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The New Light - collective thread for Lava's and AionZ's mods



  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,896
    The game expects you to do the quest mid-campaign. I think I would recommend going to HoW somewhere after the "Frozen Museum".
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 211
    edited July 2020
    Good to know. I'm probably going to get past there this evening so I'll cruise over to HoW after that.

    The value for Oak-Maw's friendship talks is 13 btw.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,896
    @AWizardDidIt - and C:GetGlobal("L#OMFriendshipActive","GLOBAL") ?
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 211
    edited July 2020
    @AWizardDidIt - and C:GetGlobal("L#OMFriendshipActive","GLOBAL") ?


    Oh, also found a little bug with Oak-Maw. In the Lower Dorn Deep mines when you exit conversation with Shikata (salamander king guy) it turns Oak-Maw hostile instead of him.
    Post edited by AWizardDidIt on
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    However the way it's scripted also sometimes makes it a bit irritating to use as if it sees an enemy close to it, it stops whatever it's doing to attack which means I can't have it cast spells near an enemy or even run away (since after about a half second it aggros back to them).
    Talk to Quartus with Minerva and disable self-defense, that'll stop it from automatically aggroing onto enemies.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,896
    edited July 2020
    Okay, so I think I know what happened. In his 5th talk he is showing you that there is something that pisses him off, but you need to follow that, even if he get's a bit unfair for you. If you say that you are just going to bed instead of reacting to what he said, the friendship is killed. So there are more dialogues there, it's just the friendship is killed in your game. If you want to continue and see what's next, you'd need to use C:SetGlobal("L#OMFriendshipActive","GLOBAL",1)
    That's the part when he gets a bit more sensitive about things, he expected the leader to listen to him. If you use console, you will experience 3 more talks.
    Oh, also found a little bug with Oak-Maw. In the Lower Dorn Deep mines when you exit conversation with Shikata (salamander king guy) it turns Oak-Maw hostile instead of him.
    Thank you! I'll fix that in new version!
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 211
    edited July 2020
    Ohhh that makes sense about his friendship talk. Honestly, I was pretty unsure what he was even really getting at in the conversation and I wasn't aware the choice was presented as blowing him off which is why I thought it might be bugged rather than a friendship termination. It might be reworth looking at the tree and doing some slight changes for clarity?

    Or honestly maybe it's fine! I don't expect every character to agree with my own character so if his friendship cut off because I wasn't understanding him, that's as much a roleplaying choice too. I'll probably set the global to continue just so I can experience those other talks though.
    AionZ wrote: »
    Talk to Quartus with Minerva and disable self-defense, that'll stop it from automatically aggroing onto enemies.

    Oh I hadn't even thought of having Minerva talk to it but that makes perfect sense. Thank you!
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Karihi: Pretty well written although she does fall into the 'arrogant mage' trope a bit.
    Yes, I was fully concerned that this is not a trope most people like. Personally Edwin is one of my least favorite NPCs, so it’s not like I entirely enjoy it myself. What I believe saves Karihi from crossing the line into straight-up insufferable is that fact that she is in fact self-aware and is not resistant in the least of being challenged in her perceptions. I wanted to be very careful NOT to make her a female Edwin.

    On another note, I admit she’s probably overpowered in terms of gameplay especially with optimized gear, but I was having too much fun while playtesting.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Karihi is definitely a more palatable "arrogant mage" type, probably because she somewhat grows out of it. After befriending her, the "arrogance" feels like its subtlely shifted to "confidence" and I can definitely get behind that. I was sure I was going to hate her after her second interjection, but she ended up becoming a favorite.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    qara from nwn 2 could have been a good chracter if almost all of her characterization was not cut.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    megamike15 wrote: »
    qara from nwn 2 could have been a good chracter if almost all of her characterization was not cut.

