[Forum Game] It can be a...

in Off-Topic
Firstly, Merry Christmas everyone! I've been wanting to start a new forum game, but didn't have enough ideas coming up in my mind... until now! The rules of this game aren't complicated at all. First, one user says three descriptive statements (which may vary in length from a single adjective to a single sentence, not excessively long though). The next user then has to name an object that matches the description. The process then continues.
Basically, this is different from a "Who am I?" game as the object is not anything specific or predefined and only known by the person asking the question, but rather anything that fits in with the description. Anything.
As for an example:
1. Red
2. Old
3. Cheerful
Santa Claus! (or anything else that fits in with the description)
I guess that makes it clear.
So let me start!
1. Faithful
2. Strong
3. Furry
Basically, this is different from a "Who am I?" game as the object is not anything specific or predefined and only known by the person asking the question, but rather anything that fits in with the description. Anything.
As for an example:
1. Red
2. Old
3. Cheerful
Santa Claus! (or anything else that fits in with the description)
I guess that makes it clear.
So let me start!
1. Faithful
2. Strong
3. Furry
@Rik_Kirtaniya, shall we also have the previous poster mention what they were thinking of? That way we could contrast the intended guess with the actual guess.
Next up:
1. Pretty in pink
2. Position of power
3. Sinister underneath
Edit: Oh, and by the way, as you might have guessed, I was thinking of man's faithful friend, the dog!
1. Bubble wrapped
2. Alligator skinned
3. Noisy
Next up:
1. Good-natured
2. Dumb name
3. Eventually corrupted (temporarily)
Mine was Adam Jensen from the Deus Ex series.
One of Many
The definite Article.
1. Green
2. Hefty
3. Brutal
2. Scary
3. Pink
Glowing Eyes
Farm Crops
1. Moustachioed
2. Chef
3. Deceased
The Swedish Chef! Bork Borkborkborkbork....
Tooth Problems
1. Ancient Alien
2. Frosty
3. Canine Calamity
Good creative thinking though, @ThacoBell.
Is the Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic, or the Antarctic?
Very Famous Frontman
Music for Movies
So, just to keep things moving on, here's the next one:
1. Blunt
2. Flexible
3. Useful
Next up:
1. Thousands of years old
2. Pointy
3. Adopted by multiple different cultures
Something like these:
1. Musician
2. Motorcyclist
3. Murderer
(Hint: A Borderlands reference, but you are free to answer anything!)