The Democrat line shoukd be simple: both houses of Congress have done their jobs and passed a spending bill. The people's representatives have spoken clearly. The only getting in the way of it are two men: Trump and McConnell. Period.
But by saying Trump and McConnell, McConnell can just point the finger to Trump like he has been doing. The ball isn’t in Trump’s court, it’s in McConnell’s. Focus on him and leave Trump out of it. McConnell will fold faster than... insert your own illegal immigrant doing laundry joke here.
Don’t pick a fight with the person looking to fight, pick a fight with the guy cowering in the corner.
Don't underestimate Mitch McConnell under any circumstances. He is destructive, but he is not dumb. He is quite, quite good at what he is doing. And the only reason McConnell wants to Senate back up and running is so he can keep confirming lower court judges. His only real goal is getting as many members of the Federalist Society on the federal bench as humanly possible in 4 years (2016 to 2020). He hasn't been remotely popular in Kentucky for years, yet he keeps getting reelected anyway. So McConnell doesn't much care about how he is perceived, and I imagine he thinks it's quite likely he is only going to be Majority Leader for another two years anyway. There are only two goals during that time: the aforementioned judges, and protecting Trump from impeachment no matter what is revealed. But we do have to stop pretending there is some sort of large chasm between the rank and file GOP and Trump at this point. We have been hearing about this so-called disconnect for the last 2 years and it has never, ever materialized. The highest the threat level of Republican Senators ever gets is that they will say they are "troubled" or "find that concerning". They are all scared shitless of the base. They can't win anything without them, and Trump completely co-opted them by starting to say the implied parts of their ideology out loud. They see primaries from the right under their bed at night.
Well the religious right would likely not mind Pence as President, so there is that possibility if Trump has a meltdown or indisputable evidence of collusion materializes. Trust me, Evangelicals believe Russia is Gog and will invade Israel to bring on Armageddon. I'm not kidding...
I've heard multiple theories about why no one on, shall we say, that FAR side of the fence has any problem with Russia influencing things in the current situation, and none of them are particularly encouraging. But let's just say if it was the Iranian government that has been behind all of this rather than Russia, Trump would NOT be getting a pass on this from his most loyal supporters. But let's get real. Russia is no longer communist. It's an authoritarian, autocratic petro state. It's run completely by Putin and his billionaire friends. Putin may be former KGB, but he couldn't be further removed from the ideology he was protecting when he was part of that organization. What I'm trying to say in a roundabout way is that Russia doesn't seem scary to alot of hardcore American conservatives because 1.) It's gone from left-wing extremism to right-wing extremism in it's politics 2.) The Russian Orthodox Church is close enough to American Christianity to feel familiar, and the crackdown in recent years on gay rights is welcome, and 3.) Russia is, for all intents and purposes, viewed as a "white" country, and by white I mean "safe". If I were to ask your parents if they thought Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Vladimir Putin was the more dangerous politician, what do you think their answer would be??
We have discussed before that there is a massive strain in American Evangelical Christianity whose support of Israel absolutely hinges on the biblical concept of Armageddon. It really doesn't equate to anything more than the fact that they believe a bunch of Jews need to be in that region of the world as almost chess pieces of prophecy, at which time they will either realize the error of their ways and convert or be destroyed. But to your point about Pence, Pence is bad. He is a true believer in the most fringe religious concepts imaginable. The only reason I don't much care if he takes over for a year or so is because I see absolutely no path for him to become President given his extremist religious views. There is no way he could escape them at the top of the ticket. Though I do wonder how the religious right and Pence can possibly still rally around Trump given the whole "though shall not lie" thing. In Pence's case, he lies FOR Trump constantly. How exactly does that square with his religious views?? But I guess this is why the one thing about the Catholic Church I respected being raised in it was that you weren't just forgiven automatically for every sin you committed like some kind of never-ending get out of jail free card. You were required to confess, atone, and also do good works to achieve salvation. Not that those beliefs can color over the fact that as an organization it has been engaged in a decades long cover-up of what is essentially a world-wide pedophilia ring, but on it's own merits it's a noble concept as far as religions go.
The Democrat line shoukd be simple: both houses of Congress have done their jobs and passed a spending bill. The people's representatives have spoken clearly. The only getting in the way of it are two men: Trump and McConnell. Period.
But by saying Trump and McConnell, McConnell can just point the finger to Trump like he has been doing. The ball isn’t in Trump’s court, it’s in McConnell’s. Focus on him and leave Trump out of it. McConnell will fold faster than... insert your own illegal immigrant doing laundry joke here.
Don’t pick a fight with the person looking to fight, pick a fight with the guy cowering in the corner.
Don't underestimate Mitch McConnell under any circumstances. He is destructive, but he is not dumb. He is quite, quite good at what he is doing. And the only reason McConnell wants to Senate back up and running is so he can keep confirming lower court judges. His only real goal is getting as many members of the Federalist Society on the federal bench as humanly possible in 4 years (2016 to 2020). He hasn't been remotely popular in Kentucky for years, yet he keeps getting reelected anyway. So McConnell doesn't much care about how he is perceived, and I imagine he thinks it's quite likely he is only going to be Majority Leader for another two years anyway. There are only two goals during that time: the aforementioned judges, and protecting Trump from impeachment no matter what is revealed. But we do have to stop pretending there is some sort of large chasm between the rank and file GOP and Trump at this point. We have been hearing about this so-called disconnect for the last 2 years and it has never, ever materialized. The highest the threat level of Republican Senators ever gets is that they will say they are "troubled" or "find that concerning". They are all scared shitless of the base. They can't win anything without them, and Trump completely co-opted them by starting to say the implied parts of their ideology out loud. They see primaries from the right under their bed at night.
Well the religious right would likely not mind Pence as President, so there is that possibility if Trump has a meltdown or indisputable evidence of collusion materializes. Trust me, Evangelicals believe Russia is Gog and will invade Israel to bring on Armageddon. I'm not kidding...
I've heard multiple theories about why no one on, shall we say, that FAR side of the fence has any problem with Russia influencing things in the current situation, and none of them are particularly encouraging. But let's just say if it was the Iranian government that has been behind all of this rather than Russia, Trump would NOT be getting a pass on this from his most loyal supporters. But let's get real. Russia is no longer communist. It's an authoritarian, autocratic petro state. It's run completely by Putin and his billionaire friends. Putin may be former KGB, but he couldn't be further removed from the ideology he was protecting when he was part of that organization. What I'm trying to say in a roundabout way is that Russia doesn't seem scary to alot of hardcore American conservatives because 1.) It's gone from left-wing extremism to right-wing extremism in it's politics 2.) The Russian Orthodox Church is close enough to American Christianity to feel familiar, and the crackdown in recent years on gay rights is welcome, and 3.) Russia is, for all intents and purposes, viewed as a "white" country, and by white I mean "safe". If I were to ask your parents if they thought Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Vladimir Putin was the more dangerous politician, what do you think their answer would be??
