There are all kinds of new cartoons that are more awesome than anything I ever got to watch as a kid. I think I just started Craig of the Creek, Summer Camp Island, OK KO, and Apple and Onion.
@semiticgod I heavily contest 2 of those shows as "good", and a lot of those are debateably "better" than the best shows of my youth. I'll give you Gravity Falls though. Best show to come out in decades.
I actually just realized where I was, I clicked this thread even though I was looking at the title of another and thought... Well that doesn't matter, what matters is I shouldn't be raining on someone else's happiness here.
@ZaramMaldovar: I know Teen Titans Go is controversial. It's silly and stupid, but it's fun, and the over-the-top enthusiasm from Beast Boy and Cyborg can be infectious. It's more enjoyable if you don't expect it to be the same kind of show that the original Teen Titans was, and don't take it seriously--it's a very silly parody of the show.
What other show are you not as fond of, @ThacoBell? Because I know that Teen Titans Go was definitely one of the two you didn't like.
My 5 year old daughter loves that show - she even dictated some fan letters for them, that I had to write. The show has so far garnered more fan mail from her, than Santa Claus.
So the show has its fans - just saying . And I like what my daughter likes.... I get the pop culture references she doesnt get.
I agree with Semiticgod on the Golden age part. The quality and humour of the shows now a day has vastly improved. Just take Apple & Onion - awesome show.
But perhaps this discusssion needs a separate thread, so we dont clog this one with a heated discussion about Cartoons.
@semiticgod While I don't outright think any of the shows you listed (besides go) are bad...
1. Adventure Time is just noise with the occasional amazing episode. Its qality is all over the place.
2. Steven Universe is, meh. It tales way to long to decent, let alone good. Another example of occasionally good with a lot of mediocrity.
3. Star is pretty good. A slow burn for the first season or two, but a solid show.
4. I can't really comment on She-Ra.
A lot of today's shows basically existed in my childhood. They tell a lot of the same stories, just with more exposure and the benefit decades of a more honed craft.
I'd still put shows like The Pirates of Darkwater, Batman: The Animated Series, or Samurai Jack as well above 99% of contemporary shows. They pioneered areas that kids' programming wither wasn't allowed to, or was afraid to go while still showing incredibly amounts of quality.
Now back to the topic:
I am INCREDIBLY giddy that so many shows from my childhood that were cancelled early have had a resurgeance and not only got finales, but ones that were respectful and fully satisfying after 15+ years.
Arnold found his parents, Jack finally beat Aku, and even Zim is coming back. Now if only we can get Sonic the Hedgehog and Pirates of Darkwater the conclusions they deserve.
If we can disagree then I'm doing it...
Gravity falls- a effing amazing show I fell in love with those show from episode one.
Star vs the forces of evil- only really good to season 2... Three and four was a progression of the story getting worse similar to the voltron remake after season 4. It's obvious that the writers wanted to make epic fantasy and a shipping show but didn't commit to either, didn't understand the notion of "show don't tell" and ended up creating a mediocre version of both.
Steven universe...god no just no, I have literally nothing positive to way about this show.
Adventure time: no comment, never watched it.
Uncle Grandpa: I use this show as a example of why cartoons in general need to go extinct.i watched one episode and said never again... And I loved the animaiacs cartoon, the freakazoid cartoon.
Teen Titans GO: I liked it because it was the opposite of the original cartoon. I did like that they didn't just ride the coat of ot or young justice.
I disagree this is not the golden age of cartons, he late 90s early 2000s were. Even among the cartoons I love in this era, gravity falls, young justice... None of them come close to even stepping out of the shadows of Disney's Gargoyle... A show that no one expected to come out of disney's tv animation studios, 90s X-men which rose the bar on what cartoons could be, could do which it had to when it was competing with the 90s Batman cartoon which is to this day still viewed as one of the best cartoons ever made. Story, characters, design, music, atmosphere... I mean I still say gargoyles tops it but I understand how people could love this show more.
That's even mentioning other shows that kills majority of cartons the come oy today, avatar, invader zim, samurai jack, spawn the animated series.
We've definitely passed the golden age of cartoons.
@DragonKing: Good point about Invader Zim and Samurai Jack. Those were also my generation, and they were indeed spectacular and very unique--definitely competitive with the best shows of today.