    I don't know about that, she was awful, even with some of her cut content.
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 211
    edited July 2020
    AionZ wrote: »
    Yes, I was fully concerned that this is not a trope most people like. Personally Edwin is one of my least favorite NPCs, so it’s not like I entirely enjoy it myself. What I believe saves Karihi from crossing the line into straight-up insufferable is that fact that she is in fact self-aware and is not resistant in the least of being challenged in her perceptions. I wanted to be very careful NOT to make her a female Edwin.

    On another note, I admit she’s probably overpowered in terms of gameplay especially with optimized gear, but I was having too much fun while playtesting.

    Oh, she's *very* different than Edwin for sure. I love Edwin, but he's a cartoon character, comic relief. Karihi actually feels like a fully rounded character who is a product of her environment. She grew on me a lot over the course of the game and by the end I think she was just behind Ina for me in my rankings of the characters I brought with me.

    In this case, I think I'm with you though in terms of fun > "balance" in regards to her. Dropping devastating fireballs with her never got old :smiley:

    ANYWAYS... I finished my run and things mostly stand where they are in my initial post except for Karihi who again grew on me a lot. Ina stayed really interesting throughout although sometimes I wonder if there could have been a talk at the end of her romance talk about what it might mean to being in a relationship with a spirit after the adventure was over. All in all though, just a fantastic group of npcs and they come highly recommended to anyone looking for another IWD run!
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 927
    Thanks again for all these new Mods for IWDEE! I never thought that I would play through IWD again, but now I plan to at least twice (my current game and a future one).

    Here are some initial thoughts after completing Chapter Two (as well as “The Tale of Our Lady Dreamless”).

    In my party I have: Karihi, Urchin, Ina, and Oak-Maw. I had T’viy as well, but things did not work out with him (as I explain below). My main character is a sniper (a mod thief kit focused on bows) who dual-classed to mage after five levels (roughly, once I had high enough scores in disarm traps and open locks to finish the game without a dedicated thief). So essentially he’s a bow-using mage.

    I also the installed: “Crossmod banter pack”; “Tale of Our Lady Dreamless”; “Findit”; “Forgelt”; “Weasels!”; “Might and Guile” (for the scout kit); “Minor NPC Portraits”; “Tweaks Anthology”; “House Rules”; and “Universal Wizard Spells”.

    The new companions are excellent (at least the ones I’ve installed and am using). They all are truly unique, and their dialogues are really enjoyable. I can’t believe how much they bring to the game in terms of flavour and variety. So my deep thanks to you both for creating and sharing them!

    Overall I find that the new companions remind me more of Planescape: Torment than they do Baldur’s Gate. In my current party I have a fire genasi, some kind of hag creation (altraloth), a spectre, and a half-deer dark fey. Not a standard AD&D character among them! And the night hag (Enev-le) unsurprisingly reminds me of Ravel Puzzlewell from PS:T. I’m looking forward to seeing how their stories unfold over the course of the game.

    While T’viy is no longer in my party, I also thought that he was a great companion. He is both weird – really weird! – and funny. At times he reminded me of a character out of a classic H.P. Lovecraft or R.E. Howard story. Alas:
    T’viy freaked out and attacked my character when I refused to hand over the Heartstone Gem. I assume that I could’ve have prevented this with a more diplomatic reply to his request (I chose the one that tells him, roughly, not to be so egocentric). But for role-playing purposes I decided to stick with this outcome, even though it leaves my party without a cleric. It seemed natural, given the interactions between T’viy and my character up to that point.

    I quite liked that this conflict emerged. While I think that there should be ways to resolve these kinds of conflicts in the game, their existence makes the game a lot more interesting.

    The dialogues generally have been excellent (although there are the occasional typos). I also like the crossmod banters so far—especially the ones between Ina and Urchin, which are charming.

    But I think that some of the crossmod banters aren’t working properly. For instance, at one point Karihi says this: “I would prefer you stand at a distance, dirt-bag, unless you’d rather be charged into a small pong [pond?] of magma.” I assume that this was directed at T’viy? There is no reply. The button at the bottom says “continue” but when pressed the dialogue simply ended.