We have discussed before that there is a massive strain in American Evangelical Christianity whose support of Israel absolutely hinges on the biblical concept of Armageddon. It really doesn't equate to anything more than the fact that they believe a bunch of Jews need to be in that region of the world as almost chess pieces of prophecy, at which time they will either realize the error of their ways and convert or be destroyed. But to your point about Pence, Pence is bad. He is a true believer in the most fringe religious concepts imaginable. The only reason I don't much care if he takes over for a year or so is because I see absolutely no path for him to become President given his extremist religious views. There is no way he could escape them at the top of the ticket. Though I do wonder how the religious right and Pence can possibly still rally around Trump given the whole "though shall not lie" thing. In Pence's case, he lies FOR Trump constantly. How exactly does that square with his religious views?? But I guess this is why the one thing about the Catholic Church I respected being raised in it was that you weren't just forgiven automatically for every sin you committed like some kind of never-ending get out of jail free card. You were required to confess, atone, and also do good works to achieve salvation. Not that those beliefs can color over the fact that as an organization it has been engaged in a decades long cover-up of what is essentially a world-wide pedophilia ring, but on it's own merits it's a noble concept as far as religions go.
Russia is still seen as Gog/Magog because of geography, not just politics. The other bugbear, China, is just too far away. I had this debate with my dad about China. He was all, the Kings of the East, will invade Israel and I told him, well India might have something to say about that. Russia has a far easier route of invasion. There may be folks on the far right that venerate Russia, but I don't think they're the Evangelicals...
The Democrat line shoukd be simple: both houses of Congress have done their jobs and passed a spending bill. The people's representatives have spoken clearly. The only getting in the way of it are two men: Trump and McConnell. Period.
But by saying Trump and McConnell, McConnell can just point the finger to Trump like he has been doing. The ball isn’t in Trump’s court, it’s in McConnell’s. Focus on him and leave Trump out of it. McConnell will fold faster than... insert your own illegal immigrant doing laundry joke here.
Don’t pick a fight with the person looking to fight, pick a fight with the guy cowering in the corner.
Don't underestimate Mitch McConnell under any circumstances. He is destructive, but he is not dumb. He is quite, quite good at what he is doing. And the only reason McConnell wants to Senate back up and running is so he can keep confirming lower court judges. His only real goal is getting as many members of the Federalist Society on the federal bench as humanly possible in 4 years (2016 to 2020). He hasn't been remotely popular in Kentucky for years, yet he keeps getting reelected anyway. So McConnell doesn't much care about how he is perceived, and I imagine he thinks it's quite likely he is only going to be Majority Leader for another two years anyway. There are only two goals during that time: the aforementioned judges, and protecting Trump from impeachment no matter what is revealed. But we do have to stop pretending there is some sort of large chasm between the rank and file GOP and Trump at this point. We have been hearing about this so-called disconnect for the last 2 years and it has never, ever materialized. The highest the threat level of Republican Senators ever gets is that they will say they are "troubled" or "find that concerning". They are all scared shitless of the base. They can't win anything without them, and Trump completely co-opted them by starting to say the implied parts of their ideology out loud. They see primaries from the right under their bed at night.
I think it might actually be worth the shutdown if this scum gets thrown out of office.
Megachurch Pastor Confesses To Sexually Assaulting Teen Perverse Christianity: After a megachurch pastor confesses to sexually assaulting a teen, the congregation gives him a standing ovation. At Highpoint Church in Memphis, Tennessee, megachurch pastor Andy Savage offered a disturbing confession in front of his megachurch congregation this past Sunday, declaring: As a college student on staff at a church in Texas more than 20 years ago, I regretfully had a sexual incident with a female high school senior in the church. Even more disturbing, his request for forgiveness received a standing ovation from the perverse congregation. The Washington Post reports: As Savage finished his remarks, he was greeted with a 20-second standing ovation from Highpoint’s congregation. Now, that *really* isn't right!
Evangelical group wants gays removed from anti-lynching bill
On who is to blame for the shutdown: 53% Trump/29% Democrats
On the wall: 54% oppose/42% support
On declaring a National Emergency: 66% oppose/31% support
Among independents on who is to blame: 53% Trump/23% Democrats
And a CNN poll has Trump's Approval/Disapproval at 37%/57%
These are HORRIBLE numbers. There is almost no way they can possibly get any worse. The only thing you can argue is that support for the wall has actually gone up about 8-10% over the course of the year, but even taking that into account, it can barely climb over 40%.
This is where the campaign stump speech comes back to bite him in the ass. It's been revealed over the past week that the idea of "the wall" was only ever thrown in because Trump was having trouble staying on message and Roger Stone wanted to give him something to revert to so he could stay on the topic of immigration. Trump liked the reaction from the crowd and just kept ramping up the rhetoric to the point where he completely boxed himself into a corner on it. And then he said he'd shoulder the blame for the shutdown. Again, the numbers can't get much worse for him here. Maybe a couple of percentage points, but he has a floor of about 33% and a ceiling of about 45%. There is no room for him to go any farther in either direction. Frankly, it's astounding how a President can have a 37% approval rating outside of a recession. That takes some serious work.
Thank god Gofundme had the balls to cancel the campaign, however, expect this idiot to spin it that it is a liberal left website denying the wants of the American people and jamming their socialist idiology down their throats. The thing is, people will fall for that too.
Let’s also hope that this con artist also didn’t pull any money out of the account already forcing Gofundme to pay for the refunds.
Thank god Gofundme had the balls to cancel the campaign, however, expect this idiot to spin it that it is a liberal left website denying the wants of the American people and jamming their socialist idiology down their throats. The thing is, people will fall for that too.
Let’s also hope that this con artist also didn’t pull any money out of the account already forcing Gofundme to pay for the refunds.
I don't think they cancelled it. It just failed to get it's target goal of $1 billion so it failed to reach it's goal so they return the money.
Thank god Gofundme had the balls to cancel the campaign, however, expect this idiot to spin it that it is a liberal left website denying the wants of the American people and jamming their socialist idiology down their throats. The thing is, people will fall for that too.
Let’s also hope that this con artist also didn’t pull any money out of the account already forcing Gofundme to pay for the refunds.
I don't think they cancelled it. It just failed to get it's target goal of $1 billion so it failed to reach it's goal so they return the money.
Gofundme doesn’t work that way. You don’t have to hit your goal and you can withdraw funds at anytime for any reason.
It was cancelled because creator changed the goals and removed his guarantee of refunding all the money if the goal wasn’t reached.