Steven Universe has a fair amount of filler episodes (some fans appreciate them, but the plot-minded folks like me aren't so fond of them), and Steven doesn't come off as quite as likable early in the series due to being pretty childish. I actually lost interest in the show early on at first because it seemed simple! But Steven grows a LOT over the course of the show, however, and the show gets much more complex as time goes on. Overall, Steven Universe has a similar feel to Undertale. You also gain a much better appreciation for the other characters as you see more depth to them.
Ronaldo never gets likeable, though. He's just as self-absorbed as Pony Head from Star vs. the Forces of Evil.
I can understand a certain lack of enthusiasm for Adventure Time. Some of the episodes aren't quite as strong, and in a series as long as Adventure Time, there's bound to be a lot of variation in content. Chips and Ice Cream made me happy for reasons I didn't even understand, but Sad Face was far more depressing than it sounds. The main plotline is quite strong, however, and once you get to Stakes, there aren't really any filler episodes or side quests to distract from the primary plot.
Steven Universe and Adventure Time are a bit like Gravity Falls; just stretched out a little more.
She-Ra is a Netflix show. If you liked Avatar: The Last Airbender, it's the same kind of show--they're not mirror images (Adora isn't Aang; the Horde isn't the Fire Nation), but they're very much the same flavor of ice cream.
Adventure Time has by far the best finale I've ever seen in any series. It's profoundly satisfying in a way that even the ending of Gravity Falls was not. I get goosebumps just thinking about the ending theme, "Come Along with Me."
I watched 5 seasons of Steven universe... Now let me just explain to you how this is in fact a big undertaking for me.
It's very rare i go past episode 3 of something i don't like. In my early years of college my roommate and i had this thing we'd do where we would sit back, order pizza, and do what we called a watch for a watch. He was big into anime and i was a cartoon guy. so I'd watch one anime he recommended in trade for one cartoon i recommended. We would literally go to episode 3 or four and if we didn't like them we would move one.
Everyone was telling me the Steven universe was so good check it out, but the first two seasons are kinda slow and bizarre due to filler. So i watched the first two seasons and hated it, but people kept telling me it got better. I really had nothing else to watch so i kept watching it. And it didn't get better. In fact i started to hate a lot of characters more and more after i reached season five hiatus point, i was through. Steven universe is nothing like gravity falls, GF had consistency in its character, writing, and story. It had a legitimate interesting mystery that even after it was solved, it made you wonder what was next. Extremely fun and likeable characters, Bill cipher stole the show every second he was on screen! Stan and able had me laughing nonstop.
That she ra remake is pure garbage. What makes it even worse was how it was hyped up while they media trashed the original. I am not and was not a fan of the original masters of the universe franchise. I watched them while constantly reminding myself that this was another era of cartooning and animation. An era that came after the likes of topcat, yogi bear, pink panther and yet all of this are more entertaining than this. So i watched the she ra reboot without rose colored glasses.
Boy was it bad, netflex's "create a decent reboot" budget all went into voltron because this show had consistently stuff animation despite one article i read had the audacity to compare its animation to the literal works of Miyazaki. Insufferable characters, I'll say they are no Steven but they get close. 99.9% of the writing literally just went into catra, and you can tell that she was the only character they cared about.
Now credit where credit is do, i did like shadow weaver's design and I did like Hordak's design. I liked hordak's character, mostly because he didn't freaking talk and they didn't try to over do the toxic masculinity bs like they did with the detective in the Carmen Sandiago remake...seriously did they even play those breaking game because i highly you it! They took two freaking competent detectives and turned them into... Wait... No, back to she ra.
But yeah i understand completely why people were pissed... I would be to if they did to gargoyles or spawn what they did to that she ra remake or lord forbid, thunder cats!
Now i won't say every show this era was bad...
Rick and Morty, while being the big bang theory of this era, i like it.
Over the garden wall, i liked it's idea and enjoyed the surreal world and the growth of the characters.
I've heard good things about dragon prince and the miraculous ladybug, but I haven't checked them out yet.
Netflix's Voltron or at least the first 3-4 seasons were really good.
Archer continues to hold up, I'm really like this discovery season but if they don't start answering questions soon may get a little annoyed, dreamland was still the best season though. They just aren't topping it!
I have no comment on the new ninja turtles, i just don't like how basically every character seems to be stripped of their personality from the first 3 episodes i watched. Every character just sounded like...mikey....
