I'm not sure why you repeatedly make these posts where you inaccurately state my and others' arguments. I don't think they're constructive posts, I think they're provocative. State your opinions and state your case. But don't make it seem like my argument could be boiled down to literally "Hey man you should just have more sympathy!" That is not at all a fair summary of what I just wrote.
Kettle, meet pot
Eh, not really. I've since cleared this up with doctor to my satisfaction, but I think a point bears repeating here generally. If you write a dialogue-style post attempting to summarize the past discussion, where you give your opponent literally *one line*, how is that a fair summary? It's a strawman style argument, and I think it's fair to point that out.
And I think it's fair to point out that you've been consequently guilty of the same kind of misrepresentation-of-argument and provocative posts yourself that you accused others of. You did it again just after the post where you complained about subtledoctor doing it with the insistence that disputes just want "mere copies of the BG series with souped-up graphics".
Don't get so bogged down in bickering, it doesn't solve anything and it's not worth it in the first place. It's just a game. One that isn't even out yet. And that we know almost nothing about.
Don't get so bogged down in bickering, it doesn't solve anything and it's not worth it in the first place. It's just a game. One that isn't even out yet. And that we know almost nothing about.
When i talk about puzzle combat, i mean that you need to use an solution made by the DEV and you can't for eg invent your own solution. On BG2 for eg, two solo arcane casters against the same enemy, both using completely different strategies and both being viable against an very magical resistant enemy.
One by lowering enemy resist and casting Finger of Death and other by using summons as distraction and "slayer shapeshifting"
GOG is certainly nice to have when you're on Windows. Not so much for other systems though... The lack of a Linux compatible version of their launcher is a permanent thorn under my fingernails. For instance, manually updating a 40 GB title such as Pathfinder: Kingmaker is nothing but a chore. Especially so if you have to redownload the entire game because no smaller update patches to the current game version are available. Not a fun experience. >_>
People may think of Steam what they want, but it is undeniable that their work on Steam Play/Proton helped gaming on Linux by leaps and bounds. Very convenient indeed to just click on a download button and be able to enjoy a "Windows only" game on a Linux machine.
I share the anti-DRM attitude, but think of it the other way - if service as big as Steam was to suddenly and unexpectedly go down and never return, we'd probably have bigger issues to worry about than losing access to some games. And if I really wanted to replay some title, I wouldn't mind buying it again if I had to.
A friend and I played around 10-15 hours of DOS1 years ago, before the rerelease. At the time I thought the combat was pretty innovative and fun, though I can see how it could become repetitive after a while. It's actually the rest of the game that we both found a bit stale. I remember that I wasn't too invested in any of the characters, so I didn't care much what happened in the story.
That said, I do want to try DOS1 again, now that the new version is out, and I'm also interested in DOS2. They're both on my backlog along with games like PoE2, Legend of Grimrock 2, Tides of Numenera, IWD2 (yep, I still haven't finished it), and so on and so forth. I recently even added Pathfinder: Kingmaker on there because a lot of people seem to like it. Too many great games, not enough time.
Whether BG3 makes it on there remains to be seen. Even if it's not my dream BG sequel it could still be a good game. But either way, I'll be alright, it's not like I'm in danger of running out of games to play.
Update: I decided to give D:OS another whirl a few days ago and so far I've made it through Act 1—which was a lot longer than I would have expected. Although I still find the characters lacking and I don't much enjoy the combat, so far I think I like it better overall than the last time. I like that there's a lot to do in town.
To me it doesn't bear a lot of resemblance to Baldur's Gate (either one), in fact structurally it seems to be a lot more like Diablo 2. Though D:OS obviously has a different style of combat and the town areas in it are a lot more involved than they are in Diablo, it's undeniable that the act structure, the story, and also the equipment progression are very Diabloesque.
But most of all, I'm getting really annoyed that everyone in the game keeps mispronouncing the word "lich."
I grew up with "Lich" being pronounced as "Lish", probably because no one knew how to pronounce english back then.. (german translation keep that word and I'm in a part of germany where sch and ch tend to be pronounced like the english sh)
Out of curiosity, how do you want that word to be pronounced?
well considering english pronounciation tends to differ rather drastically I would not be surprised if the correct pronounciation would be "bananapie" u_u
Seems like more information (if anything) will be revealed at Gamescom (Wednesday, August 21 - Saturday, August 24) or at Games Con (24 - 26 OCTOBER 2019), or at both of these events.