He also changed the goal to say something like he will personally build the wall, even though he doesn’t own any land near the border, or has legislative powers to gain access to public lands or even a clue how to begin from working with the Trump administration in getting the funds to the right departments to build the wall and is being shady about refunding and instead may just ship all the money into a nonprofit that he recently set up saying:
"When I created this fundraiser, I said if we did not reach our goal we will refund donors. I am honoring that commitment today. We will promptly refund your donation unless you tell us you approve our new plan for action," Kolfage said.
Which sounds like he is going to send a email stating something like, “if you want the wall to be built click here to have your donation sent to a company willing and able to do it.”
DNA pioneer stripped of honors over 'reprehensible' race comments A Nobel Prize-winning American scientist who co-discovered DNA has been stripped of his honorary titles at the laboratory he once led after repeating racist comments in a documentary. James Watson, who discovered the double-helix structure of DNA alongside Francis Crick in the 1950s based on the work of British chemist Rosalind Franklin, said in a PBS film that genes cause a difference in intelligence between white and black people in IQ tests. The 90-year-old's comments were labeled "reprehensible" by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) on New York's Long Island, where Watson had been the director from 1968 to 1993. The laboratory said it "unequivocally rejects the unsubstantiated and reckless personal opinions Dr. James D. Watson expressed," noting the statements were "reprehensible [and] unsupported by science."
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul is going to Canada for surgery Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, one of the fiercest political critics of socialized medicine, will travel to Canada later this month to get hernia surgery. Paul, an ophthalmologist, said the operation is related to an injury in 2017 when his neighbor, Rene Boucher, attacked him while Paul was mowing his lawn. The incident left Kentucky's junior senator with six broken ribs and a bruised lung. He is scheduled to have the outpatient operation at the privately adminstered Shouldice Hernia Hospital in Thornhill, Ontario during the week of Jan. 21, according to documents from Paul's civil lawsuit against Boucher filed in Warren Circuit Court.
President Trump can't stop U.S. coal plants from retiring
May's Brexit proposal has just been defeated by 432 to 202 - the majority against of 230 is comfortably the largest in the last hundred years - not actually that surprising as in most cases a bill that's so unpopular will not be brought to a vote in the first place.
That's a significantly larger majority against than commentators were expecting. May had said previously she wouldn't resign whatever happened and I suspect she will probably stick to that. Proposals for what happens next are due by next Monday - that's likely to be a series of votes to test the appetite of Parliament for different solutions.
Corbyn has just called for a vote of no confidence in the government, but it's doubtful that will succeed. If it did that could lead to a general election, which Labour would fancy their chances in by splitting the conservative vote between the Tories and anti-EU parties - because of that all the Tories that rebelled against May in this vote will almost certainly support her in a confidence vote.
I think I've made the point before, but there are real oddities about the way voting is being conducted on Brexit. MPs that voted against the proposal come in 3 main groups - those that think the deal is a bad one, those that want to leave without any deal at all and those that want to remain in the EU. The 2nd and 3rd groups have diametrically opposed views, despite voting in the same way here. Presumably both believe they can be successful with the final outcome, so one of them may well be going to be very disappointed .
A complete political catastrophe, as predicted from day one. There appears to be absolutely no way forward given those numbers.
No catastrophe. The EU needs to listen to the people. All of the people. That's what democracy is. A few elites at the top have been making decisions for too long. The left is no better at transparency than the right. If sacrifices need to be made let the people decide. The sacrifices are not going to be made solely by 'the rich' no matter what's being preached. We're being lied to by both sides and it's high time for some honesty...
Hmmm... The government shutdown engineered by Trump and the last act of a Republican House and Mitch McConnell has twice now denied allowing a vote to re-open the government in the Senate. Let's see what Fox News is saying about this record breaking shutdown.
Hmm... It's not on there at all. but hahahahahah Hillary's bengahzi emails are the top story!!!! hahahahahah these people. How can anyone pretend Fox "News" is news?
"Judge orders Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes to answer written Benghazi questions" Hahahahahahahahahahah Not even Hillary herself just an excuse to put Hillary on the front page. "Hillary Clinton’s use of private email server among ‘gravest’ offenses to transparency" according to a judge. I wonder what he would think about Trump meeting Putin 5 times in two years and there are no notes from the meetings. Trump has met alone with Putin with no US interpreter at times. Other times he's ordered the US interpreter to give him the notes which he apparently destroyed. Fox News are you real life????
A complete political catastrophe, as predicted from day one. There appears to be absolutely no way forward given those numbers.
No catastrophe. The EU needs to listen to the people. All of the people. That's what democracy is. A few elites at the top have been making decisions for too long. The left is no better at transparency than the right. If sacrifices need to be made let the people decide. The sacrifices are not going to be made solely by 'the rich' no matter what's being preached. We're being lied to by both sides and it's high time for some honesty...
You might conceivably blame the EU not listening for the original Brexit vote, but the debacle with the exit agreement yesterday is due to the Pro-Brexiteers promising that the UK could keep all the advantages of EU-membership and none of the disadvantages, which was never on the table.
Even with the original Brexit vote, I think it is the job of the national governments to explain to the constitutents why being in the EU is an advantage... and too often the EU has been used as a scapegoat by national governments, especially by the UK.
Even with the original Brexit vote, I think it is the job of the national governments to explain to the constitutents why being in the EU is an advantage... and too often the EU has been used as a scapegoat by national governments, especially by the UK.
I agree with that. Over the last 2 years the EU has clearly and consistently set out its negotiating position - while the UK's position has generally been far less obvious.
The problem is that the country is pretty much split down the middle between those who want to remain and those who want to leave - and both claim that they are upholding democracy: - Leavers point to the fact that the 17m people who voted to leave are the largest number that have ever voted for anything in the UK and say it would be a breach of trust not to implement that vote. - Remainers note that there was no clarity about what leaving the EU meant and it's not realistic to make assumptions about what the vote meant. In those circumstances asking for confirmation of what was intended, now that the implications of leaving are much clearer, is the only way to ensure that we do implement the will of the people.
The prospect of another referendum is still something of a long shot, although the momentum for that is still gathering and I wouldn't rule it out. If another referendum is not to be held I think the only other possibilities are:
1) to leave without any deal with the EU. There's a large majority of MPs opposing that, but it is still a possible outcome because it's the default position unless the law is changed prior to 29th March. It's entirely possible that the group of hard-line Conservatives supporting no deal will make a nuisance of themselves and attempt to abuse Parliamentary procedures to make it difficult to get any laws changed to avoid the default. In fact I think they must be aiming to do this as it's so obvious there is not a majority for a no deal position, but they all voted against May's deal anyway.
2) to agree a compromise deal for a softer Brexit than represented by May's proposal. It would be possible for instance to include continued participation in a Customs Union as the Labour party want. That would potentially allow a deal to get through Parliament through an alliance between the softer Conservatives and the bulk of Labour MPs, but such a result could well split the Conservative party. May will thus need to think hard about whether she's prepared to put country above party in that way. Thus far she is not showing a lot of signs of going down the route of cross party cooperation.