I mean depending on what year i want to count i could keep going.
Yes, i do watch cartoons that much, 99.9% of what i watch are cartoons and animations.
I watched them while constantly reminding myself that this was another era of cartooning and animation. An era that came after the likes of topcat, yogi bear, pink panther and yet all of this are more entertaining than this.
Right now my kids just want to watch Blaze and the Monster Machines, Masha and the Bear, Sunny Bunnies, Oddbods and Paw Patrol. At least some of those are fun to watch with them
Just wanted to say that my faith in western entertaiment industry as a whole is very low, for various reasons, I might add, especially when it comes to videogames and animation.
There used to be cartoons I watched, especially since when I was a kid I loved everything that was animated uncritically. As an adult, I see that some of those had more worth than others. And nowadays, I think too much western animations looks very similar and simplistic. Not only that, I got an impression that the writing can be very hit or miss..
Well, it's not like anime has no problems. It has plenty. But at least for the time being I can be pretty much assured the priority there is entertaiment.
Hey I've just noticed that it's not true that I've never watched cartoons as an adult (not counting the stuff that I watch/ed with my kids).
I liked to watch Futurama, Pinky and the Brain and Dexter's Laboratory when I was in college.
With my kids I had to watch Shaun the Sheep, Masha and the Bear, Super Wings, Paw Patrol, Doc McStuffins, Care Bears, Phineas and Ferb, Wallace and Gromit...
That was okay. But now they're all Pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon...
Those ones are top shelf. This ones does not hold a candle on those but...
Castlevania was a very short series but I liked the theme, the characters and the animation, above all. I am a hard fan of the old games so maybe I am a little biased.
I found Dragon Prince very funny, with strong, likeable characters, an interesting world and a decent plot, but a little slow-paced, which is not bad if you do not fear it will be cancelled and you will have to read the ending via very bad fanfiction... because netflix.
Maybe it is an unpopular opinion but some time ago I discovered the Roster Teeth series, and some of them are not bad.
I like Gen Lock. I am not really a fan of robot battles. The story and the characters are not what you call novel or groundbreaking but the script, the animation and the actor´s work somehow make it work nicely. I found myself caring about the character´s fate and the course of the story over time and the last chapters really hook me up.
The veteran series Rwby and Transformers are not bad, a little irregular but with good episodes to watch. To be honest, I find the animation of RWBY pretty ghastly, but some of the plots, characters and some fine episodes make it worth to watch the series.
The more i think about it, with any luck we might get a cartoon Renaissance but a few things will need to happen first.
1. Kill the reboot culture...just like with movies, people are tired of seeing reboots of old cartoons, especially when more then half of them aren't all that good and we live in a culture where media and creators have no problem attacking the fans of the original franchises for not liking the reboot.
2. Stop tossing social politics into everything... People even adult use cartoons as a form of escapism even from politics.
3. Break the trend that adult cartoon. 99.9% of the time follow. This is a big one for me, majority of adult cartoons tend to follow the same formula of "the family" or "the family man" as well as always being comedies. The obvious poster boy for this is the simpsons. Thia is why j loved archer and the dating guy so much. They broke part of the formula, one focusing on the work environment and the other the dating scene but they all still are comedy centric.
This is also why Spawn the animated series is one of my all time favs, was less focused on the family and not a comedy show with the main lead being a idiot that everyone laughs at.
I have a lot of issues with anime, but one thing i respect about the genre as a whole, its willing to explore many other venues then just sticking to its most popular subcategory and willing to try to reach for other age groups. Well a lot more than cartoons in the West anyways.
4.The populace, while we've seen a change in the mentality of some people towards animation, a large portion of that change has been 3-D animation. There still needs to be cultural shift on how society view animation because a lot of people still see it as a babysitter for their child.
I've been watching The Brak Show again, recently. I just can't get enough of Dad's fanciful wisdom. My friend who'd watched the show for years never understood that Dad was supposed to be Ricky Ricardo from I love Lucy and the Mom was modeled after Joan Cleaver.
I swear, that show was just an excuse for Andy Merril to sing in a stupid voice.
To this day, my text notification is Duckman saying "What the Hell are you staring at!?" Best thing Jason Alexander did, ever.
