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BGII:EE and IWD:EE are back on Google Play



  • wallaceprimewallaceprime Member Posts: 57
    It has been covered in the blog. "We’re almost at the end of that road, and once we’ve verified that everything’s in good shape, we can QA it, and hopefully get it to you within the next few weeks."

    Posthaste means it's as fast as possible. It cannot be faster. We published the blog after we had got a substantial information update to share it with you.

    So is there a plan in place for if/when it doesn't reappear in peoples purchase history.

    I've been emailing back and forth with play customer support who seem to be of the opinion that once an apps gone from play it's disassociated from a customer's account, if it returns to play it would need to be repurchased.

    Now obviously I'm taking that with a pinch of saLt as Google play customer service isnt stunning, but it does continue to worry me.

    Have beamdog had any info from Google or do they have any plans in place for this eventuality
  • jimmytieljimmytiel Member Posts: 19

    So is there a plan in place for if/when it doesn't reappear in peoples purchase history.

    I've been emailing back and forth with play customer support who seem to be of the opinion that once an apps gone from play it's disassociated from a customer's account, if it returns to play it would need to be repurchased.

    that is what Google told me, also

    Have beamdog had any info from Google or do they have any plans in place for this eventuality[/quote]

    clearly, Beamdog plan to remain in denial of that possibility , or to cross their fingers and hope it never happens ....

  • 227227 Member Posts: 1
    Both games reappeared in my library a few hours ago and downloaded without issues. Played a little of both and everything seems to be in order. From the 2.5.morestuff version numbers, it looks like Google might have just reinstated the versions they took down, either intentionally or unintentionally. Whatever the case, it's probably best not to stray too far up that particular gift horse's mouth.

    Just a heads up to check your libraries. Neither game shows up in Play's search yet.
  • wallaceprimewallaceprime Member Posts: 57
    227 wrote: »
    Both games reappeared in my library a few hours ago and downloaded without issues. Played a little of both and everything seems to be in order. From the 2.5.morestuff version numbers, it looks like Google might have just reinstated the versions they took down, either intentionally or unintentionally. Whatever the case, it's probably best not to stray too far up that particular gift horse's mouth.

    Just a heads up to check your libraries. Neither game shows up in Play's search yet.

    Nothing showing for me yet through the play app.

    Good news if its being rolled out tho
  • fetito666fetito666 Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 204
    Yay! It's back! Beamdog forever!
  • wallaceprimewallaceprime Member Posts: 57
    edited July 2019
    I see it now, thats good, It's still showing as version, Is this the updated version with the original problem fixed or has a mistake been made and this one may be yanked?
  • grigoriYgrigoriY Member Posts: 4
    Yup, up again and in the library.
  • wallaceprimewallaceprime Member Posts: 57
    edited July 2019
    jimmytiel wrote: »
    -> FOR the record. today it IS one week later.

    and post-haste is still a meaningless promise

    the six months elapsed of NO GAME fast approaches

    Yes, and yesterday the games returned. So one day mattered.

    BGII:EE -
    IWD:EE -

    And they should have reappeared in the purchase history.

    From day 1, we promised the games would return, and they now return. The 2.6 patch is under QA, so everything will be done according to

    Thanks to everyone for your waiting and trust.

    So can I just check, does the version contain the fix for the issue that got it yanked in the first place, or is that coming in 2.6?

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    That is coming in 2.6, which is very close.
  • ElysianEchoesElysianEchoes Member Posts: 475
    Thanks for sticking with it, BD.
  • wallaceprimewallaceprime Member Posts: 57
    That is coming in 2.6, which is very close.

    Thanks, so what about this version allowed it back on to Googleplay? or am I misunderstanding the situation? Is it still not falling foul of Plays rules on data gathering?
  • CriminogenesisCriminogenesis Member Posts: 11
    @JuliusBorisov Any comment on why Beamdog are removing any negative comments about this issue on the google play apps?

    Future customers have a right to know about this, for when it happens again.
  • jimmytieljimmytiel Member Posts: 19
    @JuliusBorisov Any comment on why Beamdog are removing any negative comments about this issue on the google play apps?

    Future customers have a right to know about this, for when it happens again.

    as it probably will

    yes my purchase is back but only after 4+ months of no service and no support so B have forever lost me as a future customer.
    I wont be needing this forum account either . I have said all I want to say.

    and if any negative comments of mine get deleted from Google play I shall simply add them back, with extra negativity for each time I need to do that

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    We have never removed any comments from Google Play. I don't believe we even have that option.
  • PirriePirrie Member Posts: 26
    We have never removed any comments from Google Play. I don't believe we even have that option.

    There is the option for other users to flag reviews as spam, which any post not relating to the app itself is. Yet again Beamdog get all the blame. I'm guessing it takes a good few reports to have a review removed so that speaks for itself.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    spacejaws wrote: »
    If you buy anything digital you are 100% given away any illusion of actual ownership. Effectively you are renting a license to access the content and that can be revoked anytime. At least Beamdog got them back, are still spending time fixing them and were actually civil to a lot of the comments here because I know I would have struggled.

    This has always been technically true, even when we got disks, CDs, or DVDs. There was just the practical matter of enforcement back then that isn't an issue now.
  • wallaceprimewallaceprime Member Posts: 57
    spacejaws wrote: »
    Ahaha I just checked the Google Play reviews for Baldur's Gate EE and one of the first reviews is from a certain ... Prime. 1 star review complaining about the games being removed. Effing lol. You may aswell go and 1 star every single google play app. The game being removed was completely a google situation and can happen with any digital storefront. Steam, PS4, Xbox, Switch hell even GoG can at anytime remove games from your download library and you have no ownership rights to demand those games or recieve a return.