I remain very suspicious of Barr because of his memo, but there was little to complain about in his comments during the hearing. He affirmed the importance of the Mueller probe and claimed that he would not interfere with the process on behalf of anyone.
I don't know how I didn't hear about this until recently, but Trump has been keeping the contents of his meetings with Putin secret even from his own staff. Previously, other presidents always had at least one aide present during these meetings, and always kept the transcripts. It seems Trump confiscated the notes of his interpreter and even told the interpreter not to discuss the details of the meeting with anyone else.
I remain very suspicious of Barr because of his memo, but there was little to complain about in his comments during the hearing. He affirmed the importance of the Mueller probe and claimed that he would not interfere with the process on behalf of anyone.
I don't know how I didn't hear about this until recently, but Trump has been keeping the contents of his meetings with Putin secret even from his own staff. Previously, other presidents always had at least one aide present during these meetings, and always kept the transcripts. It seems Trump confiscated the notes of his interpreter and even told the interpreter not to discuss the details of the meeting with anyone else.
He's had at least one meeting with Putin without any US staff present at all - only a Russian interpreter and Putin. I was going to make a comment along the lines of: "of course that's not suspicious at all", but sarcasm doesn't come across well in writing ...
Why don't progressives like Tulsi Gabbard? We can think of a reason or sixFreshman Democratic congresswoman pushes for back pay for low-wage contract workers after shutdown
Even with the original Brexit vote, I think it is the job of the national governments to explain to the constitutents why being in the EU is an advantage... and too often the EU has been used as a scapegoat by national governments, especially by the UK.
I agree with that. Over the last 2 years the EU has clearly and consistently set out its negotiating position - while the UK's position has generally been far less obvious.
The problem is that the country is pretty much split down the middle between those who want to remain and those who want to leave - and both claim that they are upholding democracy: - Leavers point to the fact that the 17m people who voted to leave are the largest number that have ever voted for anything in the UK and say it would be a breach of trust not to implement that vote. - Remainers note that there was no clarity about what leaving the EU meant and it's not realistic to make assumptions about what the vote meant. In those circumstances asking for confirmation of what was intended, now that the implications of leaving are much clearer, is the only way to ensure that we do implement the will of the people.
The prospect of another referendum is still something of a long shot, although the momentum for that is still gathering and I wouldn't rule it out. If another referendum is not to be held I think the only other possibilities are:
1) to leave without any deal with the EU. There's a large majority of MPs opposing that, but it is still a possible outcome because it's the default position unless the law is changed prior to 29th March. It's entirely possible that the group of hard-line Conservatives supporting no deal will make a nuisance of themselves and attempt to abuse Parliamentary procedures to make it difficult to get any laws changed to avoid the default. In fact I think they must be aiming to do this as it's so obvious there is not a majority for a no deal position, but they all voted against May's deal anyway.
2) to agree a compromise deal for a softer Brexit than represented by May's proposal. It would be possible for instance to include continued participation in a Customs Union as the Labour party want. That would potentially allow a deal to get through Parliament through an alliance between the softer Conservatives and the bulk of Labour MPs, but such a result could well split the Conservative party. May will thus need to think hard about whether she's prepared to put country above party in that way. Thus far she is not showing a lot of signs of going down the route of cross party cooperation.
What exactly did the hardcore Brexit crowd assume was going to happen, that they were just going to steamroll the negotiations with the EU because of the great might of the United Kingdom?? That they would just give in to any and all demands and ONLY Britain would benefit and ONLY the other countries would be the ones making concessions?? Because that's all I see here. A group of people who want all the benefits of something with none of the responsibilities. It's the same bullshit false bravado that Trump employs in his "negotiating" tactics and there is yet to be a single example of it actually working this way.
Even with the original Brexit vote, I think it is the job of the national governments to explain to the constitutents why being in the EU is an advantage... and too often the EU has been used as a scapegoat by national governments, especially by the UK.
I agree with that. Over the last 2 years the EU has clearly and consistently set out its negotiating position - while the UK's position has generally been far less obvious.
The problem is that the country is pretty much split down the middle between those who want to remain and those who want to leave - and both claim that they are upholding democracy: - Leavers point to the fact that the 17m people who voted to leave are the largest number that have ever voted for anything in the UK and say it would be a breach of trust not to implement that vote. - Remainers note that there was no clarity about what leaving the EU meant and it's not realistic to make assumptions about what the vote meant. In those circumstances asking for confirmation of what was intended, now that the implications of leaving are much clearer, is the only way to ensure that we do implement the will of the people.
The prospect of another referendum is still something of a long shot, although the momentum for that is still gathering and I wouldn't rule it out. If another referendum is not to be held I think the only other possibilities are:
1) to leave without any deal with the EU. There's a large majority of MPs opposing that, but it is still a possible outcome because it's the default position unless the law is changed prior to 29th March. It's entirely possible that the group of hard-line Conservatives supporting no deal will make a nuisance of themselves and attempt to abuse Parliamentary procedures to make it difficult to get any laws changed to avoid the default. In fact I think they must be aiming to do this as it's so obvious there is not a majority for a no deal position, but they all voted against May's deal anyway.
2) to agree a compromise deal for a softer Brexit than represented by May's proposal. It would be possible for instance to include continued participation in a Customs Union as the Labour party want. That would potentially allow a deal to get through Parliament through an alliance between the softer Conservatives and the bulk of Labour MPs, but such a result could well split the Conservative party. May will thus need to think hard about whether she's prepared to put country above party in that way. Thus far she is not showing a lot of signs of going down the route of cross party cooperation.
What exactly did the hardcore Brexit crowd assume was going to happen, that they were just going to steamroll the negotiations with the EU because of the great might of the United Kingdom?? That they would just give in to any and all demands and ONLY Britain would benefit and ONLY the other countries would be the ones making concessions?? Because that's all I see here. A group of people who want all the benefits of something with none of the responsibilities. It's the same bullshit false bravado that Trump employs in his "negotiating" tactics and there is yet to be a single example of it actually working this way.
I see it more as a failure to understand how cooperation works. They are looking at it from the perspective of an independent UK and the EU, without taking into account the historical situation, and then asking the question "would the EU be better off economically trading freely with the UK". They assume (rightly I think) that the answer to that is yes and go on to assume (wrongly I think) that means the EU would ultimately agree to free trade and continued cooperation on a whole raft of international issues (medicines, air travel, fishing, security and policing etc etc) if faced by an independent UK. That assumption ignores: - the current position of the UK is as part of the EU and includes all the obligations that go along with that. Emotionally it is unlikely that other countries would be willing to see the UK ditch the obligations while retaining the benefits (even if that makes their own country worse off). Perceived 'fairness' is a major factor in successful negotiations. - if the UK is seen as getting a good deal for leaving then other countries will be tempted to do the same. Ultimately that process would be likely to lead to the dissolution of the EU and probably make all countries worse off. This is a classic illustration of the 'tough love' game theory. The situation is that cooperation makes everyone better off, but it is possible for one person to 'cheat' and gain extra benefits for themselves at the expense of others. The best gaming solution for the others is to punish that behavior by withholding future cooperation, even though that seems to be against their interests. In reality it's not: they are giving up some short-term gains for the longer terms benefits of maintaining the wider cooperation.