Does anybody else remember the web 1.0 web sires Dr. Tran? As an actual Asian male, I found the series hilarious. Be warned, that cartoon is totally NSFW.
What's hilarious is at my work, I've just been rotating through different pictures of Dr. Tran for my slack avatar over the last few years.
So one of the random ass things I realized, was that The Deadly Bulb (Pig Leg) from the original The Tick cartoon is also Calculon from Futurama. I was watching The Tick last year for like the millionth time, and came to that realization, because of the way they both screamed "Noooooo!"
It's not just Steven Universe.
It's not just Teen Titans Go.
It's not just Gravity Falls.
It's not just Star vs. the Forces of Evil.
It's not just She-Ra and the Princesses of Power.
There are all kinds of new cartoons that are more awesome than anything I ever got to watch as a kid. I think I just started Craig of the Creek, Summer Camp Island, OK KO, and Apple and Onion.
@ZaramMaldovar, we're in the middle of a golden age!
I don't 100% agree with you on all those shows, but there are certainly lots of good shows out there right now.
I prefer shows from when I was growing up to shows that air now though.
What other show are you not as fond of, @ThacoBell? Because I know that Teen Titans Go was definitely one of the two you didn't like.
My 5 year old daughter loves that show - she even dictated some fan letters for them, that I had to write. The show has so far garnered more fan mail from her, than Santa Claus.
So the show has its fans - just saying
I agree with Semiticgod on the Golden age part. The quality and humour of the shows now a day has vastly improved. Just take Apple & Onion - awesome show.
But perhaps this discusssion needs a separate thread, so we dont clog this one with a heated discussion about Cartoons.
1. Adventure Time is just noise with the occasional amazing episode. Its qality is all over the place.
2. Steven Universe is, meh. It tales way to long to decent, let alone good. Another example of occasionally good with a lot of mediocrity.
3. Star is pretty good. A slow burn for the first season or two, but a solid show.
4. I can't really comment on She-Ra.
A lot of today's shows basically existed in my childhood. They tell a lot of the same stories, just with more exposure and the benefit decades of a more honed craft.
I'd still put shows like The Pirates of Darkwater, Batman: The Animated Series, or Samurai Jack as well above 99% of contemporary shows. They pioneered areas that kids' programming wither wasn't allowed to, or was afraid to go while still showing incredibly amounts of quality.
Now back to the topic:
I am INCREDIBLY giddy that so many shows from my childhood that were cancelled early have had a resurgeance and not only got finales, but ones that were respectful and fully satisfying after 15+ years.
Arnold found his parents, Jack finally beat Aku, and even Zim is coming back. Now if only we can get Sonic the Hedgehog and Pirates of Darkwater the conclusions they deserve.
If we can disagree then I'm doing it...
Gravity falls- a effing amazing show I fell in love with those show from episode one.
Star vs the forces of evil- only really good to season 2... Three and four was a progression of the story getting worse similar to the voltron remake after season 4. It's obvious that the writers wanted to make epic fantasy and a shipping show but didn't commit to either, didn't understand the notion of "show don't tell" and ended up creating a mediocre version of both.
Steven universe...god no just no, I have literally nothing positive to way about this show.
Adventure time: no comment, never watched it.
Uncle Grandpa: I use this show as a example of why cartoons in general need to go extinct.i watched one episode and said never again... And I loved the animaiacs cartoon, the freakazoid cartoon.
Teen Titans GO: I liked it because it was the opposite of the original cartoon. I did like that they didn't just ride the coat of ot or young justice.
I disagree this is not the golden age of cartons, he late 90s early 2000s were. Even among the cartoons I love in this era, gravity falls, young justice... None of them come close to even stepping out of the shadows of Disney's Gargoyle... A show that no one expected to come out of disney's tv animation studios, 90s X-men which rose the bar on what cartoons could be, could do which it had to when it was competing with the 90s Batman cartoon which is to this day still viewed as one of the best cartoons ever made. Story, characters, design, music, atmosphere... I mean I still say gargoyles tops it but I understand how people could love this show more.
That's even mentioning other shows that kills majority of cartons the come oy today, avatar, invader zim, samurai jack, spawn the animated series.
We've definitely passed the golden age of cartoons.
Yes, some bias here may apply.
