Victim, Claims ‘Immodest Dress’ Of Women Causes Sexual Assault
    This makes me so angry I could spit.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    LadyRhian said:

    Donald Trump says he’d step in on Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou’s case if it helped with a trade deal
    Just breaking...
    It's not unheard of for a Western country to intervene politically in a judicial case for the greater good of the country - but, at least pre-Trump, that would be unusual. However, if that case were to have been politically motivated in the first place, then the proposed intervention would of course be exactly what we would expect ...
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited December 2018
    Grond0 said:

    LadyRhian said:

    Donald Trump says he’d step in on Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou’s case if it helped with a trade deal
    Just breaking...
    It's not unheard of for a Western country to intervene politically in a judicial case for the greater good of the country - but, at least pre-Trump, that would be unusual. However, if that case were to have been politically motivated in the first place, then the proposed intervention would of course be exactly what we would expect ...
    That's been his MO - create a unnecessary crisis then offer to fix it in the worst way possible.

    He did it with DACA and a million other things.

    He did it just what yesterday by firing John Kelly when he though Nick Ayers would take the job then he didn't and there is no plan B.

    The guys a bumbling idiot. He's an internet troll masquerading as President propped up by a critically corrupt Republican party.
    LadyRhian said:

    BREAKING: GOP consultant tells me Trump is “absolutely enraged” by the news coverage of his meeting with Pelosi and Schumer today. Trump apparently blames Pence for not speaking up. He thinks Pence “lost it for him.” And he wishes he never held the meeting, calling it a “set up.”

    It was a set up. HE SET IT UP. HE INVITED THE PRESS IT WAS HIS IDEA. They had a meeting scheduled and he outsmarted himself by deciding to invite the press figuring he'd be able to bully Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in front of the cameras. It was his idea. Idiot played himself. Of course he was enraged he's always enraged it's his one gear. That's all he's got folks - enraged.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited December 2018
    It's being reported on the radio that 15% of Tory MPs (a minimum of 48) have written letters saying they no longer have confidence in her leadership. It seems that an election to determine whether she should continue as leader (and prime minister) will be tonight (results due by 22.00 GMT). Edit: story here.

    I think she will win. In the past leaders in a similar situation have tended to resign unless they win by a significant margin, but it's quite likely she will hold on with any win. The reality is that there is no majority in Parliament for any potential solution and I don't see any reason to believe any other leader could do better in negotiating with the EU than her - I'm sure she also believes that, so her logical position would be not to resign unless she's forced to.
    Post edited by Grond0 on
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    edited December 2018
    Ayup. I also thought the guy who said he shouldn't build the wall is correct. It does allow him to inflame his base. If he actually built it, and it didn't help the situation, he's look like a laughingstock. And you know he'd be enraged to looked at as a laughingstock. That's his thing- he wants to look strong. But he's weak. And he wants to look really strong. He hates to be rejected. He hates to be a laughingstock or to have someone laugh at him.

    If someone laughs at him, I'm sure that inside, he feels like Joe Pesci's character on Goodfellas. "Whaddaya mean I'm funny. Funny how? I AMUSE you?"

    Also, on whether the President could pull off a "Step Down, put Pence in Charge, have Pence pardon him" scenario

    Trump Administration Paid Firm Nearly $14 Million To Recruit Just 2 Border Agents
    Eesh! Talk about a waste of money!

    UK PM May's lawmakers trigger confidence vote in her leadership
    She may lose in more ways than one...
    Post edited by LadyRhian on
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