I usually don't recommend reading the comments section of news stories, but these are hilarious. My favorite:
Banned??? This is just the kind of responsible activity we need to encourage - utilization of post consumer recycled container coupled with traveling in an electric vehicle, this woman is an environmental hero !!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall that one of the main selling points of Brexit by the Leave campaigns was that it would result in a direct influx of 350 million pounds into the NHS. And literally the DAY after it passed, this was backtracked on national television by Nigel Farage as if it had never been part of the discussion at all, when in fact it was used in advertising campaigns around Britain to the point that it was emblazoned on the side of buses driven around the country. This strikes as almost indistinguishable as Trump saying Mexico was going to pay for the wall, and now claiming to have made no such statement. In both cases, those making the claim at NO POINT actually believed what they were telling people. And in both cases, both countries are now paralyzed by what is essentially fantastical nonsense. One being that Mexico was going to directly pay the United States to build a wall on the southern border, and the other being that Brexit was going to magically free Britain from the grasp of the EU with no detrimental side-effects or concessions.
Since they can't actually deliver on these promises, they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. The most hardcore supporters of each still demand what they were promised, and those opposed have absolutely no inclination to bail them out of their lies. I can't speak for the internal dynamics of the UK Parliament, but what is happening in the US is quite evident. Donald Trump is an absolute slave to right-wing media, because right-wing media is where his political instincts were incubated. He may only be left with 35% of the country supporting him in the end, but by god they will walk into fire for him. The Democrats see giving in as nothing more than negotiating with a man who will hold the entire country hostage because he can't reconcile with the fact he made a promise he can't possibly keep. And that is the rub. Besides the video evidence we have of why Trump should and is shouldering the vast majority of the blame, even if the Democrats wanted to reopen the government, what kind of precedent would it set for the next showdown?? There is no possible way to negotiate with Donald Trump in good faith. He can't possibly be seen as trustworthy on any issue. There is every reason to believe that if they agreed to 5 billion for the wall, he would come out 24 hours later and demand 30 billion. If they agreed to 30 billion, he'd try to squeeze something else from them. Because, like a child who gets ice cream after screaming for 30 minutes straight, he would be instinctively taught that the temper tantrum WORKED, and he'll just keep using it as a tactic until it stops.
I've heard multiple theories about why no one on, shall we say, that FAR side of the fence has any problem with Russia influencing things in the current situation, and none of them are particularly encouraging. But let's just say if it was the Iranian government that has been behind all of this rather than Russia, Trump would NOT be getting a pass on this from his most loyal supporters. But let's get real. Russia is no longer communist. It's an authoritarian, autocratic petro state. It's run completely by Putin and his billionaire friends. Putin may be former KGB, but he couldn't be further removed from the ideology he was protecting when he was part of that organization. What I'm trying to say in a roundabout way is that Russia doesn't seem scary to alot of hardcore American conservatives because 1.) It's gone from left-wing extremism to right-wing extremism in it's politics 2.) The Russian Orthodox Church is close enough to American Christianity to feel familiar, and the crackdown in recent years on gay rights is welcome, and 3.) Russia is, for all intents and purposes, viewed as a "white" country, and by white I mean "safe". If I were to ask your parents if they thought Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Vladimir Putin was the more dangerous politician, what do you think their answer would be??
We have discussed before that there is a massive strain in American Evangelical Christianity whose support of Israel absolutely hinges on the biblical concept of Armageddon. It really doesn't equate to anything more than the fact that they believe a bunch of Jews need to be in that region of the world as almost chess pieces of prophecy, at which time they will either realize the error of their ways and convert or be destroyed. But to your point about Pence, Pence is bad. He is a true believer in the most fringe religious concepts imaginable. The only reason I don't much care if he takes over for a year or so is because I see absolutely no path for him to become President given his extremist religious views. There is no way he could escape them at the top of the ticket. Though I do wonder how the religious right and Pence can possibly still rally around Trump given the whole "though shall not lie" thing. In Pence's case, he lies FOR Trump constantly. How exactly does that square with his religious views?? But I guess this is why the one thing about the Catholic Church I respected being raised in it was that you weren't just forgiven automatically for every sin you committed like some kind of never-ending get out of jail free card. You were required to confess, atone, and also do good works to achieve salvation. Not that those beliefs can color over the fact that as an organization it has been engaged in a decades long cover-up of what is essentially a world-wide pedophilia ring, but on it's own merits it's a noble concept as far as religions go.
Suspected drug smugglers get stuck trying to drive over U.S.-Mexico border fence's behavior before and after Comey firing prompted FBI suspicions of Russian influence national debt rises $2 trillion under Trump senators introduce bill to permanently end government shutdowns Country Stood by Trump, but the Shutdown is pushing them to the breaking point fifth year in a row, US police kill more than one thousand SOLDIERS PLEAD GUILTY TO ATTEMPTING TO SMUGGLE $1 MILLION WORTH OF COCAINE FROM COLOMBIA ABOARD MILITARY PLANE border wall debate, third drug tunnel found in less than a month along Arizona border Pastor Confesses To Sexually Assaulting Teen Christianity: After a megachurch pastor confesses to sexually assaulting a teen, the congregation gives him a standing ovation.
At Highpoint Church in Memphis, Tennessee, megachurch pastor Andy Savage offered a disturbing confession in front of his megachurch congregation this past Sunday, declaring:
As a college student on staff at a church in Texas more than 20 years ago, I regretfully had a sexual incident with a female high school senior in the church.
Even more disturbing, his request for forgiveness received a standing ovation from the perverse congregation. The Washington Post reports:
As Savage finished his remarks, he was greeted with a 20-second standing ovation from Highpoint’s congregation.
Now, that *really* isn't right!
Evangelical group wants gays removed from anti-lynching bill Counsel Chairman Mat Staver opposes including the words "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" in a federal anti-lynching bill.
The U.S. Senate last month unanimously passed a bill that would explicitly make lynching a federal crime. Not everyone, however, is pleased with passage of the Justice for Victims of Lynching Act.
Liberty Counsel, an evangelical nonprofit that opposes gay rights, and its chairman, Mat Staver, are taking issue with the bill’s inclusion of LGBTQ people.