Steven Universe has a fair amount of filler episodes (some fans appreciate them, but the plot-minded folks like me aren't so fond of them), and Steven doesn't come off as quite as likable early in the series due to being pretty childish. I actually lost interest in the show early on at first because it seemed simple! But Steven grows a LOT over the course of the show, however, and the show gets much more complex as time goes on. Overall, Steven Universe has a similar feel to Undertale. You also gain a much better appreciation for the other characters as you see more depth to them.
Ronaldo never gets likeable, though. He's just as self-absorbed as Pony Head from Star vs. the Forces of Evil.
I can understand a certain lack of enthusiasm for Adventure Time. Some of the episodes aren't quite as strong, and in a series as long as Adventure Time, there's bound to be a lot of variation in content. Chips and Ice Cream made me happy for reasons I didn't even understand, but Sad Face was far more depressing than it sounds. The main plotline is quite strong, however, and once you get to Stakes, there aren't really any filler episodes or side quests to distract from the primary plot.
Steven Universe and Adventure Time are a bit like Gravity Falls; just stretched out a little more.
She-Ra is a Netflix show. If you liked Avatar: The Last Airbender, it's the same kind of show--they're not mirror images (Adora isn't Aang; the Horde isn't the Fire Nation), but they're very much the same flavor of ice cream.
Adventure Time has by far the best finale I've ever seen in any series. It's profoundly satisfying in a way that even the ending of Gravity Falls was not. I get goosebumps just thinking about the ending theme, "Come Along with Me."
I watched 5 seasons of Steven universe... Now let me just explain to you how this is in fact a big undertaking for me.
It's very rare i go past episode 3 of something i don't like. In my early years of college my roommate and i had this thing we'd do where we would sit back, order pizza, and do what we called a watch for a watch. He was big into anime and i was a cartoon guy. so I'd watch one anime he recommended in trade for one cartoon i recommended. We would literally go to episode 3 or four and if we didn't like them we would move one.
Everyone was telling me the Steven universe was so good check it out, but the first two seasons are kinda slow and bizarre due to filler. So i watched the first two seasons and hated it, but people kept telling me it got better. I really had nothing else to watch so i kept watching it. And it didn't get better. In fact i started to hate a lot of characters more and more after i reached season five hiatus point, i was through. Steven universe is nothing like gravity falls, GF had consistency in its character, writing, and story. It had a legitimate interesting mystery that even after it was solved, it made you wonder what was next. Extremely fun and likeable characters, Bill cipher stole the show every second he was on screen! Stan and able had me laughing nonstop.
That she ra remake is pure garbage. What makes it even worse was how it was hyped up while they media trashed the original. I am not and was not a fan of the original masters of the universe franchise. I watched them while constantly reminding myself that this was another era of cartooning and animation. An era that came after the likes of topcat, yogi bear, pink panther and yet all of this are more entertaining than this. So i watched the she ra reboot without rose colored glasses.
Boy was it bad, netflex's "create a decent reboot" budget all went into voltron because this show had consistently stuff animation despite one article i read had the audacity to compare its animation to the literal works of Miyazaki. Insufferable characters, I'll say they are no Steven but they get close. 99.9% of the writing literally just went into catra, and you can tell that she was the only character they cared about.
Now credit where credit is do, i did like shadow weaver's design and I did like Hordak's design. I liked hordak's character, mostly because he didn't freaking talk and they didn't try to over do the toxic masculinity bs like they did with the detective in the Carmen Sandiago remake...seriously did they even play those breaking game because i highly you it! They took two freaking competent detectives and turned them into... Wait... No, back to she ra.
But yeah i understand completely why people were pissed... I would be to if they did to gargoyles or spawn what they did to that she ra remake or lord forbid, thunder cats!
Now i won't say every show this era was bad...
Rick and Morty, while being the big bang theory of this era, i like it.
Over the garden wall, i liked it's idea and enjoyed the surreal world and the growth of the characters.
I've heard good things about dragon prince and the miraculous ladybug, but I haven't checked them out yet.
Netflix's Voltron or at least the first 3-4 seasons were really good.
Archer continues to hold up, I'm really like this discovery season but if they don't start answering questions soon may get a little annoyed, dreamland was still the best season though. They just aren't topping it!
I have no comment on the new ninja turtles, i just don't like how basically every character seems to be stripped of their personality from the first 3 episodes i watched. Every character just sounded like...mikey....
I mean depending on what year i want to count i could keep going.