I agree with this, because I'm reminded of this amusing tale where a new DM kept saying there was a "leak in the fountain" and the confused players kept asking questions like, "How big is the leak? What colour is it? I put my finger in the leak!" XD
Likewise, I also pronounce is as "GOH-lems" and not "GUH-lems", because to me a guh-lem is a wretched little thing that squats in dank caves and says "My precioussss" a lot. :P
Thank you, @Ammar. So while it doesn't cover the exact combat mode used in the game, it somehow shows that chances for including both modes (eg. a switch between RtwP and TB) are slim. Also, it sounds like whatever combat they designed for the game, they won't change its style based on all RtwP vs TB comments.
The camera and combat will most likely be revealed in a gameplay video rather than a small magazine or interview.
That is true, but note that Gamestar is the most important gaming magazine in Germany and has excellent contacts into the gaming business. It is not uncommon for them to at least get some important nuggets before other competitors (including magazines and sites in English). But with something major like the combat system the probability is pretty low.
Yep, back when I still read them they often had good knowledge thanks to their contacts and I think there is a realistic chance that they have better contact/insight into a european developer than many american based journalists.
Then again that can lead to false info, because the tidbits they get are too early and thus can get changed
Ammar, is off topic but i wanna ask. Can you as a German understand the Riograndenser Hunsrückisch German My ex girlfriend spoke that dialect since her childhood.
Anyway, if Illithids will be in the game, i wish that i can use an undead army against then... And other thing that i wish to be in the game psion. I don't know about 5e, but on 3.5e, they exist and play NWN - PRC with one of then was an amazing experience. https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Psion
So given everything that we know so far, most likely it will wind up being turn-based. (And honestly, despite my preference for RTwP, Larian should stick to the design that they know well. I'd rather that BG3 be a fantastic TB game than a clunky-feeling RTwP game.)
Anyway, if Illithids will be in the game, i wish that i can use an undead army against then... And other thing that i wish to be in the game psion. I don't know about 5e, but on 3.5e, they exist and play NWN - PRC with one of then was an amazing experience. https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Psion
Oooh, that's actually something I hadn't considered! Now that you mention it, having playable psionic classes in BG3 would actually be a BIG selling point for me. (I don't know if anybody here remembers the old Darksun DOS games by SSI Interactive, but afaik they were the only D&D games to actually have arcane, divine AND psionic spell systems.) Psionics uses a spell point-based magic system, so coding it in would be much easier than the spell slot system used by arcane/divine magic.
On the other hand, having psionics in the game also means you have to make some rulings regarding the inter-operability of magic and psionics. (The most common sticking point is: "Does Magic Resistance work against Psionics and vice versa?" If the answer is Yes, then isn't Psionics basically just Magic by another name? If No, then that vastly increases the complexity of the game system because now you'll have to provide items that give resistances or protection against Psionics as well, which may be a good thing, but it will also increase bloat and complexity to newbie entry.)
(...)Oooh, that's actually something I hadn't considered! Now that you mention it, having playable psionic classes in BG3 would actually be a BIG selling point for me. (I don't know if anybody here remembers the old Darksun DOS games by SSI Interactive, but afaik they were the only D&D games to actually have arcane, divine AND psionic spell systems.) Psionics uses a spell point-based magic system, so coding it in would be much easier than the spell slot system used by arcane/divine magic.
On the other hand, having psionics in the game also means you have to make some rulings regarding the inter-operability of magic and psionics. (The most common sticking point is: "Does Magic Resistance work against Psionics and vice versa?" If the answer is Yes, then isn't Psionics basically just Magic by another name? If No, then that vastly increases the complexity of the game system because now you'll have to provide items that give resistances or protection against Psionics as well, which may be a good thing, but it will also increase bloat and complexity to newbie entry.)
I honestly don't know much the rules of psion powers, but IMO some Powers will target enemy AC and some SR(not sure), so if you use Bolt to create ectoplasm bolt, it targets enemy AC, if you use energy ball, it targets "power resistance" that is similar to SR ( https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Energy_Ball )
And I think it's fair to point out that you've been consequently guilty of the same kind of misrepresentation-of-argument and provocative posts yourself that you accused others of. You did it again just after the post where you complained about subtledoctor doing it with the insistence that disputes just want "mere copies of the BG series with souped-up graphics".