Pastor brags about punching ‘dangerously bright’ kid Christian love requires violence: In a disturbing video clip, a pastor brags about punching a “dangerously bright” kid in the chest for “not taking the Lord serious.”
24 warning signs that your evangelical friend might be about to ‘depart’ for the Episcopal Church gatekeepers have been wringing their hands over the departure of yet another once-saved Christian, now lost to the clutches of the Episcopal Church.
Are your evangelical friends safe from the menace of creeping Episcopalianism? Can you be sure?
Here are 24 warning signs to watch out for.
Trump got his shutdown wish. Why doesn't he look more proud? Maybe because of this? senators are already deserting....
Cosmic disappointment Trump Jr. tweets positive business article—from when Obama was President Senator Tester asks basic, and important, questions about "wall." Associated Press pipes up with a 'both sides' Trump take so dumb it may redefine the genre, Trump asked for money for the wall, but the Democrats refused to give it to him, so they're equally at fault! :P
Trump: Also we need a wall because border crossers have, um, faster cars than we do pays out more than $250,000 to gamblers who said Trump would lie his face off Flag Department, Trump's AG Nominee Couldn't Be Bothered To Meet With Amy Klobuchar, Other Dems admin to moms suing for mental health counseling costs following family separation: nope becomes first Trump official called by Democratic House to answer questions about Russia out, 2020 Senate Republicans—your voters do really hate this shutdown's PR stunt accidentally proves that his wall won't work to McConnell: 'Do you take an oath to the Constitution or an oath to Donald Trump?'!
FBI Agents Complain To Trump That Shutdown Undermines The Bureau -- Maybe That's The Plan? bans conversion therapy on LGBTQ youth while CO swears in America's first openly gay governor's Personal Alamo Has Mulvaney Eyeing The Exits, Jared To Save The Day! Gofundme for the wall will be completely refunded to donors is totally childish and I certainly don't endorse it but ... ha ha ha ha ha ha! sold $35 million in real estate in 2018—over half came from a deal requiring HUD approval people, real consequences: U.S. air traffic controllers sue over mandate to work without pay Tweets: disinformation desperation for Individual-1... the "leaking machines" did it Trump had over 100 contacts with Russian-linked officials and covered up every last one Reports Mnuchin "complained" about Briefing House Leaders for a whole 1 1/2 Hours! Poor Baby. who is to blame for the shutdown: 53% Trump/29% Democrats
On the wall: 54% oppose/42% support
On declaring a National Emergency: 66% oppose/31% support
Among independents on who is to blame: 53% Trump/23% Democrats
And a CNN poll has Trump's Approval/Disapproval at 37%/57%
These are HORRIBLE numbers. There is almost no way they can possibly get any worse. The only thing you can argue is that support for the wall has actually gone up about 8-10% over the course of the year, but even taking that into account, it can barely climb over 40%.
This is where the campaign stump speech comes back to bite him in the ass. It's been revealed over the past week that the idea of "the wall" was only ever thrown in because Trump was having trouble staying on message and Roger Stone wanted to give him something to revert to so he could stay on the topic of immigration. Trump liked the reaction from the crowd and just kept ramping up the rhetoric to the point where he completely boxed himself into a corner on it. And then he said he'd shoulder the blame for the shutdown. Again, the numbers can't get much worse for him here. Maybe a couple of percentage points, but he has a floor of about 33% and a ceiling of about 45%. There is no room for him to go any farther in either direction. Frankly, it's astounding how a President can have a 37% approval rating outside of a recession. That takes some serious work.
USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills THOSE WHO SAY BILLIONAIRE DIDN'T PAY: DISHWASHERS, PAINTERS, WAITERS
Trump just went on a five tweet bender over yesterday’s FBI-Russia bombshell concealed details of meetings with Putin from senior officials: report‘Of Fathers and Sons’ Director Talal Derki Denied U.S. Visa, Missing Awards Season Events — Exclusive Democrats eye reported FBI probe of Trump if the Obstruction Was the Collusion? On the New York Times’s Latest Bombshell of contention Texans along the border don’t want Trump’s wall, and many doubt it will be built
California, Michigan educators call for joint action with LA teachers now, something cute:
Cancel all your holiday plans - there's an inflatable unicorn island's in the Phillipines.
Let’s also hope that this con artist also didn’t pull any money out of the account already forcing Gofundme to pay for the refunds.
Lindsey Graham rips FBI over report Trump was suspected Russian agent: ‘I don’t trust them as far as I can throw them’ TOPIC Citizens Fed up with Mitch McConnell – So They Buy Billboard in Kentucky to Make Their Voices Heard Says 'Substantial Number' of Women Could Lose Free Birth Control Coverage Under New Trump Rule was cancelled because creator changed the goals and removed his guarantee of refunding all the money if the goal wasn’t reached.
He also changed the goal to say something like he will personally build the wall, even though he doesn’t own any land near the border, or has legislative powers to gain access to public lands or even a clue how to begin from working with the Trump administration in getting the funds to the right departments to build the wall and is being shady about refunding and instead may just ship all the money into a nonprofit that he recently set up saying:
"When I created this fundraiser, I said if we did not reach our goal we will refund donors. I am honoring that commitment today. We will promptly refund your donation unless you tell us you approve our new plan for action," Kolfage said.
Which sounds like he is going to send a email stating something like, “if you want the wall to be built click here to have your donation sent to a company willing and able to do it.”
He is now a known con artist thanks to Buzzfeed investigating him:
But don’t feel too bad for the guy. He did harvest a lot of personal information from his guilable donors.
How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns likely has ‘classified’ communication intercepts showing Trump working with Russia: Ex-FBI counterintel chief CIA AGENT ACCUSES TRUMP OF BEING A 'TRAITOR' WHO 'BETRAYED' AMERICA AFTER NEW YORK TIMES REPORT Dodges Question on Whether He Has Worked for Russia Congressman to Trump: "Take Your Border Wall and Shove It Up Your Ass" Frank Centre warns of 'alarming parallels' between Trump's America and Hitler's Germany Rolls Back Train-Braking Rule Meant to Keep Oil Tankers from Exploding Near Communities job, Trump! :P
Is banning trans troops a legal tactic to reverse civil rights? pioneer stripped of honors over 'reprehensible' race comments Nobel Prize-winning American scientist who co-discovered DNA has been stripped of his honorary titles at the laboratory he once led after repeating racist comments in a documentary.
James Watson, who discovered the double-helix structure of DNA alongside Francis Crick in the 1950s based on the work of British chemist Rosalind Franklin, said in a PBS film that genes cause a difference in intelligence between white and black people in IQ tests.
The 90-year-old's comments were labeled "reprehensible" by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) on New York's Long Island, where Watson had been the director from 1968 to 1993.
The laboratory said it "unequivocally rejects the unsubstantiated and reckless personal opinions Dr. James D. Watson expressed," noting the statements were "reprehensible [and] unsupported by science."