    It's a product of digital storefronts and if this issue affected you so much you should be combating the global powerhouse google than some small developer. No company I can think of would every consider a large scale refund years after release because essentially that money has already been invested elsewhere and isn't just sitting in a kitty waiting for potential refunds due to storefront changes.

    If you buy anything digital you are 100% given away any illusion of actual ownership. Effectively you are renting a license to access the content and that can be revoked anytime. At least Beamdog got them back, are still spending time fixing them and were actually civil to a lot of the comments here because I know I would have struggled.

    Yes I will one star any company that removes my access to an app I've paid for without a refund.

    That's the only real power you have as a customer in a digital marketplace.

    This specific issue was caused by beamdog not complying with GDPR so they fell foul of Google's new store guidelines.

    They then drip fed information to their customers and gave them incorrect information regarding refunds.

    A well deserved one star
  • wallaceprimewallaceprime Member Posts: 57
    edited July 2019
    DonCzirr wrote: »
    Compared to the conduct of other companies when dealing with the IOS 11 App-ocalypse (Slitherine not supporting BA2, Pike and Shot etc) and GPDR for Android ( See Harebrain Schemes total abandonment of ShadowRun mobile) ... I don't really have an issue with Beamdog.

    Mobile is not such a great profit margin vs Console nonsense so I think that making it more of a headache for them to keep in the mobile market is not productive.

    Stay strong BD - and please keep producing your titles for Mobile as well ....

    For a time it looked less than likely that they were getting the games back on droid, and they had flat out refused to consider refunds.

    It felt a lot like they were stringing us along.

    When HBS didn't return Shadowrun, they refunded me without much issue.

    It's turned out okish in the end.

    We were without a the game for 4 months

    Beamdogs reputation has been tarnished by taking so long to resolve it.

    If companies get a pass when this kind of thing happens, it just leads to worse business practices.

  • shabadooshabadoo Member Posts: 324
    I don't feel as injured as that, but I completely agree that BD could've been more proactive. I really think they either never considered there would be an issue, or believed they would have all the time in the world to fix later. But if you feel ripped off or mistreated, you should always speak up.
  • DonCzirrDonCzirr Member Posts: 165
    shabadoo wrote: »
    I don't feel as injured as that, but I completely agree that BD could've been more proactive. I really think they either never considered there would be an issue, or believed they would have all the time in the world to fix later. But if you feel ripped off or mistreated, you should always speak up.

    That's fair.

    The GPDR thing has been out there for a while and Beamdog should have been more out in front of this issue.

    On the other hand, they are the only remaining producers of mature tactical isometric RPGs with narrative on mobile.

    Without them - all that is left is large breasted giggling anime women trying to sell you Gems (for real life money) in support of their Freemium hack and slash "RPGs".

    So - I am inclined to cut them some slack ... as long as they retain that commitment ....

    Hopefully Julius can comment on that - as I have asked the question in the Ask Beamdog thread.
  • Skree83Skree83 Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2019
    Thanks, Julius. To you and the others.

    I am sorry for all the abuse you had to endure, i just hope that calm customers helped you cope.

    Waiting for your next game or conversion ^^
  • PirriePirrie Member Posts: 26
    DonCzirr wrote: »
    ( See Harebrain Schemes total abandonment of ShadowRun mobile)

    Harebrain have a very small team and are concentrating on the games they are making right now according to one of their staff I spoke with.

    Although they have not said anything about relaunching Shaddowrun in the future, it is not beyond the realms of possibility as most of the work has already been done.
  • DonCzirrDonCzirr Member Posts: 165
    Pirrie wrote: »
    DonCzirr wrote: »
    ( See Harebrain Schemes total abandonment of ShadowRun mobile)

    Harebrain have a very small team and are concentrating on the games they are making right now according to one of their staff I spoke with.

    Although they have not said anything about relaunching Shaddowrun in the future, it is not beyond the realms of possibility as most of the work has already been done.

    Looking at their company photo versus Beamdog, it seems they have as much staff or more.

    I found their answers to be very flippant as they merrily skipped off to play with their giant robots - that there was a PC version (of ShadowRun) still functional so I should play that.

    Well - as I am 99% a mobile player, that did nothing for me and I was still down 4 purchases.

    Beamdog was delayed in their response and got involved with other high priority projects but they never completely dropped their support like HBS.

    HBS will never again see another digital dollar from me.

    As for Beamdog - I am hoping they will remember their mobile customer base as they take on new projects / products.

  • SidewinderSidewinder Member Posts: 1
    Well I must commend beamdog, it took some time but they have returned the games and I will continue to purchase their products. Harebrained Schemes on the other hand are swine. They took the game from the app store and have made no attempt nor showed any interest in returning it.
  • AnomalyAnomaly Member Posts: 62
    Thank you for bringing back the games. I downloaded BG2:EE and IWD:EE in all haste.
  • gtraxgtrax Member Posts: 9
    Sidewinder wrote: »
    Well I must commend beamdog, it took some time but they have returned the games and I will continue to purchase their products. Harebrained Schemes on the other hand are swine. They took the game from the app store and have made no attempt nor showed any interest in returning it.

    Yea but while I was waiting for months for BD to bring the games back, I was happy playing the DRM free versions of Shadowrun I had purchased through humble bundle. And I can still play them. Suck it Google!
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