    Similarly, at some point Urchin says: “Ur … confused …”. I had assumed that this was the beginning of some kind of banter, but it ended when I pressed “continue.” Perhaps this is a problem with the crossmod banters involving T’viy? The other companions seem to talk to each other (although it’s too early to tell with Oak-Maw).

    There is one problem I found with “The Tale of Our Lady Dreamless” that I will discuss in the thread dedicated to that mod. Overall, though, it’s a very nice side adventure.

    I eventually will run through IWD again thanks to these new mods. Next time I may try an “all shorty” band – Minerva, Dendjelion, T’viy, and Tipps (with the main character probably a gnome illusionist). Looking forward to it already!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,896
    Thank you! It's always nice to get some feedback. And yeah, we indeed created some unusual characters and Enev-Ie... well, perhaps you're right. Not sure if I should mention that, but...
    read her name backwards
    It's a tiny thing, who knows if that's her or not... Perhaps it's just some imposter. You know how Night Hags are! They're crazy ladies!

    About T'viy - I agree. Yes, you can be more diplomatic and avoid fighting, keep him until the very end of the game, but I believe there should also be moments like that - moments that can actually end up with a conflict.

    I am kinda wondering what's the problem with the Tale, but perhaps you should indeed use the mod's thread.

  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    yeah i did notice the new npcs did feel alot more pst then bg. it might be due to the iwd npc project already having what can be called " normal." people.

    so lava and aion had to go weirder to stand out.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,896
    It's not exactly to stand out, some of those just felt ok here, while they wouldn't feel right in BG. For example Oak-Maw. I can imagine him wandering the lands of Icewind Dale, while I don't think he would come any close to Athkatla. So... it's kinda like I had some ideas that I had, which wouldn't exactly fit BG series and I used them here and they feel so much better that way :)
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited July 2020
    To be honest, the only reason I made Karihi a fire genasi was because I thought it'd be funny to put one in the frozen North. She could very easily have been a regular human and very little would've changed.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    well it is funny so it worked.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    T'viy was updated to v1.2. He was bugged and his banters would either not fire or completely break.

    IWD Crossmod Pack was updated, fixing many typos and miswritten globals.
  • ilduderinoilduderino Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2020
    This is very exciting and Athanasios would be very welcome, I had thought a good cleric would fill a gap in the available npcs and he sounds fun
    Post edited by ilduderino on
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Exactly why he was added, yes. (I was tired of using Dusky as my cleric for the 1000th playtest :tongue:)
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    i mean tempus is very important to the iwd setting. so it makes sense.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 927
    AionZ wrote: »
    Four new IWDEE NPCs are coming—Tal'zkah, Nirik, Caedriel, Athanasios. Three were already revealed previously, but I'll share a couple more details this time:

    Excellent! These look great.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    I don't think I could ever bring myself to play IWD without Kulyok's team - they have just grown on me too much. So yes, I'd much rather see your BG mods receiving their proper conclusions. But I look forward to trying out all these exciting new quest mods come winter. It's great to see IWD finally getting the love it deserves.
  • ilduderinoilduderino Member Posts: 773
    AionZ wrote: »
    Exactly why he was added, yes. (I was tired of using Dusky as my cleric for the 1000th playtest :tongue:)

    Dusky is great but doesn’t fit so well with a paladin pc!

  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Isewein They're all so, homogenous though. I can only put up with so many Elves and Half Elves.
  • ilduderinoilduderino Member Posts: 773
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    @Isewein They're all so, homogenous though. I can only put up with so many Elves and Half Elves.

    They’re great but needed at least one shorty option

  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Running with a pack of humaoids would be great. Goblins, Kobolds, Gnolls, etc.
  • ilduderinoilduderino Member Posts: 773
    Just finished reading Soldiers of Ice where there is a gnoll shaman companion
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