‘Superstar’ Megachurch Founder Caught Molesting 4-Year-Old Girl if his supporters applauded.
This filmmaker spent months interviewing neo-Nazis and jihadists. Here’s what she learned. Police Defuse Gas Station Standoff by Having Robot Deliver Vape Pen to Suspect case for a national general strike protesting Trump's heartless shutdown at the El Chapo trial say drugs aren't smuggled through open parts of the border Dakota Commits Shocking Genocide Against Native Americans by Abducting Their Children is not too strong a term for what is now happening in South Dakota. The huge, shocking violation of legal and human rights being carried out by the state is tantamount to genocide against the Native American nations, the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Sioux, residing within its borders. It is the abduction and kidnapping by state officials, under the cover of law, of American Indian children.
This is a gross violation of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) of 1978. Further, these abominable kidnappings are being upheld by the courts of that state.
Muslim youths clean up national parks trashed during government shutdown Trump’s Companies Destroyed Emails in Defiance of Court Orders Pirro Retracts False Claim On Nancy Pelosi Spread In Trump Interview Fox News host claimed Pelosi was "partying" in Puerto Rico last week during the government shutdown, but that turned out to be wrong.
Evangelicals sue for right to deny shelter to homeless transgender people Shah Out As White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Shah has left his role as White House principal deputy press secretary, becoming the latest of several Trump administration officials to depart in recent months.
He will launch and head media affairs firm Ballard Media Group with high-profile lobbyist Brian Ballard, Shah said in a statement Monday. Jamie Rubin, a former assistant secretary of state for public affairs under President Bill Clinton, has also signed on to lead the project.
At U.S.-Mexico border, a tribal nation fights wall that would divide them Sen. Rand Paul is going to Canada for surgery Sen. Rand Paul, one of the fiercest political critics of socialized medicine, will travel to Canada later this month to get hernia surgery.
Paul, an ophthalmologist, said the operation is related to an injury in 2017 when his neighbor, Rene Boucher, attacked him while Paul was mowing his lawn. The incident left Kentucky's junior senator with six broken ribs and a bruised lung.
He is scheduled to have the outpatient operation at the privately adminstered Shouldice Hernia Hospital in Thornhill, Ontario during the week of Jan. 21, according to documents from Paul's civil lawsuit against Boucher filed in Warren Circuit Court.
President Trump can't stop U.S. coal plants from retiring is a promise he CAN'T keep.
Elijah Cummings' new power as House Oversight Committee chairman and Story at the link.
Here are the 7 Republicans who voted against backpay for workers furloughed during the shutdown *only* 7 who voted against it in the House.
That's a significantly larger majority against than commentators were expecting. May had said previously she wouldn't resign whatever happened and I suspect she will probably stick to that. Proposals for what happens next are due by next Monday - that's likely to be a series of votes to test the appetite of Parliament for different solutions.
Corbyn has just called for a vote of no confidence in the government, but it's doubtful that will succeed. If it did that could lead to a general election, which Labour would fancy their chances in by splitting the conservative vote between the Tories and anti-EU parties - because of that all the Tories that rebelled against May in this vote will almost certainly support her in a confidence vote.
I think I've made the point before, but there are real oddities about the way voting is being conducted on Brexit. MPs that voted against the proposal come in 3 main groups - those that think the deal is a bad one, those that want to leave without any deal at all and those that want to remain in the EU. The 2nd and 3rd groups have diametrically opposed views, despite voting in the same way here. Presumably both believe they can be successful with the final outcome, so one of them may well be going to be very disappointed
Hmm... It's not on there at all. but hahahahahah Hillary's bengahzi emails are the top story!!!! hahahahahah these people. How can anyone pretend Fox "News" is news?
"Judge orders Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes to answer written Benghazi questions" Hahahahahahahahahahah Not even Hillary herself just an excuse to put Hillary on the front page. "Hillary Clinton’s use of private email server among ‘gravest’ offenses to transparency" according to a judge. I wonder what he would think about Trump meeting Putin 5 times in two years and there are no notes from the meetings. Trump has met alone with Putin with no US interpreter at times. Other times he's ordered the US interpreter to give him the notes which he apparently destroyed. Fox News are you real life????
Even with the original Brexit vote, I think it is the job of the national governments to explain to the constitutents why being in the EU is an advantage... and too often the EU has been used as a scapegoat by national governments, especially by the UK.
The problem is that the country is pretty much split down the middle between those who want to remain and those who want to leave - and both claim that they are upholding democracy:
- Leavers point to the fact that the 17m people who voted to leave are the largest number that have ever voted for anything in the UK and say it would be a breach of trust not to implement that vote.
- Remainers note that there was no clarity about what leaving the EU meant and it's not realistic to make assumptions about what the vote meant. In those circumstances asking for confirmation of what was intended, now that the implications of leaving are much clearer, is the only way to ensure that we do implement the will of the people.
The prospect of another referendum is still something of a long shot, although the momentum for that is still gathering and I wouldn't rule it out. If another referendum is not to be held I think the only other possibilities are:
1) to leave without any deal with the EU.
There's a large majority of MPs opposing that, but it is still a possible outcome because it's the default position unless the law is changed prior to 29th March. It's entirely possible that the group of hard-line Conservatives supporting no deal will make a nuisance of themselves and attempt to abuse Parliamentary procedures to make it difficult to get any laws changed to avoid the default. In fact I think they must be aiming to do this as it's so obvious there is not a majority for a no deal position, but they all voted against May's deal anyway.
2) to agree a compromise deal for a softer Brexit than represented by May's proposal.
It would be possible for instance to include continued participation in a Customs Union as the Labour party want. That would potentially allow a deal to get through Parliament through an alliance between the softer Conservatives and the bulk of Labour MPs, but such a result could well split the Conservative party. May will thus need to think hard about whether she's prepared to put country above party in that way. Thus far she is not showing a lot of signs of going down the route of cross party cooperation.
Gnus. Very long, so spoilered.
Chechnya anti-gay purge: ’40 gay people detained, two dead’ Steve Cohen Introduces Bills To Get Rid Of Electoral College, Stop Presidents Self-Pardoning Newman, one of last surviving Navajo Code Talkers, dies at 94 pastor posted an anti-LGBTQ church sign so his congregation kicked him to the curb Shelter Defends Choice To Reject Homeless Transgender Woman§ion=politics&utm_medium=facebook&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000050&utm_campaign=hp_fb_pages&fbclid=IwAR2UwcnkR0gGLSxZ0vQxfiueeITN73d-_C4o303FL5lw-w6YgE1xgVgpwFgWoman drinking wine from Pringles can banned from Walmart KILLS 14-YEAR-OLD SON: 'HE WOULD RATHER HAVE A DEAD SON THAN A GAY SON' sick is that?
