Member Posts: 2
So I really need some solid answers to help me out here guys. I'm new to BG2 well not brand new I know of the game just not pro. So if I were to build any kind of thief what would be my best bet for backstabbing then getting back to being invisible without being compromised. I've watched youtube videos and I've seen ppl do it but they do everything so fast I can see what their doing. So if anyone has any information that can help me or also give me some good tips on what thief classes to try out that would be amazing. Thanks for the help and support guys.
Post edited by Tresset on
some tips.
1. you have much more chance to hide if the thief is in a dark spot in the moment he activates the ability, after he can move to other places full of light without being spotted until the next check.
in the dungeons not all the places have the same light, choosing where to activate the ability is crucial.
2. being under haste or with some boots that improve speed is really important both to reach the enemy and backstab before the new check comes and to run away after the backstab.
3. every corner or object that can be used to break the line of sight between you and the enemy is your friend. if you backstab an enemy and run away then as you turn the corner you hide the enemy that is following you will stay right near the place where you did hide. so a low level thief can kill a really strong fighter enemy with a lot of hp just using a corner to get multiple backstabs.