Yes, i do watch cartoons that much, 99.9% of what i watch are cartoons and animations.
In retrospect, I can see why Steven Universe might not be your thing. It's probably better suited for sappy people. Worse than Hannah Barbara cartoons? Brutal!
Yeah, Shadow Weaver looked awesome.
*timidly lifts a hand* that would be me
Not to worry. It can be taken care off....
Since I am not a doctor, I here by perscribe you 20 hours of cartoon watching with your son.
But they want to watch Pokemon all the time ?
But doctors are the worst patients, they never listen to doctors' orders
Just wanted to say that my faith in western entertaiment industry as a whole is very low, for various reasons, I might add, especially when it comes to videogames and animation.
There used to be cartoons I watched, especially since when I was a kid I loved everything that was animated uncritically. As an adult, I see that some of those had more worth than others. And nowadays, I think too much western animations looks very similar and simplistic. Not only that, I got an impression that the writing can be very hit or miss..
Well, it's not like anime has no problems. It has plenty. But at least for the time being I can be pretty much assured the priority there is entertaiment.
I liked to watch Futurama, Pinky and the Brain and Dexter's Laboratory when I was in college.
With my kids I had to watch Shaun the Sheep, Masha and the Bear, Super Wings, Paw Patrol, Doc McStuffins, Care Bears, Phineas and Ferb, Wallace and Gromit...
That was okay. But now they're all Pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon...
Plus, Mayor Humdinger is a total jerkbag.
Castlevania was a very short series but I liked the theme, the characters and the animation, above all. I am a hard fan of the old games so maybe I am a little biased.
I found Dragon Prince very funny, with strong, likeable characters, an interesting world and a decent plot, but a little slow-paced, which is not bad if you do not fear it will be cancelled and you will have to read the ending via very bad fanfiction... because netflix.
Maybe it is an unpopular opinion but some time ago I discovered the Roster Teeth series, and some of them are not bad.
I like Gen Lock. I am not really a fan of robot battles. The story and the characters are not what you call novel or groundbreaking but the script, the animation and the actor´s work somehow make it work nicely. I found myself caring about the character´s fate and the course of the story over time and the last chapters really hook me up.
The veteran series Rwby and Transformers are not bad, a little irregular but with good episodes to watch. To be honest, I find the animation of RWBY pretty ghastly, but some of the plots, characters and some fine episodes make it worth to watch the series.
1. Kill the reboot culture...just like with movies, people are tired of seeing reboots of old cartoons, especially when more then half of them aren't all that good and we live in a culture where media and creators have no problem attacking the fans of the original franchises for not liking the reboot.
2. Stop tossing social politics into everything... People even adult use cartoons as a form of escapism even from politics.
3. Break the trend that adult cartoon. 99.9% of the time follow. This is a big one for me, majority of adult cartoons tend to follow the same formula of "the family" or "the family man" as well as always being comedies. The obvious poster boy for this is the simpsons. Thia is why j loved archer and the dating guy so much. They broke part of the formula, one focusing on the work environment and the other the dating scene but they all still are comedy centric.
This is also why Spawn the animated series is one of my all time favs, was less focused on the family and not a comedy show with the main lead being a idiot that everyone laughs at.
I have a lot of issues with anime, but one thing i respect about the genre as a whole, its willing to explore many other venues then just sticking to its most popular subcategory and willing to try to reach for other age groups. Well a lot more than cartoons in the West anyways.
4.The populace, while we've seen a change in the mentality of some people towards animation, a large portion of that change has been 3-D animation. There still needs to be cultural shift on how society view animation because a lot of people still see it as a babysitter for their child.
I swear, that show was just an excuse for Andy Merril to sing in a stupid voice.
To this day, my text notification is Duckman saying "What the Hell are you staring at!?" Best thing Jason Alexander did, ever.
Does anybody else remember the web 1.0 web sires Dr. Tran? As an actual Asian male, I found the series hilarious. Be warned, that cartoon is totally NSFW.
What's hilarious is at my work, I've just been rotating through different pictures of Dr. Tran for my slack avatar over the last few years.
So one of the random ass things I realized, was that The Deadly Bulb (Pig Leg) from the original The Tick cartoon is also Calculon from Futurama. I was watching The Tick last year for like the millionth time, and came to that realization, because of the way they both screamed "Noooooo!"