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edited October 2022 in Off-Topic
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  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    Last year - Kamidori Alchemy Meister, Lords of Xulima, Valkyria Chronicles, Mary Skelter Nightmares, Evenicle.
    This year - Battletech, Tales of Berseria. Also raised my Sins of Solar Empire hour count from 250 to 400.

    Now deciding between Neptunia series, Valkyria Chronicles 4 and Tales of Zestiria. Probably gonna take a while before I actually start any.
  • PsicoVicPsicoVic Member Posts: 868
    Just beat Pathfinder kingmaker again because I did not have the possibility before to try the new expansions.

    I started IWD port mod for NWN2 but then I discovered the IWD npcs and the 3.5 rules overhaul so I am replaying IWD again.

    I had problems with my Trails of Cold steel savegames, I read that it is already repaired so I suppose I will give it a try. I also have the dungeon crawler Operencia just waiting.
    Ardanis wrote: »
    Last year - Kamidori Alchemy Meister, Lords of Xulima, Valkyria Chronicles, Mary Skelter Nightmares, Evenicle.
    This year - Battletech, Tales of Berseria. Also raised my Sins of Solar Empire hour count from 250 to 400.

    Now deciding between Neptunia series, Valkyria Chronicles 4 and Tales of Zestiria. Probably gonna take a while before I actually start any.
    Vc4 hands down.

  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I recently played through Tyranny. Other than that, I haven't finished a game in at least a year.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Yesterday I've beaten Fallout 2 - I've already lost count of how many times.

    This one was my first completionist run using a tutorial, though. Made me enjoy the game even more - it is pretty incredible the amount of people you can double-cross. I also used a mod called Restoration Project that is simply a must.

    In January I've beaten Fallout 1. A little after that it was time for a mod that is some sort of Fallout 1.5 - quite good IMO.

    Looking forward for Project Van Buren mod be finished, but the authors are in silent radio since last year.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    Raduziel wrote: »
    I also used a mod called Restoration Project that is simply a must.

    I concur--I typically don't use mods but I highly recommend the Restoration Project for Fallout 2. I will never replay that game without it.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited July 2019
    This year I replayed the Deponia series and as I had recently bought the fourth one, it was my first playthrough of it.

    I have an unfinished first run of Pillars 2 but I don't feel continuing it.

    I finally bought Pathfinder kingmaker so now I'm playing it :)
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  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited July 2019
    I recently beat Void Bastards. Honestly it was a really repetitive game but alright if you want to just turn on a podcast and play it. Don't expect much out of the story though.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    I think Path of the Exile, although I don't really think it counts given that I haven't really tried the endgame. I might add Diablo II as well, but I don't really consider beating Normal and Nightmare difficulties as beating the game.

    Aside from that, Trine. That's about it.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    bejond bg2?
    :/ no game sorry...
    in the last year i had played few bg2 and a online PvP game that you can not really beat, you can at best win the 15 min battle you get into.
    i have also started a playtrought of the elder's scrolls oblivion, but i play it very seldom and i am only half way trough it.
    the last not bg2 game that i have beat was lords of midnight, and it was probably like 3 years ago or more.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    I've played a lot of PoE2 and P:K over the past year but have yet to complete either. I have chronic restartitis. :) I've also played a lot of Civ5, but that game I never complete because I only play to develop my own civ and never against other civs.

    The only game I've played to completion recently is The Witcher 3. I had avoided this game all these years because it is not party-based which is a big negative in a game for me. But because of people raving about it I finally picked it up the last Steam sale. I can now say that for me, if a game is going to be non-party-based, it had better be as good as TW3 because that's my new standard for third-person non-party single-player games. It is just fantastic!
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    BioShock franchise - Simply awesome.
    Dishonored franchise - Fun but repetitive.

    Tyranny - Great, but ended at a weird spot. Hope it eventually gets a sequel.
    Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Got up to the final boss fight and gave up... maybe I should finish that.

    Some more in depth answers:

    I beat my first Mount&Blade: Warband single-player campaign after 8 years of playing the game, so that was quite the thrill. Warband, while quirky, is a masterpiece of a game - I'd recommend everyone here go and try it if they haven't done so already ;)

    I recently tried to get into PoE2, but once I got to the first big city I abandoned the game. Combat is too chaotic and fast-paced for my liking, and the loading times are so abysmally slow that just walking around the city has some 30~ second long loading screens. That doesn't sound like a lot, but when every single house has that same loading screen, and the path up to the top of the city takes 5 of these loading screens, it breaks any sense of continuity for me. Not to mention that the more save-games you have, the slower the loading times - and I'm the type of player that saves every 5 seconds for no reason.

    A shame too, I was really looking forward to that game - I loved PoE1. :(
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    Baldur's Gate? What's that? :/
    BillyYank wrote: »
    I recently gained a culture win as the Japanese in Civilization VI.
    Sounds historically accurate.

  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    edited July 2019
    Beat Recently:

    Civ6 as Canada with a diplomatic win. I find the pace of civ6 too slow though to really enjoy it and end up abandoning runs constantly.

    Baldur’s Gate with a Kensai/Druid (onto Siege!)

    I thought I beat Slay the Spire, but there is a whole hidden boss fight after you beat the third act with all 3 characters, so now I am focused purely on that. It’s maddening but fun.

    I also finished up Tales From Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation which was average. The updates fixed some issues I had with it when I reviewed it but it was way too short of a game and repetitive.

    I am close to finishing Story Mode in Galaxy Trucker and I have been playing Through the Ages and Scythe but I don’t think digital board games should count.