Thomia Hunter Granted Clemency After Serving Life Sentence For Killing Abusive Ex-Partner Name is Will Wheaton, I live with Chronic Depression and Generalized Anxiety. I am not Ashamed. Gov-Elect Bill Lee Is Selling Special Seats for His Inaugural Worship Service Are 2 Vacant Investor-Owned Homes for Every Homeless Person in America Two White Colorado Women Unearthed The History Of Their Slave-Owning Ancestors, They Turned To Reparations,000 march on first day of Los Angeles teachers strike,000 workers strike at US-Mexico border sweatshops in Matamoros, Mexico
President Trump roasted for serving fast food to Clemson players: 'I thought it was a joke' Pence teaches at school that bans LGBTQ kids and staff: Report Gabbard once touted working for anti-gay group that backed conversion therapy'McJesus' sculpture featured in Israel museum sparks violent protests as hundreds of Christians call for its removal If Mueller Proves Trump Collusion and No One Cares? Homeschoolers Kept Children Shackled To Beds reject buyouts, refuse to surrender property for Trump border wall RED DEAD ONLINE AS A BLACK CHARACTER MEANS ENDURING RACIST GARBAGE, Britons, And The Martial Race Myth, Part I: A Species Built For Racial Terror Giant Airlander 10 Airship to Welcome Commercial Passengers prepares to declare a unitary government, as Republicans cheer him on Thursday, Donald Trump moved closer to declaring a national emergency and seizing the funds to build his wall, despite failure to secure the support of Congress. As he did, Republicans in the Senate made it clear that they would not object to Trump turning the executive into the sole branch of government and conducting a not-quite-bloodless coup.
D.C. Laughing Because WH Water Bill Past Due, Trump Plans To Mis-Appropriate Funds To Build Wall Trump declares a national emergency, Nancy Pelosi can immediately force a vote on rolling it back in epic disarray as government shutdown readies to make history illegally coordinated campaign ads with Republican Senate candidates's promised extended shutdown would create 'economic hellscape,' say experts Hirono: McConnell is using 'lamest excuses I've heard' for not stopping shutdown's government shutdown is costing the economy at least $1.2 billion per week some Republicans urging Trump to declare an emergency, many are freaking out about it trend on social media as Trump and Republicans stuff their bellies with bullsh*t Jr. Tweets Video Depicting Violence To Jim Acosta, But These Diversions Won't Last Much Longer water just got a lot hotter for Alex Jones says he hasn't left White House 'in months,' two days after his televised trip to Texas human costs of the Trump shutdown will affect all of us's call-in to Fox News backfires, and he may have committed a felony in the process Manafort may know it's over--he gave up his law license to force Senate vote whether to continue Russian sanctions, overriding Trump administration, Trump! TSA Slips Up Big Time. Woman Boards Plane With Gun and Ammunition in Atlanta. Clinton: ”Like I said: A puppet.” polling shows America blames Trump for the shutdown—and possible cracks in Trump's base Ocasio-Cortez is the future of the Democratic Party, like it or not head to Puerto Rico to assess the 'shocking' reality while Republicans play political game Rep. Bobby Rush to introduce resolution formally censuring white supremacist Steve King Chant 'Lock Him Up!' As Trump Speaks To Farm Bureau In New Orleans FOX News Can't Avoid How Badly the Trump Shutdown is Going Over with the American People'Birth control IS health care': Judge temporarily blocks Trump birth control rules in 13 states part 1
I don't know how I didn't hear about this until recently, but Trump has been keeping the contents of his meetings with Putin secret even from his own staff. Previously, other presidents always had at least one aide present during these meetings, and always kept the transcripts. It seems Trump confiscated the notes of his interpreter and even told the interpreter not to discuss the details of the meeting with anyone else.
New York Democrats pass sweeping package of bills to protect and expand voting rights city commissioner aims vile smear at Rashida Tlaib. fraud charges dismissed against former Michigan state Senate candidate administration looks to do Kochs' bidding, bankrupt Veterans Affairs by privatizing care don't progressives like Tulsi Gabbard? We can think of a reason or sixFreshman Democratic congresswoman pushes for back pay for low-wage contract workers after shutdown has sat on billions of dollars meant for extreme storm mitigation in PR, USVI, LA, TX, and FL. King trolls Trump, wins the internet Judge Accuses Trump's Secretary of Commerce of Lying To Congress. Source close to Cohen reports his testimony about working for a 'madman' will 'cause chills' Wisconsin Republican lies to children, gets 'Ocasiowned' on Twitter tried to pack Trump administration with handpicked allies—even after being indicted the second time, McConnell blocks vote on bill that would reopen government majority of voters support 70% marginal tax rate proposed by AOC.'The last child has left Tornillo': Texas prison camp for migrant children shuts down!
End Part 2
- the current position of the UK is as part of the EU and includes all the obligations that go along with that. Emotionally it is unlikely that other countries would be willing to see the UK ditch the obligations while retaining the benefits (even if that makes their own country worse off). Perceived 'fairness' is a major factor in successful negotiations.
- if the UK is seen as getting a good deal for leaving then other countries will be tempted to do the same. Ultimately that process would be likely to lead to the dissolution of the EU and probably make all countries worse off. This is a classic illustration of the 'tough love' game theory. The situation is that cooperation makes everyone better off, but it is possible for one person to 'cheat' and gain extra benefits for themselves at the expense of others. The best gaming solution for the others is to punish that behavior by withholding future cooperation, even though that seems to be against their interests. In reality it's not: they are giving up some short-term gains for the longer terms benefits of maintaining the wider cooperation.
Since they can't actually deliver on these promises, they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. The most hardcore supporters of each still demand what they were promised, and those opposed have absolutely no inclination to bail them out of their lies. I can't speak for the internal dynamics of the UK Parliament, but what is happening in the US is quite evident. Donald Trump is an absolute slave to right-wing media, because right-wing media is where his political instincts were incubated. He may only be left with 35% of the country supporting him in the end, but by god they will walk into fire for him. The Democrats see giving in as nothing more than negotiating with a man who will hold the entire country hostage because he can't reconcile with the fact he made a promise he can't possibly keep. And that is the rub. Besides the video evidence we have of why Trump should and is shouldering the vast majority of the blame, even if the Democrats wanted to reopen the government, what kind of precedent would it set for the next showdown?? There is no possible way to negotiate with Donald Trump in good faith. He can't possibly be seen as trustworthy on any issue. There is every reason to believe that if they agreed to 5 billion for the wall, he would come out 24 hours later and demand 30 billion. If they agreed to 30 billion, he'd try to squeeze something else from them. Because, like a child who gets ice cream after screaming for 30 minutes straight, he would be instinctively taught that the temper tantrum WORKED, and he'll just keep using it as a tactic until it stops.