You are the pot calling the kettle black.
One by lowering enemy resist and casting Finger of Death and other by using summons as distraction and "slayer shapeshifting"
edit : here is all strategies that people found effective against dragons. A lot of then BTW http://www.gamebanshee.com/baldursgateii/strategies/dragons.php
Edit: nm, I'm just going to use GOG since I have an account already. But feel free to respond if you like!
People may think of Steam what they want, but it is undeniable that their work on Steam Play/Proton helped gaming on Linux by leaps and bounds. Very convenient indeed to just click on a download button and be able to enjoy a "Windows only" game on a Linux machine.
Update: I decided to give D:OS another whirl a few days ago and so far I've made it through Act 1—which was a lot longer than I would have expected. Although I still find the characters lacking and I don't much enjoy the combat, so far I think I like it better overall than the last time. I like that there's a lot to do in town.
To me it doesn't bear a lot of resemblance to Baldur's Gate (either one), in fact structurally it seems to be a lot more like Diablo 2. Though D:OS obviously has a different style of combat and the town areas in it are a lot more involved than they are in Diablo, it's undeniable that the act structure, the story, and also the equipment progression are very Diabloesque.
But most of all, I'm getting really annoyed that everyone in the game keeps mispronouncing the word "lich."
I might just actually wind up getting that game if they pronouce "lich" as "lychee". Tasty fruits, those.
You have no such luck, I'm afraid. When these voice actors say it, it sounds more like they're trying to clear their throat.
May be in some languages. Not in English though.
Out of curiosity, how do you want that word to be pronounced?
well considering english pronounciation tends to differ rather drastically I would not be surprised if the correct pronounciation would be "bananapie" u_u
The "correct" (read: mostly used) pronunciation rhymes with "itch."
gog is just more annoying with updates. they tend to come later then steam's or not at all. i use both so shrug.
I agree with this, because I'm reminded of this amusing tale where a new DM kept saying there was a "leak in the fountain" and the confused players kept asking questions like, "How big is the leak? What colour is it? I put my finger in the leak!" XD
Likewise, I also pronounce is as "GOH-lems" and not "GUH-lems", because to me a guh-lem is a wretched little thing that squats in dank caves and says "My precioussss" a lot. :P
Sure, let me summarize.
Note that I could not read the entire article as it requires a subscription.
That is true, but note that Gamestar is the most important gaming magazine in Germany and has excellent contacts into the gaming business. It is not uncommon for them to at least get some important nuggets before other competitors (including magazines and sites in English). But with something major like the combat system the probability is pretty low.
Then again that can lead to false info, because the tidbits they get are too early and thus can get changed
Anyway, if Illithids will be in the game, i wish that i can use an undead army against then... And other thing that i wish to be in the game psion. I don't know about 5e, but on 3.5e, they exist and play NWN - PRC with one of then was an amazing experience.
Oooh, that's actually something I hadn't considered! Now that you mention it, having playable psionic classes in BG3 would actually be a BIG selling point for me. (I don't know if anybody here remembers the old Darksun DOS games by SSI Interactive, but afaik they were the only D&D games to actually have arcane, divine AND psionic spell systems.) Psionics uses a spell point-based magic system, so coding it in would be much easier than the spell slot system used by arcane/divine magic.
On the other hand, having psionics in the game also means you have to make some rulings regarding the inter-operability of magic and psionics. (The most common sticking point is: "Does Magic Resistance work against Psionics and vice versa?" If the answer is Yes, then isn't Psionics basically just Magic by another name? If No, then that vastly increases the complexity of the game system because now you'll have to provide items that give resistances or protection against Psionics as well, which may be a good thing, but it will also increase bloat and complexity to newbie entry.)
I honestly don't know much the rules of psion powers, but IMO some Powers will target enemy AC and some SR(not sure), so if you use Bolt to create ectoplasm bolt, it targets enemy AC, if you use energy ball, it targets "power resistance" that is similar to SR ( https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Energy_Ball )
Here is about power resistance
And for NWN, PRC allows you to play as a Psion