    I am also proud of my 9810 score on the mobile game Maru Slide a Tetris like game featuring cats.

    edit: I forgot one. I finally beat Endless Legends an amazing game if you are fan of both 4X and fantasy games.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    None. Haven't finished any game since.. eeh.. PoE2 perhaps? And that was probably a year ago or even more. I was close to finishing a run of Colonization, but stopped just shy of the rebellion (after winning over all the other European forces). I've tried twice to get back into Witcher 3, but just can't find the energy or enjoyment to finish it.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    I've been on a nostalgia binge for the past 6 months, thanks to GoG's frequent discounts. I picked up a lot of classic games I enjoyed in my youth (including the EE versions of the Bioware/Black Isle RPGs, which led me here!), so since January this year, I've recompleted:

    - Heroes of Might and Magic I and II (yet to start III again)
    - Stronghold and Stronghold: Crusader (still the best castle building sim I've ever played. There was an elegant simplicity in those two that seems to have been lost in later iterations)
    - Darksun: Shattered Lands and Darksun: Wake of the Ravager
    - Disciples (yet to start Disciples II)
    - And of course, IWD: EE, BG:EE and am currently replaying through BGII:EE (with a lot of mods that I didn't make use of the first time I played through the BG saga all those years ago, so it's actually surprisingly fresh!)
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    Zaxares wrote:
    - Darksun: Shattered Lands and Darksun: Wake of the Ravager
    Can you actually save the game? Every few years I try to come back and play those games, but saving never works. Even the GOG version never saves.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    Zaxares wrote:
    - Darksun: Shattered Lands and Darksun: Wake of the Ravager
    Can you actually save the game? Every few years I try to come back and play those games, but saving never works. Even the GOG version never saves.

    Odd, i've never had any issues with saving on either game. Even the file transfer from 1 to 2 works fine for me.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Can you actually save the game? Every few years I try to come back and play those games, but saving never works. Even the GOG version never saves.

    I had no issues with saving my games (I'm running the GoG DOSBOX versions), so that's strange that it's not working on yours. The save game transfer from Shattered Lands to WotR required me to jump through some extra hoops though.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    It's never worked for me on windows or Linux in dosbox. Years ago I had gotten a copy from an abandoware site, and the save game would never work. I had hoped GOG would solve the problem, but nope. This is across multiple computers over the many years, as well.

    Worst part is this a game I always wanted to get into since I was a teenager, and only got to play a bit at a friend's house.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Unfortunately I'm not much of a tech guru so I'm at a loss as to what your issue might be. :/ I hope that you do get it fixed one day though; I think that Shattered Lands is an excellent AD&D game from the tail-end of the Gold Box era, and well worth the play! Wake of the Ravager is... a lot more disappointing, but it does still have its bright spots here and there.

    I'd love to see another modern CRPG set in the Darksun setting one day; sadly it doesn't seem terribly popular, even among D&D fans. XD
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    I know I'm not the only one that's had the problem. Just a shame since it's one of those games I always wanted to play.

    Ya, Darksun was the coolest D&D setting. It was the post-apocalyptic D&D world, where magic had destroyed the environment. We ran some games with it in PnP back in the day. Back in the '90s the setting was pretty popular, Hell, Minsc's original character sheet got posted awhile back, and it turned out he was a Mul. I had actually tinkered with some of the Darksun resources available for NWN, but never got far with modding. It's hard for me to want learn to mod after dealing with devops issues all day at work.

    Back on topic, I finished probably my 1000th game of Civ6. Religious victory with the Ottomans. I've been digging the Greatest Earth Map from the Yet (Not) Another Map Pack mod. It's a sweet True Start Location Earth map, but resources are randomized. The true start map that comes with the game doesn't have the resources randomized, so some civs like the Greeks have a crazy advantage, others like the Vikings, had super weak starts. The map that comes with the game is only a standard sized map, and I like to play on large with marathon time scale. The YNAMP map also exaggerates the size of Europe, The British Isles and Japan so they're bigger, and the Pacific Ocean's a lot smaller. It also has a ton of tweaks available the default game doesn't normally let you mess with when starting a custom game. My friend and I just started a game with random civs on that map, he got the Aztecs and I got the Zulu. It's still ancient era, he beat me to Mausoleum of Hallicarnassus, but I got Temple of Artemis and Hanging Gardens in my capitol, with like 9-10 tiles benefiting from Temple of Artemis.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2022
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  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    Funny coincidence. I finished Cold Steel 1 last month and was halfway through Cold Steel 2.

    I changed over to beating all the routes of Fire Emblem: Three Houses at the moment though. I’ve done Black Eagles so far.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2022
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  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    typo_tilly wrote: »
    After a few attempts, I gave up on installing Half-Life 1 with my old CD. Couldn't get it to work on Windows 10 or Linux Mint. The game won't display past the game menu in Windows. The mouse freezes up once a new game starts in Linux. I should probably just pick up the Steam version of HL1 and 2 sometime. Never played 2. I just don't want to spend a lot of time troubleshooting.

    When I couldn't get my Half-Life 1 CDs to work anymore, I tried registering their serial number on Steam, and it worked.
  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    Almost forgot: Titan Quest and Grim Dawn with all the expansions.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    Doom for Playstation
    Doom 64
    Doom 64 with doom 2 ported jargon
    NWN OC
    NWN SoU
    NWN HotU
    BG 1

    thinking about a IWD play through....
    or perhaps even american truck simulator, its been a while since i've driven big blue through 'murica...
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