Today was the first time I ...

I thought I would start a thread for things that you have never done before while playing Baldur's Gate. I'll get the ball rolling:
Today was the first time I punched a rat unconscious.
I didn't realise my sword had broken and it took me a while to work out what was going on.
Today was the first time I punched a rat unconscious.

I didn't realise my sword had broken and it took me a while to work out what was going on.
Ah, that would explain it. I was expecting a Winter Wolf so I turned invisible so I could backstab it (I'm playing an FMT). Sounds like I had a stroke of good fortune. I suspect that an Ogre Mage would have made pretty short work of me.
Not if you're playing a bounty hunter!
I didn't think this was possible but then I discovered the reason why:
No helmet and a broken sword. Poor old Laurel. Just another victim of the iron crisis.
Not quite today, but I engaged the Iron Golem in de'Arnise Keep in a "fair" fight and won. Not that there's anything truly fair about attacking with three greater werewolves.
i can not really play with him and hexxat as i play always good oriented with good or (jaheira like) neutral charnames.
I really liked Dorn in BGEE, but his quests are totally annoying in SoA. He suddenly becomes a total moron attacking entire groups of powerful enemies like he's invulnerable or something. I had to replay his battle with the large group of Paladins outside Athkatla three times just to keep him alive. Nobody is that stupid...
A couple of Flaming Fisters were trying to arrest me (for a crime I had totally committed) but I didn't want to go quietly and I didn't want to lose anymore reputation so I sheathed my sword and swung my fists. Oh, the joys of having STR 19!
(If you look closely at the picture you can see that I am continuing to punch the guy out when he is already lying senseless on the floor. I probably should have lost a point or two of reputation for that)
Moral: Never bring a sword to a fist fight.
It's better to have loved a short than never to have love a tall.
For the first time, I cleared the illithid city by making the whole party immune to mind blasts. The exciting part was that four out of six party members were using potions to improve their saves; I didn't have enough fifth level divine slots to use Chaotic Commands everywhere. Rushing against time to kill everything in one in-game hour...
For the first time, I had a party in the underdark with no use for drow armor. The +5 full plate wasn't good enough for our fighter/priest, the chain wasn't good enough for our mage/thief and bard, and the other three party members couldn't wear armor at all. All that drow garbage just doesn't have good enough AC, you know?
For the first time, I generated a save that crashes the game if you try to load it. I just hit the quicksave button; how was I to know that weird interaction I noticed would hang the game if I tried to move the item or load the save? Then I removed one side of the problem in EEKeeper, and kept playing.
In this setup, Haer'Dalis has eight uses of the ability Defensive Spin, which has the effect of rooting him in place for several rounds without any benefit whatsoever. He also has a Blur spell memorized, which makes him look blurry for 44 rounds.
in the original it is easy to do setting the autopause on round end and activating the song before unpausing then attacking as soon as the song kicks in, a fraction of second after unpausing.
i am not sure that i had him at ac cap, but i had him almost constantly with very low ac while tanking and attacking with a high damage weapon like the ram staff or the impaler.
as tank a stoneskin lasted forever as only the critical hits passed trough the ac, and thanks to the song boost of his song and the high damage of the weapon he contributed to the party damage.
in EE i am able to have him as tank or as damage dealer, and being used to the pre EE use i find it less interesting then how it probably is, i had a blade in most of my runs, now it happens way less often.
I take it you skip SoD? Bard hat and all.
and for now i don't want to be spoiled about them as i plan in the future to buy and play that game, but i want to do it without any previous knowledge about the plot, npcs and items i will find. to play a game completely not spoiled is a gift that is given only one time in the life for each game and i really liked when i played bg and bg2 that way, in a time when i had not access to the net.
anyway you did not spoil much here, and if some items that give back to the bard some of his former pre EE glory i can only be happy!
even if i rarely used some pre EE features, like having multiple clones singing and stacking their songs, i really liked the sing and attack feature, more then attacking while a clone sing, as i find the mislead side effect of giving permanent invisibility to the caster, fine if he is casting but (for my taste) not if if he is in mlee. in some runs i had even more then one bard in the party singing and attacking to grant double song bonus to the party, thing that to my eyes was fair as a bard is less mlee effective then a dedicated mlee toon, like a pure fighter or a FM/FMT.
anyway with a larger aoe of the song, the EE one is too small for my taste, the bard is still an interesting class to play, and with items (that i assume exist from your post) that enhence it is even more interesting.
by the way i continue to play not EE in some runs as i like some old not EE compatible mods, like the soulafiein npc, and some tactics that in EE are no more possible, sing and attack is only one of them, as well as i play EE for the new npcs and content, the compatibility with modern mods and some other features like the quick looting, faster reload times and a better interface.
i really appreciate how you did ask me without spoiling too much
Speaking of massive spell values, today’s the first time (well, two days ago I guess now) that I’ve lost a teammate to triple digit ice damage.
I still ignore what the hat does.
@jmerry, that mod is the one i was referring at.
To just use the song to boost the party and to tank with crazy ac is good, to attack while doing that without loosing the song is even better.
@Neverused the luck boost of the song gives some interesting tactical options, you are right about it.
But for haer dalis and the blades, my preferred kit, it is not an option.
Also the enhanced song, and in not EE the song of 2 bards or a bard and his clone stacked, make the mages in the back hit and do a noticeable dmg contribution, make frontliners hit like trucks with better ac and, last but not least, allow super back stabs, with 2 songs it is 40 more dmg each stab.
It really depends on play stile.
I have to try blade and skald in the same EE party, but i am not happy about having to use the clones to sing if i dont want to loose the mlee contribution of 2 toons, that on average are half of my party.
I feel that skald (vanilla song), haer dalis (enhanced one), jan and aerie, with maybe the sorcerer tashia as 5fth, will be an interesting run.
all the members have arcane casting capability, so very good protection and tanking power.
and up to 4 (5) spells/round capability before improved alacrity, that mean that stacking webs, feeblemind or turn to stone dragons, lay carpets of skull traps or incenerating with barrages of flame arrows will be a breeze, and those are only few examples.
jan can mix arcane and thieving skills to set traps, detect illusions and stab, is not super strong mlee wise, but can give if needed some ranged and mlee support.
aerie covers the divine casting, as she gets some levels she can also be buffed to be effective in mlee, with less attacks compared to a fighter, but with really good thac0 and godly str. as she can cast lev 8 arcane spells the simulacrum will double her potential when needed.
the skald can provide from the beginning some party buff to dmg, thac0 and ac, that will stack with the enhanced song of haer dalis later for a massive triple +8. obtained trough clones if is needed.
the blade can be configured for 4 apr, can tank early game with the defensive spin or use the offensive one to boost his attacks.
i am not sure if a sorcerer or an other high level mage (imoen?) is really needed, will offset the problem of having only 2 multi able to cast lev 9 spells and getting levels slower (for a multi to cast them takes forever), but it mean to run a party of 5, while in a party of 4 the multi progress each class only a little slower then how a single class gains levels in a full party. imoen can be perfect as she does not steal xp in the first soa chapters and later progresses fast being a single class, maybe having many chap 2 quests done but without getting the reward can help her to catch up even faster, at the cost of doing spellhood and underdark with a lower level party, as also the other ones delay the moment they get those rewards.
or maybe a dedicated main mage can be completely skipped, after all end game aerie + jan mean 5 lev 9 spells.
i think that it can be an interesting party for those that like to use a thief at full potential, to buff their toons instead of relying on dedicated fighters, that need less maintenance being more point and click.
i agree that for some players it can be a nightmare run, but it is actually the way i like more to play the game. i had before experience of running 2 bards in not EE, they was 2 blades as there the songs stack, and i was quite impressed by the results, i will report how it works in EE.
An off topic side note
an example: DUHM, that last only 10 rounds so has to be applied again in long battles, has casting time of 2, stacking the amulet and chain it has casting time of 0
if it is better then using an armor that grant bettter AC, and a cleric can use the best ones, depends on the play style and role in the party, also i had parties where the drow items was not so beneficial as others where was very useful
Funny, I always had her down as a brunette . . .
It was probably all the blonde jokes that made her hate men so much!
As you might have guessed, the new theme is a small party. I've never played with Korgan or Mazzy long-term either, so that'll be new when I get to the BG2 portion,
Sadly, even with the huge list of portraits I have, no bearded female dwarves. Oh well, miss Littlebottom can have a "male" dwarf portrait. That fits her character concept just fine.
I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when the first guy told Shar-Teel a blonde joke. I picture it happening at the weekly comedy club in Feldepost's Inn in Beregost.
The comedian looks round the room and sees Shar-Teel standing at the bar. "Hey lady, have you heard this one? Why do blondes wear underwear? To keep their ankles warm!"
Shar-Teel waits for the guffawing to subside before replying. "You're a funny man. That's why I'm going to kill you last."